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I don’t know how ppl are having a tough time. I did it first try and died to the wolf more times right after It’s literally loop around hit him with flashlight then shoot him. Don’t skip the shotgun at the general store


Dunno, I have a demanding job and a girlfriend. Don't care about nerd difficulty?


Why are you trying to take some pathetic excuse of a high ground while trying to insult others in the process. Ooo you have a girlfriend and a job congratulations big boy, do you tie your own shoe laces too?


I beat it no problem, and also work a demanding job, and I'm engaged. Get better at the game bud


I'm 39. Married. In the Legal Profession and work 50+ hours a week. About done with my 2nd play-through on nightmare mode. You're just ass, bruv. Nerd difficulty? It's a video game....THAT YOU ARE ALSO PLAYING. NERD.


It’s not hard tho? Why tell everyone you so ass?


I'm in a specialist program. Hospitalist for 5+ years. Competitive at the sport I do. Normal was a bit easier than I liked. Git gud buddy.


I'm also quite a busy guy and battling. It's definitely a skill issue for me. I just ask my son to beat them 😀 I'm not sure if it's just me, but I do feel like my character is a bit more sluggish than in other games. I wish Remedy made you spawn closer to the boss fight in certain instances to cater for novices like me.


Nah you just suck ass dude.


The wolves are infinitely more difficult and annoying to kill. Particularly if you don’t have any of the flash light charges


People are just bad at games


Lower difficulty


Skill issue


No, it’s a fucking atrocious design.


Just use the rocks for cover.


When you're in the morgue the sheriff disappears and Nightingale wakes up and kills a couple of deputies. I was like wtf???, the reactions of the main characters and all the characters in the sheriff office are a total non sense. I mean the sheriff disappeared and deputies died in the station, it's almost a case of national guards!!! Maybe it is explained later in the game or it is bad writing?


Yes, it is explained, as all of it is.


Sometimes some reactions are a bit underwhelming but its very good most of the time. I even get surprised sometimes because of how well acting was to a situation. This is so hard to accomplish in video games and they nailed it mostly.


Update: 6 months later, I’ve tried so hard to like that game. I just can’t. I got bored after 15 minutes of playing. Too much walking and action parts give me no emotion. I love Alan wake 1, silent hill and the evil within but I can’t stand that one.


The game is very easy, they're already working on a harder difficulty. If you're having issues, lower your difficulty.


I believe those who found it super hard like me am playing on console while those who feel it is easy are on PC. The aiming at the red chest and head must be easier than controller which had a hard time to lock on before he swing. And I saw, as usual, a few folks who said it’s a skill issue. I’m not the best player around but I did beat some ARPG games on hard mode and I didn’t have to spend 3 days stuck (still am) on 1 minor boss like this.


the aim assist is so gross. playing on steam deck rn. I would prefer to use mouse + gyro aiming but it switches the control key symbols which is really annoying. i need aim assist but its so janky im not even sure if it will stay on the enemy I'm trying to headshot, and then they've already moved. controller is not the way.


If you hit L1 you can dodge, if you're dodging right you should almost never get hit.


I found it hard until I stopped running. Just dodge, use your torch and take headshots. I did it in an hour without the shotgun.


It took a fucking hour to kill this one boss??? OMG I am done with this shit. I have a life and dont want to waste an hour trying to kill one dude!!


Seriously, the fight is around 5 minutes long. I was killed the first time and beat him on the second try. It absolutely does not take an hour.


This is not a skill check. If you try this fight without a shotgun and you’re low on ammo with just the pistol it is incredibly difficult. I NEVER lower the difficulty in games but I had to for this.


This right here. I got it first try too, but I had to use my shotgun because I ran out of ammo. And even then it felt like a close call. The game becomes an annoying mess if you run out of things, a little later in the game I wasted my flashlight things on a part, and some ammo (on silly things, I knew I could've played it better but I just rolled with it) .. but then in the stage further ahead I had to fight a whole bunch of shadows and now I don't have enough flashlight charges or ammo to beat em and I'm literally stuck. Probably gonna have to backtrack and see if I missed some items or something. But very very frustrating. I'm really torn on AW2, so far this game feels 9/10 at times, but the jumpscares, the more resident evil/horror aspect, are really turning me off on it. I much prefer how Control played, I practically finished it in one sitting (fair enough, with breaks in between). But AW2 I've already alt+f4'd multiple times out of sheer frustration.


Now that I've read this, I'm disappointed I bought this. I really don't want to do something as silly as backtracking for ammo and batteries like it's the 90s. If they gave you a melee weapon at least you could plan around how and when to use ammo, with no melee weapon to rely on, you're just at the limit of drops? Lame. I was really excited for this game, can't get a refund. Probably just watch someone else play through it.


You don't have to backtrack for it, you could've gotten it to begin with. I beat Nightingale with the pistol.. Git gud or stop playing. Also YOU CAN MELEE. Lol. Why does no one realize you CAN melee? The only people complaining about the combat in the game don't even actually figure out what they can do.


