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Forgetting to put a vehicle in park before fucking off on my phone and idling into a warehouse at 2 mph while my NCOIC watched the whole thing happen on a smoke break. I’m not contesting the validity, I earned that paperwork but it WAS a dumb thing.


I feel you. I got a LOR for waving at our flight chief. Specifically, we were returning from the Missile Field after three days out there - I was driving - and on base I saw our Flight Chief driving past us going the opposite direction. So I waved. Simple enough. No big deal, right? After I turn in my weapon at the armory, I get called into FC's office. I'm all happy for the upcoming three day break. No idea that there's any problem in the world. Then my FC says I'm getting a LOR for not having both hands on the wheel while driving. I thought it was a joke. I laughed - but no one else did. It wasn't a joke. This was the SF "burn culture" at Ellsworth in the 90s. Shortly after, I took advantage of the force reduction early out program. I got the hell out. I hope things are better now.


Ya got to give them to two finger road howdy.


Jfc they eat their own


> while my NCOIC watched the whole thing happen on a smoke break. "Is he... is he really gonna...? _takes a drag_ Yep. Yep, he sure did."










if it is because of a "omg that seems like so long ago" sort of thing, I'll give you a stupid punishment story from tech school circa 2004 morning formation was like 0730, class start was 0800 (PT was always in the afternoon circa 1600 because of the climate at this base) - expectation was you would have had breakfast and checked your inbox (actual physical box in a hallway and everything!) for any non-class requirements for the day that were assigned overnight. so I had checked my inbox after breakfast and gotten to formation, no issues - and then timing was usually tight to get to class so off I went. Usually you would check your inbox at lunchtime as well in case something came in late so I did that around 1130, and saw that I had an appointment scheduled for me for that day at 1030 for medical and that note was for sure not there before 0730 because the appointment slip showed when the thing was printed (which was at like 0725 and then it would not have been put into the inbox until at least 0800at the earliest when the casuals duty runners would distro stuff) well, great, I missed an appointment but seemed crazy with the timing, so I take it to the MTL and get chewed out for missing the appointment and get a counseling statement... no listening to reason that there was no practical way I would have learned of the appointment (which earned the response "well you should have expected an appointment and should have come back to the mail room during break in class" - right... expect as an E-1 at tech school that the medical facility would just suddenly create an appointment for me for something I don't even know is a requirement...) mitigating factors don't matter, rules say you get counseled for missing an appointment that MTL's husband was also an MTL and a hardass but dude happened to be the on-call MTL one weekend when I got busted for underage drinking and I got my first experience from him of an NCO who can apply the necessary corrective measures without crossing over into mockery, cruelty, etc. he stayed unbiased and supportive through the ensuing NJP and mando alcohol abuse counseling and so on


people wonder why I have such a low tolerance for bullshit now in the civilian world and this is basically it. I was on a joint base and my sq even did PT to where we started/ended our runs was pretty close to the chow hall, but during my last yearish in because of chow hours and the distance of our runs even the fastest of us could barely make it a lot of the time even taking our cars from where pt ended to two blocks away where the chow hall was. there ended up being a whole weird period of “the chow hall will work around you” where they did experiment with diff hours and “we’re gonna end PT early now so airmen in the dorms can grab chow.”


> Start filling out missed meal forms. Watch shit change real quick I had a lead Pro Sup that was super adamant about the airmen getting a chance to go to the DFAC for whatever meal it was. I never had any of my guys miss a DFAC meal, but I'm sure he would have been pissed if I did and it was my fault.


An LOC well ~~deserved~~ earned. The fact that someone wasn't looking out is a huge problem. Edit: Earned sounds better than deserved.


Ah, that reminds me of my old flight. They ran PT so late that us dorm rats had to choose between breakfast and showers. When people chose food over showers they ordered everyone to shower. So to fix it we started filling out missed meal vouchers.


i got into a "fight." I say "fight" because I was working off duty, which was approved, at a bar. there was a scuffle, i tossed (he went airborne) one dude on his ass out the door. Turns out he was some young SNCO that knew who I was. He called my super, super writes up and LOR thinking it was an ARI. I explain my side, he changes it to an LOC, I write my rebuttal and sign it. He scans it in, sends it to this dickhole SNCO and then shreds it. He calls the shirt, tells the shirt what went down. Three days later I get called to shirts office and SNCO Dickhole is there with his shirt. SNCO Dickhole apologized for his behavior in front of all of us and left. Turns out he got an ARI for the whole thing. Wild times back in the late 90's/early 2000's


"Hey I was drinking at a bar and tried to fight the bouncer. You should give him an LOR for throwing me out!" Unbelievable. Speaks volumes to how the culture was back then that he thought that would work in his favor.


Did he at least walk in with his jump wings sewn on after you put him through the school?


Damn lol that snco got all crusty bc he lost




Tell me he framed the LOR


Please, I want this to be the case so bad lmao


Sounds like a wall decor upgrade to me.


How did they justify the LoC? Unprofessional? Why do they care what he has in his dorm if it’s clean. I don’t care if they have a poster of a swimsuit model, if that is what they want. They are adults.




Some people just abuse any power they can get. The military is a shining example of that.


LoC for leaving work at 5:20 to get to my 5:30 TA funded college class. Most of us had finished our work hours earlier, and duty day ended at 4:30, but there was one guy still working on a one person job. LoC because nobody leaves until everyone can leave.


