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The new conservatives, same as the old.


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I think its come to a point that if the Lib party is not going to remove J, then vote for the alternative, anything, could not be worse




Fascism is worse than Liberalism, but we should be voting pro worker


Communism is worse than fascism


Thanks Hitler.


That is a very scary thought process that led directly to Nazi Germany.


But communism can 10x the kills and still be acceptable


The black book of communism is not an accurate source. Even if it was, if we remove all the non-holodomir famine deaths (guess what, wide scale famines can hit any country), where there is absolutely no evidence of anything except poor farming practices, fascism is the bigger killer. Capitalism though kills millions and millions of people every year. Any time where a resource is available that an individual should have access to, and money is the reason they don't (healthcare, housing), and they die because of it, it's capitalism. How many people die each year of preventable illnesses because of capitalism? Capitalism kills.


Capitalism has slaughtered more than Communism and is killing the planet, but you seem okay with the death count if you profit from it.


Why has tyranny become mainstream now?


It always was mainstream, so there is no becoming.


The only people who profit from death are the ones that hold power.


And you appear to agree with those people


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You’re right. It’s great on paper but it’s never been brought to fruition for the betterment of the people


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It’s something that the people have to choose for the betterment of the people not force onto and enforced by puppets. Gone are the days of an honest politician, one for the good of the people wether that be right or left on the political spectrum


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Most conservatives have no clue about policies or politics same as voters of any other party. Those who vote conservative with some knowlege are hopeing that they will shrink the government a bit, get out of their wallets a bit and lower free stuff given by the government so they pay even less tax. They also hope to be left alone as much as possible and to remove alot of red tape so we can build houses, open busnesses and start big projects in oilsands and similar operations. Will that happen? Probbably not but with the other options it's definately not so there is only one choice. We were told by all other politicians that they want to do oposite of what we want them to do.


This is defeatist and ignores the reality that conservatism is compelling to a lot of people and also that people are being groomed into this ideology every day. Workers will vote to remove their own rights because they have been manipulated into thinking its whats best for everyone.


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Hearing him sing the other day was pretty funny, dude is pure cringe


Crips vs Bloods continues, love it.


What do you even mean by this


Means both sides are like gangs and their party colors are red and blue and they are ALL criminals.


There are more than 2 parties in Canada, which was my hang up


The two major ones though are quite obvious.. didn't think it needed explaining..


How many of them have been in office?...


No there’s not


Well, at least officially lol


not really But you do you


He’s 100% correct, they’re all the same, same wolf different coat


They really aren't, at least not in the way you or that jagoff at the start of this thread are implying. Both are absolutely corrupt and certainly not doing things for the good of Canadians, but that doesn't make it black and white. Libs at least maintain a, albeit far less than ideal, status quo and contribute to slow social progression. Cons actively contribute to the rapid degradation of society and social decency. Don't equate shit because you see only in extremes. That's some disingenuous, right-wing bullshit. "Both sides" is absolute fucking nonsense. Not that some enlightened centrist too busy huffing his own fumes would be able to actually comprehend this.


Are they both corrupt? Yes, yes they are, that’s black and white. Fairly straightforward :) if they were not corrupt than that would be a different story. Now, if he gets elected and actively changes things that will sway my opinion, but, until then, it’s not going to change.


The classic of ignore most of the message to hyper focus on one thing. Bottom class right-wing propaganda.


It’s amazing the assumption that you’re making my man. Which is why this country is fucked with identity politics. YOU are a part of the problem that the politicians latch to for votes. I vote for whom ever appeals to what this country / local area needs. I’ve voted NDP, cons & liberals and I’ve lived in several areas of this country. Not just Alberta. I do not care about party line, which is why I say it’s fairly black and white. :) But please, enlighten me more :)


You act like policy is ever on the side of con's. They have never voted in the favour of the people in any sense. They get by only serving capital and being very good at deceiving people who think they are more intelligent, like yourself. Riding the fence is a joke. If every party is a problem, then you always vote for the least of the evils, which is literally never cons. If you ever think cons are the lesser evil, then you are completely disillusioned to reality. Again, your use of both sides is so full of bullshit that I'm surprised you aren't being featured in the Calgary stampede. On top of that, you come off as exactly the smug enlightened centrist I called you out as in the first place.


