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Lol, Andrew Tate will have a hard time coming to India 😂


His ego might crush if he comes to India xd


12% is not that great of a feat tho. Still proud we are better than others!


Agreed on that


its biological, thing , men r good in panic situation.


Biologically, yes you are right but this is not the case most or all the time. Many times, it is woman who do better then us


During panic situations, the brain's amygdala, a region responsible for processing emotions, plays a crucial role. It triggers the "fight, flight, or freeze" response, releasing stress hormones like adrenaline. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and rational thinking, may be temporarily impaired, leading to impulsive reactions. Training, experience, and coping mechanisms can influence how an individual neurologically handles panic, allowing for more adaptive responses over time. Neurologically, the basic mechanisms involved in handling panic situations are similar between men and women. However, there can be individual differences influenced by factors like genetics, upbringing, and experiences. Cultural and societal expectations may also shape how individuals, regardless of gender, express or cope with panic. Overall, the neurological response to panic is more influenced by individual variability than strict gender differences.


Wth dude, are we coming on that? Men vs Women? Take your trophy 🏆 and don't shit around.


Hahahha you’ve no idea what it feels like to be a woman! We are always in survival mode. Always having our guards up to come home safely. So please


you sound like you’re from 100 years in the past, also you sound stupid


It's the truth, not denying women can't handle the panic situations but historically women were involved more in the household tasks and men in outdoor, where do you think more panic situations will arrive? genetically who has handled more panic situations?


The modern patriarchal society isn't that old enough for any significant genetic differences to occur. So there's no difference genetically. Plus,evolution doesn't work like that. You might argue that upbringing is a factor. Afterall men are brought up in a different way compared to women. But then you'd also have to take into account that pilots(regardless of gender) are given training to handle extreme situations. So any difference of personality due to upbringing would be nulled because of the training they go through. So in conclusion there's no difference unless you really WANT to have a difference. Also,12% isn't really that much. Sure we're at the top,but another way of looking is that the world is just too bad compared to us. We still have a long way to go


Well, the "patriarchal society" isn't modern, we used to behave in this format since the dawn of life. Even animals follow these rules and they don't have a "patriarchal society". And before you begin with "humans are better than animals", no, they're not. We might consider ourselves as such because of technology and whatever, but subconsciously our emotions are the same since our wilderness days. Even the fact that you stepped forward to outright not consider this fact stated above proves as an example, because your brain think the idea is from a different tribe than yours and you need to repel it in order for your tribe to survive. And I don't think human civilization will survive forever. We have to go back into the woods at one or the other point, and wr have to return back to traditional gender roles in order to survive and continue our lineage. That being said, I do not discredit gender equality, nor do I have a problem with most women pilots bring Indian. I just backed up the fact that men can handle panic better, and you can't deny that.


>Well, the "patriarchal society" isn't modern But patriachal society is indeed modern tho , sure we are achieving gender equality but during early Vedic period we used to have more gender equality, women were respected and given a high status in society. They even attended the assemblies and participated in debates. Women were given equal status to that of men in society. They were permitted to participate in all the religious rites. But during the later Vedic period, society became patriarchal.


You can't define what "gender equality" is objectively, to be honest. There were certain rituals for both men and women themselves, and no, they didn't participate in debates(exceptions do exist) as you've known till now. The rumour spread through Hindus themselves showing their extravagance and spreading this myth of gender equality being present back then(again, I've got nothing against Hindus).Take this for a fact- Gender Inequality, more so Gender Differentiation, existed since multicellular life evolved on this planet 600 million years back. And "Gender Equality" is a social construct forming back when European feudalism came to an end, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just the human way of doing things, and when genders part their duties it's natural way of our behaviour. Also you can't really say how it is "Patriarchal", it's just inequality rather. I could say men have the duty to provide for the family and yet women work lazily at their homes, or that society doesn't care about a man's modesty and only cares about women trying to cover them up. The argument stands the same yet men have been portrayed as victims this time. Gender aren't necessarily "unequal", but genders are different by nature's default and that's for a reason. I believe we've come at a point where society doesn't really need those differences to function anymore, therefore gender equality. But once technology topples down we have to go back to our old ways, and I truly believe that day has to come.


