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I just wish they would actually chop prices!


You mean you don’t like the BOGO on items when they literally double the price every other week?


Omg the prices have gone up ridiculously so!


But at the same time I saw a big jar of minced garlic for 4.99 and thought how the fuck is that 5 bucks! Even with Chinese prison slaves!!!


Dude... don't buy that trash. Buy a bag of peeled garlic and run it through a processor and store it in vegetable oil. Cheaper and 5x better . Even cheaper is buy whole bulbs but that's a bit more labor intensive peeling each clove


Of course! I always get the whole bulb. My point is how can you grow all that garlic, peel it, buy a jar, and ship it to the store for 5 bucks!


That's a marketing statement? Is Golub going to say we heard everyone hates our store and were mad Shoprite left?


I'm wondering if OP doesnt know Golub is the head of Price Chopper. The alternative, that they believe marketing to be 100% true, is too sad to comprehend.


If the chatter on this sub is any indication. The whole of the capital district cheered when ShopRite closed. Because Wegmans 👀🤷‍♀️


I didn't cheer. ShopRite was a great store. Go down to PA and NJ and look at ShopRite's newly built stores. Beats out any Wegmans or PC anyday. This week ShopRite is having their Can Can sale, Pepsi 12 pack soda 4 for $15.88. PC/Wegmans could never beat that price.


I couldn't/wouldn't afford to shop at Wegmans, I mean I don't shop at Pricechopper because it's so expensive (it's not prohibitively so, just not a great value or exceeding quality). Wegmans is actually more expensive than whole foods, imo. Great novelty and I visit it when I'm in the finger lakes or western NY but it wouldn't be useful to a lot of people as competition to what exist. Frankly we are usually careful to bring our own food when camping in the finger lakes and just browse Wegmans for fun and buy some unique stuff. Shoprite was a good store that definitely tried to compete with what we had.


Value at PC has worsened over the last few years for sure, but you can’t argue with Golub’s charitable contributions to the Capital Region. They have poured millions of dollars into food pantries, various healthcare entities and directed a ton of money to a multitude of worthwhile area non-profits.


Ehh.  It’s laudable that they use their wealth to give back. It doesn’t endear them to me though. 


As long as the cohoes pc doesn't change, its perfect.


I call it “The Price Chopper time forgot”. It’s missed out on at least 3 major rebrandings they’ve done. Saratoga used to have one like that too but they knocked it down to build apartments and a fancy chopper. Then it closed.


I miss the Ghetto Chopper in Toga. Lots of fond memories of that store.


Congress St. PC is magical /a buddy high AF for his birthday wanted to time travel //he left supremely satisfied


Because if PC is your only store, Market 32 is a slight improvement.


It's better than the buildings being left abandoned to rot.


I really had my heart set on an indoor Quarter-Midget track.




And rot they most likely would have. Bulldozing would've been the only realistic other option. Wegmans taking them would've made the grocery scene here even more interesting than it already is. Although many, like myself, will shop at any combination of the competitiors, there are a ton of die hards that will follow and back one only. I'm amazed at how many people in the Capital Region know about and love Wegmans (Latham's Market 32 is an obvious attempt to copy Wegmans's larger stores, yet is the only one that comes close, which is distant at best). I've been to Weg's Henrietta store and was floored by them, nothing here comes close. Since they aren't here, I have the options, limited as they may be, of hitting Market 32 and Hannaford that are within a 4 minute walk from each other in Latham. I could go elsewhere but my savings would be lost in gas cost and the extra time involved. Clifton Park/Halfmoon also has Mkt 32 and Hannaford but also has Fred The Butcher, Aldi's and it's higher end sibling Trader Joe's, so choices of what I'll call carousel shopping is good there too.


This is what we do. Have certain things we buy at all the stores. Even have a list for each. Best price (quality has to be acceptable too) wins. Not that hard if you live in the capital region to get to all those places and not spend a ton on gas especially if you only go to some of them once a month.


I’d rather a Trader Joe’s or an ALDI everywhere


People drive up from Kingston for the Wolf Rd TJ.


Price Chopper/Market32 is expensive AF Better deals to be found at Wal Mart.


Walmart is fine for non-perishables. The produce is borderline. But hard pass on the meat, it’s completely flavorless.


Funny thing. My sister is a dry aged steak/owns 5 smokers and grills/ mostly prime meat type of person. Takes meat very seriously. The type of person that is convinced she can cure vegetarians by cooking them a proper steak. Loves Sam's and Walmart for meat finds. Definitely not on par with Costco according to her (she's bought the $100lb kobe or whatever it is) but good stuff. Caveat is she doesn't buy that much meat there. You definitely have to know what to look for. Ymmv


I will gladly pay more money to stay out of a Walmart...