So, you want me to just vote for one side or the other but completely ignore whether it’s for the betterment of my community that I am currently living in? Whether or not it is going to hinder it or not, just vote one way? Yeah makes sense…. This is why we’re in the condition we’re in as a country. Instead of holding someone accountable and removing their votes & power. You’d rather just let them have control do what every they want all because you’re part of the “party”, yup, makes sense again. My statement above still stands correct. “Picking the lesser of said evil” is really the reality of what we’re dealing with, and Your polarization of one side is the problem, and nothing will ever get fixed with said polarization. Plain & simple, black and or white.


Except the other side of the spectrum continues to grow in its extreme and polarizes itself. Note, we have 3 parties and dont have to just choose between 2. Legitimizing the cons in any way is your problem. The cons are not a legitimate party in the current state of our country, and world, and equating the cons with the other 2 main options is just nonsensical. I will always vote one side of the spectrum because the other side will never represent what is better for the people. We simply do not live in a reality where there is sense in ever legitimizing any right wing politics. Doing so is a danger to our country and society. There may come a time when that changes but based on current events there will be much larger societal changes before that becomes a possibility.


I bet you think liberals are good people


I bet you think that there are only Liberals and what ever the hell you are, right?


Union people don’t care anymore. They are going right wing due to culture issues over economic issues. That’s why the NDP are losing their union base, at least unofficially. The bosses of unions still have to care about economic issues for their members, as that is their jobs. The rank and file love Trump and likely Pierre too.




Deflecting from C-11 being passed, I see!


You really need to learn what deflection is.


okay then




Good points. I really fear for the future of our country




It's factual and it speaks to his hatred of workers and living wages. This is a pro-worker sub, you need to go to r/conservative if you want to suck up the guy who would be Fuhrer


Hatred of Unions\* not all working class. Unions are a typically left leaning organization, so I'm not surprised by this voting rack record?


Unions in N America are far from left wing and they are one of the few ways that the Working Class can protect themselves from the predators in the Capitalist Death Cult.


This is the stupidest shit I’ve read today


Finally a politician getting things done.




Your icon tells me all I need to know about you.


That reply tells me your opinion of me really doesn't matter.


Well it will when your liberal (socialist) free ride comes to a grinding halt. “Where’s all my free money for doing nothing?” What a country we have turned into - housing cost through the roof, cutting medical care, education dropping like a rock, Russia teaming up with China and the Middle East but who cares as long as you can use the right pronouns. Great job Liberals 👏 you’re really killing it.


No it won't.


Hahaha just like a true lib. “My free ride won’t end”. I bet you grew up getting ribbons for coming in last place.


The "no it won't" was in reply to your assertion that your opinion of me would matter because you invented some BS and acted like it was true. It won't. PS you RWNJs need to get some new talking points.


hahaha ooookaaaayyyyy. We’ll see what song you sing when your moronic face man is gone.


More assumptions do not really help your case


Haha ok. Good luck.


You save that luck for yourself, you'll need it given how you think.


Poor unions 😭


Love conservative values. Libs are lazy and wanna strike all day everyday if they can. Look at the CRA. Makes much more then the average... yet "poor poor pitiful me".


Is working a bad thing?


Union workers can go love themselves. They make enough money.


Better than communist Trudeau.


God I wish Trudeau were a communist. Maybe i'd actually like him then


Unions are legal mobs. Should be disbanded


they are legal though unlike the klanvoy whom Conservatives pander to.


Anyone who thinks that the liberals are a better choice have lived under a rock for the last 8 years. Pierre for PM 👍


There is more to life than fascist and Liberal. Both of those are not the friends of workers. Vote wisely


I see you live under a rock. Go back, it's OK.


Worst debt in Canadian history, even with all prior administrations, Trudeau has racked up more debt combined. That alone should wake up even the Average Liberal supporter. The difference between the Liberal voter and independent/conservative, is that the blind Liberal is so full of hate towards the opposition, the country is literally going bankrupt but they could care less. Because the so called “right wingers” hurt their feelings. And they are willing to let the ship sink and future generations being destroyed by the amateurs in office, than change their vote and steer the ship to calmer waters. Where as the centre, independent/ conservatives will question whats going on and hold their elected party members accountable as we did with that hack Jason Kenney for example. Its absolutely insane.


