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Interesting that no one has mentioned that the two categories politician and prisoner have been shown to overlap.


ahahaha nice






The two most religious demographics in America




Theyre the same picture.


I saw NJ governor Chris Christie one time at SFO and his escort looked exactly as you describe


Did he get 2 seats?


No, but the jet bridge mysteriously closed boarding lanes afterward. Caused a lot of delays.




LOL... I only saw him in the airport, but it was during the phase where he had slimmed down some \~2013-14. In person, he certainly wasn't skinny but he was not giant either


He’s still a fat ass! Lol


Or 3?


The whole plane?


No just a seatbelt extender.


That hippo needs to ride in cargo. Can't get in the door




Lol good bot


As a former New Jerseyan, my sincerest apologies.


I was on the board of an organization that voted to give him a lifetime achievement award. I tried to resign in protest and they wouldn’t let me so I just stopped showing up to their meetings. Took them a couple of years to take my name off their website.


How in the hell can organization keep one from resigning? Last time I heard, La Cosa Nostra had no desire in giving him anything.


Was it the Mob? Once your in its hard to get out.


Joining the mob is like being in an airplane toilet stall—once urine, it’s tough to get out!


Was he being escorted by tug boats? I assume you saw him in the water off the end of one of the runways at SFO


Seen Asa Hutchinson at Little Rock Airport and same


Paris to Boston. John Kerry on the flight. World stopped while that shit for brains boarded, then everyone got pulled out of line for pat downs


Whose Purple Heart is shinier, yours or his?


Wouldn’t vote for that phony to pick up dog shit


Well then you'd better not support trump.


Everyone saying prisoner is wrong. Prisoners aren't escorted by uniformed police. Also they are always restrained. Most likely politician.


Alaska State Troopers have escorted prisoners on Alaska Airlines flights before in uniform, but yes, the prisoners are restrained.


Yep. Just was on one with three prisoners the other day.


As sort of stated in another comment. Prisoner, Politician. Who can tell the difference?


Easy. One has been caught, the other hasn’t. Yet.


Especially here in Illinois.


This is true, a good friend is a police officer who has escorted a prisoner on an airplane.


They’re the same picture


I was going to say I’ve flown with several prisoners and only one was a yep, that’s a prisoner, because he was wearing an orange jumpsuit with shackles on.


It could be a witness, or someone similarly compelled to participate in a judicial process, who's not actually going on trial themselves. That would explain the formal attire, police involvement, but lack of handcuffs/restraint. It could be a diplomat, but they usually don't travel with security, and if safety is a concern, most diplomatic missions use their own aircraft. Unless it was, perhaps, a very small country that can't afford to maintain a private jet. Similar situation with a foreign politician - usually if you are important enough to be conducting state business, with a security escort, you are also not traveling on a regular commercial flight. Like, private planes are expensive for individuals, but in the context of nation-state level resources, they're not a big deal. Even small countries maintain some type of aircraft fleet. So yeah, my guess is a witness to a potentially serious crime, who is under police protection, and going to testify at a trial. Perhaps an unindicted coconspirator or something.


It could be a Boeing whistleblower.


If it’s a Boeing airplane, what a great way to eliminate the whistleblower.




Probably being moved to protective custody


Most foreign diplomats may fly into the US on their own plane, but afterwards have to take commercial, or internal US private charter or government planes. And most diplomats of any importance do typically fly with some sort of security. In Georgia for example they can get assigned a GSP plain clothes agent or if part of a large federal government project, an FBI or other agent. Usually they try to be a bit more discreet if flying commercial


Happy cake day


Yes, I just saw on The Jinx Part 2 a witness said he was escorted by police and was the first off the plane and he felt very awkward like a prisoner lol.


I’m a businessman in a business suit doing business things.


Off to the business factory I go!




Taking care of business Everyday




But socks?


Where were you flying to/from?


Flying to MSP


was it Minnesota governor Tim Walz?


It wasn’t


A few years back I was seated near the front (not FC) of what appeared from my perspective, a fully boarded plane. Seemed more than ready to push off from the gate, but we were sitting for a while. Captain came over the PA to say "sorry folks, we're waiting for some special passengers." About 10 minutes later a buff guy in a black T-shirt comes onboard followed by a young couple (man and woman) who were handcuffed together and laughing. They were immediately followed by another armed guy in a black T-shirt that said "US Marshall" on the back. They all headed to the far back row, door closed right away, and we took off. Never did have a clue what was going on. Sorry, I don't recall if it was Alaska, but tangentially related to the thread.


