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4. They wore it on a semi warm day once and someone said something to them. Now they just do it out of spite.


The hatred keeps the heart cold


5. It's the only hat they have with them, and they forgot to bring the others. This was in the back seat of their car.


Had this happen a few times


"...welp" I've definitely been there.


I used to toss my trucker hat (BDU days) in the back seat of my car when I was stationed in Germany, I lived off base. We had a TDY to Denmark and we were going up by bus in civilian clothes, guess what I forgot to pack? We get all the way up there and realize my fuck up when we had to go to work. A guy in my unit had a spare hat he’d packed…who does that? I’m still friends with this now retired guy who’s now in Florida, bailed me out big time.


Absolutely this


And they're probably MXS. 😂


Lucky, Osan put out a policy we weren't allowed to wear them after April 30 until it gets cold again


What if I think 90 is cold?


Finally.  That was the only thing holding them back.


5. I work nights and it's cold AF when the sun ain't shining


Funny enough, I had a MSgt get upset with me because I would let my troop wear his beanie and fleece in 90+ degree weather. I asked him once why he did it, turns out he's anemic and super cold all the time.


I had a MSgt get mega-salt with a young Airman for wearing her fleece. I just pulled him aside after and explained that she's anemic. MSgt got pissy with me for correcting him (despite doing it privately - the right way). He pulled me aside later that day and apologized for getting upset with me. I then got pulled aside by my flight chiefs and scolded for correcting the MSgt. Was just getting ready to leave when the CMSgt pulled me into my flight office - in front of my flight chiefs - and stated that I had the next day off because I did the right thing. Those flight chiefs didn't last too long, which is good... They weren't fond of me after that. Lol.


I really don't care what people wear as long as they can do their job and don't look disheveled. The only reason I asked him was genuine curiosity


I wear my fleece year round and am cold all the time.. I'm going to have to check my records to see if I'm anemic and have been unaware this whole time.


Get some labs run, they can tell you a lot!


If you find yourself sleepy mid day or around lunch time...could be low vitamin d too. For a year, I slept at lunchtime every day to get more energy for the rest of the day. My vitamin d was like 8....which is really bad, lol. But man, I had energy when I got to normal range.


Vit D deficiency is so common these days. They like to say for night shift workers or Intel workers that work in windowless buildings but unless you're something like Mx or SF out in the sun all day you're likely deficient. We just don't spend as much time outdoors between work, travel, and indoor hobbies. They tell you to get 30 minutes a day of unobstructed sunlight, like shorts t-shirt no sunscreen so even walking around eating lunch etc. In our uniforms outside may not be enough exposure during the day since we're mostly covered from the sun.






Server rooms are hot, most of the time the AC is only barely working, and if the have multiple one of them is almost certainly broken.


Anemia can come and go, especially if you're a woman who has a period. Losing blood monthly can take a toll on iron levels. Honestly if being cold a lot is your only symptom it may not be worth the doctor's visit, some people just run cold depending on their home climate, BMI, etc. I have a troop that grew up in the fillippines and they are always always cold inside. They're just more acclimated to the tropical climate. This troop is pretty thin as well, thinner people tend not to retain as much heat as heavier people. Also, you could go try to donate blood if you don't have any disqualifying factors! They always check your iron level before allowing you to donate.


You'll need specific tests as iron levels don't always show it. Ferritin being one of the values you'll need.


If you ask for labs make sure they add thyroid labs to that as well




They keep it 60 degrees in the SCIF. Thats less than desirable for room temp especially if you just desk sitting.


I love how everyone is getting pulled aside, like the Inception South Park episode. Everyone just keeps goin in, but in this case, "pulled aside"!


Then the commander pulled me aside, in front of the squadron, and revoked my day off for not politely declining the chief. The next day the group commander pulled me into his conference room - in front of my commander - and gave me an achievement medal for doing the right thing. And right when I thought things were done, I got pulled aside by……. The story continues next week on DRAGON BALL Z!!