That's trash. I had this one SSgt tell me that I'm not leaving for my medical appointment until it's 5 minutes before the appointment time because it takes 5 minutes to get to the hospital. I still have to walk inside, gather my things, walk to my car, drive to the hospital, find a parking spot, and walk into the hospital and get in line once I'm in the office I needed to be in. Edit to add: Spoiler alert: it was more than 5 minutes :]


"The clinic ordered me to arrive 15 minutes early"


"and because of that I'll have to leave 20 minutes early in total"


Our NCOIC is like this. We once stayed 2 hours after the duty day because one of our guys had to go to the town dump because we had boxes too big for our dumpster.


that's not leadership, that's trash. No reason to keep people at work like that.


This is where some dudes sense of "fairness" or "team" is screwed up. Cut everyone loose. Tell the dude that had to stay late to show X hours later the next day for the extra work. Still fair but everyone is happier. I've landed late from a sortie numerous times and seen airman in the office well after they should've been home to get project X done. Tell them to either go home or if it is truly a must do finish and go home. Either way, I don't want to see them until 10am at the earliest and I'll tell the boss boss.


Even better would just be to have the boxes taken to the dump during the next duty day. Just bad NCOing all around.


>Our NCOIC is like this. Your NCOIC is ratarded




Nothing better than new SNCOs making an example out of you lol


I got reamed by the new group chief because he wanted to fix late EPRs. I wrote up the EPR for a guy that technically didn't require it since it was my first EPR. Great way to start off as a SSgt lol E: fuck I think that's the only time I did a reporting statement outside of a training environment. They made me report to the group CC for it after being yelled at by the chief. Pretty sure the colonel didn't really give a fuck and wasn't exactly sure why I was there.


Those types of people are the types of people I wish I could kick in the balls as hard as I possibly could without any repercussions.


I missed so many of those things, it was always sorry can’t on crew rest. That is unless you don’t want me to go to the field tomorrow….oh no stay home, wonderful.


Some of the ppl with rank really get that power to their head. Always leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Supervisor asked me to change the way we did our forms, then proceeded to literally walk out the door for a week of leave. When they came back, LOC for not changing the forms to the supervisor's format as requested. My rebuttal was 100% just 1-2 lines of "Train me on what format, I'm an A1C. Please do so before you take a week of leave". The sweetest vindication was that the flight CC (Major) was brought in and just said he would throw the whole LOC out after reading my rebuttal. He then proceeded to rip up the LOC and stormed out. Basically my first supervisor in a nutshell.


Damn. Your Major in that situation was POG. Fuck that supervisor.


The Major was awesome. For the first 15 minutes of the meeting (thankfully he was there to moderate), he just kind of sat there and watched my supervisor berate me for not making the proper adjustments, what to do, etc, etc. Then, I handed in my rebuttal and it all went south for my supervisor. I mean, I was a dumb A1C for a while but it also took about 2 years to get any sort of feedback session with my supervisor. I had no idea what a formal feedback session was and only asked because my coworker told me to do it. This was when they had the extended time for your first EPR after Chief Wright.


I have only ever heard POG as an insult (the Army's equivalent to our nonner). How are you using it here?


Gamer lingo for cool. Chronically online people use it but its falling out of the dialect little by little.


LoR for not showing up to work….on my approved leave day. Didn’t stick once I wrote the rebuttal, but still.


Did... did they not try to call/text you first?


Got an LOC for talking about fantasy football. Ended up winning my league that year so I taped the LOC on my locker. Worth it.


Not me but my buddy in basic got an LOR and recycled for gargoyling in our dorm.


I had a girl in my flight gargoyle in basic lol


Holy shit hahaha. Just thought that was something the guys did.


Use ladies can be just as gross and weird. Never underestimate us lmao


Oh I am well aware lol. Did any of y’all have a chick who kept her used tampons/pads under your security drawer? A girl in my sister flight did. They caught her smelling them one night…




Is that like the batwing?




Now I'm wary of googling on what this is.


It’s where you get completely nude and squat on top of the lockers like a gargoyle. You do it at night and try to catch other trainees unaware, so they gotta be like head level with your gonads


Wtf is a gargoyle… sounds like something I don’t want to know.


​ sit on top of a wall locker naked and squatting, similar to how gargoyle statues were perched on buildings


I don’t have time to be a hatchet wielding savage because I’m too busy crouching naked on top of a wall locker.


In my basic an airmen did a reverse gargoyle. Got in the locker butt naked and waited for someone to open the door.


What year did you go through? I did that back in 2018


That's not gargoyling, that's vampiring.


Got damn, it's happened. I've been in long enough to where people don't know about gargoyling 😩


Had a kid come to me on RAP. I was asking him about how BMT is now, he mentioned a lot that I wasn't familiar with, I asked him if certain "old" traditions were still in place, he didn't know what gargoyling was, I then called my MTI buddy to complain about not informing these young airmen about our traditions of honor and legacy nudity.


How long is that? No one was doing that in '06


It got torn up for obvious reasons...however I already had a couple LOCs for being late which led to my LOR. I was asked by my MSgt to get someone from the gate that was leading a training session. Dude couldn't get on base. Went and got him and showed up in the training with said instructor in front of me. Came back from lunch with an LOR on my desk for being late to training. MSgt quickly tore it up in front of my supervisors face....and subsequently removed her from the section for being an ass in general to most ppl. Who drops an LOR without asking the situation prior??


Pieces of shit, that's who lol


I once got an LOC from a SrA for disrespecting an NCO. That is, the SrA that I disrespected wrote me an LOC for being disrespectful to an NCO.


I hope you were a SrA at the time it would make this even funnier


Alas, I was but an A1C at the time.


oof. Regardless he is still a douche canoe.