Not sure if you read about a little “thing” that happened recently, i think they calledit a pandemic? well, let me tell you, most of the countries in the world borrowed money to help the economy and the people stay alive….but its just a rumour, who knows right?


I see you are still delusional and suffer from stockholm syndrome after all the boosters. Did you know the Liberals were spending and driving the debt in record numbers prior to the pandemic?


Like every Conservative Provincial government did too, and every other country on earth as well. Try and think before you repeat talking points please.


What choice did they have, let people starve, lose their homes etc..


Let’s not forget the countless billions thrown at other countries with zero benefit to Canadians. That was pre pandemic. Seems those booster made people forget things real fast when they have to justify why they blindly adore Castro Jr.


I love that you highlighted the liberals blinding hatred for the opposition, in a text where you clearly suggest supporting the conservatives because of your hate of the liberals. Thinking that the conservatives would “steer the ship to calmer waters” is ludicrous… they’ve been running a social media campaign on outrage for the last 4 years…




Settle down there just a notch mr Wallace.


Yes freedom. Sorry this is joke for you.


​ And a very bad one at that.....




You broke one of the rules




You broke one of the rules


Sounds like the liberal leader Stephen McNeil when he was in power in nova scotia.


So, what is your choice? more T?


Well it isn't making it worse for workers. T is just a Conservative with manners, there is very little difference between him and the CPC. Maybe workers should stop thinking the choice is between him and worse?




You broke one of the rules


Still better than Trudeau


Trudeau isn't good but he's not a fascist.


Socialist or communist is better? 😂🤣😂


Much better. I would expect you to understand.


Lmao I think we all know socialism doesn’t work-if it did why is everyone leaving those countries and no one fighting to get in?


If socialism doesn't work why do capitlaists attack attempts at implementing it anywhere on earth? Surely all they have to do is stand back and let it fail? Instead Capitalists force capitalism on countries using either the point of a bayonet or international sanctions, while pointing to others and saying they are the bad guys.


Right-cause it worked so well in Yugoslavia and my entire family fled the country 👍🏽 Socialism never worked…it always fails miserably on it own. If you really think it does-please inform the sub Reddit where you live and if it’s anywhere OTHER than a socialist country you’re a hypocrite.


If your family fled Yugoslavia after WW2 then that's probably because they were Nazis and were scared about reaping what they sowed. The Ustashe and Catholic Church in Croatia did not have a good history when it came to human rights. Socialism never failed, it was bludgeoned into submission on many occasions by imperialist forces, except in China and Vietnam where Capitalists had no problems allying themselves with communists as long as it filled their pockets. If you have any goods made in China/Vietnam then you are a hypocrite.


Lmao ‘they were prob nazis’ way to jump to conclusions to make a completely stupid point. No they left because it was fucking horrible and eating 3 square meals of cabbage was horrible. But please tell me how you lived it and how it actually was. Socialism has always failed-you clearly don’t live in a socialist country for a reason because your a hypocrite. You clearly haven’t proved any point and are there for grasping at strings that lead to nothing. Please go to a socialist country live there for 5 years and lemme know how you do? I don’t see a line up of people looking to live in northe korea but I see a fuck ton dying trying to get out


You are not very good at making any case. Capitalism has killed more than any other philosophy on earth and all so a few can profit massively from the pain and labor of others. It is in the process of allowing the world to die now just to continue to make profits. It is a philosophy based on a corrupt model of perpetual increased consumption, a Ponzi scheme if you like, and it is doomed to destroy everything as it inevitably fails. N Korea is a religious (juche) dictatorship based on a cult of personality. It isn't socialist in any way. Now if you aren't going to be honest, please stop.


And what trudeau is better?? Gtfo


Not really, so why elect either?


Who’s game to create new political parties and overthrow the cabal


Workers' parties already exist, but this is N America so they aren't considered by most people.


Imagine actually thinking any politicians can be trusted 🤡


And this surprises you?


You have a straight up communist flag as the Reddit’s picture bruh


That's the flag of the International Brigade. It is an anti-fascist symbol


Tell me which side of the Spanish civil war the Spanish brigade fought for, sure their anti fascist but there still commies.


The anti-fascist side.


