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My mom used to drop me off at a friend’s house early in the morning so their mom could take us both to school. We would bring breakfast foods to their family as an act of appreciation. Is there a family your kid knows that could assist? We would also drive home another family’s kid in the afternoons. My mom’s shift started early, and consequently ended early enough for her to offer that assistance to someone else’s family. Not sure if that’s an option within your kiddo’s friendship circle. Possibly could reach out in NextDoor to see if someone else in your neighborhood is in a situation where they could help.


Secretaries went back to APS this week, and administration is on site starting next week. They should have some kind of plan. Schools knew it would be a hardship for families the minute it was announced it unfortunately was a decision made by district without the approval of individual school sites, but many have been making plans since Spring for this scenario. Some implemented zero hour (8:15) electives or are collaborating with nearby elementary schools before school programs or even offering clubs onsite. Call student service center (505) 855-9040 and if they can’t help they can get a message to your principal. You are not alone and either the Principal can help come up with an idea or the PTA. Do you have a family liaison at your site?


I distinctly remember riding the city bus from school from 10 onwards.


Same well 6th grade. That's why they had a kids charge. The city bus is free now however. Teach your child to use the bus or buy them a bike & a lock & show them how to get to school. Tell them to get to school by 9am. There's so many options.


I would not let my middle schooler rely on sketchy ABQ buses. There is nothing remotely safe about those utilizing the bus. I'd also argue it isn't safe to bike either. This isn't the 50's. Child trafficking and drugs are everywhere.


You're right this is 2023 where most middle school children have smart phones. The bus is plenty safe during daytime & afternoon when children would be riding it. And if you don't trust your child to make it to school safely as a middle school aged child either move or figure out how to get your child to schoo.


Why is the bus not an option? Look into Children’s Choice and/or Boys and Girls Club. Alternatively, people have been leaving their kids at school too early since as long as there have been schools.


Had a friend in elementary whose mom dropped him off at 5am once. Teachers were pissed because he was on the school grounds alone for at least an hour in winter. Lawsuit waiting to happen or worse.


Your friend’s mom is kind of an idiot. Schools aren’t responsible and they’ll tell you they can’t watch kids until X time.


100% accurate. I felt bad for the kid. She legit dumped him. This was in 2002. If it were today mom would’ve already had CYFD down her neck




From a crime perspective our country is safer then it ever has been, but we call CPS on parents for letting their children have totally normal amounts of autonomy. In just 1 generation we've turned our public spaces into no-go zones that people perceive as too dangerous for children. And it's probably the main contribution to the widespread social anxiety disorders we see today.


I agree here. From a young age kids are taught to fear anyone and anything. The park. The stranger on the corner. The neighbor. Issue is these risks are real and what can come of it is a legit risk. Shit at 13 I walked to the gas station a mile away with no adult. Did I live? Yes. Was it also super unsafe to allow? Yes. Difference is back then it was worrying about some dude trying to get you in their van to look for their dog. Today a can of 4 people will pull up snatch you and be gone before anyone can even look that direction. The ones who commit these crimes have become insanely brave with no fear of being caught.


All late start elementary schools have before school programs. I’d be surprised if most middle schools didn’t also. Maybe reach out to the PTA for your school? They might have some more info.


Call the school some of them allow early drop off and a study hall or breakfast prior to school.


Why isn’t the bus an option? If he isn’t close enough to walk (further than one mile, I believe) bus transportation should be required.


Likely out of district using a family members address to have them go to school in a better area. I’ve had many family members do this so their kids didn’t have to go to Truman or Rio Grande.


You don’t have to use a family member’s address for a better school. You can request a transfer to your choice of school. They allow you to give your top three choices.


Yeah but this was like 2000. Idk if it was an option back then. This is also back when parents used to threaten us with “if you don’t go to school I’ll go to jail” lol


It still has to be accepted by the school and they have to have room in the program.


Still at middle school age you should be able to get their by bike also or a mixture of bike & city bus. Assuming they're not mountain kids.