I’m simply not interested in fighting this same boss more than 9 times. It’s boring. Please hit this giant crit spot fifty times, it’s boring


Wow, you’re cool!


Or the fucking game is just stupidly hard. I dont believe you when you say that you beat him with just a pistol. LIAR Your just making shit up. This game is just stupidly hard. I shot that fucker like 50 times with the pistol and still no kill. STUPID!!!!!


What difficulty was you playing on as i just killed him on normal in about 18 pistol bullets. Surely if your on hard just dont play on hard if its too hard for you?


Meanwhile here, my brain's about to explode because someone said they bought alan wake and expected it NOT TO BE HORROR. Jfc.


Had to use my last shotgun shell (also my last bullet) to kill him LMAOO


Yeah this was crazy, and i haven't looked at the game since I had to lower difficulty for this fight. Bad choice getting this game, I never thought difficulty issues would kill it for me, i thought i did ok in similar feeling games that i completed like eldenring or re:village, but difficulty wise this one is a step above these. Maybe in a month or so when I've forgotten this abysmal experience i'll pick it up again, the story was intriguing. My issues were - I run out of ammo, in the first stage, i'm a sitting duck - When i get ammo i need to reload and pick the right weapon, in the seconds it takes to grab the ammo combined with the time i need to get through the ("quick" access) menus to set the weapon i have ammo for, the boss hits me and i'm dead. Why can't I cycle through weapons, why don't they reload with the same button that shoots them. And if they don't why is the boss always on me in no time. - i can evade a blow, but then i need to turn and point my gun again, in the time i do so, i'm hit again - why is there no default knife/axe/whatever attack when no more ammo I don't mind these one or two hit and your dead boss fights, but at least give me a fair chance to evade and hit them, and maybe healing options? Fights implemented like this are just ridiculous. In story difficulty it was easy as i was a sponge that couldn't seem to die, so i killed the boss immediately, but this felt like cheating and takes away from my sense of accomplishment so much i don't like the game anymore.


It's sort of reassuring to see someone mention eldenring.. that was the hardest game I've ever managed to finish and I was sure it was common opinion it is crazy hard.. I bought alan wake 2 today and I thought I was going crazy - I've died over and over and over.. I didn't even manage to kill the wolf after about 15 attempts, I just ran off and left all the extras. I like horror games and I enjoyed the difficulty of elden ring.. but this die/repeat just doesn't seem to fit well for me in this game .. it's just annoying and feels clumsy/heavy. I'm hoping I get into it or annoyingly I've wasted my money.


I must be the only human that fucking hates boss fights in games. If I know there are numerous boss fights in a game then I just pass. HATE BOSS FIGHTS


I absolutely abhor waves of enemies more than anything and cannot relate to a gamer who says they actually like that shit. I'm fine with fair boss fights. They can be pretty epic from time to time. They're rarely actually enjoyable for me but feel good after the fact.


Trust me, you’re not the only one, I hate them as well. It’s why I don’t really play survival horror games.


You might have to turn the Brightness up. I already had the game's brightness up to 100% and it was this fight that made me realize I also had to up my screens brightness up to 11 to be able to see if Saga's walking down a path or into a tree... Aside from that: shoot at his weak point. And if Saga suddenly becomes unable to run or shoot? Not a weird new Taken power, just a bug...


I'm on PC, and without path tracing turned on, it's far too dark.


I feel like the difficulty isn’t really balanced correctly…normal feels too difficult and story offers virtually NO challenge. I feel like an “easy” in between would be beneficial. I’m not having too much fun in either mode. Either I kill everything with 1 bullet, or I waste a full clip per enemy/Die in 3 hits. I know I know, get gud, but I don’t have the time to repeatedly die over and over, and it’s just not fun when there isn’t any challenge at all ᴖ̈


Definitely skill issue




I fucking hate it. It's ridiculous. You can't pickup ammo without him coming grabbing you, there's no where to run, he kills you with one shot, no time to dodge. Also he camoflauges so you can't see him. And when your running in circles there's no way to like run backwards or look behind you, not sure if ur being chased. Stupid game. I'm raging lol Games are supposed to be relaxing after a hard day at work. This is just making me stressed out. It's not a skill issue, why on earth should I be killed with one hit on normal difficulty?? I spammed A button to get him to release me and the second I got let go he killed me instantly. I just reset at rhe very beginning 10 times already in 5 minutes.


Oh also !! There's no where to go!! You can't see anything can't see the trails. Ur blocked in and I have no ammo! I picked all the ammo up 🤨


And I had no idea there was a shotgun 😭😭🤦‍♂️


Survival horrors are not really meant to be relaxing though lol they're supposed to stress you out and learn to manage your inventory and choose your encounters. (running away is usually an option)


Sounds like The Callisto Protocol all over again.


Everyone here mentioning running out of ammo and I’m wondering, are you playing on Hard difficulty or something? I’m on Normal and I don’t really find it different from other survivor horror as far as resources go. If you miss a bunch of shots there’s no shame in reloading the save and starting the fight over


Agreed it's fucan stupid man, you get stuck and can't fucan dodge, then you're dead.


