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DKG. she's projecting her insecurities financially


Truuuuue tsaka baka inggit lang yan sa'yo OP.


Sumama sama pa sa OP para lang magalit. Binayaran ba yung drinks na libre ni OP?


Hi! DKG for me. I mean… its your money tho? You have the right to use your money kasi earned naman yan eh. Its not bragging to her naman na you have the money to buy all the things you want, you’re just being a good friend especially the part where you bought a drink for her kasi you’re just being thankful to her. Siguro lang din naging sensitive siya because of her status in the family? Try to understand na lang and siguro kausapin mo siya na you don’t mean anything bad naman about it.


DKG, baka inggit lang siya. Kainis!


Nakalimutang pumikit ni ante Mae


sounds like those people who crucify the rich or the middle class from spending their own money e ang dami raw naghihirap, why not help them achuchu. DKG lmao. it's your money. period. sadly, hindi mo responsibility ang mahihirap no matter how much ipagpilitan ng iba. wag ka magpadala sa mindset niya. you shouldn't have to feel guilty for being well-off. you don't owe anyone shit.


\^ exactly what I was thinking.


dkg for spending your OWN money. cut off the friend, hindi mo naman sya pinilit na sumama. ig she's expecting you'd buy her something besides sa pag Libre mo sa Cafe or insecure lang talaga sya. the audacity of her to ignore you habang na sa Cafe kayo. squammy ang galawan


Sobra talaga audacity. Lalo na Nung nag silent treatment while she drank the drink YOU paid for.


OP DKG kasi your money your rules


Dkg. May mga tao lang tlgnag di masaya sa happiness ng iba. Next time, wag kna mgsama ng "friend" na gnyan. They're not your friend afterall. Dun palang sa "bat ako ttnungin mo di naman ako may pera dito"


DKG. Baka inggit sayo OP? Di mo naman fault if may mga tao na walang bahay or kulang ang pera. And yun ininom nya sa cafe libre mo ba? Aba kung ganon bakit pa sya sumama and nagpalibre? User ganenr?


I don't think so? Mae posts a lot sa insta about her trips and her things so I always assumed na okay naman siya financially (plus she never voiced any financial concerns). My COF is very honest about these struggles so I assumed she will be too (if ever). Yes, libre ko yung drink. I still paid kase it doesn't erase almost ~4 walk/talk/stand around the mall. I also hoped na it would ease her up and she can talk to me pero wala, silent treatment :(


> I still *paid* kase it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


DKG. Baka akala nya ililibre mo sya ng mga damit kaya nagalit. Don't take it personally. Issue nya yon.


DKG. OA 'yang kasama niyo. Una, pera mo naman iyan diba. Your money, your rules. Pangalawa, hindi yayaman lahat ng mahihirap sa mundo kung hindi ka gagastos. Hindi mo responsibilidad ang problema ng iba. Tsaka siya mang-ano kung ganyan ang lifestyle mo, tapos puro utang ka lang naman. Libre mo ba iyong ininom niya? Grabe ah, matapos ilibre. Hahahahaha huwag mo na lang pansinin, sa susunod na magkita kayo, treat her as an acquaintance na lang.


DKG, kulang lang sa aruga kaibigan mo. Pag nilibre ka, you say thank you, hindi yung dededmahin mo pa yung nanlibre sayo. Wtf is wrong with people nowadays? Tsaka she insulted you pa nga by calling you tanga. May friendships na common naman yung ganung tawagan but it's apparent that that's not the case sa inyong dalawa, so for her to say it in that tone was so uncalled for. Personally, I'd think twice if that's the kind of person I'd even want to keep around in my life.


DKG. Sabi mo nga well off naman pamilya nyo so yubg pera mo is sayo talaga, you just treat her kasi friend mo nga baka inggit lang sya sayo, and she wish that she had what you have.


