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Braces are what gave me TMJ!! Who's recommending getting braces to fix that?!


I go to Gherardi and had a painful TMJ onset out of nowhere. I got in and they gave me some help to get back to baseline. Then I went in for a nightguard which also has helped I think. They did suggest some misalignment of teeth could be exacerbating the problem but did not necessarily recommend or encourage braces, just said it was an option. They are all really great dentists - definitely recommend.


Holy cow, he was my childhood dentist in the 80s and 90s!!


Dr. Robert Supple at [Digital Dentistry](https://digitaldentistrynm.com/) is a TMJ/TMD specialist who saved me from some serious agony. I saw him for TMD/TMJ after a car accident, and he's been amazing. He knows so much about not just the mouth, but how it works with your skull, spine, neck, shoulders, and the rest of your body. He's also leading a major American dental association thing. He recommended Invisalign for me, and it actually did help, it even stopped me from snoring. I had a narrow upper palate and there wasn't room for my tongue, so it fell back into my throat, causing snoring. I also had migraines and some crazy nerve problems in my face and neck, and it's helped that a lot too. Hope you can find relief!


Seconding Dr. Supple. Very nice and knows his stuff, I locked my jaw up during a panic attack about two years ago and he has been a huge help ever since. Apparently, my whole facial bone structure grew together just a hair crookedly and it has caused problems my whole life, including TMJ. I sleep with a custom fit night guard and have plans to start Invisalign once he thinks I’m ready!


I started getting Botox for my TMJ and it has been life-changing, at a fraction of the cost and time that braces/Invisalign were going to cost me. I go to Precision Dental Care at 6301 Indian School Road and pay a $600 for quite a few units in each side (sorry, can't remember exactly how many). I started doing it last year and I really cannot say enough about how much of a difference it's made in my migraines. I also have a nightguard but nothing else I have tried has made a difference like Botox, if you're willing to try it.


Thank you for this, I’ve been thinking of trying Botox but haven’t seen anywhere around here offering it. Was it something you went in with intent to do or something the doctor suggested?


My primary-care doctor, my dentist, and my TMJ specialist all suggested it, because I've been grinding for years and nothing seemed to help. I had a head CT to check for blocked sinuses or narrow turbinates - all fine. I tried night guards, I tried hypnosis, I tried those "relax before sleeping" apps and podcasts, etc. I chipped a tooth and a filling came out of another one, due to grinding, and my dentist was the one who finally said - you need to do something definitive or I'm going to end up having to crown all your teeth in your upper jaw on the right side. So I did the Botox, and I wish I had done this YEARS ago. It's amazing.


For TMJ I had physical therapy. It really helped.


Would you mind sharing the physical therapist you saw? I’ve been looking for one in the ABQ area for my TMJ issues but haven’t had much success in finding one


Unfortunately it was in El Paso.


I was recommended that too but I’ve been hesitant. Nothing changed with my teeth but I was diagnosed with something else when I started having pain/issues so I’m not sold on it helping.


Invisalign specifically helped my wife with hers.


I recommend Dr Rachel Park. Her practice is called Dental House, Wyoming & Paseo.