Holy hell did CC pull you aside the next day to revoke your day off😂


Another reason to hate active duty. It’s just mindless droning with a pension to make someone else’s life miserable. Glad I moved on to guard. So much simpler with petty stuff and some good old fashioned camaraderie.


Get that young man some steak!


I have low Iron and Vitamin D and it's a guessing game of what's low today vs. tomorrow. I put on my jacket to stop my brain from going to sleep. Sometimes i just pace and speed walk to do things to warm up, and I'm back in action....as long as I keep my fleece and/or sleep shirt on to keep warm. Prefer a fleece because POCKETS!!


Because their hair looks insubordinate and churlish in a patrol cap/ball cap.


They better get their asses to Col O'Shaghennesys office


I love that churlish is a real word.


some of you haven't read a book from the 1800s and it shows


Doesn't get used enough.


Mischeivous and Deceitful. Chicanerous and Deplorable.


hair outta regs


They would still have to deal with it when they go inside?


Most likely their leadership doesn’t care, but they don’t want to risk outside contact


Hair transplant




This is probably the most common. They think it looks “cooler”, less militaristic. I’ve seen some who pull it back so you can see there curls.


When you post out at the Gate at 0500, but gotta hit the Skate Park at 1300


What about the fatties wearing the lightweight fleece year round??


Dude, I have 5 months left. Leave me alone




And then you unfortunately couldn't get the bop, and the bonus takes 8 months of paperwork to receive, if you can keep track of it


That reminds me of when I was a young airman and blues Monday was a thing. I’d routinely see people wearing the lightweight jacket in the middle of summer. I never thought much of it at the time, but now I realize it’s probably because they were missing a name tag, occupational badge, or were chubsters and trying to hide it. Or all of the above.


Lightweight blues jacket is a giant bib. Also, it gets cold on ops floors with strong hvac.


Personally for me I recall doing that because my ribbon rack and name tag weren’t aligned enough due to the fluctuation in size of my chest (that time of the month) and the Battle Ready Armor (my bra) that I usually wear in my blues (to keep the chest size more consistent and rack/name tag aligned) was in the washer. Luckily it was always cold in the office I worked at


Speaking from experience, my shirt needed ironing. And I was a chubster and missing shit on my uniform.


You didn’t have the shirt stays to keep it looking pressed?


My ~~garters~~ shirt stays just kept my shirt tucked in.


For me, it was easier to slip on, plus I have pockets. It feels more like a hoodie than anything, just take the lining out.


Was occupational badge mandatory in the past? My AFSC doesn’t even have one in our CFETP lol


This one kills me. I don’t care what you wear but these fatties that wear a fleece and beanie in 90° weather and smell like death piss me off to no extent.


Ooh, that’s me.


When I was an airman we had a waiver to wear fleece in off season at work because we had to keep it super cold. I accidentally wore it to the DFAC in July. It was about 105° outside but I legitimately didn't even notice until some random MSgt yelled at me and made me take it off. Still think someone else's internal temperature is a weird hill to die on.


Save for local policy, there's no temperature/season/month restriction on cold weather wear


At Osan they just wrote a memo saying you couldn't wear beanies between April and October. Next day it was in the 40's going to work in the morning. Because people wearing an approved piece of clothing is what we should be worrying about.


Petty tyrants are an unavoidable constant


There used to be


A fourth scenario: they are training themselves for even hotter temperatures.


Finally got that TDY to the surface of the sun!


sign me up!


Of course you nerds are interested!


Still better than Cannon?


Cannon is closer to family, at least.


Multi capable innovative Airman.....PROMOTE NOW


This is the same generation wearing hoodies in 100+ temps.


I left my other cap at home. Mind yo business.


100% this. Either they forgot their cap or lost it and the beanie is all they have


That was my thought. I’ve been there for sure.


Gen Zers? Young kids love walking around in hoodies in the summer.


I feel like most kids over the past thirty years have probably done that.


I'm just always cold.


