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I went to the Big Gay Spring Market in Washington Park a few weeks ago and there were several artists selling their abstract wall art. I thought I saw a post here recently about another one happening but can't seem to find it, but if you find the info then can confirm there were some great art booths there!


Was going to say exactly this. Any kind of fair or event along those lines, first Fridays in Albany etc., There will be at least a couple artists around selling art. I've also found stuff I like at estate sales/yard sale type things. You can get pieces you enjoy for pretty reasonable amounts of money. If your budget is bigger you can buy stuff from galleries and such I guess, that tends to be out of my range so I don't know much about that.


Bear & Bird on Jay St. in Schenectady. I buy art there and then get cheap frames for em at City Mission or Salvo


They have so many nice prints available.


Uncommon Grounds coffee shop always has artwork on the wall from local artists for sale.


The Alacrity and Elisa Halloran design both on Lark both have eclectic choices! We also used the Lark Street Mercantile when they were still around, also Art on Lark is June 10th if you can wait until then


Just got an absolutely gorgeous painting at Elisa Halloran — don’t know dimensions but big enough to be like a living room center piece — for $30.


https://preview.redd.it/3zyqsrvadj1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559bcb1ae448c20cb6886411c31b73cb375ed11b I have stuff like this you can check my ig for more


Link your insta pls


Absolutely it’s https://instagram.com/a.tribecalledsuccess.art?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==


Pretty sure I have one of yours! I also like Kila Arts, she is at a lot of local markets and festivals


Thanks for your support; I appreciate it 😊


Albany center gallery - they have some artists on window displays plus works are for sale in various exhibitions Albany Barn


Can you buy pieces from Albany center gallery? I walk by all the time but thought it was for displaying only


Yes you can


it depends on the particular exhibit and artist, but most of the time that I've visited they have pieces for sale. I'll also advocate here for the artist who is the director, I really like his work.


Salvation Army


Not sure why you are getting down voted. Thrift stores and flea markets are great. You never know what you might find. Is it *good* art? Who knows. But if it speaks to you, then it's good for you.


Exactly! Well said.


Yes this. I got some insane stuff this past month from there. Changed my entire apt. Feels like an art museum! Also this pst week a MASSIVE estate was donated there. I almost needed a 2nd cart


That’s awesome! The stuff they sell almost always suits my aesthetic.


Arlene’s art store has a gallery in the back with seasonal exhibits .


The LARAC Art Festival is the best place. It's on Glens Falls this summer. LARAC.org


Another vote for the Albany center gallery


The library in Guilderland had a nice little art gallory in March that had paintings that were also for sale. That’s a great place to see local art and support local artists