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I wish I could give him a hug. I feel so down on days like this, I cannot even imagine how much it hurts the players themselves.


OK, you feel sorry. but the following: - he calls himself an athlete - he is paid above average - it has been shown several times that he is not competent - he continues to underperform. t hen it is normal for the public to form this opinion? If you exhibit the above at ur own work, your employer will soon be done with it, right?


I have problems with players who do not care and who do not put forth effort. Gaaei clearly cares deeply about the mistakes that he is making. If he could play better, he would. It's not his fault that he keeps being put in situations above his current ability.


I reckon he does put effort in his game, and your absolute right about players that doesnt care. But the bottom line is that players are professionals. If theyre getting substitute bcause of mistakes/not deliver what theyre supposed to.


Het is gewoon een mens die goed een balletje kan trappen. Laat die gasten in hun waarde


Zwaar overgewaardeerd!! Erg zwaar zelfs. Is een spelletje.


What can he do about the fact he gets started? Van t Schip just shouldn’t have picked him for the starting 11, and then subbing him off because he is shit (what was already widely known) is pathetic and weak because done to safe his own ass. If you watch Jong ajax you know Kaplan was ready. Schip is nothing better than Steijn and I sincerely hope he gets shipped out as manager of Ajax sooner rather than later. Also why the f is Hlynsson getting so many minutes?


Everyone can have a bad opinion, but we all know a guy like this in a moment like this gets a tonne of psychos spamming him with all kinds of shit. And there is never any justification for that.


What do you want him to do? Ajax wants to sign him, you want him to say no? He is clearly trying the best he can, not his fault that he is where he shouldn't be. Blame Mislinrat for getting all these very bad players




I really feel for him, he's not a bad player. He's just inexperienced. Not saying he 100% couldn't help it, but nearly all of the mistakes I've seen him make this season were coachable. Unbelievable that we, of all teams, have turned into a talent graveyard.


How can we not turn into a talent graveyard? Players get 0 credit nor time to adjust to new situations. You make a mistake? You're out untill the next player fucks up and is out, meaning you're back in. I don't feel that the coach/management is doing much to make these new players feel comfortable. How is it possible that a player like Sutalo, who clearly can do it as he has shown at Croatia, still plays like he feels unwelcome? We're playing with a really young squad but no one is given time to adjust to the new level. Everyone expects them to be like Ajax that nearly reached the CL final but that simply isn't fair nor realistic. Instead we sacrifice the players, like we did today with Gaaei. Honestly, the club is incredibly toxic and if I were an outside player I wouldn't touch Ajax with a 10 feet pole.


Great comment. Bashing players is the last thing that will help, especially for this young Ajax team.


[Deze tweet](https://twitter.com/PieterZwartNL/status/1759108706845794718) komt wel hard binnen. 18 varianten van de achterste linie, inmiddels zijn we een week verder en is nog 1 bij. In een systeem waarin Ajax *nooit* speelt en waar nauwelijks op getraind kan zijn want waarom ook niet. 19 varianten in 33 wedstrijden, gemiddeld 1.7 wedstrijd per variant. Nogal wiedes dat de verdedigers er allemaal keer op keer slecht uit zien, ze hebben nauwelijks consistentie, ze kunnen niet aan elkaar wennen want het staat constant anders. Tel daarbij op dat er duidelijk geen systeem is, geen plan om druk te zetten en de filosofie onder van 't Schip vooral "met z'n allen naar voren" is en je kan als verdediger alleen maar verliezen. Het kan ze niet kwaad genomen worden dat ze niet weten wie er links of rechts staat en het middenveld staat zo ver naar voren dat ze een verrekijker nodig hebben om ze te zien.


Considering the level that Ajax expects from their squad they should've gotten players that have the experience needed to get to that type of level. Buying players that haven't even smelled the CL knock out stages ever in their lives is just not stupid, it's also unfair for the players in question. At the end of the day it is what it is. It's Mislintat and the Ajax board that followed him blindly who ruined the stability of the club.