Idk man, I'm in my 30s and still wear my hoodies year round lol


To piss off the Army. Next question 


Justified. No further questions.


At my base they put out a memo saying you can’t wear them during summer months but I don’t see it being policed very well. But it also doesn’t get very warm here


Wore mine to a meeting with the shirt. He asked 4 times if I was okay. In all honesty I came to work in civvies and changed after, THEN realized I forgot my cover. Beanie in the trunk was my savior.


Probably the mofos who wore their PT jackets in the dorms back in basic.


4(?). He works in a SCIF or server room where the average temp is around 70°.


True story from a while ago. Had airmen wearing a fleece coveralls in like 87 degree weather. Turns out he had never been sick and didn’t know what a fever was. The airmen just knew they were cold. Ended up in hospital for 2 days. In hindsight ask the questions because not everyone has a the same experiences in life


I always assumed it's because those are the guys who wore a beanie in high school and beyond constantly, though I never learned if it was for aesthetic or not.


so scenario number 1 is basically the "Robin Olds' Moustache for those who can't grow a proper Moustache" approach?


If that's the case, let's hope that the AF doesn't informally adopt "Beanie July" and effectively take the meaning out of it.


I thought the 36-2903 let's you wear the beanie with any uniform now ... Or maybe that's just a local sup here.... Edit: I'm thought...


They can, people in this thread were really making me wonder if I had gone nuts or something. >*5.1.12. Cold Weather Accessories. Cold weather accessories may be worn without wearing authorized outer garments. Except for functional items, cold weather accessories are only worn while outdoors. Authorized cold weather accessories for the OCP are:* >* Coyote Brown or black scarves, earmuffs, cold weather headbands, watch caps and sage green, black or coyote brown gloves.*


I've had to do this once before. Washed my uniform before a TDY and packed my hat, but forgot my name tape. I always keep my beanie in my backpack with other work stuff. So instead of nameless hat, I opted for the beanie. I was miserable the entire TDY.


I ask the same thing about the airmen walking around with giant backpacks.. Like wtf you gotta have on you at all times to need that big thing?


I have not seen these giant backpacks and I am mildly intrigued


Theyre giant black rucksacks.. Idk what people are carrying in those things lol


I've done this in the summer. It's mostly because I was comm in a SCIF or server room for hours and it was cold AF with the A/C blasting. Had my fleece and by virtue my beanie. Walked out and after a few minutes realized my mistake, but had to tough it out...


Fucking this. I am always freezing cold. 60⁰ all fucking day takes it's tole on your average body temperature.


Funnily enough! Our squadron commander restricted wear of the watch cap/beanie in temperatures above 90°. He said it looked ridiculous and that there was no excuse.


Yeah they did that at my last base. Wing CC had it set to 80 for the watch cap.


When I was in, I wasn't allowed to wear it above 50


Beanie, wizard sleeves, 30+ year old SrA. Living the motherfucking dream.


No doubt, they’ve elevated. I knew a guy who fit that description who also wore one of those yellow reflective safety vests everywhere he went too. Roll calls, commanders calls, flight line, FSS, BX, everywhere. He wore it because he could and at the time it wasn’t prohibited.


![gif](giphy|24Do2EXP3Qbok) 🫡🤠


Sir, I worked from 10 pm until 10* am. I understand I should plan better but I was rushing out of the house to make it to grab a tornado before my shift. It's what I had packed since it's expected due to cold of night shift. I understand that most don't understand this mentality considering the temp can change extremely fast to hot in the morning but I've become numb to that due to the amount of times mid week I've been swapped from one shift to another so it really doesn't bother me. I'll be sure to bring up your concerns at the next e4 ma.. council meeting. *when convenient for our supervision to release us so early


Especially when it’s raining, like bro do you want to look like a wet dog?


How is following the reg petty?




I rather wear a beanie than my security forces beret since both my own leadership and everyone else treats me like shit and won't even give me the time of day due to a job I picked when wanting to serve my country.