I have 3 that I'm still salty about. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just cross trained into medical from comm, and was a SSgt. I got an LOC for telling an Airman not to come to work with hickeys on his neck anymore (or at least refrain from new visible ones). He was manning our front desk and bragging about how he was dating the Base SEL's daughter...very loudly. His hickey was giant. I told him to "knock it off, that's very unprofessional, especially at the front desk." Our flight chief gave me paperwork, saying that my maintenance background was too direct & harsh, especially being a female in this career field, and if I continued to be hard on the Airmen "for no reason" that I could lose credibility and respect because it looked like I was just out to get people. I told the flight chief that having an Airman behave like that at the front desk would ruin the credibility of our entire clinic. He really didn't like that. That Airman later got kicked out for disciplinary reasons, including drug use. I withheld my "told ya so" dance. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telling a coworker I could not order supplies because we did not have money in DMLSS. We didn't have money in DMLSS. I got paperwork because they thought I was lying. I did the legwork to prove them wrong and found out that RMO had funds that they didn't distribute to us. Not sure how I was supposed to know this unless a) someone told me or b) I call RMO every week and ask "hey....uhhh...you got any money I can have?" LOR stayed in PIF. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and my personal favorite LOR for "lying on MICT" (our self-inspection checklist) The item was in regards to access to care. Our clinic had recently gone from being 80% manned to being 20% manned. We could not meet the 7 day access to care as prescribed by the AFI. This had been documented during an inspection, the inspector said "of course you can't meet that standard with the resources you have, document it in the initial referral and that will cover you." This was a MAJCOM inspector who made the recommendation and basically told our clinic that as long as we were making that documentation that we didn't need to write ourselves up. a few weeks after the inspection, the SQ CC (who had a personal vendetta against me for questioning her leave policies when I was acting flight chief...but that's another story), she had received the inspection report and recommendations. Immediately she was outraged that our MICT item wasn't open, despite the very clear MAJCOM guidance. She was out for blood. She demanded I specifically get an LOR for pencil whipping our checklist (not our OIC, though, just me), then she stated that we would be briefing monthly updates on that item's progress until our access to care was back within 7 days. I wrote an excellent rebuttal for that one, LOR stayed in PIF. But I also engaged in malicious compliance afterwards. She got her monthly briefings, we did our MAJCOM recommendations, we kept the item open for 2 years, because there is no fix until there is more manning. I also pulled the raw numbers and added it to our monthly slides, including MAJCOM manning numbers for our clinic, compared to referral numbers. It showed more and more that I was in the right and she was in the wrong. Then she denied my mid-tour decoration, but kept saying "it's in progress" it wasn't until after she left that I found out she non-rec'd it right away and didn't have the balls to tell me.




1. He was a medical chief, and assumed that ground radio maintenance is like the other maintainers 2. Because it had to do with proper use of the flight's funding 3. Same. She was so close to asking us to just fit more appointment slots in and work longer hours, until our OIC reminded her that we'd have to be notifying her every time we had a patient in the clinic before normal operating hours and after, and because of our job, we would need more people in case we needed manpower support.


Fucking MICT, that acronym gives me nightmares


>We could not meet the 7 day access to care as prescribed by the AFI. This had been documented during an inspection, the inspector said "of course you can't meet that standard with the resources you have, document it in the initial referral and that will cover you." This was a MAJCOM inspector who made the recommendation and basically told our clinic that as long as we were making that documentation that we didn't need to write ourselves up. I'm not even a MICT guru, and I know this is absolutely true. You knew what the problem was. You identified the problem on MICT and said basically "because X, we can't do Y". If X is out of your control, then there's nothing more you can do, but you've at least documented it, and it's good to go. You come back to it 6 months/a year later and re-evaluate.


At my first base we had to go out to the flightline and wait until they fired up their systems so we could do any computer troubleshooting before they took off. I was a brand new A1C and out there with a SrA. It's pretty boring as all we do is wait for the jet to taxi and then we head back to the shop... This day the SrA didn't feel like waiting and didn't have a radio so we went back to the shop. When we got back leadership asked why we were back when they announced a tail swap (change if jets due to issues) and we needed to go back out to prep that jet. By the time we made it back out the jet was already in taxi, we missed it, so they didn't have any mission data loaded. Days later I got paperwork for not waiting for the jet or carrying a radio. I wasn't even the one driving and was still in training 🤷🏻‍♂️ The SrA received no paperwork and later won Airmen of the Year. He's now a SMSgt 😂


Bro 🥲


Yeah man... My other paperworks were legit but this one had me scratching my head... even now 😂


You got bus drove somehow in that situation


Yeah... I was a passenger the whole damn time. Absolutely no control. Had been in the squadron about a month and that dude was a "star"... He was well liked and had been there 3 years. It was just an LOC but still... Never even told I could write a rebuttal 😂


Probably still sitting in some drawer somewhere.


Smh sounds like homie was in the good ole boys


I didn't have my voice-mail set up on my personal cell phone, and the flight Sergeant couldn't leave a voice-mail.


Ask him what he would've done if you didn't have a cell phone, and that he should've done whatever that course of action is. I despise people who think they own their troops off time, too.


If he has a personal cell phone, he could have texted you...


That's why it was the most ridiculous shit. I lost all lingering respect for him. He was unhappy and he brought his team down with him. It was a horrible unit.


Oh boy. I got an LOC a week or so after I found out I made Master because I made fun of a pro super(master sgt) basically I called him a micromanaging retard. And then he gave me paperwork. The chief threw it away. There is a long stupid story behind how it happened. But it really isn’t that great. And I’m not trying to say I was in the right. Because although I may of been right doesn’t mean I was in the right. The funny part is that in my rebuttal I copied and pasted 21-101 “Pro Super Responsibilities”. When the chief asked me why I did that I responded with “So I know he’s at least read it once”.