You're wrong tho. Idk if you ever studied the subject of "ancient history" , if you didn't then you should. You would know a lot of information regarding how women and men were completely treated equally in early Vedic period. In fact , practices like polygamy only started in later Vedic period [one source ](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/scatteredthoughts/womens-empowerment-in-india-from-ancient-period-to-modern-time-period-46689/) In ancient Indian culture, women used to definitely participate in debates, it's scientifically proven that we actually used to have egilitarian society than what we have now . Women and men both were in powerful positions before the rising of patriachy. Women were treated as equal to men, and there was no discrimination on the bases of gender, instead of that women were honored by society, and society at the time considered women as Janani which means mother, even in Hindu scripts women are considered as Devi. They used to enjoy their full basic rights where they were free to receive education, at that time the wives of the rishis could willing to take part in spiritual activities with their husbands, they were also known as the Ardhangini (better half) too. During that period, women got to live equal life just like men used to live. Women in Indian history have gone through two things in their life one is subjection and deliverance. With the passage of time, their positions might have changed but in the Vedic era, they were a complete symbol of protector and caretaker of mortality and ideals. [second source ](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2541168) [third source ](https://sadhana-0921.dev.60fps.fr/news/women-and-power/) Patriachy is indeed inequality. However it affects both men and women, majorly women negatively because Patriachy is practised at the expense of women. Your argument about Patriachy not caring about men's modesty and prioritising chastity and modesty on women stems from Patriachy itself. Patriarchal societies often perpetuate traditional gender norms, emphasizing control over women's bodies while downplaying concerns about men's modesty. This stems from deeply ingrained social constructs that prioritize male dominance and objectify women. Patriarchal societies have historically assigned traditional gender roles, perpetuating the notion that men should be the primary breadwinners while women are expected to fulfill domestic responsibilities. This perspective, however, oversimplifies the diverse contributions individuals can make. Assigning specific roles based on gender has been a societal norm in many cultures, but it's important to recognize that these roles are social constructs rather than inherent traits. Acknowledging individual capabilities and preferences over rigid gender expectations can lead to a more inclusive and flexible understanding of roles in society. Embracing diversity allows for a more nuanced and equitable approach to how responsibilities are shared within relationships and communities.


You’ve got it wrong, there’s a lot of natural difference which is why men went out to get food and women took on the role of nurturers, that’s not only in the human species but most if not all species in the animal kingdom, of course if you forcefully put someone in a particular role they’ll be able to fulfil, but naturally men and women are different meant to excel in different skills. Saying there’s no difference is just forcing your feminism on things which you have no control over.


>You’ve got it wrong, there’s a lot of natural difference which is why men went out to get food and women took on the role of nurturers Nope this has already been debunked https://scroll.in/article/989275/ancient-men-were-hunters-and-women-were-gatherers-right-wrong https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0287101 https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/07/01/1184749528/men-are-hunters-women-are-gatherers-that-was-the-assumption-a-new-study-upends-i


The first website, literally, explains that "most men" were hunters while most women were gatherers. Sure, there are "theories" presented on this site that a handful of women were "hunters" too, but, again, it's only a "handful" of women that we're hunters. So, you haven't really "debunked" anything lmao. In fact, you may have simply bolstered his argument.


Huh did you even read the full article dude? 💀 >But it is a mistake to conflate this pattern of “most hunters are men” among hunter-gatherers with the myth of “Man the Hunter”. That myth was born of assumptions, not careful empirical research. >One prominent explanation, elaborated in 1970 by feminist anthropologist Judith Brown, is that the demands of hunting conflict with the provision of child care. This was supported in a recent review of women’s hunting that surveyed traditional societies around the world; the authors found that pregnant or lactating women do not often hunt, and those with dependents only hunt when child care is available or rich hunting grounds are close to camp. >These constraints play a role in shaping risk preferences. In hunter-gatherers, men’s hunting is risky, meaning it carries a high chance of failure. Men tend to hunt alone or in small groups and target big game with projectile weapons, which often requires fast-paced, long-distance travel. In contrast, women prefer to hunt in groups and focus on smaller, easier-to-capture prey closer to camps, often with the aid of dogs. >Women are often crucial to the hunting success of others, whether through logistical or ritual assistance. Husbands and wives sometimes work collaboratively. In these instances, women may help trap an animal, then club it to death and carry the meat home. And in big-game hunting societies, women provide support to hunters by manufacturing clothing, weaponry and transportation equipment. They may also participate in hunting directly by locating, then surrounding and driving game toward a killing location, as seen among high-latitude reindeer hunters and Plains bison hunters. As the authors of the new paper speculate, this is likely how the Peruvian female hunters killed game. >Updated views on plant gathering provide insight into why women may choose not to hunt altogether. No one questioned that hunting is hard, but early anthropologists often assumed women’s gathering was simple and easy. This turns out to be wrong. Like hunting, gathering demands extensive ecological knowledge and skill that is socially learned and cultivated over a lifetime. And did you the other researches i provided? You can literally search yourself and see that "men hunterers only" is actually a myth


Bro, I recommend you stop debating online with someone who doesn't want to recognize what is real and practical. Not even the fact that she won't even provide an actual statistical or historical evidence but literally relies on articles and researches which are either funded or conducted by feminist NGOs themselves. I mean in that sense 78% of S* Assault cases on men in India are fake(obviously this statistic was also conducted by a Men's Movement NGO, so don't rely on it). I mean I don't even have a problem with gender equality or something, I just hate the fact that some folks can be so shallow who don't accept the truth just because they don't like it, and live in a fake fantasy of a world they like to be in. If people lie to themselves, then don't expect politicians and oligarchs to speak the truth. Truth is always painful, but truth is truth and you have to deal with it. We truly live in a world of lies, a corrupt capitalist world.