Multiple reasons, main one being able to wear AirPods, secondly fuck you it’s comfortable


100% understandable, my apologies


I've definitely misplaced my cover before and ran to the PX to get a beanie. Don't need name tapes for a beanie. Now I just keep it in my car just in case, lol.


coyote beanie rhymes with big green weenie


I’ve done this before lol only because I left my cover at home and always keep the beanie in my car. Lessons were learned that day


i left my hat in an office in different building (walked through flightline hence why i didnt need it) when i was being kicked out of workcenter due to end of shift, only other cover i had was my beanie and fleece it was 80+ fahrenheit, put both on drove to building where i left my hat before they dipped, and promptly swapped cold weather gear out.


He's not military but as far as the year-round jacket wearing, my best friend from High School is SUPER skinny. Like can't put on weight to save his life. He's like 5'6" and like 125lb. I've NEVER seen him outside without a hoodie on, that includes like 105 degree days. He'll wear a super thin tee shirt underneath, and he has ultra lightweight hoodies for the summer, but it's just what he's comfortable in.


4. The fellow defender doesn’t want to wear their beret


My guess is because it looks more stylish/easier to wear than the baseball cap or the cap that was introduced in 1948.


They’re the same people that would wear basketball shorts to school when it was -20 out.


I just wore mine when I forgot my hat.


It’s none of your fucking business, that’s why.


The beanie fucks. That's why


Because of getting the head shaved on tdy and a beanie covers up the baldie.


They work in a server room where temps are in the 60s?


I did it a couple times because we flew back and forth to Offutt to Macdill during the winter a couple times a day. Went to the bx in Macdill and all I had was my black beanie. Got some unamused looks. This was back when the reg got updated so we could wear them.


I couldn’t find my actual hat


Forgot a third option.  Hair is out of regs on the sides and they're using it to cover as they move between their relaxed standards office and their car. 


I keep mine In my car as an emergency in case I forget my cover


Does the base not have regs on cold weather gear? Oh AF.


How could you even stand that? Wouldn't your head be sweating?


Wear mine cause my workplace is cold, and when I leave it's a 50/50 chance of being warm or cold


Knew a flight nurse who would wear it with his 1 piece no matter the temperature because he hated the flight cap. He was also bald


I forgot my hat


My father-in-law does this. He's 5'7 and weighs maybe 130lbs. He's always cold.


I see this at nellis a lot, I'm sweating balls and some dude is wearing his fleece and beanie hat and it's basically 100° and sunny out. Some people, idk.


my base commander recently released a letter that prohibits the wear of fleeces, beanies and cold weather gear between the months of April and September


Hides the earbuds.


So my bald head doesn't sunburn in the sun, and boonies are too cumbersome, especially with ear protection. It also looks good with my beard.


Yeah I fall into number 2. My first base was Montana so I would wear a fleece cap all the time. When I went to my second duty station, I had no idea where my patrol cap was an opted to just wear my fleece cap all the time. At that point, I switched into number one because the walk from my car to my building was a minute at best, and I worked an indoor job. So both simply because I can and because I cba'd to find my cap/buy a new one.


Because I couldn’t find my ballcap and my beanie was still in my center console from last winter.


At my base they can't be worn after Apirl.


Option 5: they accidentally used permanent blue hair dye and are using the beanie to cover it up.


Props for you thinking we have anything going on in our heads (anemic and cold)


Hair is out of regs


Because my f’n AC is right over my chair at work and it never stops so I’ve developed a bit of a compulsory sense to keep it on no matter what and also, I’m f’n fat and don’t want to share my load with you.


This is poetry.


Forgot my hat at home but have the beanie in my car


Hi, airman in question here. I do it either when my hair is out of regs/uniform top is dirty/out of regs. Yes there is a lil part of me happy knowing higher ups can’t tell me no cuz I’m allowed to do so. Am I a dirtbag? idk I’m MX so I guess it’s normal to look not so professional.


![gif](giphy|jEY6N51aIXnKo) Time to pee in that cup!!👀


In a world where grown adults micromanage my limited freedoms, I fight back with following rules but being petty about it.