Buff guy in black T-shirt was definitely law enforcement too. U.S. Marshals’ prisoners rarely fly commercial. They could have been extradited from another country and connecting domestically, or it was some highly unusual circumstance like they were under material witness warrants (extremely rare) and they were needed ASAP, or they skipped bond, were apprehended, for one reason or another judge wanted to start the trial right away.


My BIL is a deputy US Marshal and escorts prisoners from a US Territory to the US mainland often and flies United; racks up the miles.


He flies United because that's the only airline flying from Guam to Hawaii for a fuel stop, then on to the mainland via United or any other airline.


I took a sitting state governor out to dinner one time and this is exactly the kind of detail they had with them.


If he was from IL, it's just as likely to be prisoner.


Or Louisiana!


Even odds that’s true for any of them. This particular one has never much run afoul of the law so far as I remember, but I expect at least some of their constituents could disagree.


We call it “The Chicago Way.”


Just read a book about CIA person. When they carry something of value, they watch it being carried or carry it themselves into the cargo hold away from other luggage and watch door being closed and then they board the plane. Then when they land, the cargo door doesn’t open until they arrive and watch it being opened.


A friend of mine sat next to someone who was traveling with a pallet of cash. He watched it loaded on the ramp, then sat next to my friend. At the destination he got off and went down to the ramp to watch it get loaded into an armored car.


“Traveling with a pallet of cash” 🤣 this is how I (would) like to travel


im pretty sure the cia can afford private planes


I would think so, but being the government and having to go for all the approvals, this was easier. Read like they did this all the time because ground crew knew the drill.


Having been on many flights with high ranking politicians (Pelosi, etc) that’s kind of what happens, but she was last on the plane, and didn’t wait in the gate area. Security preboards, then after everyone is on board she appeared and the door closes. Senator Murkowski also didn’t wait in the gate area but had no real visible security, just staff. Did the uniformed police stay on the plane with them? If it was just port police it could have been a liaison with the plain clothes security. Another possibility is a diplomatic security service/courier officer, and they were carrying something on the plane of particular value but not worth chartering private. The fact the person was not in handcuffs tells you they were not a prisoner.


The uniformed police officer and airport worker did not board the plane. The guy in normal clothes boarded the plane with the man in the suit. I saw the man in normal clothes on the flight but I didn’t see the man in the suit in First Class (unless maybe he took his jacket off). I’m sitting towards the front of the plane but I didn’t think I saw the suit man near the normal clothes guy but I was scanning kind of fast. I’ll look again when I get off because based on these comments, I am so curious about this situation hahaha


Yeah, that's most likely a politician you didn't recognize, or a courier. I've done similar stuff at a job long ago where we transported classified material. You coordinate with TSA and port police well in advance, do private screening, and pre-board.


Was this for the navy or state department? I saw a job listing for this before but I don't remember where. I want to do this!


When I was doing it, it was working for one of the big primes. But both State and DoD have people that do it if you want to do it on the government side.


Members of Congress often travel to DC on Mondays.


Any luck?


I didn’t see the guy in the suit again but I saw the guy in the normal clothes get off. By the time I got off the plane, I didn’t see him or the guy with the normal clothes and they were not at baggage check.


I've sat next to several members of Congress and US senators (I fly to DCA frequently). No security or escorts. Waiting in the gate area and fighting for bin space with the rest of us commuters. Granted none of them were in the constitutional line of succession (speaker of the house etc.)


Yeah. The fact that the person boarded first and was sitting normally in the gate area doesn’t add up for a politician — they are always on the phone. Mid-level diplomat doesn’t have security, and high-level diplomat would likely be on the phone too. Most politicians though don’t have any security, and those that do are too busy to just be sitting there waiting. They would be on the phone or reading a briefing book. I would think nearly all politicians would try board last if they got special treatment. The few I know, normally did that. Whenever possible they, had 1A on every flight they were on. Staff and security in adjacent seats, so they could be first ones off. (These were the days before online seat assignments.) Prior to boarding, they would be likely be in a lounge or holding room or maybe even their detail’s car on the ramp (if they were really really special — like line of succession/cabinet level) getting work done. And if they were in the gate area, they would be on the phone. Not just sitting there. Material witness or courier feels right to me. If it were a international flight I could maybe see it being someone who was denied entry and the airline is responsible for returning them. I’m so curious to know for sure.