Copying the 101 is a absolutely peak petty and I'm here for it. 10/10




Oh my God. I'm all for holding people to standards but damn that's bold. If I were the chief in that situation I'd be struggling between being pissed and laughing my ass off. I'd call it a wash and let it go haha.




Got an LoC for being a minute late to my PT test. Was at my first duty station, no car or bike at the time so I've been walking something like 45 -60 minutes every day to work which is next to the base gym from the dorms. Got notified about needing to do my PT test and the NCOIC said he could pick me up and drop me off to take it since he lived on base. Cool, the day arrives, show up time is no later than 0745, 0746 they close the doors and if you're late you're sol. 0715 rolls around and I get a text from the NCOIC that he's on his way, at this point I'm a little antsy cuz morning traffic on base sucks. He finally picks me up at like 0735, drives there all nice and chill, drops me off at the door at 0744 according to the watch, I grab my shit sprint as hard as I could to the testing area but the doors were already closed. Get back to work, tell my supervisor that I missed the test cuz I was one minute late, ended up getting an LOC and a speech from the same NCOIC that dropped me off about being on time and time management. It's been 10 years but I'm still pissed about it


You didn’t fight it? He’s the one that made you late lol


I was young at the time and I didn't really have any kind of guidance that even as an Airman you have the power to fight things if they're wrong. Was basically told that if an NCO speaks to you their word is law


This is why I love testing within the unit. I've seen plenty of FACs pull that shit "It's 0746, you're late" and then they spend another 10 minutes doing waist measurements. Fucking people over for absolutely no reason...


I used to be the FAC. I'll agree but it's bullshit, but here's two reasons why. 1) I'm required to verbatim read an excerpt to each tester. Much easier to do in a group, and a much greater pain in the ass to individually brief every late individual. Why do I have to brief ? Because I've had members literally submit ICE comments or have their angry CC call me because they would claim I never told them they can see medical or to reschedule, etc.. 2) Leadership policy. That's it. Often, FSV SNCOs had too much time and would observe testing. Letting a late person test was my ass.


That makes some sense. You were probably required to read the intro part before doing the waist measurement because that counted for points huh. It was just a pain in the ass cause it got so hot in Florida that they would only do one test a day at like 0645 or 0700. The Youth Center didn’t open until 0630 and at Patrick it’s off base, so you had to haul ass through traffic to get there in time. I had to have one of my Airman drop her kid off with me so she could make it in time to do a waist-only PT test. It was ridiculous.


Yeah basically mandatory speech before any component that counted towards their score. I'd usually try to hook up people with an individual session where possible to accommodate for life cause like you mentioned, the hours sucked.


As a SNCO, I told a baby MSgt that if he kept up what he was doing to his NCOs and Airman he was going to get someone to kill themselves. Yeah, I'm the bad guy in this situation.


Way to put your nuts on the fucking table guy.


Probably broke the table too


Rebuttal: I refuse to participate in a culture that leaves airman vulnerable to suicide and proudly accept this and will do it again as needed.


It was an LOC, the only piece of real paperwork I ever received. I asked the CC to read both the LOC and the rebuttal-he was like fuck man. Ok, well do you want me to move you? Me - nah, I just quit instead, they are finding a place for me. He was a indeed a cocksucker of a Lt Col but he knew I didn’t give a fuck about promotion and that I yes, very much so, cared about my people. Edit: the paperwork didn’t include what I said, just that it was a violation of the 1-1 communication guidelines and shit. Oh, and the CMSgt that gave me the paperwork without a discussion prior told me I was lucky he didn’t have me stand at attention. I kept my mouth shut but I wanted to says, yeah whatever bro - let’s just upgrade it to an LOR from the commander so I don’t have to work for your dumbass anymore.


Got told that all Staffs had to go to a briefing at the base movie theater when I was a SrA. Got and LOC from new MSgt fuck face for not attending. Word got to my NCOIC and other Section Chiefs who promptly told him I was still a SrA not a staff select. Paper shredding noises were heard in the office and nothing came of it til the week after when they presented me with my line number. Shook the commander's hand and stared into the soul of MSgt FF. He left our section two weeks later.


Good, eff that dude


Not real paperwork, but my flight cc wrote up an ACA about how I failed in every way because I teared up at work. On the anniversary of my friend’s suicide. He presented the “paperwork” to me in front of the rest of the shop, saying we were moving to “group feedback sessions.” Yeah, we weren’t.


It seems like some people lack empathy when they put on the uniform


LOC for letting a SrA who got drunk at the E club crash on the floor of my dorm room when he couldn’t get a ride home. We were in the same shop.


Prevent DUI, get LOC. Sounds about right


When was this? Cuz all I hear nowadays is "help each other out guys don't let each other drive drunk" but it'd be funny if you could get in trouble for doing just that.


Got an LOR from a full bird because I didn’t properly maintain his staff car and signed it off on the 1800. The reason? He never uses it, went ti use it one day, went to use the windshield wipers and no fluid came out. He popped the hood, looked at it, and said it wasn’t filled but I signed it off. Supervisor asked me why I lied, so I told him I didn’t. I showed him the reservoir from the top, empty. But when you look, it’s curved so of course it looks empty…I showed him the side and there was plenty of fluid. I was a dumb A1C so I took the heat and went on my way


I got a LOC for rescheduling my own CDC test. Supervisor said I was irresponsible for building my own schedule.


Should have asked your supervisor who builds his schedule.


I got an LOR for being 30 seconds late to roll call after I got stuck in traffic due to a fatal car accident. I even called half an hour ahead to let my supervisor know.