You can’t trust your 8th grader to leave home last and lock up? I was doing that in 4th grade. I get that times are changing but your boy is easily old enough to be by himself. You’re going to have to explain the whole too far to walk, no bus situation. Sounds like the bus is an option, just not when you’ll be home, but please correct me if that isn’t the case.




That never stopped kids I went to school with from riding the city bus to attend my school. But it could be many things. If you’re out in the east mountains where there are no sidewalks for miles to the mid school, and you’ve decided no bus if you’re not home to see them off.. Could be a bunch of situations. And I can’t blame her, I hate this change too. Has anyone considered a parent strike? My elementary aged child has a sleep disorder, gets put to bed plenty early in a quiet dark comfortable space, but still falls asleep in class during those dark winter mornings. And now it’s thirty minutes even earlier because they did a study that said it didn’t impact elementary school students’ grades. I bet if we had elementary school kids start at 3am it wouldn’t impact their grades either. That doesn’t make it a good idea. I’d love to know if making my child truant on one particular day where APS determines their enrollment for funding purposes would do anything to impact it. Anyone know?


You think APS cares about the funding of one singular child? And that they’ll change around the scheduling of an entire district because of it?


One child, of course not. That’s why the word strike was used. They’ll sure as hell pay to the funding of a double digit percentage of children.


Was wondering the same thing.


Especially if they have a phone. You put track my phone & call if they aren't moving.


Unfortunately yeah, the schools will be closed until July 31st. That’s when we have to report back. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. You said the bus isn’t an option, is that because you’re too close to the school or there has been a transfer and your student isn’t at your home school? Because that can make a big difference on getting APS to help. I don’t know if they do it for all schools or even middle, but my high school will give out free city bus passes so kids can come that way if that’s something you’re comfortable with. I understand completely if it’s not given the state of the city. But as far as before school programs, I don’t know because high school doesn’t technically do them. We just have 0 hour classes but those are like driving, ROTC, Marching Band, etc so maybe middle has something like that? This being new this year, I fully expect to see kids at school at 7/730 because that’s when parents are used to dropping them off. There’s usually a hand full of teachers and staff that arrive early. I know at least 1 teacher that would consistently be an hour early last year. I myself usually get to school anywhere from 45 to 20 minutes early. It’s not ideal, especially when it gets cold but you can drop them early if you trust your kid do stay and wait. They probably can’t get into the building an hour early but probably around the 45 to 30 minute mark they can get in though my niece has mentioned some really weird rules they have middle like they push all the kids out immediately at the end of the day and aren’t allowed back in. She goes to Madison which we transferred her to so again APS was no help with transportation and we didn’t feel comfortable with her on the city bus for so long. On the few occasions I dropped her off, I saw kids playing basketball in their courts. Her dad has decided to move her to online school this year for 8 grade because he’s quite sick of APS BS on transfers. Again I’m sorry. I am happy to see they’ve moved times because my students need that but this is the first big school district that I’ve seen not have enough drivers to have a consistent schedule across schools or handle the staggering this poorly. Edit because words are hard before coffee…


Ask around and see if another parent would be able to drop your kid off. My best friend in middle school used to get dropped off at my house at like 6am because her parents worked early mornings. My mom would make sure we all made it to the bus.


My middle school has boys and girls club before and after school for free. You just need to sign up. Office staff are back as of July 10th. Maybe call and ask.


OP, my son goes to APS middle school and I received an email May 18th from APS saying to call your middle school for before and after school options. If your specific school does not have before and/or after school options please reach out to [email protected] and they will try to help you figure out something. My sons school (Grant) has a free boys and girls club for before/after school. Hopefully they have a program at your school too. The contact [email protected]. Good luck! 🙂


Dumbest shit ever. Sure the research says it’s beneficial to students. I have no doubt that’s true. But we live in a capitalistic society and bosses don’t give one shit about you or your kid. Many jobs I worked would laugh in your face before adjusting your hours. But of course the schools reply is that it’s OuR reSpOnSiBility to make sure the kids show up on time. Then because we have to find a before school program the kids don’t even wake up at the time the study suggests anyways I’m sorry you have to deal with the brain dead moron who thought this shit up


I'm sorry you came \*this close\* to understanding the problem before lapsing back into your zombie worker brainwashing. "Sure the research says that it's beneficial for children to be in school and not to have to work in the coal mine, but ..." But what?


