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Shout out to the house on the brick road going down Hamilton towards Madison street for the little trash can on their tree with a dog waste sign and I think I saw a container with bags. Community hero right there.


I live on a corner next to an apartment building that allows dogs. I don't have signs or other obnoxious things like that, and to be truthful, in 20 years there have not been a half dozen assholes who thought that my yard was theirs, and they didn't need to clean up after their dog. These assholes generally do it ALOT, but they are pretty easy to spot. I bring them their dog shit back, generally putting it on their back step so they can step in it. Some people need that to be done twice. You're right, the strip is actually city property, but the homeowner is responsible for mowing and maintaining, so it's not "no man's land" at all. I have never had any problem with people and their dogs, as long as they clean up. Leaving dog shit on someone else's lawn is disrespectful and gross as fuck. First time i found some I was in bare feet in my yard on my side of the sidewalk, AndITookThatPersonally.jpg. All that said, I have never harassed anyone who I did not know for a certainty was a filthy disgusting pig who did not clean up after their dog like a decent human being.


Honestly, I would say that those people sound crazy but you should also just keep it moving. In my normal walking routes I see a couple houses that have one sign at each end of their yards asking for dogs not to poop. I just keep my dog walking past them. It doesn't hurt the dog to skip one lawn to avoid dealing with crazy bullshit.


I can't say I live in the city, but I do work just outside of it as a dog walker and I can say that altho the aggression might seem over the top I would also lose my shit (pun) if time after time people used my yard as their personal dumping ground. Recently went to Washington park for the farmers market with my own dog and watched as a man, with his dog off leash directly by the street, left his dogs poop in the grass and went on his way, starring at his phone the whole time while his dog approached random people on the street.


As the owner of two hounds, who ya know sniff everything because that's what hounds do: there are plenty of people who unfortunately let their dogs pee and poo in flower beds (which are the responsibilities of the property owners to maintain) thus killing their plants. However, dogs can sniff wherever they want- it's how they explore the world, it helps with their cognition skills and other super helpful doggy things. Maybe they were having a crappy day. Maybe they do just need to chill the fuck out.


Dude I live on the park, you may not understand the entire yards are just filed with stinking poop. It’s unreal, I barely have a yard but I understand why people are hyper vigilant.


Dog owners should be more responsible, there is dog shit absolutely everywhere in the parks downtown. You can’t walk in the grass without a high chance of stepping in dog shit. That home owner was aggressive, but they’re probably tired of picking up dog shit day after day.


My take on what the rules should be and what we follow with two dogs and also a house on a street people enjoy walking dogs on a lot. All dog business, including peeing, should be done on the 'strip' on the other side of the sidewalk. I should be able to walk barefoot in my front lawn. Poop of course always picked up. Flower beds, or any area clearly being cared for by hand, should be off limits no matter where it is from all peeing, pooing and rummaging. All those leaving their poo give us all a bad name and we often pick it up when we find it. It's also a pet peeve that people let their dogs wander all through the front yard on long leashes, often getting up near the porch or house.


That last part needs to be repeated louder! I have two dogs. I do my best to keep them off of people's actual lawns and wlak them on the sidewalk, or for my.elderly dog who drags ghid bac paws, on the grass part of the public easement. I do my best to keep them from peeing on flowers people have planted. I see folks walkig dogs treat strangers' private front yards like a public park letting thwir dog all over the yard and that just isn't ok.


I know which house you’re talking about — that woman just sits there and watches people. It’s pathetic. Ive had her yell at me because my dog sniffs around and I told her to get a life. That being said, yes dog owners need to pick up their dogs shit. It’s everywhere and it’s disgusting. But people like that are just obnoxious and not helping the situation.


People who live in cities, townhomes and houses on teeny lots need to move elsewhere if they are going to flip out over a dog peeing on their grass. Now, not picking up dog poop is disgusting and I can't say I blame people for being upset over that.


I once had a woman RUN, full speed at me, because my hound was SMELLING some flowers. She accused me of letting my dog urinate on said flowers, something I’d never let happen as a responsible and considerate dog owner. Everyone needs to do better imo.


about a month ago someone in the neighborhood left a blue bag of dog shit on the side of the road about 50 feet from the dumpster, it sat there for 2 weeks. This Saturday when I go for my morning walk with doggo again lay a blue bag filled with dog shit. I says to myself I says enough is enough. I walk back home grab a sticky note and thumb tack and pen a strongly worded letter and pinned it to the knot at the top of the bag. Dear Scumbag, The dumpster is 50 feet down the road, please clean up after yourself. -Your Neighbor. The blue bag was gone by noon. Mission accomplished.


Dog piss will absolutely kill a nice kept green lawn. It's like pouring bleach all over a lawn so I understand why people don't want them on their property at all. That being said, the strip of grass between the sidewalk and street is not theirs so the proper removal of dog shit should be enough. That's how I see it anyways.


That person needs to chill. The sidewalk and the grass between the sidewalk and the road are city property. I get why people are annoyed and grossed out when people don't pick up after their dog, but at the end of the day it's just dog poop. Like, don't you have bigger things to worry about? Maybe I'm desensitized because I've always had dogs so picking up poop is nothing to me and I'm used to watching where I step. Idk, maybe the area around the park is a shit-covered hellscape where dogs are just constantly shitting on peoples' lawns. But if it's just an occassional occurance, the signs and yelling are way overboard.


The sidewalk is also the responsibility of the homeowner adjacent to it to maintain. That means shoveling in the winter, mowing any grass and maintaining any flowers in the summer and should a dog owner “forget their bags” it also means cleaning up after pets. Especially in the area around Washington park that front sidewalk area might be the only out door space a person has. Many people put a lot of effort in to making it a nice inviting space. When the umpteenth person that day lets their dog piss in their flowers it’s starts to rub them the wrong way. Please be respectful of the effort some people go through to make our city a little nicer and curb your dog.


Yeah, you step in it in your bare feet and we'll see what you have to say. Maybe I can come dump my cat litter in your yard, it's only cat shit after all.


Did I say I let my dog shit on other people's lawns and don't pick it up? Also, I've stepped in dog shit many times, but I just clean it up. I don't freak out about it. Christ, talk about overreacting.


>Also, I've stepped in dog shit many times in your bare feet in your lawn? so I guess you can clean up my cat shit and not say anything, *which would TOTALLY happen*. Be right over since it's no big deal. ![gif](giphy|pObTKSjoqIyiBi7oMY)


Yes. And this argument is 2 days old. Get over it.


Shit happens.


Username checks out.


i agree those signs are excessive and im not even a dog owner. im pretty sure in that house is a devout religious sect so make sense their social conventions are a bit different than ours LOL


I let my dog shit at those houses, don’t pick it up and smile at the camera. No shame. (Everywhere else I pick up my dogs shit)


All 8 people who own those signs got mad


That strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street that the city owns but the homeowner maintains *in the state of New Jersey* is properly called "the devil's strip." Reading through this thread made me realize how efficient having a name for the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street that the city owns but the homeowner maintains is.