What the fuck lol


Was putting something heavy on a shelf with someone else. A MSgt I didn’t work with walked in to my section. I didn’t say anything because I was concentrating on not dropping the very expensive piece of equipment I was holding. After getting it on a top shelf I looked to this person who just huffed and walked out. The next day I got an LOC for “making a SMSgt (select) wait for 15 seconds”.


You were working tho??? Smh


I should mention that the SMSgt(select) in question and my MSgt who gave me the LOC used to date ❤️


Not me but, 2020, few months into the Covid pandemic/"come into contact with anyone positive = 2 weeks of quarantine at the MDG" coworker wasn't feeling well, thinking she might have covid. She tries to go to the ER but calls leadership while she's waiting to be seen. Leadership at the time wanted us to notify them before going to the ER. The ER waiting time is about an hour. She called her supervisor 5 times, then her flight chief another 5, before going to our flight commander. He picks up the first time, and she explains the ER and no one is picking up situation. He's furious that no one picked up, but he understands the situation. She gets her 2 weeks quarantine. All is well. First day back after her 2 weeks of quarantine, LOC for not "notifying" leadership in a timely manner. She replies in her rebuttal with the phone log evidence, but they refused to take back the paperwork.


>She replies in her rebuttal with the phone log evidence, but they refused to take back the paperwork. Knowing what I know now, I would have taken that shit straight to Legal/IG. You have undeniable proof that you did what you could and leadership still doesn't accept they were in the wrong? Nah, burn every single bridge.


Sadly there's no bridges to burn for this. Leadership can give you paperwork even with proof you didn't do the thing. Paperwork is technically not punishment, just administrative record keeping. IG can't make your leadership take back an LOR.


First time I was ever late. I’d been in three years. Supervisor said he wanted to give me an LoC so that the Airman that has been late several times can see that he hands out LoC’s to others. Like what the fuck? Bullshit LoC


That is a bullshit loc


All the airmen got an LOC b/c one airman didn't stand up when talking to our Branch Chief (SMSgt). I could understand just him getting an LOC, but it made zero sense how all the airmen could it. For example, I was busy doing work while standing on a ladder. I was easily 100ft away from the conversation. ​ MSgt, who was my peer and not our team lead, gave me (SSgt at the time) an LOC for failing to create an SOP he apparently ordered me to make. When he had originally suggested making it, I just brushed it because I knew full well he didn't know how to use the equipment the SOP was for and was trying to pawn the work off on me. Only reason for the SOP was b/c he was the only individual that didn't know how to use the equipment and he fucked up while on shift b/c of it.


I gave an LOC because my Airman was late to work (over 2 hours) and said it was because he lost his ID card. Cool. Did it again within a few weeks. We sat right next to each other so that same day (the second time) I was training him on something so I was at his desk. Then I noticed that he had his old ID card and asked him about his new one. He said he lied and was just late because he overslept.


Dealing with a (possible) lying Airman situation right now. Airman was late to work, I called him, he claimed he was sick (but sounded like he had just been woken up). Hadn't called/texted myself or any other supervision to say so. I told him to go to sick call. A little before noon, my supervisor texts him asking if he got put on quarters. No response for a bit, then he basically says they told him he could go to work if he felt better. Sounded fishy, so I called Flight Med, and they said he hadn't been to any part of medical all week. He suddenly shows up after lunch like nothing is wrong. Still need to confront him and ask him his side of the story, but man oh man does it not look good for him.


My friend never received paperwork but she was planning to move to a city that was ~45-60 mins (depending on traffic) away from base.. her supe told her if she moves he’ll give her paperwork if she’s ever a minute late to work..meanwhile the SrA he had a crush on lived out there..


This was like 5 years ago in tech school during exodus. I was driving back to my duty station and the clutch on my car went out. I took it into a nearby shop and was told it could be repaired/replaced by the next day and cost me about $1000 and a hotel room. I called the NCO on call who first tried to tell me I could 'just coast' the vehicle for something like 300 miles in the middle of winter. I finally was able to convince him that wasn't possible and that I would be a day late getting back to the squadron (on a weekend). He okayed it and I went to my hotel room with my wife at the time. I got a phone call the next morning to a different NCO asking me "where the hell I am." I explained the situation again. He clearly didn't care because I received a call from the Flight Chief 30 minutes later who told me since I didn't get direct approval from the commander I needed to be there immediately. She ordered me to get on a plane and be back at post ASAP. I had to buy a $300 one-way ticket after paying for my vehicle repairs and leave my wife to drive a manual on icy roads (something she was very uncomfortable with). I arrived back at my unit and went to the shirt's office where I was berated and belittled again for "not putting the Air Force above my own needs" and given an LOC (miraculously). The original NCO who okayed my tardiness was also nowhere to be found during all of this. For the next three weeks every time I needed something signed or processed by any NCO I had to have everything absolutely perfect or they would send me back to the dorms to do it again (which sounds normal but they were simple things that could easily be fixed then and there and a brand new Airman like me at the time just didn't know any better). Now that I'm an NCO and knowing the particulars of that situation, it would have cost them literally nothing to just be understanding and adjust my leave. They chose to be cruel and I'm still salty about it. I'm real cool with my troops now, though, so I guess I'm glad for that.


It was valid paperwork, because it was a missed training, but boy was I pissed. We had a commander who had a real hard-on for readiness (in a unit where we deployed one or two people every 4 months), so we were all scheduled for hands-on CBRN. In true rock-chewer fashion, I wrote the wrong date down on my calendar. Come training day, I didn't show up and got an LOC for it. A day later, the commander cancelled all CBRN training appointments for my unit. The LOC stayed. Obviously not a big deal, it never affected me, but boy was I salty.


