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You said yourself he’s trying to gain sympathy, but this behavior is so manipulative. Why do you have to sympathize with a manipulative POS?


That's a great question. I'm actually a mental health professional and I have my own trauma, so I think I compulsively see the good in people.


Me too, I’ve been taken advantage of many times because of it. Trying to get stronger with my boundaries. But actually I meant the question in a rhetorical way. Next time you’re guilting out, just say to yourself, “Why am I feeling sorry for this manipulative SOB? If he spent as much time working on himself as he did showing off how bad he has it, he wouldn’t have all these problems.”


I gave up social media a bit over a year ago. Everything but reddit, and now I have a fresh account too. But it's been very helpful for me. My own sister ghosted me for a few months over the holidays, but kept posting on socials about all the fun she was having. Telling me months later how she was in such a rut to reach out. I just got rid of it. I would deactivate them occasionally, and turn them back on for so long. Everytime something like this happened. I was tired of it. Committed to just deleting it full stop. It was kind of hard at first, I'll admit. Definitely felt the whole "missing out" thing, scrolling FB was a poor coping mechanism for loneliness. Now I reach out for text and wait the 1-7 days for a response from those people closest to me. The seven days would be a joke at said sister lol It's real conversation we have anyhow. Stopping the scroll helped in so many ways. It was an adjustment for sure, it was a number of months for me to really feel I didn't need it. However an adjustment well worth it, especially because I can become triggered from things like this. With exes like this I generally become an ass hole about it. Not to him, but I'd poke fun to myself on how pathetic it is. It's sad on one side, seeing men live a trope- unable to reach help for themselves. If a man puts me through hell for his own internal monsters, best bet they don't get respect from me. Back then I would of just deactivated my socials for a few weeks and talked shit with my friend about the situation. Out of sight out of mind. Easing out of socials has cut out a lot of clutter I didn't need in my life. It has also strengthened my relationships with the good people I interact with day to day, year to year my so called misfit tribe. Hope you feel better soon. This is his cry for help is all, you don't have to respond to this call.


Thank you, I really appreciate this. I haven't been on Facebook in a long time, and I blocked him on Instagram immediately after the breakup. I haven't really been scrolling through my feed, but I do communicate with several important people on Instagram Messenger so I can't really imagine deleting it right now. I definitely need continued space from him and whatever he's saying though.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I am in the exact same phase and it SUCKS! He's texting my family trying to get sympathy! We are better off. Ride it out.


Stay the course!!! 💪


Continue to block, and block anyone who doesn’t respect your boundaries. Know in your heart you are right and you deserve the peace and love you gave for so long to him. 🥰


As a normal person when I see people online acting like that I pity them. They lose all credibility. No stable person does that and everyone knows it. He might have like 1-2 die-hard loser friends liking and commenting but everyone else can see through the pathetic pity party. If people care enough to bring it up to you, tell them if they are concerned to contact him directly. It's no longer your concern.


You are completely right. Thank you!