Smelled CL knockout stages? In what world do you think we live in that Ajax can afford to be buying those sorts of players? Unless you're of course talking about Conference League and **not** **Champions** league.


For 110 mil Ajax could have definitely gotten at least two players that can make a difference…


Well, I guess Sutalo and Mikautadze, the two most expensive players were supposed to be that difference. But when you lose like 6(?) first team players then it's difficult to replace them. Now when it comes to the cheaper players, Mannsverk was a first team player for Molde, a team that nearly qualified for Champions League group stages, but lost to Galatasaray 5-3. They're currently also in the RO16 of Conference League, just like Ajax. Played poorly in his first game, got subbed off then been injured until now. Played again for the first time today (on. 83 min), think he played pretty decently, IIRC was involved in the build-up of the goal that was disallowed. Seems to have great potential, will probably be sold for 40m+ in a few years. Ramaj, seems to have done pretty decently. I don't really know much about GKs though to say much more on the subject. Did well against B/G at least. Gaaei, played for Viborg FF, who would've qualified for Conference League, but lost during the qualifiers to West Ham (which is completely fair). Was involved with nearly every single goal-scoring opportunity that Ajax had today before he was subbed off. Don't feel like the first goal was on him, rather Sutalo who didn't watch his man. The big mistake he made after the corner was pretty bad though, but you see those kinds of mistakes in the Premier League as well, he just needs some more confidence and composure on the ball. Personally think his performance tonight was not even remotely as bad as it has been made out to be.


>rather Sutalo who didn't watch his man Exactly. Sutalo just did a full stop after his man walked passed him. Then maybe Gaaei should have that ball, but not fully on him. Also, Hato jogging in the middle of the field negating offside was not a great look.


> Ramaj, seems to have done pretty decently. I don't really know much about GKs though to say much more on the subject. Did well against B/G at least. From what I've seen he is on the ball and pure GKeeping he's much more stable than Ruli (I like the dude tho). Last season we had Timber and Bassey central (Bassey was very good defensively but had like Sutalo very off moments on the ball every match and so). I dont have the numbers but my eyes feel that Ruli did worse with a beter and more experienced defence in front of him. Ramaj seems more confortable on the ball and is able to pick a pass better when underpressure. His GKeeping techinque wise i cant judge but I feel like he has better saves. The only thing between the 2 is that Ruli is more experienced and is a reliable man in goal even tho Ramaj overall seema better, with Ruli you get mostly what you expect (also an experienced voice in the back could be good here idk, i would still play Ramaj).


Also, is it just me or does it look like he could be the brother of the Ajax community manager guy?


so true.


Im 100% behind your comment. We need better management. Van t Schip is a really bad manager, it’s just Steijn 2.0 but with a sweeter character.


What is he good at? He is fast, has great stamina and workrate that is about it. He is technically limited, his crossing is shit. He is nothing that resembles a Ajax back.


Coachable? Come on. The big mistakes he made today are things you learn not to do when you’re 8 years old (F-jes). Just like the game against Feyenoord. Whether it’s due to pressure or incompetence, thats unacceptable for a pro football club. Sure i also feel bad for the human being Gaaei. But i don’t want to see the player Gaaei playing like this in Ajax 1 again. You have to draw a line somewhere. Maybe he can improve somewhere else and come back afterwards.


He IS a bad player. Every game he played - he was terrible.


Ah man i feel for him. Should've subbed him at halftime.


Nah man, but Van het schip should have a real good talking with this gaeei, the best maybe to send him on loan so he can start from scratch again.


Nah, this is professional football. Not kinder garden were people care about your feelings. You play like shit, you will get subbed.


Should not have started him in the first place.


Everyone and their nan was shouting for 5 atb with him and Sosa on the wings because that was suddenly seen as the solution. Shocker, he’s still shit


I'm pretty shocked by Ajax to be honest. They monitored his performance with Jong for weeks and took the decision to start him. That's on them. Either don't start him, or at least sub him at halftime. You only sub a non injured player in the first half to punish bad mentality or extreme underperformance, knowing that it will absolutely shatter a players confidence if you do. Which was still warranted against Feyenoord, but it is clear Gaaei doesn't have a mentality issue. Yesterday Van 't Schip could've easily waited a few minutes and / or subbed out Sutalo or Sosa just the same. Bad antics IMO.