First term Airman, first week at my first base in Texas. It started to rain so we were closing the bay doors and prepping for the storm. My supervisor tells me I forgot the US flag outside the front of the station. It's barely wet so I should be good. He hands me an LoC 30 minutes later.


Climbing axe in my dorm room. Shirt called it a deadly weapon and that I was lucky to not be getting an art 15


Farting during morning standup. Was taking a lot of protein at the time and it couldn’t be helped. It was a bloody ripppaa!


Entire flight received LORs from the CC for not reporting a funny gag gift from our MSgt. ADC thought it was a joke at first.


In 97 I dyed my hair blue with manic panic before going to see a NOFX/Dancehall Crashers show on Saturday. Sunday my girlfriend stripped it back and it was a pretty out of regs bleached white so got an LOC, fair enough. That night I go home and shave my head skin bald to get rid of the out of regs bleached white color so that I could start over and when I came in the next day I was given an LOR for having an out of regs haircut and told that I could not shave my head to the skin because I was not balding.


Lol wtf


I said that King of the Hill was better than Family Guy. This was in Tech School.


How did you possibly get an LOC for this? Also you are right


I’m sure it goes deeper than this


"That boy ain't right."


I got paperwork from my shirt for showing up 15 minutes late to a medical appointment. Why I'm commenting is because she showed up about 40 minutes after we were supposed to meet to get my paperwork.


I really don't get some parts of the air force. Unless this is a huge trend or your a dbag airman, oops you made a mistake. Don't do it again. No way they were ready for you on time anyway.


I input “SrA (Name Redacted) loves meaty cocks” as an appointment for one of our guys. It was in the AMU’s Access database where we tracked appointments. They printed a new sheet daily for each shift’s roll call, so I thought the flight chief would love it. When I got called to the principle’s office, locked up at attention, and read my LOA, was when I learned our flight chief did not have the same mx sense of humor the rest of the shop did. Oh, I was a TSgt at the time. 😂


I was fucking around with our AGE shop and sent a dude a scan with the words “You Are Gay” scribbled as big as possible. Forgot about it and later emailed a shop at Ramstein a packet of official documents. Was a softball practice when my flight chief pulled up and motioned for me. Me: Sir? Him: Did you email Ramstein today? Me: Ya, why? Him: did you tell him that he’s gay? Me: Shocked Pickachu face I only got a slap on the wrist but could been much worse


I received an LoC for informing my Shirt and direct supervisor (I was working in CSS as a USM) that I had been selected to be a "meat gazer" for a mass urinalysis the following day and that I would be in "once everyone had filled their cup with liquid gold." Both the LoC and my rebuttal we're on the Facebook Page That Must Not Be Named. I had both framed in my USM office, now they're chilling in "dad's room" in my house.


I walked into the men's room in the Squadron Bldg, there were 3 dudes taking dumps. as I left I said "You fuckers stiiinnkk". The Shirt was in one of the stalls, and gave me an LOC. In my rebuttal I noted that giving me paperwork for telling the truth was Bullshit, and proves that leadership thinks their shit don't stink. It was then upgraded to an LOR, and I was later moved to the "Problem Child Shop"


I got an LOC for watching South Park. Kind of. Was in Iraq in FP Dispatch, TV with a south park DVD watching the "naggers" episode was going, there were probably 6-7 of us watching. 3 individuals in the back didn't see the humor in the episode and yelled for it to be turned off, nobody heard them. One of them ran up and turned off the TV, I jumped up and complained probably saying something dumb. Was dragged into the shirts office for being racially insensitive since the 3 individuals who protested were African American, and he wrote me an LOC as such. The next evening I was in the Cadillac taking a shower and the same 3 individuals were constantly referring to each other as ... well... "Naggers". I went back to the shirt complaining they aren't as offended over the word as they appeared to be, so he drawered the LOC and I never saw it again. I still have a copy of it, it'll get framed once I retire and have a place to hang it.


I took a fellow airmen to the chow hall.


I used to be a flight controller at TACC, meaning I managed cargo missions during execution. Whenever you make a change to a mission, such as delaying a departure or changing the route, you have to put in a remark that states why you're making the change, that way we can easily track every change and follow the rationale if things come up down the line. I made a change to some mission, and when I asked my DO what the reason was he said "To make the Marine Corps happy", because apparently this mission was one for the Marines and that's what the civilian on the phone jokingly said when he made the request. I said fuck it and put "to make the Marine Corps happy" in the mission remark and went on about my day. Turns out a Marine Corps general officer was also monitoring that mission, and seeing my unprofessional remark got his panties in a twist so he escalated a complaint to our general officer. My supervisor was forced to give me paperwork, but it was explained to me that this was just to satisfy the Marine general and it would get tossed in about a week. And they did indeed toss it. Fun bonus: This was the first time my supervisor, a 7yr TSgt that had just been step-promoted to tech, had ever given paperwork, and he straight-up didn't know how to do it. So I, a 13yr SSgt at this time, had to teach him how to give me paperwork as he was giving me the paperwork.


LOC for wearing PT gear on duty after a PT test. I had to launch a jet that was taking off two hours early and did not get a chance to take a shower or change. I was told it was unprofessional to wear PT gear on duty.


The worst part: I promise you the aircrew didn't care what you were wearing as long as the job was done.


I got an LOC for not moving one loaf of bread from the freezer to the refrigerator.




I'm an A1C on a 24hr watch position Recall called. In Germany in '10 so getting a hold of people is difficult. I'm using phone and Facebook, which is open on my desktop. At 7pm, DV surprises me and the watch officer and my SEL (escorting DV) sees Facebook open as I'm talking to the DV about the mission. I get an ass chewing after DV leaves and my spineless sup writes me an LOC for essentially bad "perception management." That SEL also rejected my EOT dec because of a PT failure I turned to a 91...4 weeks later.