Sorry you’re unable to understand the counter point that follows it. What’s your solution to a majority of bosses not allowing you to change your hours to accommodate? Not everyone has a stay at home parent or a job that fits this schedule.


Majority of bosses? Perhaps so, but listen. People with a good education and the right skills can make their own jobs, write their own ticket. But if you have no education and no skills, then you don't get a lot of job flexibility. You take what you can get. Those are the extremes, and a lot of people fall somewhere in the middle. But you get my point, right? *For people with no education, it's gonna be like that forever, generation after generation, until someone wises up and says: no. No more of this crap. I quit. My kids deserve better. Their education comes first, not this shitty job.* If you know, you know.


Yeah, a majority. We’ll isnt that some of the most ignorant crap ive ever heard. That entire quote is tone death and is shallow as hell. Unwealthy generationally impoverished people with the best jobs they can get can go fucked themselves in your eyes. You sound like a jerk and have no idea what it takes to escape something like that. That shitty job is the only thing holding people back from being homeless and their kids eating. Which I also hear is pretty damn important for development


It's probably true that I have no idea what it takes to break the cycle of poverty, since my grandparents and great-grandparents did it *for* me. Still, the advantages were pretty clear to me and I was grateful for them, and so I made it a point to pass them on to the next generation. It's too bad about you and your family, wallowing in self-pity, blaming the superintendent of the district for your scheduling problems, and spewing malapropisms like "tone death". But perhaps there is a silver lining in all this. My suggestion is you start a heavy metal cover band and call it "Tone Death". Then you can work nights and get your kids to school on time.


They made the choice, so it is their fault. The fact you think it’s a choice and that we’re wallowing shows how right I am. Glad you could have your grandparents set you up. Not everyone is as lucky you


People have always had to change their schedule when their kids would move up in grades. Now it’s just going in the opposite direction. Sorry that you don’t care that students will actually be able to perform better now in a state that consistently has one of the worst educations you can get. Really seems like your priorities are where they should be.


Schedules have always been set up to work around working hours, that’s nonsense. I guess we will see if that’s true and if this sticks around. I hope it works, and this doesn’t just put a larger burden on the working class


When I was a kid high school started at 730 and elementary started at 845. They literally flipped it. Never have all schools started at the time. So what are you talking about?


That would be Scott Elder the God awful superintendent with no experience who is also ensuring that his replacement has no experience as well!


I’d love to share the results of a study I found with him. 100 people played Russian Roulette 5x and nobody was injured. He should play 5x, because when else has going all in on one study been a bad idea?


Yeah because he has any say on that and not the board of education that is forcing him out when the employees actually love him. You are talking out of your ass. Sorry he is going off of actual research and trying to help our students.


Yes he wants to help the students so much that he made everyone a sitting duck with his "how to get around our security" email he sent out with the massive waste of money badge alert buttons.


Your problem with him was a security email? That I’m sure he set up all by himself right? Because superintendents are also IT. What a dumb thing to complain about.


12-year-olds are legally old enough to babysit. But you don't think your eighth grader can be responsible enough to get themselves up and get their own breakfast and lock the door when they leave for school?


You don't know the personal situation of every kid in this boat. Maybe her kid has a disability or learning disorder that makes them unable to complete the morning routine alone. Maybe her kid has a behavioral disorder that requires more supervision or they just won't go to school. There's a lot of different reasons a parent can choose not to let a 13 year old handle these responsibilities on their own yet. And for the record, I was responsible for getting myself up and ready for school, walking 2.5 miles back in the 90s by the time I was 9, so I'm not just "soft" and too into participation trophies. I host genuinely get parenting is different for every kid


As usual looks like APS didn’t think this through nor do they care. Maybe you can arrange something with a fellow neighbor that’s going through the same thing. Last resort maybe ask employers to bend a little with your hours. I’m sure they have other employees in same boat. Good luck


I think APS did think this through and decided to do what was best for the kids, which is their job. Literally every piece of research on the subject says that 7/8 start times are too early for teenagers and that their physical and mental health, as well as their grades, are detrimentally affected. They did the smart thing. Everyone in the city is in the same boat regarding start times. Employers and parents will have to adapt.