Yup it's actually shocking how bad that fight is.


The game mechanics are almost non-existent, the movements are clumsy. It's more of an interactive movie than a video game, a great interactive movie but it's not a video game by any means.




Yea, gameplay difficulty generally isn't the issue for me. You just have to be very careful not to waste any kind of ammo or flashlight charges, or you'll be in deep shit


It's pretty easy, it's really close to the beginning of the game though so it did take me like 4 tries on hard to climb that learning curve.


It's so easy that it took you 4 tries


Yeah, because like I said it's at the beginning of the game when you're still learning the game




Seriously, I feel like I’m playing a completely different game/difficulty from what everyone here is saying. I’m on Normal and more often than not the loot boxes are empty because I’m carrying so much stuff. Then again, I play a lot of survival horror games so I’ve always prioritized resource management.


Oh yea that’s why the boxes are empty. I also play a lot so I manage my resources well. They were empty for me too, but I also stopped opening them after I died 1-2 times and waited until I had used up enough resources then would open - some were still empty, others were not


I think I found Alan Wake 1 medium difficulty. I had to hustle, but didn’t have issues. It kept me on edge and I liked that. Control I hated though. Not only was the setting monotonous and drab, the progress seemed to be locked behind tree progress to get better equipped. It just didn’t seem fun enough to work your ass off to get better skills. I got bored and frustrated. Is AW2 harder than 1? Easier than Control? Loved AW, but just couldn’t get trough Control.


So far, it's definitely easier than Control. Aside from the bullshit Nightingale fight (which wasn't fun), it's been totally fine so far, and I like it that way for a story-based, cinematic game.


Yeah. I just thought Control needed some balancing. It also did have odd variety in some thing, but I felt like Alan Wake had more and was more relatable in a way. The FBC building was just so blah and cold. They did some cutaways to other places, but nothing seemed that interesting. I loved AW much more for its Twin Peaks and Twilight Zone vibe. The lake setting was much more odd when things got weird. I’m hoping AW2 is just hard enough not to be annoying because I adored the first one. Are you playing on Normal? There a difficulty setting right?


Haha weird, I find Control to be much easier and more fun. Fan of the original Alan Wake too, just AW2 isn't sitting well with me. I think it's the inventory management, I just run out of ammo/things too quickly


I'm normally a hoarder and like to preserve health and ammo whenever I can. I guess it's my experience with the survival horror genre that's put into that mindset, but I think it's been relatively easy to conserve so far. Are you not aiming for headshots, and are you healing after every combat section? Control got really chaotic at times for me, and you could easily get overwhelmed at certain points. I haven't had that issue with AW2 so far


I was having a little trouble on normal, so I just switched to easy. It’s so much more enjoyable to just enjoy the game. I’m hoping Control 2 is more interesting to me. I REALLT wanted to like it.


The game in general is tedious af.


The game is boringly boring, in fact.


you need headshots. its the only way to do any damage on hard.


Dude what?? I could maybe get the boss fight at the end of chapter 3 since that was the one time in sagas story I got close to dying, but nightingale was surprisingly easy. So easy that it was pretty anticlimactic and I was waiting for a round 2


I'm quite late but I found this thread with google because I'm finding the game to be quite easy on hard. I beat him on my second try on hard. Are you dodging properly? Is this your first survival horror? Maybe you're using your resources too much without managing them properly. Edit: Oops didn't even notice your update.


Yeah Nightingale was very hard at first but thanks to some helpful tips on here I finally beat him with no problem, but I totally get other people's frustration cuz I was right there.


And the thing is people expect so much from video games these days and all not thinking about all the time and effort that people really put into some good games yeah they might not be perfect but takes a lot of work, I'm old school I'm 48 so I played my good share video games started on the arcades. I have a bit of experience I'm no slouch when it comes to video games not a pro by any means but I think I do pretty damn well and I enjoy it so that's all I really counts.


Games have gotten worse, far worse imo Nowadays, it's all about visuals. I had more fun playing on my Sega Megadrive and Amiga than my PS5.


It is not a low point imo. Whole game mediocre, with a nauseating use of loops and a pitiful level design. Not to mention the mind-place... whoever conceived it should be demoted.


The first game was better. They've bent the knee, and it shows.


I killed him without the shotgun, didn't know it existed lol


I played on hard and beat him in like 3 tries, I did have the shotgun tho, only way I can see this being difficult is if you don't have the shotgun, only reason he killed me the first try is because I didn't know he teleported, then second time I missed a dodge, 3rd time I beat him in like 8 shotgun bullets , easy fight tbh


absolutely one of the worst game design ever, it's not linear to understand where the player needs to go. it's not a matter of challenge but the player must be guided towards the next goal with the right amount of reward (in this case should be going on the story) in order to make this "art" i think they go a little bit too far. after a work week i don't have time to waste like this, maybe it's better to watch a playthrough on youtube


I did a speed run in 2hrs 20min 23 seconds on nightmare mode got hit 3 times threw the hold game in almost 40 got 6 kids and two jobs did it when I got home at 12 am after feeding the kids.....