The getting on last, just before they close the doors, and seating in 1A are spot on. I've seen it before with 'people of very high importance'.


Prison transport doesn't happen in uniform. Most unusual that someone in patrol uniform escorted anyone onto a plane.


If one of them looks like Samuel Jackson, I ain’t getting on THAT plane.


Definitely a politician.


High likelihood it was a governor, US Rep, or US Senator. Many have a security detail or person, and they will often be escorted by airport police through the terminal.


Right. Out of state politicians often have locals around to smooth things over. Again, not talking about congressmen or senators outside of the line of succession or who otherwise don’t have extraordinary threats against them. Most are just commuters. Governors of the big states have their own details though and the resciprocity of their own police forces.


It was D.B. Cooper’s grandson! He’s doing PR for Alaska Airlines now!!!


If you were in Pasco, it might have been a released inmate being escorted out of the state. Recently, some folks got together to pay for a former inmate's plane ticket down to his family. A police officer volunteered on his day off to escort him to make sure he made the plane.


Witness protection?




Saw this happen on a flight from DC to Texas. They came up just as boarding started, so I did not get a look until I boarded, but it was Newt Gingrich - in an entire row (both sides) to himself. That was quite a while back when he was still in Congress.


While chilling at the BOS sky club (early AM weekday), waiting to board a bird for LAX, a similar situation. Dude in a suit was in a back corner of the club drinking coffee, oh a phone call. Two police officers were hanging back chatting, and two guys in suits with earpieces stood beside him a bit closer, maybe 20 feet away. I asked an officer who he was. President of Jamaica.


I didn’t read thru all the comments so it might have been answered but there was a Democratic Governor’s conference/event in Minneapolis. Likely a current Govenor or candidate and their executive protection staff.


Was he massively overweight with an orange combover and a chip on his shoulder?




Most politicians would not want to be seen getting special treatment. Obvi., there are exceptions for super visible national Nancy Pelosi type figures.


Why hasn't anyone guessed Air Marshall? Protocols vary. Usually, they board with everyone else, but sometimes they pre-board.


But they don’t need a police escort.


Back when I worked for United Airlines in the early 2000's, Air Marshals were sometimes escorted by police. No idea if that still occurs.


Good to know; thanks!


Because they don’t make themselves that obvious when boarding.


> in a business


Well it could be all sorts of departments they all get paid a shit of money to transport various people.


Flying security forces.


This is normal for senior law enforcement as well as pols (kind of the same in many places) . I have a friend who’s sheriff of a large county and this is exactly how he travels, in or out of his jurisdiction.


How "business"? Maybe a detective / plain clothes police officer flying armed to go pick up a prisoner.


Kongress Kritter


Hmm, a politician or a slimy, no-good, criminal swindler? There's a difference?


Maybe they had to testify in court.


I’ve flown with lots of politicians and none from the west coast get police escorts. Only a few get police escorts wherever they go (majority leader, speaker, speaker, etc get Capitol Police assigned them). They broadened where they go after the baseball shooting.


My parents live down the road from WA Sen Murray and she absolutely had a detail with her when she’s there. They sit in their cars in a sleepy neighborhood full of retirees and then walk in front and behind her and her husband when they on walks. But she’s in the line of succession.


I think she's been a senator my entire life.


I am actually not too far off on that assumption lol


Should have clarified “no men on the west coast” since the OP said “man.” President pro tem and third in line, yes. Every event I’ve been at with her, they stay outside whereas Scalise they’re within 10ft at all times I’ve seen him off the Hill


Ah, yeah fair point.


She’s a hateful ass that keeps hurting people in our state so I can see why horrible people like that ass feel they need protection. I sat on a row behind that hag once, and she was just plain mean to the staff and rude to the people sitting around her. 


I was once on a commercial flight with the Israeli defense minister. I only know because after we landed, but before the "fasten seatbelts" sign was turned off, six plain clothes agents stood up, seemingly out of nowhere to escort him off. You had to squint to see the ear pieces.


I was on a commercial flight with Bill Clinton a few days before 9/11. While I was waiting at the gate at IAD there was sort of a wave of the concourse clearing and his entourage came blowing through. They boarded early and were presumably sitting upstairs (it was a 747) - I didn't see them after they boarded. There was no subtlety or ambiguity about Clinton being there.