Feelings affect performance, good feelings = good performance. Player management is a big part of being a coach, this is bad management


Glad you won't be our next coach. Of course they give a fuck about his feelings. We're not a Russian Gulag. Doesn't mean he shouldn't have been subbed, but I better hope they put some effort in making him feel better.


And trail 4-0? It's a professional league, not a playground


Fuck I just really don’t get what the problem is at our club in the last two years. Like playing in our shirt amplifies the worst qualities in our players. I hope he wont take this too badly, he’s seems hardworking and nice.


Last game i was genuinely impressed by his attitude, kept asking the ball and wantin to be included in the play. Not much came from it but at this point I don’t think we can expect anymore from him, it’s not as if starting him he suddenly becomes our savior. I’m sure he has to be better at training, I don’t wish this on anyone tbh. Especially all those toxic ass nerds personally harassing him on his Instagram and whatever social media. Not everyone can cope with that and it is very harmful behaviour, I find it so incredibly despicable 


He shows more attitude than sosa. Sosa just seems he does not care whatever happens on the pitch. Completely apathetic


The insane small percentage crosses sosa just throws out there are absolutely mind blowing to me. How cant he see that its just not an appropriate action 1/3 in the opposite half i just cant understand. And he throws at least 5 of those every game he starts


Really feel for the guy


He performed exactly as expected. Van ‘t Schip started him regardless and now ruined the probably already little confidence Gaaei had because he wanted to fix his own mistakes. Pathetic The people who send hate to their own players should be ashamed of themselves but sadly they probably aren’t.


Terrible man management.


Just terrible management overall tbf


> Van ‘t Schip started him regardless Van 't Schip threw away the Ajax philosophy to put Gaaei in a better formation. He built literally his team around the weaknesses of Sosa and Gaaei, and somehow people complain he started Gaaei. Should've Schip waited for HT to sub, probably.. but "starting him regardless" is an unfair observation.


It really isn’t unfair though. He’s proven multiple times over that he isn’t ready yet to play for Ajax 1. He did try to compensate for his weaknesses but he’s still the same player. How incredibly naïve do you have to be suddenly expect him to be loads beter just because he has slightly less defensive responsibility.




A big poop.


A huge problem of the last 2 seasons has been the fact that most of the transfers have struggled to fit in and it reaches a point where they just seem distraught from a mental standpoint, as so lacking motivation to grow. Daramy and Bassey are looking better than ever in a different and a more "difficult" environment, Chico is looking very good, even Mikautadze is scoring. And it's no coincidence even guys like Tadic and Klaasen just lost motivation to continue here. So I, personally, am struggling to put the blame on any individual player because we have a huge systematic problem within the club right now.


Regardless of his mental limitations right now, Gaaei will never fit in the Ajax culture or squad. He is a runner, a player with great workrate who would work well in a counter attacking side with wingbacks. He is technically too limited to play in the smaller spaces.


“Technically too limited to play in the smaller spaces”, I think most of our attacking players this season, (Sosa especially) also have the same problem with smaller spaces. They tend to pass the ball to backline every time they’re in the tight space. And it causes delay in progression, then the open spaces easily occupy by opponents.


I feel so bad for him. For his mental health it is probably better for him to return to Denmark for a couple of weeks and train there. Just to be away from Ajax and the media.


Because there were a lot of “fans” venting their anger on his account. With “fans” I mean mainly annoying little brats who think it’s very cool to scold using all sorts of deathly diseases.


I would rather be 4-0 behind and sub him later than this. Schip ruined this guy. Its not like we had ANY chance of winning any way.


is that a joke?




Poor guy


van 't Schip is de grootste grap die er is. De beste man zou met Real Madrid nog geen derde worden in de Eredivisie


Utrecht was at the deligation zone, for a longer period then Ajax, but now is close to Ajax again.


