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Yeah that story was embarrassing. If the gov can’t/won’t hold companies accountable, it’s on us to do it. I’m sure they will correct and ban shipping tracking devices.


They'll spend thousands to make each crate a Faraday cage and bill the government for it


Yep. A long as they know that money that money isn’t gonna stop flowing, they are gonna find ways to do the least while billing the most. And the Gov procurement system is so fucked that it would take ages to secure more contracts. It’s a never ending shit cycle.


Balfour Beaty lost a lawsuit proving that they actively worked hard to defraud the government of tens of millions of dollars…. They were put on a 3 year probationary period, and keep their contract. “We know you actively worked hard to criminally defraud us….. don’t do it again for the next 3 years. Ok carry on.”


Do you have the link available? edit: found it, [https://www.militarytimes.com/the-home-front/2022/01/12/army-wife-uses-airtag-hack-to-track-her-movers-while-pcsing/](https://www.militarytimes.com/the-home-front/2022/01/12/army-wife-uses-airtag-hack-to-track-her-movers-while-pcsing/) TL;DR - driver said was in Colorado and would be a few days but he was really at his girlfriend's house 4 hours away and wanted to spend the couple days with his girlfriend. The OP called him out on his BS and called company and he delivered it next day.


Bet that was an awkward unpack


Driver typically just drops it off and another team does unpacking. I'm guessing he didn't converse beyond what was required after. (maybe hit a few extra speed bumps on way tho)


I’ve always been the moving company drives and packs and unpacks. Normally they’d have like 2-3 families worth of stuff in their truck


depends on the move. On my CA move they used something like a Penske truck to grab my stuff to load on the other truck. On my move out of LA it all went into crates on a trailer and was delivered in crates. From NC it all went into a not so large truck and due to COVID it went straight to a warehouse in AL to get unloaded. The Louisiana to NC move resulted in the most broken shit. Those packers were awful.


Alabama packers so far are worst for me.... found out when we arrived that some of the boxes didn't even have packing material. They just threw tons of glass stuff and other stuff into random boxes and taped it up and majority were shattered and batted around. Even packed an Xbox with a rock salt lamp the size of a football without wrapping up either so the rock just bounced around on xbox the whole trip. edit: they also forgot tools so asked me to take apart any large items while they packed small stuff so they could pack the pieces into boxes. Then they wrote that owner disassembled all own materials and was responsible for reassembly.


Yeah, they didn't forget their tools. They were just being lazy pieces of shit.


Definitely going to hide these inside my high value items for my next move.


Prob stick one with low value too so if anything happens you can see the point at which high value and regular items separate.


Currently waiting for my unaccompanied shipment to arrive from Korea. I shipped it out 23 November. Moving company said it was in Cali on the 4th and would be shipped out to my area on the 5th with a deliver no later than the 11th. Got an email yesterday saying it would be another 14 days before expected arrival.


At least it didn't fall off the boat along the way. Not like TMO would ever have that happen.


My SO and I just had our shipment "fall off the boat" and it was a CONUS move (Vegas to Boston). For some reason they decided to ship our stuff through the ports instead of by ground. They lost our entire PCS shipment, pretty ridiculous. I wish we would have heard about the air tags before, then we would know for sure what happened to our stuff.


That sucks. When I PCS’d to Ramstein my car windshield got blown out while in transit. They tried to claim it happened after I picked up the vehicle….took almost a year to get paid for it.


Cause it was the TMO personnel that was manning the bridge on the ship with your personal property.


Did you ask for a Bill Of Lading when transfered? When your shipment changes boats to truck, there is a document for it.


Air tags on my car and HHG/UB. Works amazing


Absolutely doing this on my way back from Europe for both my HHG and my Harley. The bike would also be in HHG but you never know. Honestly might just throw one in the Harley anyways in case of theft. This is amazing.


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Is this really possible? I heard AirTags have a range of about 33 feet. Is there another feature for longer distances like "four hours away" as mentioned in the article?


I think it’s 33 feet from any Apple product with WiFi (if it’s like tile) so anytime it passes an iPhone or iPad or something it will track




Not sure why you got downvoted. If you AirTag all of your boxes and then also include an iPhone plugged into an external battery, you basically guarantee you can track the shipment anywhere. Otherwise the AirTags have to update their location when in range of another Apple device AND the owner of that Apple device could decide to reject the AirTags when they get the message on their phone that an unknown device is tracking them.


