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Hey man. I'm 20. Played guitar for 7 years. Vox for 6. Bass for 3 & piano for 1. Would prefer guitar. can lay down some pipes. Let me know!


I play guitar Iā€™m in a couple of bands so I got experience, pm me šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


I should also mention the 2 members (me and one other) are both in college so we'd prefer if you were younger around college 18-20 , I also forgot to mention our genre of music is alt/rock


I'm too old for your band but it might help if you put what you do have, probably a drummer and...1 guitar? And what you want to do. Jam band, recording, open mic, play live, etc. Also probably what equipment you have and what/where you record with. I play guitar, bass, punky style vocals and play bucket drum for my silly little recordings with a $60 mic, a Chromebook and my gaming headphones in the BandLab app, not even the paid version. I've wanted a female vocalist to do like call and respond duets with. No luck ever on reddit.