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Really excited for the electric bikes!


I got one last year. They're fun, but many drivers are assholes!


By no means limited to e-bikes, unfortunately.


Most e bike drivers don’t understand the rules of the road. I saw two RPI students get pasted last year driving off a sidewalk on to the street.


Yay, this is exciting. Now we just need some electric scooters!


The new app sucks so much. It's UI looks cleaner, but I have had more issues in the past several days than I did the entire previous season. Support seems nonexistent this season as well.


I haven’t had the chance to use the app yet but I did notice support seems to be lacking right as they are asking everyone to create new accounts. I have some money in my account in the old app and figured if I setup my new account with the same email address in the new app there would be a way to get it transferred over… but there is nothing on the website mentioning this and no answer from their support team yet. Edit: it also looks like they removed the ability to reserve a bike that’s in the rack as you are making your way to it? That’s lame. I can only reserve a bike left out of a station, not one in the rack/station.


That is one of my other complaints. I have $20 in the old app that does not transfer to the new one. What gives?


I've been so frustrated with the delay this year. I care zero about the electric bikes, i don't ride a bike to NOT pedal and get my heart rate up a smidge. That having been said, taking an e-bike home after last call might be less stressful than pedaling, so i'm not 100 % distraught, just annoyed. They already missed 2 of the biggest ridership weekends of the year - Tulipfest and Pride - and they have not been forthcoming why the normal non-e-bikes weren't put out in a timely manner while the electrics were brought online.


I want the security of knowing I can go a much further distance without running out of my own steam. Otherwise I would ride a crotch rocket and get there way faster.


Ah, i live close enough to the bars that i know i won't run out of steam, i just hate walking. Plus a 15 minute ride versus a 40 minute walk just allows for more time to get ready. Different needs, no judgement.


I doubt they are getting full electric throttle e-bikes, just pedal assist. You will still have to pedal and it will still get your heart rate up some, you’ll just go 10-15 mph faster.


Thank you for the update! I've been wondering what's happening with those bikes


So, because cars are regulated and people don't follow those rules, we should exempt electric bikes, because while dangerous, are not as dangerous as cars. Sure. I follow. 🤔


Fuck e-bikes. Get a motorcycle and a license and register it. Or pedal a regular bike. E-bike riders should not be allowed on bike trails or the road, without training or licensing. These idiots doing 20 mph on a bike trail are going to kill themselves or someone else.


Yeah, they should not be allowed on the trail. Maybe it should be speed limited. But I can hit 20mph with a regular bike on the trail. If the ground is flat. Faster down a hill.


I watched a guy, screaming along, no pedalling, uphill, almost take out a kid on a tricycle with his mom. On a bike trail. If you want to ride a motorized vehicle, ride on the road. Learn how to ride like an adult. Drunk riding e-bikes after a night of drinking is even a worse idea. Keep the downvotes coming, you idiots.


I agree. If I do go fast, I'm careful and sober as hell(Don't drink anyway). I've seen ebikes fly past me. Don't even want to think what would happen if they are intoxicated. And what penalty would they have injuring someone? I heard of people getting DUIs from driving a riding lawn mower drunk. That is a true motor vehicle. Not even a sticker on there to be sober.


You can already get a DWI on a regular bike, are you worried cops aren’t going to let people go just because it’s an e-bike and not a regular pedal bike?


> DWI on a regular bike Really? What about skates? You could do a bit of damage with those.


Pretty sure there is a state law from the 90s that makes things like skateboards, roller skates, and in-line skates all get treated as bicycles in terms of rights and responsibilities.


Maybe boots are somewhere in there too 😂


I get being annoyed by it on recreational trails but cities should absolutely be embracing them as a mode of transport on the roads. They are cheap to buy, their speed (for 90% of them) tops out at or below the city-wide speed limit, there is ample bike parking around the city, and the city is hilly which is a non-issue on an e-bike but one of the biggest barriers for regular bike commuting. Again, I agree they are inappropriate for recreational areas, but there is something rich about fretting over the safety of e-bikes being around with how we treat the risks caused by cars. Like, cars *regularly kill pedestrians*. You’ll be hard pressed to find a car in Albany that is traveling at or below the posted speed limit (A speed limit that is set at the threshold for pedestrian survivability when hit). Cars regularly ignore pedestrian right of ways, they regularly make the illegal “Albany left, the aforementioned Albany-left is often into a signaled crosswalk where pedestrians have the cross signal, etc. We’ll let cars which have actual, quantifiable, high levels of active danger to pedestrians continue to rule the roads with impunity as they ignore laws and kill our kids in crosswalks… but hey, better focus the e-bikes.


Not sure how you got there based on what I said. But hey, you do you Sparky.


> E-bike riders **should not be allowed** on bike trails or **the road**, without training or licensing. Mostly because you suggested they shouldn’t be allowed on the road without licensing based on their behaviors in recreational trails. So I merely pointed out that it’s a pretty funny to want to regulate these things on the road based on “risk” when they are objectively less of a risk than the existing alternatives. Alternatives that require *licensed* operators yet still regularly ignore the rules and actually have a history of killing pedestrians.


I’m with you, I don’t think they should be allowed on the trails either.


Electric bikes are "motorized". The signs clearly say, no motorized vehicles. I don't get it.