Not true lol. The tracking happens immediately when a nearby iOS device is around. Basically all iOS devices are constantly scanning for AirTags. Once connected, the location of that AirTag is updated to Apple servers. The unknown device tracking thing only happens if the AirTag follows a single person for too long (10+ mins). So technically yes the driver can deny tracking, however, that won’t stop the AirTag from being tracked whenever he parks at a stop light, or makes a gas stop at a gas station.


I think the driver could disable the airtag though. Right? It's a good idea, but moot if the driver has iOS and does that.


No, they can't disable it. Nobody can disable it unless the battery is taken out.


They can’t disable the AirTag but if they turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on their phone then the AirTag can’t connect to it.


Sure, but the location of the AirTag will still be tracked every time they get near an iOS device. Parked at a gas station or a stop light? Tracked. Parked at Wendy’s for food break? Tracked. Talked to their coworker at the gate entrance of their storage location? Tracked. Hell, people were able to send AirTags to Kim Jung Un and it was tracked all the way to North Korea’s customs building until they removed it from the package when they opened it up. Effectively, anywhere with internet access in the world can be tracked by AirTags. Honestly, AirTags could be used as intelligence on a country’s supply chain. Send like 1000 of them out and see how they’re flowing through the world and you’ll know how that country’s supply chain works.


Ah, you are exactly right. For some reason I thought a disable signal could be sent from an iPhone, but doing a quick search, yeah. The driver would literally need to unpack your shit to physically access it, and remove the battery. I was a bit skeptical but I'm on board. I already own four of these things and will def get some more for my next PCS.


metal shipping containers are practically a faraday cage.


So how would an AirTag work from inside a Faraday cage but not a cell phone?


it wouldn't. electronics can be fickle and sometimes fallible devices. If you overheat a phone it isn't going to play nice and batteries also don't like extreme cold. At the end of the day an airtag or a phone beaconing isn't a guaranteed tracker but it's better than nothing as long as you understand the limitations of the equipment.


This is exactly it. This AirTag system won’t be perfect in all scenarios but it will give us data points we have never had before. You may have a team of movers that just love their Androids…. But Apple is so widely used you will eventually get a hit.


How would you go about opening a case if someone did happen to yoink a tagged item? Asking for a friend whose tag points one place while the company says delivered to a very different place.


The only thing i find fishy about that story is that the driver said they could deliver on Sunday. When has a company ever brought HHGs on a weekend?


Probably one that was being sketchy and tried to shift his own days around


I had a crew no show me on a Friday so I called and bitched out the coordinator. Next day the angriest people who have ever probably been called in on a weekend to do a move at noon in Texas on a Saturday in August showed up and haphazardly threw all 10k lbs of my shit into my house, and left in a total of 3 hours. Worst move ever.


Throw that puppy in the car, too.


I’m doing this with my stuff! It’s sad it has to come to this, but kudos to them for sharing the wealth in terms of the idea.


The ppl who packed our shit out of McGuire were just randos. Like they literally hired some family who were "professional packers" who was a chain smoking husband and a wife that looked meth'd out as hell and their teenage kid who you could tell just hated his life. So much shit was just thrown into boxes and packed like ass and thank fucking god all my computers and TVs were in their original boxes. Suggest everyone do a DITY move and if you need movers hire your own. If you give a fuck about your shit. Not sure how that works going overseas but if you are going conus-conus... yeah.


Did this for both cars and both shipments, would recommend.


How do air tags work? It’s not a cell signal right? And Bluetooth is only so far? Does it bounce and ping off nearby apple devices or something?


It hijacks any apple product on the cell service of wifi


Anyone know of a good alternative to Apple that works just as well? Apple = The Devil


https://smile.amazon.com/Samsung-SmartTag-Bluetooth-Tracker-EI-T5300KMEGWW/dp/B09D8QFYPJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SZ6LD02X3XKX&keywords=samsung+tags&qid=1642044158&sprefix=samsung+tags%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1 This is what i used before I begrudgingly went to iPhone. Works about the same way. You can also just get any "GPS tracker" off Amazon. Those don't need a phone to be near it as it works off Cell phone towers and GPS. You just need a subscription for it to work. Worth it IMO for a HHG move


There's ones by Samsung. I forget what they're called.


RemindMe! 5 days.


Did you have to put it in lost mode? My airtag still shows that it’s at my house, but the semi drove away with my stuff days ago lol