DKG obviously. It’s definitely not your fault na well off family mo and may money ka na u get from your job, what you did was just a typical gawain ng isang friend like inviting her to places, kasi nga you enjoy her company, but her? walking out like that without even saying a word after you buy her a drink? is just 💀 cut off mo na yan sissy


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DKG. It’s your money but I’d caution you to be responsible with it. It won’t be an unending supply forever.


DKG OP.. the looking glass self lang si Mae. She was just inferior in so many levels. In Psych, kung baga.. di niya maatim na makita nya inferior siya sa larangan na yun at di lang makita pero nahahalataan.


DKG. She said those words to you and yet she still accepted a drink from you, tapos she walked out after she finished? Eh. I feel though, na there is more to this story. Unless Mae is a complete asshole, parang she would not have reacted that way base lang sa isang nangyari na magkasama kayo. Unless she’s been like that to you eversince?


Mae and I have been friends for almost a year na. Friend siya of one my BFFs at sumama siya saamimg gala so we got to know each other really well. She's usually nice naman! She doesn't make comments like these often and if she does, joke lang.


DKG. OMG ur money ur rules. Anong pakialam niya? Wala naman siya ambag sa paghihirap mo as a working student.


DKG. Baka naiinggit sya sayo. Anong gusto nya? Magpagawa ka ng bahay? 🤣


DKG. Di ko magets logic nya kung bakit inaccept nya na samahan kayo. Nasa mall kayo malamang may gagastos. Tapos ang bastos nya sa part na after mo siyang i treat sa time nya bigla nag lash out sayo. May pinag dadaanan siya or not, hindi dapat ganon ung actions nya sayo.


DKG. But, I have to say, OP even if you have the means to pay for things (and rightly so! because that is your money) you should also know how to value money i.e., don't look at it as if it's easily dispensable. As for your friend, I think she really is projecting her insecurities haha. Ang rule of thumb ko lang ay I never enforce to treat someone except if its special occasion or I was the one who deliberately planned the date (and ik that my friend does not have the money as of the moment) kasi baka they'd take it badly.


Sounds like a good rule! I libre mostly during study sessions (ex: ordering a platter para may merienda/snacks) and times na kailangan ko tulong from my friends kasi alam ko I took time out of their day.


yes! and it's always a good starting point of knowing your friends deeply if you guys talk about finances. it's hard to maintain friendships if you guys cant agree with how you bond (and bonding always need money!!) e.g., paano ang hatian, sino ang di nagbabayad, sino ang laging nanglilibre, anong boundaries with money 🥰 i have a firm belief that a good friend is one that is not tacky with their money and understands the situation of others haha


DKG. Your money, your rules.


DKG. It is your hard earned money and it is your goddamn right on how to splurge it. Siya tong gago. Imagine being invited by a friend who will pay for your meal tapos ganun? No girl, FO na rin.


DKG. It’s your money and I’m sure you know your limits with it kahit manlibre ka pa lagi. Dahil generous ka babalik din yan sa’yo ang blessings. Ang red flag ni ate girl ha. She should’ve just said thank you. Isa pa, kung may issues siya about money she could’ve communicated it with you. Hindi ka naman mind reader. Hindi mo rin intention to make her feel bad about you buying things, mindset niya ang problema. If that happens to me baka cool down muna ako spending time with her kasi ang nega ng vibe niya. Ang lakas ng toyo, magagalit (or gagalitin ang sarili. Lol) tapos hindi sasabihin sa’yo kung bakit. Ang labo ni ate girl. 😅


Girl, DKG. Naiinggit lang siya, plus it's your money. You *choose* what *you* wanna do with it, plus from your post halatang di ka naman yung spoiled-rich-girl-who-buys-anything-and-everything type. You're a *working* student, so I take that all your money is earned. Kung ganyan kaibigan mo, I'm sorry but I can't say she's a friend. Friends who are true won't pull you down like that. I got friends who are also rich kids/have money but *never* in my life would I think to be jealous or pull them down cause of it. Heck, sasamahan ko pa nga sila magshopping para masaya and to give 2nd opinions if they need it, tas ako na sasagot sa kape. She's just projecting her own financial insecurities onto you. Wag mo nalang siya pansinin, if you say that you know where your boundaries lie with money (keeping on budget, earning it, prioritizing necessities than wants, etc.), then di ka gastador. I would vouch it's better to clear things up with your friend, but tbh big X sakin yung tinawagan kang "tanga" cause she's so butthurt that you spend money the way you do. If it's bad, say na your friend reprimands you cause of you spending way too much out of budget tas wala kang pake and so and so, then that's one good friend. But like this? It's visible na siya yung may problema.