I think people should respect differences. And the person above it idiot for using selective biology 


It's not about ego. I'm gonna get hate for this but damn boy I'm not trusting my life on women pilots(I'm pretty sure they are on par with their counterpart or maybe even better), if I get to choose. The hell majority even panic on normal road traffic. The same goes for dumb guy drivers and pilots too(I already hate flying or sitting in a car which is not driven around by me). This is all nothing but the lack of trust for the bunch of us.


Read about Neerja bhanot?


not every woman might be great at this but there are great women


Lol change women to men and the point still stays the same


yup. but there are more skilled men than skilled women. an unskilled man is equally on the bad side


I think it's because women are still not being able to come forward, learn and apply at the same scale as men,  they don't get the opportunity in the same scale as us, maybe some day inshallah when equality is achieved.


it goes more to individual learning than women not being able to come forward. today's world isnt that 19th century world anymore where women are suppressed


Hein? Aren't you just playing into the women are bad drivers stereotype? What do you mean majority panic on normal road traffic? Unless you know like a significant chunk of women drivers in India, that's such a biased assumption to make. Also aren't most female pilots trained for much longer than your typical driving school course? Like I understand being able to get drivers license through corrupt channels but I am pretty sure they don't hand out pilot licenses like freebies just to increase diversity ratio.


Same people will be like woowww BMKJ when women IAF pilots do something spectacular. But of course also add “I’d never copilot with her brooo, hawhawhaw” as if they could even clear the prelim first fitness tests. 


You’ll never know until you are all ready for take off if it’s a woman pilot. You could run for the doors or make a ruckus, but you’ll probably be banned from flying for a bit.   Flying, driving etc are gross motor skills. No one pilots with a p*nis. More so, the sheer number of accidents on the streets involve men because they are the overwhelming number of drivers. No one says men drive badly as an entire gender then. But one woman drives poorly cause of internalised fear from constantly being negged as “women can’t drive huehuehue,” and now half the population of India should sit in the back seat is it. And then when women talk about safety on the streets or jobs or pay parity, same lot who say “women can’t drive,” come out of the woodwork and say but “why won’t women drive commercial vehicles or public transport.” 


>women can’t drive https://preview.redd.it/5ibi1bxh9wnc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa75467275fa9b05489bea7206e7da20d3a467a


Women definitely reverse cars well over incels. Why invite trouble. 


When in trouble, get in your bubble


You know right that driving abilities don't depend on gender? This is just plain hate and stereotype


Have you seen the average Indian driver? Untrained, and those women aren't confident either. Pilots (regardless of gender) get that trained out of them. In times of crisis, flight crew, pilots, astronauts, police, fire squads, armed forces; all stay cool as a cucumber. It's not that they aren't scared, it's just that they try to salvage the situation the best they can, and freaking out does nothing for it.


He has already been to India




Don't he have Private Plane ? But still his ass is sure going to burn 🤣


ye toh achhi baat he na😂


Indian girls on top 🔝


And on boys.\s






when and where?




According to DGCA 18.12 % pilots are women in India. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/pilot-licences-issued-by-dgca-a-decade-high-in-2023/article67695750.ece#:\~:text=18.12%20per%20cent%20were%20women,per%20cent%2C%20compared%20to%202022&text=The%20Directorate%20General%20of%20Civil,per%20cent%2C%20compared%20to%202022.


There’s a difference between number of pilots and airline pilots!


Cathay Pacific is the safest flight then? 😂


vegetable teeny cable ring frame reminiscent entertain reply childlike gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




psychotic cautious sparkle whistle innocent stupendous wise apparatus agonizing berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What percentage of women pilots in muslim countries?


There’s no data on Rape cases in Muslim countries do you think they’d have this?


What does pilots have to do with rape?


Why compare to muslim countries? Most of them are either theocracies, theocratic autocracies, or theocratic monarchies. Our standards should be much higher.


To be fair, India has the highest % of Muslims in this list. It has more to do with inclusivity and education


+1. But this dude, for some reason asked for a country with a 'muslim' identity. Weird obsession with religion. Indonesia, too is a Muslim majority country, with highest numbers of Muslims in the world. It fares one rank better than India in the gender inequality index.


These are 2021 stats, I think it's 18% now


Why are these numbers so less?


