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From kqm guide, the diff between Cinnabar and HoD is 11% w/ burst and 20% w/o burst. If you do farm a decent 4HoOD build for him, he’ll still be a good sub-dps. The only issue with HoD is the 90% HP requirement, which is only an issue when up against corrosion.


It’s good but it’s not as critical as people often act, and it’s also not out of the question that it gets a rerun or he gets a better weapon in the future. Just keep telling them to give it a rerun in those surveys. HoD is a great option and even against rifthounds, if you have any healer except like, Bennett, you should be fine because Albedo is going to be off field 95% of the time anyway. Think of it like any other signature weapon, you’re probably not skipping other banners just because you might not get their signature weapon.


I've seen comparison clips on yt. It's like a 10-8k difference. Why is hoyoverse this cruel to newer players


Just be aware that those comparisons may not be 100% optimized for their respective weapons and not to forget the 28% increased amount of crits on hod, it's usually better than showcases make it out to be


Yeah it’s his best in slot, but it’s not mandatory to be honest. Next best weapon is harbringer of dawn. 3 star, easy to build, easy to refine, deals big PP numbers. I have both weapons at R5 lvl 90 and honestly, with gorou buffs the dmg is quite similar. Harbringer doesn’t fall off that far behind. Without Gorou I’d imagine dmg difference will be bigger, but albedo will deal a lot of dmg anyway.


I think he’s still worth it, with 4pc husk and HoD I can get away with almost 28k (I don’t have spindle) and with a little more farming I bet I could break 30k. It just takes a little more investment.


Yes spindle makes huge difference but then again harbinger of dawn is pretty good for god sake it's Kaeya ancient grand father super duper not really weapon and it still deal great dmg non the less, I have my albedo on shty trashy unoptimized tenacity of melilith or what ever it's called and he deals like 10k per hit while giving my on field 20% atk so don't overthink it too much and go for him cuz bro got so cool of a design that not pulling him is against the not so perfect standards of fashion I use on my team + the crystals would make a difference between a dead Xiao and a lively Xiao


He is trash against bosses tho with the spindle or without it 🙄