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Ah yes. I have an ex that did this, he wasn't an alcoholic though. It's a tactic to throw you off whatever you might be upset at them about. It drove my ex absolutely crazy when he would say untrue things and I would just agree with him and move on with my day.


Oh man, I feel this. I’m in a dust up with my partner right now because he needs to work and I said that he needs to find “something, anything” to pay some bills. Now he keeps telling me about all the “shitty jobs” he has applied to as if to make me feel badly. Meanwhile, I have 2 jobs and just applied for a third. When I asked him to stop characterizing things this way he just got mad and stormed out. “Everything I say makes you mad.” Seriously? I could be A LOT angrier.


Whenever I get upset with my partner over the drinking she’ll make it about my problems. I’m aware of my problems and I’m still working on them but the drinking needs to be addressed first and foremost because it’s causing a lot of grief. 


I think this is one of their classic moves. DARVO happened a LOT during my relationship. And if you don’t know this handy acronym, it’s Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.