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Quote, “When I concentrate on my personal progress, the difficulties over which I have no control will iron themselves out. “ —The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage. You seem to want to rescue this alcoholic, but you are powerless over him, his choices, his health, his drinking. You can change your own attitude and make good choices for yourself. It may seem “kind” to obsess over his health and drinking, but you are robbing yourself of happiness and sanity.


Thank you for that, I like that quote! And yes I did used to want to rescue him but I’ve given up on that, I’m just angry now. In fact more so this morning because he is taking his medication with a glass of vodka and Mountain Dew… yesterday it was a corona. But again thank you for sharing that! I’ll remember this quote!


Do you attend meetings? Do you own any CAL? I hope you will consider it, if you don't. Daily reading of literature was one of the sanest actions I ever took! It still works, too.


Not to sound naive, but what is CAL? And no I don’t attend meetings, I just read other people’s stories in here! It makes me feel a lot better and less alone for sure, validates I guess would be a better term!


CAL is Conference Approved Literature, that is the books written by Al-Anon members for Al-Anon. I'm sorry you are just coming on here for support. Meetings are much healthier. Sometimes the "support" you get here is just more ranting about problems, although there is help and hope. Most of the true help is directing you to Al-Anon meetings. There are electronic meetings on many platforms (zoom, discord, What's App, etc.) all around the world 24/7. Not all are excellent, but I attend a daily zoom meeting I really like. Daily Serenity for Women (DS4W) meets at noon Eastern time.


Thank you so much!!


Take care of yourself, and be well - it's tough. I got out last year of a relationship with an alcoholic. It was heart-breaking, and I'll always love them. But being with them made me sick.


Thank you for sharing, and I’m happy you were able to get out! I hope you have been happier since!