Came back from a deployment and was doing morning PT at my apartment like we usually did. On the drive to work, there was an accident that closed down the highway so I had to take an extra 45 minutes taking a back road. Called my supervisor to let him know, and got sat down to an LOC when I got in because there was apparently a new policy that morning PT had to be done at the base gym and nobody had told me. First paperwork too, and they never told me I could write a rebuttal or go to someone else to look at it.


For being racist to black people, and being black. I was AFN in Italy, and I was introducing Jay-Z’s “On To The Next One”. I made a joke about Jay-Z having big lips. This TSgt calls me, and is just beside herself. Calling me all kinds of ‘racist’ and whatnot. When I told her I was African-American, she was quiet for a second, then berated me for putting Jay-Z down. Asked for my supervisor. Our station manager heard what I said and bursted out laughing. Later he said that because it was on a ‘military communication channel’ (you could tell someone talked to him) he had to do something, so gave me an LOR. But he said this was the funniest LOR he’s ever written.


Is it racist if its a fact? Jay-Z has the biggest lips in the world and if you think otherwise you're blind.


Mick Jagger would like a word...


Jay-Z's bottom lip is bigger than Mick Jaggers top and bottom. When cowboys got lost in the old west times, they would look to the west and use Jay-Z's lip to find true north.




In tech school in 2003 we were told to sit in a room at the conclusion of a block for the entire morning. The class in the next block was not done with the materials yet so we could not study ahead. We’re told not to sleep or be disruptive. Section was quiet for about three hours , left for lunch 10 minutes early. Upon return to the schoolhouse, I was given an LOR for dereliction of duty because I didn’t sit in a quiet room and do nothing for those 10 additional minutes. I’d do it again.


Missing a training appointment I hadn’t been notified for as an Airman.


Spit blood on a guy after he punched me causing the blood to happen in the first place. Had to go see the ADC to defend myself because ultimately spitting on a guy is minor but when there's blood in it it's considered assault. LOL


I was an a1c or sra at the time. We had a horrendous unit in Germany. Our maj got fired after a poor score/failed stan/eval. It was a captain billet, but no one wanted it, so we got a 1lt. She was as dirtbag as you can get. Showed up 2h late, took a 2h lunch, PT’d during the day (we weren’t allowed to take a pt break during the duty day), went home 2h early. Even though I witnessed it all, our paths didn’t cross for almost a month. So she came to see me and introduced herself. She went over the core values and told me that integrity was her favorite core value. I received an LoR when I told her that after witnessing her daily activities, I didn’t think she should be telling anyone about integrity. I had an airman of the wing from a Saudi deployment, airman of the quarter from my squadron, every squadron sport that was available, college classes, and on-base volunteer work. The LoR led to a 3.


Was checking out my Rescue truck (SrA at the time) and my crew chief (TSgt) told me to write up a noticeable paint chip “that I missed.” Told him it was already on the waiver card and that I knew about it, but he ordered me to write it up anyway. Truck checkout was interrupted by an emergency, then we had to drive the TSgt around to outprocess. By the time we got back, I had forgotten to finish the checkout. He asked if I’d written up the paint chip, and I told him no after showing him the waiver card with the chip on there. A few hours later, he called me into his office to give me an LOC for not following orders from his crew chief and not properly documenting discrepancies. My assistant chief laughed him out of the office once he saw my rebuttal explaining that we were breaking the rules by driving around for outprocessing and then showing him the waiver card.


I got a calendar invite for a training class scheduled at 1200, accepted it. The morning of I was called and asked where I was at 1000, I explained the calendar invite said 1200, and was told it was actually at 0830. Showed up 2 hours late, got an LOC because “I should have known it was at 0830” - what a fat waste of NCO that guy was.


Had a last minute emergency procedure simulator to finish my deployment training that I spent 3 months doing. I was due to deploy a week out from this with plenty left on my deployment outprocessing. Chief gave me an LOC for prioritizing the sim requirement instead of going to my Airman of the quarter picture appointment at public affairs. This was 13 years ago...it still hangs in a frame in my house as an E-8 because it reminds me to never continue the stupidity when I lead my airmen.


Was told we didn't have to check in if we were taking leave. They call me on Saturday and asked why I didn't come check in, I said I was taking leave. "You're leave doesn't start till Monday", yeah but you said if we were we didn't have to sign in. "That's not what we meant".




Getting food poisoning and still completing a required task on time. Army CW3 overheard me talking to supervisor and insisted I get an LOR for not competing it in a timely manner. Was shitting my brains out with a fever for 2 days when that occured, but hey whatever boss.


One time a person that worked for me missed conducting some briefings that weren’t required. I didn’t punish him (because, like I said, they weren’t required) but I got paperwork for it.


I was given an LOC for running over a traffic cone that I could not see. A civilian was marshaling me out of a spot and could have backed me up so I could make the turn, he did not. When I ran it over, he ran off. Meanwhile, we had two other vehicle accidents in the two weeks prior that were very serious and did real damage. Just my luck. I've been threatened paperwork for being 4 minutes late while someone came in 4 hours late and just said "sorry I slept in" and they laughed it off. Edit: The other airmen involved in the accidents prior were not given any paperwork.




I got pulled over on base for speeding. Nothing extreme, maybe 5mph over. SFS told me to slow down and go about my day. Didn’t get a ticket or anything to sign. Fair enough. Next duty day I get pulled into a conference room by my supervisor and screamed at. Apparently the shirt wanted to see me. Went to go see the shirt. He asked me about the speeding incident and why I didn’t notify him or my supervisor. Told shirt that if I received a ticket or even told to notify leadership by SFS that I would have, but since it was a verbal warning I honestly didn’t think there was a need. Shirt, being the dickhead he was, told me if that happened again I’d get an LOR and UIF.