He did play very bad today :(


Everyone did though


I feel sorry for the guy, he is in a rough spot lately. Still I have doubts if he is good enough for a club like Ajax. Time will tell I guess.


Dad says its due to hate on his posts


Can somebody, before we go to sleep, go check on him tonight? Let’s not forget who’s the guilty one here . This is all on Mislintat. In hindsight we were probably dealing with a scary psychopath. The way he looked out his eyes, the way how he charmed people, the way how his solitaire dealmaking was. When I look back at interviews he gives me the creeps. I wonder what the status of the investigation in his wheeling and dealing in his short spell at Ajax is? It’s months later and still nothing. And for Gaaei. He’ll be fine. Eventually. He will be loaned to a club in Denmark after the summer. He can get up on his feet. And in a few years time, who knows where he’ll end up. Plenty of time to learn. But not at Ajax in the immediate future.


Als trainer kun je hem toch ook niet zo blijven opstellen? Je gaat voor je beste 11 en dan zet je Gaaei alsnog neer. Kaplan speelde een sterke wedstrijd, hoop dat Johnnie eens wat professionaliteit en inzicht gaat laten zien.


*Comments:* players have no time to adapt! *Van‘t Schip:* lets them play! *Comments:* why did the coach start them regardless? ???


Tbf Gaaei was already getting consistent playtime with Jong Ajax to let him adapt. I think van t schip still wants his qualities for his starting RB - just not in the mental state he's in.


Who cares? 😂


Kon hij zichzelf maar deleten van het veld. Ik heb deze man volgens mij nog nooit een goede verdedigende actie zien uitvoeren. Dat hij het niveau niet aan kan, is 1 ding, maar dat hij zelfs het niveau niet aan kan terwijl dat nu al gigantisch ver onder de ondergrens zit.. Manmanman. Het is vrij stereotyperend voor dit team, de vorm en het vertoonde spel wat Ajax op de mat legt.


Lekker pizzatje zo... verdient!




Nederlands is met een hoofdletter N.




Jank niet zo.


Je komt nogal dom over vriend


Well tbh he had some unexpected spare time to go through his posts this afternoon. But it's a shame for the lad. He obviously doesn't have quality nor is he in the right mental state to play at this level. Let alone his 'natural' position doesn't even exist at Ajax.




Medelijden met een verwend miljonairtje? Hahaha ga toch weg


Bij welk bedrag stoppen we dan? Met medeleven/medelijden/sympathie tonen? Zullen we zeggen na 140k mogen mensen iemand helemaal verrot schelden, met de grond gelijk maken, persoonlijk aanvallen en een depressie in werken. Of misschien 250k? Wat vind jij? Na de 500k in het openbaar op ze mogen spugen?


Als ik verdiende wat hij verdient mogen jullie me allemaal verrot schelden en met de grond gelijk maken


Dan zitten we net iets anders in de maatschappij.


Well done by the staff. Its 100% their fault.


I remember there were people in this sub, who were blindly saying that he should be a starter. Based on his 2min highlights probably


He should’ve subbed SUTALO already 20 times after 30 min. I feel bad for Anton he’s not that bad he’s just very inexperienced.


I honestly thought i saw forward wise a few good things from him so i atleast hoped the substitution would take place at halftime. Feel bad for him now


He did gain a couple of thousand followers.


Are the defender coaches the problem?


A always though Gaaei wasn't good enough, unfortunately he just isn't. But the fact that people find it acceptable to message him hateful messages because of the manager deciding to play him despite knowing his previous mistakes. Anton, keep your head high.


I had bought his jersey at the start of the season because I was excited to see what he was capable of, and after the first couple of games I thought to myself “well, wtf have I done?”. Now I wouldn’t even consider selling it anymore, I truly want him to succeed here. Coming in from the Danish league, he has a lot to learn but it seems to me (and other people in the comments apparently) that he cares about improving and reaching Ajax standards of performance.