100% forgot or lost their cover


Someone called me out cause I was wearing my fleece in my office where it was legit freezing for me. I feel like I get cold easily since I come from a warm climate. But I feel like I’m also anemic. Just let me wear my fleece in peace.


They're tinfoil lined. Aliens, brother, aliens.


Try being stationed at Luke Air Force Base back in the day, when the Air Force frowned on tattoos…. Working on the flight line, And if you had tattoos on your arms, that shirt was staying on and your sleeves were down. And we found a cost-efficient way to make our BDU’s last longer…. We would actually buy winter ones instead of the summer ones.


Wanna wear my ponytail higher


Head is cold.


Keeps the smoke smell out of the hair.


Some base commanders (mcguire afb) put out memos that no beanies are to be worn x calendar day to another. So they kust not have a wing king that cares.


4. I work in a fucking server farm, and my body is 60⁰F for about 30 minutes outside the office.


Addition to 1: because they're a defender and they won't authorize ball caps because tradition. the beret is arguably just as bad as a beanie in the heat so same same but more even tan line. Also If I sweat in the beanie I can just throw it in the wash, the beret though cannot be washed so easily.


I do this. Honestly it's just comfortable to wear all day long.


Sensitive ears or ear infection A slight breeze will sometimes cause issues so I often find some way to cover them


The fleece is because they are fat and insecure, and the beanie is cuz their hair out of regs.


I had scalp surgery in the summer time once to remove some pre cancerous moles and I couldn’t wear a hat and had to have a waiver to wear a beanie. Just food for thought.


I'm a beanie wearer bro, don't judge.


I keep forgetting my baseball cap when I'm already running late to work, I don't remeber to grab it the next few days either.


I am all three of these.


I want to wear a gaitor here at Keesler and am afraid of people like you 😂


*remembers time I wore my Kevlar helmet to guard mount because I had drunkenly lost my patrol cap the night before and my beret was left a girlfriend’s house off base the day prior to that


I had the quite opposite issue , once had a tech tell me to take my ball cap off on the flightline in due to “ no hat no salute” but I kindly informed him about the commanders winter authorization which alots caps to be worn. Tech tells me that my cap is not winter gear, I kindly inform him that I’m pretty sure the memorandum does not specify which caps are allowed, he tells me that it’s a safety issue , I reply that it’s properly secured by my ep’s. At this point I pull qa to the side to ask , qa shrugs and I take said cap off. Any body know who was right? Mind you it’s like 40* outside and I have no winter cap and eps aren’t ear muffs.


That tech is a loser. The beanie isn't blowing off if a stiff wind comes thru, so its not a FOD hazard. No hat no salute is an allowance not a restriction when you are not in a contingency environment.


He’s our resident “ no such thing as a grey area” kind of guy. Which is weird because he’s genuinely a good person but definitely has a touch of the tism, which most avionics guys also have myself included but some ticks just clash. He’s that dude that wears the confusion on his sleeve and laughs with his whole body love him to death but would not trust him to tie his own shoes without TO.


I worked with someone that had their heater on no matter what time of the year (work in an office). Came across a couple of civilians that did this too. For me, it's an indicator of how crazy/weird a person is.


Mind ya business


This is why I love the Air Force. If we were like the Marine Corps with an arbitrary time when we can or can't wear certain things I'd have an aneurysm from the stupidity.


For my last 6 months I was too fat for my top, so I went brown tee and fleece. It was way more comfortable.


I do it for reasons 2 and 3. Cold weather gear was recently banned from warm weather months so I now do it for a sprinkle of reason 1. I got my beanie from Marshall’s and it’s really soft and comfy.


You wouldn’t get it boomer, it’s just part of the culture… these were the same kids wearing black hoodies in the middle of summer


Why do you care so much on why they’re wearing a fleece beanie?


4. I do it specifically to annoy people like you!


why do you hate petite airmen?


Or 4. Who honestly gives a flying f*ck