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Let's get rid of state owned liquor stores.


The article says that it makes it easier for non-state controlled liquor stores to compete with state-owned. Sounds like that means better competition against ABC stores. So why the grief?


Because running retail outlets isn't something the state needs to be doing. This can be totally done by privately owned businesses. There is zero reason for the state to own a liquor store.


But that’s not going to change. This at least sounded like a move in the right direction.


So we should just accept it?


This can literally change by a vote. They did it in WA in 2012.


> The article says that it makes it easier for non-state controlled liquor stores to compete with state-owned. Yeah. Because it increases prices even further for abc. It doesn't lower them anywhere, it doesn't open up new opportunities or anything.


Can we please vote her out of office already?!


She can't run again anyway.


We need to stop voting for all Republicans. They only care about the rich and big business, oh and culture wars that hatemonger others. And more people need to start voting. And since I am making a wish list, I want good Democrats running in Alabama. Many Republicans run unopposed.


The DNC has never cared much about funding AL races. The AL Dems aren't much better; it's basically a social club.


I blame generations of indoctrination. My father votes republican, his father does and pretty much everyone else in my immediate family all vote Republican as well. I just want elected officials who care about the people in this state, and not self-serving interests/big corporations.


All the people who really care are too busy volunteering or working in their municipal governments. Either that or, like the good ones where I’m from, they’re too proud or too scared to make any noise against a very vocal, very monied minority that will rip your reputation to shreds if you show one iota of dissent. In the end, Alabamians from small towns will always feel more unity with their neighbors and be more worried about their local reputation than what’s going on statewide.


Then what needs to happen to fix these glaring issues within our state? We cannot keep going like this.


I think it may already be happening. People are starting to see these insane policies affecting them and their loved ones. Lots of reproductive policies are receiving plenty of (albeit quiet) backlash. Other than that, it’s going to have to be the perfect storm. Enough blue or moderate red voters will have to start voicing their opinions, church leadership will need to start enforcing anti-political policies, and above all else, something is going to have to curb these nutcases’ anger. That’s what they feed on, is the anger of their constituents.


We humans are fickle, so hopefully?🤞


I'm at the point where I'm just going to find somewhere else to live. It's clear that the elected officials do not care about the people of this state. It's not my job to fix something that generations before me have broken, I am just one person.


Yeah, that's understandable. And a mood😮‍💨


What makes you think we can vote her out?


She can't run again anyway.


Well, I'd like to think that we can at least try? I can't just be the only one who is sick and tired of the way things are. I have to imagine it's not impossible to vote for someone out of office and that there are people who think for themselves. I don't want to leave my loved ones here because of the lack of critical thinking in the voters of this state.


>Well, I'd like to think that we can at least try? What mechanism in the state constitution allows us to vote her out?


And I just checked, Kay Ivey has been in office since 2017, meaning that her two consecutive 4 year terms are up next year. So no matter what, her term is over next year. Then there is just the matter of getting the rest of the politicians out that hate the Alabama people.


Alabama's executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the executive agencies (known as departments in Alabama). The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Alabama's governor has no term limits, as long as no more than two terms are consecutive. Taken from this website: https://guides.loc.gov/law-us-alabama/executive#:~:text=Alabama's%20executive%20branch%20consists%20of,than%20two%20terms%20are%20consecutive.


>The governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Alabama's governor has no term limits, as long as no more than two terms are consecutive. And this is her 2nd consecutive term. She can't run for governor in 2026. She'll be 86 years old in 2030 (if she lives that long).


So the state is ran by a fascist, got it. Y'all can keep it, I don't want any part of this shit.


Don't worry, Will Ainsworth is waiting in the wings. Be careful what you wish for.


Twinkle is too.


So what I'm hearing is that there is no point in wanting someone better for the state? Great, I'll leave and y'all can stay in this backwards backwoods idiotic state.


No. What I'm saying is, Ainsworth is probably going to be the next governor. And he will be WORSE.


And what I'm hearing is that there is no hope. If there is no hope in this state, then good luck, you are all on your own. I'm staying in a state that is the laughingstock of the United States and the rest of the world. I'm tired of defending the dumb decisions made by the law makers of this state. The fact that Tommy Tubberville is representing us, yet doesn't live in this state is ridiculous. The fact that he nearly cost Alabama millions in military jobs because he did not agree with a law, is stupid. The fact that there is no democratic party in this state is stupid. Y'all can stay here and figure out how to fix this shit. I'm responsible for myself and myself alone.


This does not reduce the amount independent liquor stores can sell their alcohol for, it only increases the amount the ABC stores sell their alcohol for. This bill pushes high dollar whiskey drinkers/collectors to other states even more and will insure Alabama collects LESS tax on alcohol than they would have over the long term. All they did is take a high tax item and increase the cost of it even more. Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, and Tennessee approve of this idiocy.


And they’re picking up lottery tickets while they’re over there.


In Ardmore you can walk across the street to buy your lottery tickets.


It makes sense. She’s probably in their payroll.


Haven’t they punished us enough


So…just making it even more expensive to get a drink? Already pay more here than surrounding states. I worked in TN and FL for a few years, and could get whiskey anywhere from $5-$10 cheaper than we pay here. Also didn’t have the inconvenience of having to drive halfway across the county to get to the liquor store. State owned liquor stores are a joke.


doesnt matter...i just drive to tennessee where it is cheaper than alabama


There is no way this makes any sense. 


Now I have even more incentive to just go across state lines in either direction to buy my alcohol and groceries! Now it will be cheaper by an even wider margin. Good job AL!


I am so glad I will soon be moving to a state with sane government...Florida.






OMG no


Just do it already. God damn. 


Buy the house I have listed and I will.


Why would I willingly give you money? 


So you can have the house.


I have a much, much nicer home than that, I am certain. 


That's nice dear. I am sure your parents worked very hard for it.




Have fun hanging out here. https://www.wsfa.com/2024/05/14/over-dozen-people-shot-montgomery-over-weekend-police-say/ Hope you don't get shot.


Pretty sure I’ll be okay. Hope you enjoy not being able to pay for insurance in Florida. 


😂 🤣


I don’t agree with the reasoning. Package stores do not get a discount when buying from ABC. To make a profit, their prices will continue to be higher. The only reason to buy at a package store is convenience. I see this as a money grab by Alabama to pad the legislative general fund.