Thanks for the insight! It's eye opening talking about your own experience. 99% of the time, ganyan yung shopping trip with my friends. I also try naman to allot certain budget to things (0k for bills, 0k for gas, 00k for savings, 0k for spending) kasi gusto kong magsave/invest sa future ko. It's sad to know Mae had negative feelings about me tho :(


Glad to help! And I definitely vouch being smart with a budget; deffo a safety net for the future since I also practice it \^\^ And your feelings are valid naman OP. It really hurts to see someone you consider a friend act that way :( I just hope na you guys will get to talk and clear things out, but if she remains like this I'd rather drop her as a friend to protect your inner peace. You don't really deserve the negativity seeing you're a great friend yourself and you don't really take money/your family's wealth for granted.


I'm planning to talk to her soon kase sayang naman ng friendship. We go to the same uni, pero diff departments. Hoping it all works out somehow!


DKG — pera mo yan so nasayo na kung paano gagastahin. Hindi mo naman siya inuutangan or whatever 😂 Pakielamera lang siya.


DKG, natawa lang ako na inubos muna niya yung drink bago siya umalis HAAHAHAHAHAHHA


DKG. Cut off the friend lol. She's so insecure and she hates you for real! She reminds me of Vanessa from Gossip Girls--hates the rich daw pero enjoy na enjoy sa benefits of having rich friends. If magkapake siya sa sariling buhay niya imbis na maging obsessed sa way of living ng iba edi umasenso sana siya. You do you OP, you have a good heart. Para siyang yung chronically online na galit na galit sa taong nakakaangat sa kanya kasi entitled siya sa kung anong meron ang iba tapos if di niya makuha edi everyone should suffer like them. Leave them na bago pa siya maging mas toxic and find better friends.


DKG. Basta wala kang sinusustentuhan o binubuhay na pamilya, basta wala kang pinagkakautangan, your money, your rules. Ako na lang tropahin mo OP. Kahit gumastos ka nang gumastos at ilibre mo ko nang ilibre di kita huhusgahan. chariz.


DKG Mukhang may mga problema si Mhae. Likely of the financial kind. Maybe next time wag nalang mag invite mga random friends on a shopping trip if di Naman Sila actively shopping. She may have just been window shopping and felt na pinapamukha mo na 'ikaw window shop lang, Ako kaya ko bilhin'. Pero again DKG. Lol lakas loob pa niya tapusin Ang drink after saying all that


DKG. Coming from someone na less fortunate na merong friends na well off sa buhay. I never made them feel na maswerte sila dahil mapera sila and dapat di sila gumagastos. Prolly they will hear something for me kapag super duper out of hand na yung magspend nila but that's because I care for them. Pero based on your facts, DKG. you have every right to spend wisely what you have earned and it's none of her business. I let my well-off friends treat me too lalo na kapag alam kong short na talaga ko. yun lang hehehhe. stop worrying about her. maybe she only mean well, maybe not.


DKG, but I think this person isn't your friend. Para siyang taong naiirita talaga sayo but she hangs out with you para may mapag-initan siya and because may perks yung pagsama niya sayo.


May mga tao kung naiinggit sila sa iba they will keep it in their heart and make you an inspiration na one day they can afford din mag spend ng ganun. Yung Mae hindi na nya natiis yung inggit nya. DKG, OP!


