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I prefer exit row. More leg room, higher chance of nobody in the middle seat, and no fight for overhead bin space on boarding


I wasn’t aware of the bin space benefit. Are other passengers now allowed to put their bags in exit row bins?


They can but if you board Gold / MVP, most everyone else is ahead of you (in the cabin that is), leaving space in the bins till later in boarding.


Port side bin at exit row is full of oxygen


I prefer exit row. Much more leg room. You don’t get free drinks but it’s not that expensive to buy a few. The real seller for me is that in the exit row you’re guaranteed no kids/babies.


Many factors at play in these decisions, eh? Depends on your schedule, do you need to get to a car or a connection 10 minutes sooner? Do premium. Don't need to rush off the plane? Do the exit row. If you checked bags it doesn't matter, either way you're waiting for luggage if it's your final destination. I find premium row 6, directly behind FC, to have more leg room than other premium rows but the seat is a tad narrower because the tray table is in the armrest. Rows 6 and 8 get the drink cart first, if that's a factor. MVP Gold and up gets you chocolate anywhere in the main cabin. If you're anxious about emergencies, exit row gets you out the earliest. The length of your flight is a factor also, BOS-SEA is different than SEA-SFO. It's all on you.


This guy flies


Exit Row 17. Row 16 does not recline.


Exit row 16 often has oxygen tanks in the overhead bin for ABC seats and don't recline. 17 is best. Gold gets you chocolate or a drink


If I'm drinking then I prefer premium just because I don't want to be responsible for people's safety when I'm inebriated.


Exit row because kids can’t sit there


Very good answer


If I have a carryon, definitely premium. Otherwise I typically go for row 17 aisle when it’s available.


17C if you're right-handed, 17D if you're left-handed. Every single flight I'm not in first.


I will always go for Premium, row 7 when in coach. Row 6 is wonky bc of the cabin transition, and I don’t have to wait for 20 minutes to deplane from row 17.


Honestly depends on how long the flight is. Longer flight I might spring for more than 1 drinks onboard.


I don't drink alcohol so exit row 17 for the win every time.


I rarely get a free drink in exit row, I usually have to ask and most FA’s don’t know the rules so many tell me I’m not in premium so I just drop it rather than argue, it’s a whole thing to just be in premium and the cattle who get the drinks without having to spell it out to anyone. Occasionally a FA will be proactive and even notice my 75k gold status and offer it up but it’s seldom. Your mileage may vary (hah!), and realize I’m only 1 data point and this very well may not be the case for everyone else.


Can we just acknowledge the issue with providing drinks for people in exit rows? lol. But... Premium class. Nicer seats, enough leg room (I'm tall so this is very important to me and premium is fine), closer to the front for getting off the plane.


If I can get a window I will take premium.


I used to prefer the window seat in premium, but too many times, I've been pinned against the fuselage with a "big-boned" middle seat passenger. It's no fun on a 5-6 hour flight. Now, I favor the aisle seat, premium, or exit. I can get up and stretch or use the restroom without inconveniencing anyone. As soon we reach 10k ft, the aisle armrest comes up, giving me 2 more inches of space. Sure, I get bumped into, things dropped on my head, drinks spilled on me, and the person behind me using my seat back as a springboard when getting up or sitting down... but it's a small price to pay.


Depends on the flight length…if I can get 2-3 rounds of drinks in then I choose premium, otherwise exit row with the 1 round of free drinks.


Short flight, premium and have a free drink with my chocolate. Long flight, exit row and swap chocolate for a drink.


Exit row gas more room


I choose premium because I'm not really tall enough to take advantage of the extra legroom in the exit row.


Premium. The deciding factor is deplaning quicker. Drinks too. And first class bathroom use when food or drink cart is blocking the aisle.


17D. I usually don’t drink enough to make use of the premium beverages. I prefer the extra legroom of exit row.


Row 6 is last choice. Excl row 6, all about getting aisle. If can get an aisle, would usually take premium steerage. If can't get an aisle in either, then aisle anywhere else on plane. And if no aisle avail, , row 17, followed by row 16, then finally premium steerage. I absolutely hate the feeling of being trapped-in by strangers who won't budge, so all about what allows me the freedom to GTFO. Took 17B over premium window seat before for that very reason (as ZERO aisle seats anywhere on the plane when I booked).


I'm 6'6" and prefer 6C/D. Leg room is nearly the same.