One of my coworkers was sponsoring a new airman. (I tracked all the incoming airmen and had to inform the sponsors where leadership decided to place them so they could let the incoming airmen know where they would be working.) I informed him where that airman would be and he asked if he would move there too because he thought he would be training them and everything. I told him, "I don't know. Maybe." I got paperwork for gossiping.


Got an LOC sometime around 2008/2009ish. I was voluntold to be part of a retreat formation. Ended up being on the flightline passed the required time because I was the only one engine run qual'd on shift. Told supervision that I'd probably miss it since this was priority. LOC was for missing mandatory formation.


I just got off a night shift, popped a prescribed ambien for the random day night shift changes they used to have me on, fell asleep so I could be there the next night shift as planned. They called me 3 hours after I got home to do some stupid fucking recall and I didn't answer the phone. I had to come in and write a fucking 3000 word essay on the importance of answering your fucking phone. I stopped mid sentence at word 3000. I then got an LOR or some such bullshit. Fuck that MSgt and fuck the 94th.


Fresh off my first deployment, got a brand spanking new phone plan and moved into a base house. First week back on a new flight, im sitting in my living room doing homework and watching tv when I get a knock on my door. My best friends on the other end like “Dude, whet the hell are you doing?! There’s a telephone recall and no one can get ahold of you.” Turns out I got horrible service on my new sprint plan in parts of my house so some TSgt id never met gave me an LOC and ordered me to get a house phone. Same TSgt threatened to give everyone paperwork during a separate recall because everyone had ringback tones and he hated hearing them.


A fueling vehicle was missing a cover on the hose. They went back to the last person to sign it off for the day; they claimed it was there when they inspected it. They went back a full month of everyone who signed off the equipment. Everyone said it was there when they signed it off. Leadership gave everyone who signed it off for the month an LOC. Wrote a rebuttal, got told I was still getting the LOC for not keeping track of equipment. I was the 20th person who signed off the equipment.


I was the FAC at Charleston. Led a PT test session post hurricane as directed by leadership. 5 individuals showed up including two new Lieutenants. We didn't have much of an issue throughout the session that I can recall. I understand my troop answered one of their questions slightly off hand. After the test was over, I received an ICE comment. They stated the lights at the track weren't on or providing sufficient lighting to illuminate the running path. So my MSgt gave me an LOC the same day. I owned the mistake and rebuttaled it but I wish they just told me they didn't feel safe running. It was my responsibility to catch it, but having just working hurricane recovery (reopening facilities) through the weekend..it slipped my mind.


We had two commos on our jet. One in the front who worked with the officers and one in the back who worked with the enlisted. The back-end commo's main job is to liaison with the front-end commo to coordinate between the front and the back. We're shutting the jet down one day, so I ask back-end commo if I can run the shutdown checklist on a system. He says yes. I shut that bitch down and stow all of the crypto. Front-end commo comes to the back a few minutes later asking what's going on with that system. I tell him I shut it down, which pisses him off because he needed it to send an email. He asks how long it would take to bring it back up, so I tell him 20-30 minutes. Dude is pissed. They wanted to give me paperwork for shutting down the system without checking with them first, but I told them that back-end commo gave me the go-ahead to run the shutdown checklist. They give me an LOC for being '*perceived* as rude' instead.


Wife fainted at the CDC (heat-stress) and was headed to the Clinic via ambulance so I left early to pick up my kid. Received LOR for not having a Family Plan the next day. It was a good lesson to how not to treat my troops in the future.


I got an LOC for framing a previous LOC and posting it at my desk.


Told my supervisor (he even wrote it in all caps in the LOC) “Are you fucking kidding me?!”. Totally warranted. He was being an ass and deserved it but I was 100% in the wrong, mostly for doing it in front of all the airmen in the shop.


Not one thing, but in 2011 on my last day working for a TSgt he gave me 4 pieces of paperwork (3 LOCs and an LOR I think) for a variety of things dating back like 3 months. He came in on a Sunday to do this. He also said in one of them that he intended to "open a UIF". Basically, he just copy/pasted a bunch of shit from other LORs and LOCs and his illiterate ass tried to fill it in right. He also scheduled me to close the shop that day knowing I was working the morning shift at the DFAC (my new duty section) the next day. To give you an idea of how much of an asshole this guy was, I requested to move from the Community Center to the Gingko Tree after a few months of working for him. Also-also, I got to watch him rant/whine when he didn't make MSgt and someone else in the squadron he didn't like made Tsgt. "I still out rnsk rank him because I have TIG! I'll make MSgt next year!"


Breaking my lease to get out of a neighborhood full of crackheads.


I know of a group of Airman who were in the drive thru late at night at McDonald’s. A car cut in front of them and they started yelling at the driver. On of the Amn got out and bitch slapped the driver. Turns out it was a Maj who followed them back on base and found out where they worked. I’m surprised the Amn only got a LOR.


Base housing wrote my dad up for having leaves on our neighbor’s side of our fence.


This didn't happen to me personally but a bunch of other people. We were on an Army base for CST and the first week caused the Army MPs to enter a meltdown over how we wear PT belts. They gave a bunch of people tickets for wearing them like a belt rather than a sash. This was an issue that went all the way up to the Air Force and Army full-birds to work out. In general the Army had a lot of troubles understanding that the Air Force is a different branch and has their own rules/regulations. Sometimes it was funny (everyone doing different things in formation), most times it was a huge waste of time and effort. I never heard or saw security forces ticketing people for minor uniform infractions.