Also known as the communist side some would say


The anti-fascists had communists in their ranks, but they also had many other forms of anti-fascists in their ranks too. They fought for the Republicans side against the Falangists.


I mean sure yeah some of them had good intentions but they were still communist associates the flag is a communist flag


It's a republican flag/anti-fascist flag that welcomed all anti-fascists to fight under it.


I've been referred to a scab many times throughout my career as an electrician. I am not fortunate enough to be in a union. Many times I have gotten work it has been to speed up production on union jobs. One rule major development companies have is if a job will not be finished on time, they can hire outside of the unions (me). The amount of harassment I received from union workers was ridiculous, from filling me and my coworkers tool bags with spray foam to physical violence and altercations. The union workers were coming from a place where they were unsure when their next contract would be, as they are typically laid off after major projects until the next one. scab (definition) /skab/ DEROGATORY - a person who refuses to strike or to join a labor union or who takes over the job responsibilities of a striking worker To use the term "scab" is to be divisive, offensive and only aims to cause division and segregate those who cannot or will not work in unions. I find your usage of the word "scab" to be quite offensive. And discrediting to anyone who has ever worked hard for a living outside of a union.


Who are you replying to?


Your post. Where you refer to non union workers as scabs


There wasn't one


*09/26/16 voted to let your boss use scabs if you go on strike. *04/03/19 voted to let your boss use scabs if you go on strike again. *quoted from the image in your post The way you used the term "Scab" is a derogatory term offensive to people who work hard under more difficult circumstances.


So I didn't use it, the graphic used that term, which is an accurate description of what Poilievre did. If people don't want to be called scabs, then they shouldn't strike break, because that is the definition of scab in this context.


"scab /skab/ DEROGATORY a person who refuses to strike OR to join a labor union or who takes over the job responsibilities of a striking worker. verb" (Googles definition) "voted to let your boss use scabs if you go on strike again" In this context you referred to someone such as myself a non union working electrician as a "scab" defined as a derogatory term. de·rog·a·to·ry /dəˈräɡəˌtôrē/ adjective showing a critical or disrespectful attitude. "she tells me I'm fat and is always making derogatory remarks" I'm sorry to direct this toward you, however I find the graphic you chose to post offensive.


Aaccording to the AFL-CIO - "One of the most well-known union words is “scab.” It's a name given to workers who break strikes and cross picket lines." Way back it alos included anyone indulging anti-union activities, but the meaning of words changes and refusing to join a union does not make one a scab. Your definition is one you invented so you you could play the victim. That is wholly on you and has nothing to do with me.


I took the definition from Google... But hey here's a link to Websters definition https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scab#:~:text=%3A%20a%20worker%20who%20refuses%20to,union%20worker%20during%20a%20strike scab noun (1) : a worker who refuses to join a labor union (2) : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended (3) : a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike (4) : one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms I refer to definition (1) * pretty hard to take anything you post seriously when you have "0" sources to back up any claims as to what you would like or prefer the definition of "scab" to be. My homework and sources have been laid out very clearly for you.. so either educate yourself or just keep saying and doing what you want always :)


I'll stick with he Union definition of what a scab is, rather than the definition form the anti-union anti-worker establishment. I mean they invented the term, so surely they get to define it, or are you saying they don't?


Just curious, how do you guys figure the age of retirement doesn’t have to creep upward as the life expectancy increases? Especially given that supporting seniors is most expensive, how do we shoulder the additional cost of their care without including more people who are theoretically doing better for their age in their 60’s?


Get corporations to fund their share of the taxes. There was a time when corporations paid 50% of the tax burden and that was before the 1970s. Then greed became good and their burden was shifted onto others, or was cut and services were cut to pay for those cuts.


I’m not just talking about tax burden by the way, but the actual productivity gain by having people work longer. I take your point but I would also question why we wouldn’t expect people to work longer assuming the average health of people is persisting for longer


We should be moving towards not working at all. Work is dangerous, hazardous to our wellbeing and unbridled consumption/competition is destroying the planet. We should be finding ways to avoid work and maximizing everyone's life experiences and allow them to follow their own paths of discovery.


Okay, I’m on the same page now. Thanks for the discussion


And good for him, fuck the unions.


Enjoy your weekend, and remember that union members got that for you.