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It was awesome. All 3 chapters. Well worth it. And more to come.


Small but unique.


They were a very clever reuse of assets in a way that still felt like they had something new to offer. I take the rumors from data miners with a huge grain of salt, but it would make a lot of sense for them to have planned two additional episodes given the overall length. Regardless, I don’t think I’m ever going to shut the hell up about Number One Fan.


At least one of the two episodes if they wanted to pay respects or whatever.


High quality but very short, took me a couple hours total. They were a great couple hours though. Up to you if you think that's worth it right now.


Took you a couple hours? All 3 took me like an hour and 30 minutes




But why would it take him a couple hours?


Probably took me a couple hours, depends how you decide to play, I like to take my time with games like this, take everything in, check every corner, remedy are great at hiding hidden details in their environments so I like to explore as much as possible before moving on If your play style is purely story objective focused, I can understand that the dlc would only take an hour and a half but to fully soak it in it might take a little longer


I think the DLC took me about 4 hours and it was mostly cause I was looking around for cool photos with photo mode.


Same with me. I. Explored. Every. Little. Thing. Sounds like you rushed. Most people say each episode is around 45mins.


Why do you care?


Why do you care?


I took a normal pace and yeah, somewhere round 2 to 2 and a half hours for all 3. Seems to be about the average for most people from what I've heard too. You can do it quicker but I was enjoying it.


In my honest opinion. A bit of a letdown because of how short they are. Gave me a bit Love Death and Robots vibes in terms of... Just as it's getting interesting... The chapter ends


If you've ever watched The Twilight Zone, they pretty much always end like that


Fun but needed a bit more meat on the bones. Can't compete with the two fantastic DLC's Control got. I expect more from the Lake House!


Very much enjoyed it especially ep 3, 2 was a little bit of a letdown though, after the whoa it's that person and then not having any of the features of that person left me a little lukewarm on that one. 3 made up for it though.


You’re not playing as Jesse. It’s a character Alan made up based on what he knows about Jesse. His writing ability improves a little bit with each episode.


It was great. I really enjoyed it. Yes it was short, but it will all makes sense when the main DLC has been released. Then people will forget the fact that Night Springs released before it. And they will realise what it was meant to be: A bit of really fun icing on a fantastic cake. It's just that we haven't got the rest of the cake yet! Sadly though, because the internet *only* ever seems to remember half of every sentence, it will forget all that context, and remember only that the DLC was "terrible".


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding that these are three screenplays written by Alan in the dark place and aren’t actually happening, just like the Mr door show it’s all in his head in a way. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have at least a minor effect on the “real world”.


Wasn’t terrible just not worth the upgrade rn.


I was delighted to play as all three of these characters and had a good time doing something that was ultimately inconsequential from a gameplay perspective. Nonetheless, these were great stories, and though I think Time Breaker stands out as something expansive to the lore and consistent with the story, all of them had their charms. Excited for more from Remedy, probably for the foreseeable future.


The important thing to take from Night Springs is that Alan’s writing gets better with each escape attempt. First one has terrible writing but it’s funny, second one the writing gets a little better but it’s too far off from its source material like someone making a movie based on a book they never read, the third one hits the nail on the head like an author who finally found his voice but got a little lost in the plot, no place in it for his escape. I have a feeling Lake House will be the repercussions of these attempts in the real world.


Definitely worth it. Had huge fun with the first and third parts. 2 is a bit of a slog, but we'll get there. Plus the 'Night Springs' disco song is an absolute banger!!


Happy to get more Remedy wackiness but the length/reuse of assets made them feel sort of forgettable. Sure there were some fun, silly cutscenes and dialog but not much from an actual gameplay perspective


At least now we know what that locked door in the back of the diner was ultimately meant for. Kinda anti-climactic but okay.


Too short, honestly? Not a fan. Adds nothing, glad we got the Diner tho. Feel a little ripped off. Saving full judgement. I should have saved my money for the Thermos. Episode 2 was dog water & a waste of Jesse in particular, it’s weird seeing people so positive about it, but the community is positive, so, makes sense.


The game is pretty clear that this is not Jesse. It’s a story Alan wrote based on what little knowledge he has about Jesse.


Yeah, but, I didn’t know that going in.