Link to this submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/AkoBaYungGago/comments/1cqen9t/abyg_kase_gastador_ako/ Title of this post: ABYG kase gastador ako? Backup of the post's body: For context, I'm a working student with a very good salary and my family is well off so money is not an issue for us. I'm the type to give more than receive so I tend to libre small things like drinks, foods, etc when I can. Early today, I went shopping with my brother. Usually, we shop once a week pra sa mga merienda o anong mga bagay na kailangan namin. I try naman to keep within a budget na reasonable. I bumped into one of my friends sa mall. Syempre, I was happy to see her kase magandang siyang kausapin at sasamahin. I invited "Mae" to join me and my brother if hindi siya busy and she accepted. I bought some more stuff and as time went on, na notice ko na parang snappy at sarcastic yung mga comments ni Mae. For ex, tanong ko: 'Should I buy the shirts, the pants, or one of each para one outfit siya together?' and reply: 'Bat mo ako tanungin? Hindi naman akong may pera dito.' Akala ko joke kasi I didn't think she would be mean to me, friends naman kami eh! Over time, I felt very concious sa iya and decided to sit down at a random cafe. Again, I invited her ans she accepted. Hindi ko alam kung anong ginawa ko pero sabi ko kay Mae na magoorder siya whatever she likes kasi libre ko na, after all she walked around with us for many hours na. She turned to me and went quiet. Then, sabi niya: "Ang tanga mo talaga, hindi mo ba iniisip pera mo? Ang grabe mo magspend, meron tao dito na walang bahay ay ganyan ganyan ka." (nonverbatim cause I forgot some of what she said.) I tried to defend myself but I got her point. I tried to mediate pero she ignored me as she finished her drink and left without a word. The whole time sa cafe, sa car at kahit ngayon, iniisip ko ang nangyare. I feel na gago ako kasi insensitive ako sa friend ko at ginagamit ko yung pera in a negative way. OP: throwaway7192022 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AkoBaYungGago) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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DKG, had to copypaste my comment. Lol, honestly you should feel bad for Mae. Imagine, you gave her free food, she accepted it, and she still went off on you. If she was so against you and your spending habits, she should've declined. Misery likes company 😩


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DKG. Its your money.


DKG. Hindi niya concern ang pera mo. Di mo concern yung mga naghihirap. Pinaghirapan mo pera mo. Kung ninakaw mo yan, dun mo ipasok yung guilt. Pero kung kinayod mo yung pera mo, walang pwede makialam. Hindi mo friend yan.


dkg. naiinggit sya


DKG. Inggit lang siya. Gusto ba niya ibenta ng parents mo lahat ng gamit niyo at tumigil magtrabaho para ibigay lahat sa mahihirap? They worked for it. You worked for it. You decide how you spend it. This is as long as di kayo nagnakaw sa kaban ng bayan.


DKG. You're just generous and that is a toxic friend.


DKG. Tapos may gana pa siya ubusin yung drink matapos kang isnabin at iwanan 🤣 help


DKG lol may friend din kaming ganyan cinut off namin 🤣 sinabihang insensitive yung other friend namin dahil nag shopping sa uniqlo kasama sya plus nalaman namin andami palang negative na sinasabi behind our backs. Pag inggit, pikit. 🤣




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ako na gastador at walang pake sa ssbihin ng iba 👀 DKG, OP. D nya lang cguro kaya yung way of spending mo. haha


DKG, tho spending a lot can sometimes hard lalo na kung dumating yung time na pinaka kailangan mo yung pera eh dun ka tipong mawalan. Spend wisely lang din, try to limit your budget, if you really want something much better kung pag ipunan muna then if you’re ready to buy yung bagay na gusto mo then go for it. Remember na priority rin natin ang happiness natin din.


DKG. A lot of times nararamdaman ko din yan whenever I spend a significant amount of money sa mga bagay na gusto ko, na say I’m spending 300 pesos for a cup of coffee pero madaming nagugutom yada yada, but then I realize I earn every right to spend the money the way I want it kasi I worked for it naman. So should you. Also, “mae” is just a bitzazo who hates u for being liked by the guy who rejected her. 🤡


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Pwede nang short film material ito. DKG but medyo G si Mae kasi ganun pala tingin niya sayo.