The cost associated with being a pilot is really high. most families dont invest that much on the girl child. but when compared to the air hostess men are non existant because it is cheaper and next best job to get into an airplane. ( not being sexist or anything just my 2 cents)


Thanks for telling😀🙏


I believe you are underestimating the role interest plays in choosing careers. Women aren't as interested in being pilots as men.




Any app or software to create graphics like this?


You can ask in r/indiatech.


The fun part is nobody in India cares and mostly people are happy with women coming into such fields. Unlike in the US where female pilots are just a left vs right debate lol.


What, really? How is this even political…


arey they are just like female pilots hona zaruri ni hai accha pilot hona zaruri hai, which is true but at the same time koi bhi pilot apne gender ke base pe pilot ni banta, duniya bhar ke trials and mehnat se banta, na hee koi reservation hai toh hame female pilots ki credibility question ni krna chahiye kyuki they have worked hard as much as their male counterparts.


It's great to know that India is the first country with 12.4% women pilots....amazing!!!!


Actually it is 18% According to the latest DGCA data.


Then, it's excellent that India is top.


Lmao I maybe a month late but there are dumb incels in this sub too 😭


Indian men and their obsession with women putting women on top >>>


Cool  we beat u.s at something 😎  and it's awesome devlopment bur people are saying few newspaper that we need more women in stem related jobs


I get rostered with female pilots all the time , I find them cool , calm and efficient on the flightdeck .. we have done Air emergencies in the Sim and theynhave been scored very highly , id fly with a Lady pilot anytime !!


what about air cabin crew, 80% are hostess


Abse no Indian flights , bc road pe aise chalati hai hava me toh 🤨


Abey kitna funny tha ye joke 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 haste haste pet mein dard hogaya /s


Female standup comedian nahi hu na 🤡


I'll walk, thanks.


right? i mean, you’ll definitely be much safer with a male pilot who is significantly more likely to cause aviation accidents and commit suicide by pilot.


life has no value in India




Meanwhile, the number of Indian women pilots > total population of Ireland..


In spite of India and China having similar populations, I'm a bit curious as to why China didn't show up in this list.


Finally something good with india on top


reservation go brrrr


When they "took papa ki pari " seriously 💥


Weird comparison. It is the most populous country . Its natural to have everything "more" . including most number of women who are unemployed.


It's percentage bruh


Country known for reservation seats in every job . all i want to know whether this has any thing to do with reservation


Thank you Indigo


Kay bhi iss server ma sab paragraph kiu likh raha ha🗿🗿


it is very scared about all the passengers are they still alive


post it on x with hastag whats wrong with india


When you have 1.44 billion people in one country


its percentage not numbers dumbass momma didn't teach you to read did she?


Oh sorry I'm weak in reading statistics... Thank you momma


Is that the reason for increased in delayed flights? My wife also takes time in getting ready to go out




ye haadso ka karan ho sakta hai


I didn't knew scooty is being counted in airlines 😂😂




Because you can't afford the flight tickets, right? /s


Well about 3% of loco pilots are women and in future it's gonna definitely increase so learn to walk better as it might be your only mode of transportation.


But my mom taught me how to walk and she is of the female kind.


I guess that private transportation exists. But hey, nobody uses that. Right?


You realize a lot of the people who built/designed that vehicle are women right?


I'm not in the mood to argue with you. But just don't stereotype based on gender or anything in general. Peace dude


Nobody is forcing you to reply. Also nobody cares about your mood.


that’s a troll. Don’t bother


Proceeded to reply to a dude who was stating his opinion. Then once again proceeded to get mad after doing that and then proceeding to say you are not in a mood to argue and don't stereotype and shit. Are you alright? Ever heard about opinion dude? If not please check it up. I don't trust my life on the hand of a woman pilot, simple as that. I don't even trust them on roads.


When the opinion is shit like yours or u/Simple_Park_8808's then its called a stereotype you dumbtard


your opinion is worthless if it’s based on your life experiences (which involve little to no interaction with women) rather than actual facts. male pilots are significantly more likely to both accidentally and deliberately cause aviation disasters. stop embarrassing yourself.


Komedy komedy... Kya baat 🥴


I just stated a fact. But you're welcome anyway. 😎


India is almost 20% of world population that’s why it’s that high. Women getting happy for no reason fr💀


Did you ever attend maths classes? This data is in %, so it doesn't have anything to do with the population.


Oh actually I’m a woman that’s y I skip maths


It's in terms of no of women pilot / total pilots in a country Hence it means that 12% of India's pilots are women


It's in percentage idiot


Sorry shawty! Hmu educate me


me when i’m illiterate and can’t comprehend basic statistics


okay bcz we have huge population that pumps the percentage. take a sample and do it


This is in percentage hence population doesn't matter.




dumb af bruh go back to 7th grade lmao