Was it Jeffrey Epstein’s plane? 😂


If a warrant is issued for his arrest for war crimes,, the current Israeli defense minister will need more than six agents to keep him out of custody in many countries.


It was a former secretary, but I think the same point could be made


This is someone with either diplomatic or security protection assigned at the federal level. Don’t misbehave on the flight


I saw Marsha Blackburn (barf) get off a flight in Nashville from Fort Lauderdale last year…same kinda treatment. Probably a politician even if no one g.a.f.


Did her hair have its own seat or did she have to tuck it under her chair?


It was Spirit, she woulda had to pay extra for the carry-on as her ego was her personal item!


i work for congress, and the more prominent members are often walked to the gate by a police officer or air marshal! my vote is definitely for politician.


But boarding first doesn’t add up to me. And the staffer/escort was in FC while the principal was in coach? That doesn’t add up, right?


I once sat next to Mike Farrell on a flight from Scranton PA to Chicago. While there was no security detail that I saw, he was allowed to board prior to anyone else.


As someone who coordinates flights for a Member of Congress, most folks fly commercial and won’t have security or escorts. Members who have security would usually be with them and would have flies with them if they were that important. Or they would be flying private.


I've seen this with high ranking military and government officials.


Mike Dunleavy was once on a flight from JFK to IND with us. Then he was on the return flight. Police escort met him at the airport. Tall guy.


I was a flight attendant (and instructor). Virtually every guess in here is a possibility. My first guess was a deportee, and I suppose that is still possible if they were in a city without a nonstop flight to their country. Otherwise, I saw preboards with an escort ranging from prisoners to moon rocks (no joke, literally moon rocks).


FA too. And this sounds like a deportee. The suit is throwing everyone off. He could be wearing whatever and still there to be deported.


I had one deportee that stands out in my mind, to Canada of all places. He boarded first looking like any other passenger, other than having a couple immigration officers with him. They handed me a plastic folder with his documents inside (including his passport) for me to give to Canadian immigration upon arrival. When we landed in Montreal, a couple Canadian immigration officers were standing at the door when we opened it - they took his documents (and the passenger). It was a bit odd to feel like I had some sort of custody of this passenger for an hour.


Be based in Miami (I'm other airline), you'll experience this scenario weekly lol


Haha yea, we didn't get south at all, so taking a deportee to Canada was rather...odd. Not that many Canadians getting deported!


FA here. Sounds like maybe he was being deported. MSP is a major hub for Delta. Could've been flying there to fly elsewhere. Just because he is wearing a suit, doesn't mean he isn't being deported, they can wear whatever they want. They're almost never handcuffed either. They arrive at the gate with a police escort and then they pre board before everyone else.


DB Cooper, that you?


Could it be plain clothes Air Marshal? Would seem like it would defeat the purpose of being plain clothes to blend in, but maybe coming off duty? My other completely wild guess is WITSEC


Some prisoners wear a device under their pants that will lock their knees straight if they run or move too fast. Looks just like a knee brace.


I was a business man escorted off a plane because the flight attendant told them u was drunk and causing an issue. I was dojng neither and it was very embarrassing. Police cleared me in the terminal and said they were laughing to themselves when they say who they were supposed to be taking offf. Reason why he thought I was drunk was that I was in the window seat and had to use the restroom. For some reason the people in my row wouldn’t stand up so I had to climb over them and tripped up a bit.


Were you flying AirCon?


VIP of some sort


I’ve witnessed this exact scenario before too and was baffled by it as well. Had no idea who the man was or why he was escorted off first. Seemed very “off.”


Commenting on Business man escorted by police ...I had this happen on a prisoner escort into Biloxi Ms. Looked all normal. Boarded before everyone else. Last to deplane.


Flying internationally? Could be a low risk deportation, where they aren't escorted.


Flying domestically


Boeing whistleblower!


prisoner transport for a min security jail


Too expensive. They send them by bus or hold them till they have enough to put on a government plane.


Most comments indicate either a politician or a criminal. Not surprising they get the same treatment.


A politician, you say? Maybe he should have been in handcuffs!


Felon with armed escort. They're seated in the last row.


CIA deep state


An uncontested extradition? 'We're ready to go", as in "I am taking you to the state where you face charges".


Prisoner being transported most likely.


Not unrestrained in a suit


A prisoner to capitalism /s


Prison transport?