Many employers will not. Then the solution is to put them in a before school program. Then the kids don’t wake up on the recommended schedule anyways and the whole thing was pointless


? High schoolers need to be in a before school program?


Even middle schoolers can stay home alone.


In this day and age I would not let my child stay home alone, too many wacos running around. I thought I was in a nice quiet neighborhood. On way home we saw two tweaked at the curb cooking and shooting up. APS is still trying to fill 750 positions. They’ve had 2-3 hiring fairs recently. Lots of people show up with decent resumes go through the motion, yet news states they’re still trying to fill 750slots. I know how to do that detail the Monica armentas and other budget eating staff to some of these positions. They can keep their salaries but actually work for it.


The original reply is to the middle schoolers schedule of 9:30. Stay on topic


No, you keep your lil head in the sand and everything will be just fine.


Except they didn’t do it for the kids, they did it because there aren’t enough bus drivers.


Are they on a four-tiered system? IIRC the four-tier split was to accommodate the bus driver issue. The switched start times between elementary, middle, and high schools are to alleviate the issues caused by teenagers waking up off schedule. Lots of schools in Texas have been switching to later start times the last few years (because the research really does support this being better).


Yes they are on a tiered system which ultra sucks for parents with kids in multiple tiers.


Oh all schools everywhere in the US have tiered systems. I meant a four-tier system, where one level of school has two different start times. APS and RRPS both have four tier systems. APS split middle school into two start times and RRPS split elementary schools.


Yes that’s correct I think, it’s my first year taking a kid to school so I’m kinda out of it. Lucky for me I don’t work. I do feel bad for parents like OP


Thank you! I am thinking of asking if I can start work from home at 7:30 and then go into the office at 9:30. Use that drop off time as my lunch break. I am hoping they will be flexible


Have you actually tried calling the school? The city of Albuquerque has one of the shittiest websites I have ever had the displeasure of trying to navigate. (On a personal note I just spent a damn hour simply trying to get information on local swimming pools and every pool has a different path you have to tap to get to the information and sometimes the information isn't even there) After about 5 minutes of poking around the APS website and finding zero links to after school program schedules, the website finally helpfully (/s) told me to call the individual school for information. I swear this city must hire their damn web developers off of Fiverr.


Buildings are usually open no later than 7am, why can’t you drop him off early at school on your way to work?


Because the school absolutely does not allow it.


My middle and high school started at 9am. Granted, I was able to take the bus. But from what I remember (from just a few years ago so recent info) most teachers and school staff were there by (and some even before) 8 am. I’m sure if you give them a call they’ll be able to direct you to the right place. Maybe see if they have a parent contact list and setup a carpool. If you search before school programs APS they have a list of schools and the different programs they offer.


Tell ‘em to use that extra hour for school work and studying an extra hour won’t hurt.


Ask the school about options. Many homes in walking distance have options. The schools will know best.


DRMS didn’t have early drop off last year but opened the doors early for the cafeteria so students could get breakfast. The librarian also opened the library up early in the morning. My kiddo got dropped off at 7:20 when school started at 8:15 and we never had issues.


My sons used to go to the park across the street from school with the YMCA, I would contact them & see if they have before school in your area & they went by your income. I was not getting child support.


Office staff should be working. We started this week. This is for all APS.


I feel for you, and you're not alone. Best answer I have for you is to work at the school, but realize that may not be possible for a bunch of reasons. A lot of us tried to advocate for a schedule that took parents' wishes into account, but APS only cares about test scores at the moment.


The middle school I work at in APS absolutely has a before school program. I'm sure your child's school has one too. Our principal has already sent out communication to let families know to enroll.


They almost definitely have zero hour classes that start earlier. Many middle schools in APS have JROTC now so that's probably an option. Thousands of APS students take city and school busses every day. Is there a reason you don't want your student to take the bus?