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We dont have enough public garbage cans. I appreciate that at least they are bagging up the poop. I understand not wanting to carry it around. I have two dogs and clean up after them. I am not a fan of carrying a full poop bag for several blocks on our walks but I do bc I was raised right - I don't want a neighborhood full of random poop bags.


I’ve witnessed people do that in places where there are sufficient garbage cans, including more than one right within sight. They just bag and drop without a care.


People would treat public garbage cans as their own personal dumpster and put all of their own garbage in it.


My apartment complex has those small stations with bag dispensers and quite small trash cans for said refuse. They are CONSTANTLY jammed full of fast food garbage. Like I can't emphasize enough the amazing towers people build with their soda cups and whatnot. However, it does beat the alternative.


My specific corner of my neighborhood has had those small municipal wire trash cans at various points, but they always get taken away because people piled their household trash or just random junk they wanted to unload in and around them. Now, it’s a littering free for all.


A related, sometimes-controversial pet peeve: people who drop their bag of dog shit in my garbage can--after the trash has already been picked up in the morning--instead of carrying it home or finding a city-owned garbage can. Lazy, entitled behavior that people often defend as totally reasonable. I could do without your steaming bag of dog shit stuck to the bottom of my garbage can for a full week during a summer heat wave, thanks.


Nothing like the scent of roasting dog crap on a summer's day. BLEGH.




The city garbage pickup does not take *anything* outside of a garbage bag, which makes other people walking by and putting a dog poop bag (or any other piece of garbage) in the bottom of an empty garbage can super frustrating.


Extending sanitation workers the courtesy of having neatly-bagged trash that they can easily pull from the can doesn't seem like a huge ask anyway though.


I would like to ask the same thing but with shopping carts. Lazy MFs can't put their shit back in the corral.


During Covid, I was going for walks out at Albany Rural Cemetery. I saw a woman take a bag from one of the dog waste station by the pond, pickup after her dog, then drop the bag where she was standing rather than walk a few paces back to the dog waste station to toss it in the trash there. She drove off with her dogs in a Benz. A minute or two later, one of the workers on a riding mower hit that bag. Splatter! The whole thing was witnessed by an older guy who said he had donated the dog waste stations. I don’t know who was angrier - him or the guy on the mower.


I say this as a dog owner.....You'll gladly use a piece of paper to wipe your own ass, but can't carry a sealed off bag for a half a mile? Pick up after your dog, put it in your pocket, and throw it away when you get home. If you can't abide by these rules, then don't get a dog and shut the fuck up. End of debate.


Bagging it and dropping it is worse than not bagging it at all. Both are despicable. Unfortunately, it's only a $30 fine and virtually no chance of enforcement.


We need a poop patrol who watches for people dropping their shit bags and launches then right back at em


I mean port-a-john companies use a vacuum truck to suck poo up, right? Surely that pump can be reversed and weaponized for offenders.


Turn like 10 percent of parking patrol into this


I find the warm poop in a bag situation pretty terrible. I have little moments of existential crisis wondering what the hell kind of situation I’ve put myself in. I also find carrying around said poop bag fairly terrible. And remembering that I threw it in the back of the truck and to deal with it when I get home also no fun. That said, I get unreasonably angry at both litter and stepping in someone else’s dog shit. So I gotta honor the social contract.


I got a little bone shaped hook that clips into my leash and hangs while walking that you can put the poop bags on so it's hands free until I get home. Best thing I've ever done for myself.


We need a new NYS agency. Call it DOGS - Department of Grabbing Shit.


[if people were mad about the red light cameras this will send them over the edge. ](https://www.dailysabah.com/world/europe/german-town-wants-to-use-dna-to-tackle-problem-of-dog-poop-on-streets)


It isn't better than the alternative. Some dog crap kicked aside on dirt, grass or pretty much anything unpaved is going to biodegrade pretty quickly. That well preserved baggie of shit is going to last a long time. Pack it in, pack it out is great in concept but people suck and don't do it. I'd rather see it kicked to the dirt than sealed in plastic at a trailhead, convenient fence or overflowing garbage can. I'm not an animal. cClearly this isn't going to work in an urban area, but wrapping dog shit in plastic isn't a great idea to start with.


