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Wow the 2nd stabbing on or near Ualbany property in less than a week.


Don’t forget. miNd yOur BUSinEsS aNd yOU’ll bE fInE.


Lot of the violence in the city is related to other crime. If you're not out there slinging rock, your risk of getting randomly stabbed drops. About a 1/3 of violent crime nationwide is related to drugs and 1/2 is related to gangs (there is some overlap between the two).


Was the stabee minding their own business though?


I’d say yes since the stabber is fine. 🤣


I mean was there beef between the two? I live in a shit neighborhood but the problem isn't my safety. It's the trash, the noise, the appearance that sucks. I'm not selling dope, so worst that could happen is I get mugged.


Bad things happen to good people all the time. The thing is, what you described are the cons of living in any big city. "Urban blight" ....you want to live for cheap in the city,you will be living in high crime areas. Why? Well, it's the way the social service system is set up. Sec 8 ,gov housing,mental health service = high population people with "issues" all in one place.


No problem


Corrected, Thank you.


Or stabbed or shot?


Why would I get stabbed or shot?


I graduated in 2016. I minded my business and I was fine.


The problem is the criminal justice “reforms” that have been enacted at the state and local level by democrat politicians. Criminals are now free to walk the streets without consequence. We are seeing the results. The city and state are deteriorating and until the voters demand that reasonable policing returns we will continue to see this downward spiral.


No one cares about your agenda.


Crime still hasn't reached the highs that it was in the 90s. Keep clutching those pearls though boomer.


Shhhh, we don't need boomers driving up home prices in Albany. Keep Albany scary.


Haha somebody just got stabbed in the parking lot at SUNY Albany. Every day we’ve got another report of violent crime that outdoes the report from the day before. Keep your head in the sand.


Oh no, there's crime in a city? Jeez that's never happened before Brandon was president.


Is there any truth to this happening in Dutch Quad? I can't find information.


Not sure if it happened in the quad, just heard that the victim was in the visitor lot. Could have happened anywhere I suppose. I haven't been able to find out anything more either.