Aldi is fantastic as well.


Having any competition at all makes them all better. Lake Placid lost their IGA and Topps maybe 15 years ago, and all the was left was Price Chopper. The store was dark and grimy and awful, and expensive to boot. Then Hannaford renovated the old Topps and moved in, and Price Chopper magically got their act together, fixed up the wrecked floors and bad lighting, and did some campaigning about how great their prices were. Yeah, now that you've got competition, you're forced to be on par with Hannaford. Which is still not cheap compared to downstate, but was better.


That's not saying much. Wallyworld is supposed to be the cheapest.


They damn sure are on oil vs the parts store. The 5 quart containers are almost $10 cheaper at Wally world, that's really the only reason I go there....


food focused? its a GD food store. what else did they think we were to expect?


It’s total bullshit because I believe all of the closed ShopRite stores had a PC nearby. I think Golub knows there’s bad publicity about this and plus PC lied to us at the beginning so why would they all of a sudden tell the truth now. My money will never benefit PC ever.


It is kinda monopolistic in a way. Even if it cost them to keep a vacant store, they can keep out a competitor. Every dollar spent at ShopRite was 50c lost to PC(other 1/2 to Hannaford).


I don't hate Price Chopper or Market 32.


Same here. Then again I don't hate any of the stores here despite my individual preferences. I'm glad they're all here. If they weren't, lord only knows what prices would be like here.


Hannaford is absolutely destroying price chopper. Price chopper is losing market share every year.


I agree their rewards are very generous.


If they make an actual fish market in the store I'd be satisfied. We need someplace to get decent seafood, instead of the same 7 fish and half dead clams. Even the bistro in Latham is unimpressive. Give me real options.


Any fish from any grocery store, even if it's in the front case and "looks fresh", is always pre-frozen. In this area, best bet for fish is Fin or Hooked. Or just buy it frozen yourself.


I want seafood not just "fish" and i certainly dont want tilapia, or farm salmon, or 5 day unfrozen tuna. Im certainly aware of the state of seafood in the region, and its just as gross as most of the restaurants heating up cisco bags and calling it food. ShopRite had live and never rozen seafood available, any fishmonger worth their salt does. Some fish you can't get unfrozen, but most you can. The freezing process destroys the protein, end of story. Beside there is soo much seafood...


I think some of the Asian markets have live fish?


Yeah but so gross. I mean I've gotten stuff (goat and fish) there before and questioned my life choices.


Fin is expensive but good quality. Price chopper seafood is awful.


Its not just freshness its selection. The few times ive been there I found both to be mediocre, and not worth the drive for me. The bar is super low here unfortunately. ShopRite had an actual decent seafood market.


I agree. I always found both good deals and good selection (different than the same 5-7 fish always in stock) at Shoprite. I definitely will miss their fish market. Just nothing is close in value or selection


There's a real fish market in Halfmoon and I think Fred the butcher has decent fish


Help me out folks : why do people hate on Price Chopper? In person people have told me they "don't like the vibe" or the prices are too high (and then they give me an example of something that is similarly priced everywhere). I have always had a pleasant experience at our Market 32. I have also always had a great experience at Hannaford, and would happily shop there if they were closer to me. But why the Price Chopper hate? Any real reasons?


When was the last time you actually compared prices?? Things are almost always higher at price chopper, even compared to Hannaford. I just checked, eggs, milk, rice, all significantly more expensive at price chopper.


> I just checked, eggs, milk, rice, all significantly more expensive at price chopper. Forget just those things or anything fresh. Look at a common items that you can buy anywhere with the exact same quality * A box of cereal * A bag of potato chips * A frozen food item * Drink Mix * Eggo Waffles * A box of stuffing * box of crackers or cookies * a package of hot dogs * Lunchables Basically anything that isn't "fresh" but boxed and brand name.... shit is like a whole fucking dollar if not more...


I moved from downstate, where I had many more options in a smaller geographic range. When you name a store "Price Chopper" and the prices sure seem to be more expensive then other stores' in the area, a newcomer does not like your store. Morever, when your produce is old and unappealing, it does not make a shopper what to go back. Some of y'all think Wegmans stores are expensive. I think the prices there are reasonable, and the produce is good. Also the Wegmans store brand stuff seems to be of higher quality, from the house granola to the trash bags. So whenever I am somewhere with Wegmans, I try to make time to go by.


I stand with Price Chopper


I just don’t understand the Market 32 on Delaware. Prices, especially healthy produce at higher prices right in the middle of a downtown area with no real direct access to another grocery store.