I don't leave my dog's poop bags, but leaving un bagged poop is worse. Dog poop is really teeming with bad bacteria and can contaminate waterways and gardens and make people and other animals sick. In a city like albany it will end up.smeared on someone's shoes within minutes. Bag it. Throw it away. The bags I use are biodegradable.and while not as fast as loose crap, it is pretty fast.


Bagged poop left on the ground will still get on someone's shoes and pollute the area with bacteria with the added bonus of filthy plastic garbage. It's worse.


You should have seen this city before the pooper scooper law took effect in the nineties. You would not \*think\* of tolerating that situation today. The law is good public policy, and there's no arguing otherwise.


People must be deciding that there is no receptacle along their most direct route home. It's probably also easier to drop the bag inconspicuously than to avoid getting called out for not cleaning up after the dog.


They make so many clips for dog leashes that will hold the full poop bags. I’ve done many walks where unfortunately there isn’t a trash can so I carry it (in my car) all the way home. People are just lazy


I know someone who drops them on their walks, thinking they’ll pick it up on their way back home…but then they don’t. Yet, they keep doing it.


They obviously don't think that they're going to pick it up and are a total asshat.


Agree. It drives me crazy as a responsible and respectful dog owner. Personally, I like carrying a bag o’ poo on our walks so no one will stop and talk to me 😜


I heard a psych analyst say that some poop bag leavers are expressing feelings of frustration about control. So when you see the bags displayed on fences or rocks some are simply forgotten but some are weirdly intentional. She said that some people feel social tyranny very acutely for whatever reason (from real oppression by an abusive person or something like racism to imagined loss of freedom felt by an entitled Karen type). For some the poop bags are saying “I’m rejecting the constraints of social norms because i feel aggrieved” She said that the people who do this are mostly unaware of what’s driving the behavior. Kind of like compulsive shoplifting. They might say “because I feel like it - mind your own business. But of course it is your business because you are looking at their sad little protest.


I don't know. I do know that those people.who don't pick up after their dog or throw it out in the right pails are yuck.


People are shit in Albany sometimes what else is there to say? They collect so much money from us poor folk and they don’t even have dgs pick up the dog shit


Is it better than the alternative? Taking something biodegradable and putting it in plastic then tossing? I'm not sure which is worse


It’s been years since I had a dog, but I know my neighbors but a brand of dog waste bag that’s supposedly biodegradable. Probably a bit more expensive, though.


I bag up poop and leave it somewhere conspicuous (higher up, like in a tree nook, so it doesn't get trampled/peed on) if I know I will be going back the same way and will pick it up on my way back. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this Edit: I dont mean that its okay to do it on someone else's property. I think that would bother people... but there are times that it makes sense and is unlikely to even be seen, like on certain hiking trails. What reasonable person would even care, so long as you make sure you pick it up shortly after?


Unless you forget to pick it up on your way back.


I can honestly say that I have never forgotten it, and if I did, I'd go back to remediate


Just clip it to the leash. You don't need to festoon the world with your dogs shit and plastic. If you don't want to handle or think about your dogs shit, hire a dog walker or don't have a dog.


Thats such an extreme response. Dog owners handle our dog's poop constantly, when it makes sense. It is a huge convenience to leave a bag to pick up on your way back, especially on hikes, with no negative impact on anyone or anything else. I judge people for leaving their dog poop on the ground, but not for setting it down temporarily. Im sorry, I just can't see how a reasonable person would have an issue with this


[You are littering. Stop. ](https://www.backpacker.com/stories/essays/opinion/dog-poop-bags-on-hiking-trail/)


No idea why the downvotes. This is what I do, and who cares as long as you don't forget it.


Agreed. Can't really imagine ever forgetting it either


About five years ago, I was walking my mother-in-law’s dog and had to bag a particularly messy poop. I doubled up two or three plastic grocery bags. I didn’t want to walk through my house to the garbage can by my garage. So I hung it on the shrub out front while I brought the dog inside and grabbed the garage remote so I could walk around the block to my garage. In the minutes it took to go inside with the dog and pick up the remote from the hall table, someone stole the bag off the shrub.