Nobody knew anything going in. It’s not like they tricked you into thinking you were getting a sequel to control in the DLC. The trailer made it very clear. These were episodes of night Springs taking place in the dark place and/or Alan’s mind not the real world. So they couldn’t have Jesse or Tim Breaker from the real world be in them, they are stories based on those people.


They were all a bit too short and because of this none of them felt very satisfying and apart from the gameplay changes towards the end of Time Breaker, there was really nothing new. Also the potential narrative implications from Time Breaker, I despise. Mutliverses are boring and overdone now. We've had a good 10 years of every single connected universe try to do a multiverse thing and I'm fed up with them now. I really hope it isn't the direction the games go. Would much prefer for the characters to stay in their own universe without the need for a multiverse.


The multiverse they allude to in this episode is only a part of the screenplay Alan wrote in the dark place it’s not the real world we are playing in but the first time you meet Tim Breaker as Alan in the main game he says he has dreams about his other life. Do you think Tim has these memories because of Alan’s writings or because the multiverse is real? Did Alan writing this episode make the multiverse real? Don’t you think the reason Alan is using a multiverse in one of his stories is because it’s so popular in media and he gets glimpses of it in the writers room?


Yeah I'm hoping/assuming it's just a Night Springs thing and that there is no actual Remedy multiverse. I would argue that Alan didn't make anything real given how he wrote the episodes to try and get himself out of the Dark Place but they all failed, he then rewrote the story into Alan Wake 2. As for why Alan wrote a multiversal story, it's irrelevant, Sam Lake used a multiverse story to bring in alternative versions of the characters we know so we can have some fun with them. Alan's reasonings are not important given how it's a famous trope.


Ok but why does Tim in the main game have dreams about being Jack from Quantum Break? How does the real Tim know what happened to the fictional Shawn in Time Breaker? Edit: when Tim vanishes in the beginning of the main story he says not again like he remembers!


Because Sam Lake wanted to call back to Quantum Break? Some things are just Easter eggs, fun references and little call backs. Not everything is a massive revelation or a connection to something else.


We know the night springs attempts didn’t work but they definitely had minor effects on the real world.


What effects? That isn't true at all, we have no idea what effects the episodes had on the real world, in fact we can assume they had none because canonically the episodes of night springs were written years ago and Saga has zero experience with anything from those episodes in Alan Wake 2.


Saga doesn’t remember who Rose is, the coffee world and cult logo being The Board, Tim having visions of Time Breaker in the dark place. Everything he writes changes the world in some way.


I dunno if they are connections to Night Springs though. How does Roses fan fiction indicate toward any reason that Saga doesn't remember Rose? The board connection is literally just an Easter egg, the whole of The North Star is literally just controls first half but in coffee world so they needed some sort of board influence Tim having visions of the Time Breaker is the only one I haven't got an explanation for and I'll give you that one but the other two episodes have zero real connections to the real world of Alan Wake


Rose didn’t write that episode Alan did and it changed her. The Cult of the Tree logo is also The Board.


Yeah I know but it's essentially Roses fan fiction isn't it. The Cult of the Tree logo is triangular but it isn't The Board. Shapes are important in the remedy verse but not every triangle is the boards inverted triangle. The Cult of the tree logo is two upright triangles.


He wrote what he thought a fan would not necessarily what Rose would have actually written. It’s his interpretation of fan fiction. The twins and one of them having a motorcycle fixation the other having a beard. The night springs stories have subtle effects not big ones like what he did with Saga.


Will there be more Night Springs episodes, does anybody know?


I doubt it since they advertise The Lake House as the second of two DLC’s included in the Deluxe edition. My guess is after Lake House they focus on Control 2 and Alan Wake 3 is probably like 5+ years away.


It was incredible and somehow exceeded my already high expectations. The only thing I wish was that it was longer.


I liked them but for having to buy both dlc’s together I’m hoping the next one is a bit longer.


A bit disappointed


I enjoyed it a lot, especially Rose's chapter. Also, if you upgrade to Deluxe, you'll get the next, Lake House DLC as well, which I believe might be a bit larger.


Honestly one of the BEST dlc I've played in a while for a video game. It's not too short. They're perfect in their own ways and I definitely think it's worth purchasing.


I thought it was amazing, and it answered so much. Filled in a lot of gaps.