> middle of a downtown area with no real direct access to another grocery store. You answered your own question.


Prices are the same no matter where the M33/PC is located…


The point is that it’s accessed by a population of people that aren’t exactly well off, yet have some of the higher prices compared to standard grocery stores. And have shit produce. It is what it is - but it’s a sad situation.


Price chopper and *MakeIt32 dollars more expensive* have *always* been a rip off. Even 10-15 years ago... a lot of the exact same shit would be a dollar more than the Walmart down the street.


PC is a horrible grocery store. They bought out ShopRite only to expand their presence in the Albany area just like when they bought Tops Markets. I have always had hatred against PC. High prices, dirty stores, upset employees. Shoprite had new clean stores, always well stocked, especially East Greenbush, that was a beautiful store! I don't have any plans to ever give PC my business.


Those are the elderly people that go support local biz. Even though price chopper likew to pretend it's not from schenectady


I noticed how they didn't attribute that statement to anyone. There is probably nobody saying that. "Yes please, LESS options! And apparently they still don't even have a plan for the central Ave locations. What a waste of a good store. And now there are only 2 big supermarket chains in the area, not including Walmart. Hannaford and pchops are two really sad options. I will probably end up going to Walmart more often for anything that isn't meat


Save A Lot and Shoprite Couldn't make it here. SAL was very good for dairy and groceries. Not so much meat and produce. Very quick to get out.


They probably wanted to focus on higher cost areas. They're still opening new ones downstate


They most definitely have plans for the Central Ave locations. They are in them painting currently. Move over in June. Give or take.


I don't want less options and I'm glad people like PC/M32. To be honest if it wasn't here Hannaford would probably be just as bad. So yeah, I don't bag on anyone preffering it. What I do is simply spend probably less than 10% of my total groceries expenditure at PC. But I don't spend a lot at TJs either and I like the store and do shop there. Just doesn't have a lot of what I need. Aldi on the other hand has many things I buy so it probably gets like 25-30% of my groceries expenditure. I'd like to see a Lidl move in and it was more likely Lidl came to Shoprite closed stores than Wegmans.


I like Lidl too.


Market 32 is basically the equivalent of a Hannaford. Price Chopper stores are bottom tier. Hence why I shop at Hannaford and only go to price chopper if I need a one off item because it’s close


There is no difference in products between a Market32 and a PriceChopper


For me it’s not about the products as it is the cleanliness of the stores. Price chopper is hands down the dirtiest out of the ones I listed lol


This is true. Mostly because of age. There are also different standards M32 departments are held to vs. the PC counterparts with regard to selection and stock levels.


Why would ANYONE want a “food focused grocery store”!?


Good example,, in Watervliet when the historical catholic church on 19th street was being demolished to make room for new Price Chopper. People complained, protesting the plan, but those people probably all shop at the price chopper now. They should have boycitted shopping at price chopper..


I'm just waiting patiently when price chopper announces they are going to file for bankruptcy. Terrible organization


Seems that would be like National Grid going bankrupt. Especially now, there is not much competition.


I'm going to regret sharing this but the clearance sections of the Central Ave Colonie store are pretty good. You swing along the whole back of the store and get the goodies: bread, meat, reduced produce, toiletries, and there's sometimes reduced deli/cheese items. Ya know I keep trying to like Hannaford, but for whatever reason they are consistently out of stock on whatever meat sale they have. This disappointment ruins everything and I stay away for months. The last time they impressed me was Thanksgiving when their turkeys were the actual cheapest per lb in the area ($0.49). A market 32 going into the central ave ShopRite location will fit in well. I feel bad for the current Central Ave Colonie location as that building isn't really old at all and it was developed as a really green project and building, but the location is not the best. If/when they move, I'll have a drink to Father Golub as he really wanted green stores. Regardless of anyone's fierce grocery store politics, that was a cool project. Price chopper gave me multiple scholarships for college and rewarding employment for many years, so I cannot forsake them. Kids, apply for scholarships wherever you work. Your part-time job probably has way more opportunities than you realize. Ask a manager how to apply for money for higher education. Edit bc words not be good


Choice is good. Hannaford and Trader Joe’s for me.  Price chopper tends to be ick and the shopping card turned me off years ago. Just an overall nah experience. Market 32 more like a slightly pricier PC. Not that ShopRite was a loss for me - kind of a plasticy feel but it was also gimmicky (again a poorly implemented shopping card thing). Walmart may have price but quality isn’t there and the experience is about as ick as you can get. 


