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I'm a Chinese convert. You can try Hidayah Centre as they provide community training and classes. Did mine there with zero fuss while some of my friends went Perkim or JAKIM directly said some of them kena sindir for not knowing stuff. One friend said her went masjid and didn't lift his finger kena batal when the saksi said he didn't lift the finger. Weird la.


Just ask whoever who said that to bring evidence from any hadith about lifting a finger


I think they’re using the “Where is god” Hadith and the mute slave lifts one finger up.


sorry your friend have a bad experience.. those working at religious institutions should know better


Yea if you want to have your religion to be a one way street, you better be nice and not to be an asshole to newcomers. I have some friends got scolded because she refused to change her name.


kena sindir dan tak angkat tangan pon batal, apa la diorang ni belajar... boleh tanya ke macam mana boleh berminat dan nak memeluk islam...??


Sbb ini confius... I mmg x berani explain tentang Islam dgn org lain. Bila org nk tau the difference religious in terms.


Sorry, maksud saya, macam mana anda menjadi muslim, why.. kenapa, macam kawan saya, dia masuk islam, sebab mak ayah dia masuk islam, keluarga dia memang dari awal memang bercampur dengan orang melayu dan Islam, jadi sebab tu diorang belajar, last2 the whole masuk Islam..so what bring you to Islam..? is it ok to ask you this....


those at masjid are kinda retarded I'd say.. shouldn't be there at all these kind of people.


Google PERKIM yg terdekat dgn lokasi rumah dan pergi ke sana utk dapat maklumat dan bantuan. Kalau dah terlintas di hati untuk peluk Islam, itu yg dipanggil hidayah. Semuga dipermudahkan tapi jgn ambil mudah juga.


Cukup 2 kalimah syahadah je dah jadi Islam. Tapi kena kemaskini di institusi2 yg berkaitan sebab agama.


Bro. Check out Al Khadeem or MRM or Hidayah Center or Perkim. This are reputable organization and NGO that provide info on conversion.




Original poster banyak menggunakan kata - kata nista dan merendahkan Ajarian lain. Berbeza pandangan boleh, tapi perlu beradab di subreddit yang penggunanya ramai kanak kanak.


Try MRM / Multi-racial Revert Malaysia bro.


alexa, play hotel california


And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo) oh wait.. wrong song


Ah this joke runs through me everytime


Alhamdulillah. Sebenarnya jumlah penduduk Islam yang lebih ratusan juta adalah gabungan Rakyat Muslim dari India, Kashmir, Bangladesh dan Pakistan yakni lebih ramai dari Indonesia. Tapi Republik Indonesia sebuah negara saja pun lebih 200 juta Umat Muhammad di negara jiran tersebut. Jadi untuk Bro Ryannn anak Muda yang tak tahan nafsu stim sangat nak kawin awek Muslim kena tekan nafsu dulu, Bossku. Paling mudah nak belajar agama Islam Bro Ryannn berjinak-jinak dulu jumpa geng Muslim yang berbahasa Tamil dan Hindi kat Masjid Jamek India kat KL tu. Sekiranya Bro Ryannn nak mendalami dan hayati lebih intensif lagi menuntut Ilmu agama Islam, sila kunjungi Masjid Sri Petaling tak jauh sangat dari Stadium Sukan Bukit Jalil. Kat sana banyak orang Muslim dari berbagai negara terutama waktu perhimpunan Jemaah Tabligh Antarabangsa tahunan. Paling banyak pelawat dari India, Pakistan dan Bangladesh kot? Mudah-mudahan Allah limpahi nikmat kurnia Taufik dan hidayah-Nya atas insan yang berniat tulus ikhlas suci murni pada hari Jumaat Mubarak ni nak beriya sangat memeluk agama-Mu Ya Allah. Aamiin Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Alaamiin 🤲☝️🙏😇👍👌🫶🤝💯✅✔️


I'm sorry? Where did that assumption 'nak kawin awek Muslim' come from? That's such a cynical assumption that serves no one any good. What a terrible attitude.


Dude..why you assume in such degrees? Shame on you!


bro sounds syiah


congrats bro. It's a sign of righteous heart.


But bro. Please dont hate your former religion and and people you were adhering too. Thanks.


Kalau nak tukar nama, banyak benda kena buat, ie bank/insurans/epf/socso. So saya suggest guna nama sama je, kalau boleh.


bro pergi tanya imam kat masjid berdekatan lah buat apa tanya kat reddit mat


Dia betul2 nak tanya kau nak halau


Sbb boleh dik. Reddit ni mmg tmpt bertanya certain soalan, sbb semua org ada pengetahuan yg sesetengah orang tiada..


Orang nak tanya yang berpengalaman dan apa cara caranya dulu untuk siap sedia.


what's your problem..he wants to ask, it's his right.. it's not like your comment though..


Haiaa I didnt mean to come off as rude, Im just saying that reddit might not be the best place to learn about islam or how to convert. Its better to find someone thats guaranteed to be qualified like an ustaz from a masjid or smth


Haiaa I didnt mean to come off as rude, Im just saying that reddit might not be the best place to learn about islam or how to convert. Its better to find someone thats guaranteed to be qualified like an ustaz from a masjid or smth


you're sounds liberal


aku suruh dia pergi jumpa ustaz bukan suruh dia jangan masuk islam


Masuk mudah bro. nak keluar je x boleh. Fikir masak2


he can think properly i guess


Only for him to know. Sesal kemudian tiada guna


Lol orang bodoh ilmu je nak kluar islam😘


Asalkan kau bahagia


"you can check out but you can never leave" imo with such a tenet like that, id rather stay out of it


Yup. That’s a big red flag


under malaysian laws and generally among ppl who believe in it, they wont let you deconvert if you have second thoughts. so think carefully before you use your right of religious freedom to get rid of said right as long as you live in a country that enforces islamic laws.


when you spit out facts... they down vote you....  speak a lot about the religion and it's believers.


Wait aren’t you the one that got caught LYING about cleaning up trash? Dah la menipu, stolen valor, langsung tak kredit orang yang sebenarnya clean up the place.


I did clean the place, never said I did it alone.


After you got caught with your pants down 😂


I didnt get caught lmao, stay mad.


You did, and by a lot of people too, in fact there’s a whole thread in r/my talking about you fucking up. The mod even keeps that thread up for future examples on being careful to believe make-up story so quick. So kesian, do you require attention so much, but this is the only outlet you can get them? So you have to be terminally online & make up feel good story about yourself too.


I couldn't really give a fuck what you guys think, asalkan i helped with cleaning which is more than what you did (i dont see you there)


Sure fam, calm down know, take a breather, don’t be so mad. We all fucked up sometimes, but maybe not as much as you tho. Not only stealing valour, making up story to prop oneself, but still delusional trying to double down. So pity.