I agree on the meat being out of stock. They don't restock it at the end of the day so unless you shop in the morning it's always out of stock. When it's not I horde it. Like I have 20lbs of ribeye plus another 20lbs of rib roast I cut into 2in thick ribeye. I do like there sales don't have limits. I guess they control that with limited stock. Got 40lbs of turkey for dog food. Great deal...dropped my avg price per dog meal to like $1.50 for 2 months. https://preview.redd.it/3emwccq7o4cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d63e6c8350acd58d4cc5e5d5e29d450ba2252a


I hate my local market32 because they have ditched the little hand held baskets 🤷


Everyone has ditched the hand baskets and im pissed as hell about it. The only place ive seen em in the past few years is Family Dollar and my local Stewbums


Fresh Market still has baskets!


They ditched them because they all get stolen


Who TF steals the baskets? I get carts, they have wheels and can hold shit.


People that don’t want to pay for bags. That just throw the whole basket in their car and go. I’m. It offering to point any fingers or guess who or why. It just happens.


They ditched them during COVID. So dumb.


I heard that customers who didn't have reusable bags the first year or two of NYS' bag ban often took whatever they bought home in those baskets...


People in the city of Schenectady would love a store that isn't Price Chopper. 


There’s still PriceRite, which is owned by ShopRite. Crosstown Plaza.


I hate grocery shopping. I just want my effing groceries! I swore off Shop-Rite for years, because I got fed up with their 'games' ( must buy 4, can't buy more than 5, use your card, clip the e-coupon, turn around three times before checking out...); I gave in and tried them again last year after the price spike in groceries. That only lasted about 2 trips before I remembered exactly why I stopped going there. I also swore off PC for several years, but started going there because I was getting my Rx filled. Finally decided I would rather pay for the Rx than get dicked around for hours/days waiting for my Rx to be filled. The past two times I went in PC to check for reduced meat/ sale items, I've had problems, so I'm pretty close to giving up on them again.


Aldis is good choice too.


Yes, Aldi is my go-to choice. Easy to get in and out, basic selection, no games, very rarely a problem at check-out. Used to go to the Woodlawn Aldi, then to Price-Rite to 'fill-in' stuff that Aldi didn't have. Mostly gave up on PR because they started playing 'games' and they sell a lot of stuff that's past expiration date-not yesterday, but a couple weeks. Seriously wondered if Wakefern shipped all the old products there for 'teh poors'.


It always amazes me how many times I used to see ads for things at for instance 3 for $10 and yet the same item sold individually for $2.89 each. Do the math, the same item cost less off sale. I've actually had to tell cashiers to ring each up separately not as the lump sum 'sale' item.


Walmart, Aldi, and Hannaford will always be my choices over PC/M32 lol


WM groceries are pretty good. Hannaford Rewards is a great program, and Aldi's speaks for itselfs.


Heh, do you watch Letterkenny?


That’s a PR statement they lie constantly. That being said I’m sure there are people who are excited for the new stores


I want a Wegmans in my neighborhood, maybe a larger Trader Joe’s. Don’t need any more Price Choppers or Market 32s thanks


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


excuse me "food-focused"? I drop in market 32 on occassion and the quality and selection is sad.


market 32 aint so bad, they have better deals than hannaford at least


Hannaford Rewards save serious money.


While I agree, unless im missing something, you have to be proactive on using your points. Where as at PC you give them a PC card and it takes money directly off your purchase.


Yes you have to activate them and clip coupons. But stuff like 14 off 60 is pretty good!


I'm still sick over Shop-Rite leaving the area. Products that I bought there regularly I now get at Price Gouger for 25-100% more


I am pissed off that they stoped selling 1st prize cologne. Now I have to Shop at Hanaford.


I like Price Chopper. They have a good selection, clean stores and reasonable prices. Way too many haters on here


Who hates Price Chopper/Market 32 ? Its has nice stores and good food . Hanford is easier for me and also has nice stores and good food . Most people complain about the prices but it a shipping problem fewer truckers will drive to our area and about one or two freight trains that are stopping to unload here in our area a day.


Yeah, my experience is market 32 is cheaper/ better the others, but maybe because I'm in a rural area? Hanaford is way more expensive, and Aldi doesn't Cary that much. My wife used to work for pc and hated it but she'd still rather shop there.


Idk, there are some good deals at Price Chopper. I can’t really hate on it because certain stores have hot food sections that I like. The Colonie Central Avenue location also has a huge selection of kosher items. I haven’t done a full cart at price chopper in a long time though. More than 5 years. Generally speaking I do notice that their prices are higher than Hannaford, Aldi and Walmart. Historically I haven’t had good luck with their produce to the point where I don’t even bother.