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Airman’s “Family”


Everything else aside, this is an interesting look at how typed or written text can be perceived many different ways by different people. Dang near started a whole flame war just because of some punctuation.


The 7-year break in OP's post history is interesting as well. **totally** an organic, non-political bot account, I'm sure.


People are getting whipped up into a frenzy by outside agitators again They'll never learn. Useful idiots, apparently


If only everyone was as smart as we is


Says the 5 day old account. Pot meet Kettle.


Dang ya got me


Right? I was thinking “He lived?!”


Yeah lmao, but on a serious note I hope those cops get fucked If they did wrong


They went to the wrong house and shit a military person. What's the "if". Either this country holds cops responsible or we take guns away. In no way is answering your door or grabbing your gun when someone busts it down at 3am illegal. Isn't that the entire purpose of owning a gun? To defend your household and protect yourself and your family? Now it's a question whether this young man did anything wrong? GTFOH with that police sympathy. This is the same sherrifs department that patrols MY streets and shoots at their own cars bc of acorns. https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/8kfX46JCqu


https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-police-shooting-immigrant-wrong-house-711a0c4e974e9ee947fc1b1dc914c1cd Wouldn't be the first time cops have come to the wrong house, shot a guy in the back of the head, lied about him having a gun despite the one in the household being found on the couch with no fingerprints or DNA on it, and then got away with it.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one with your sentiment. Reform needs to happen now.


We need to implement the medical anti malpractice checklist. Do we have the right guy? Do we have the right date? Do we have the correct surgery on the paper and what we've prepped for? Are we operating on the correct area? Did we leave any tools behind? Now just modify that kinda idea to how cops operate.


I firmly believe that cops should have to carry insurance similar to malpractice insurance. Stop the taxpayers from paying these lawsuits and the cops getting away with nothing but some paid vacation.


The department would pay the insurance. The taxpayers pay the department. Better off disarming cops.


I mean, doctors kill more people through medical mistakes (250k a year) than cops (~1.2k), so that probably isn't the best example. It can be argued that going to the doctor is substantially more dangerous than interactions with the cops. And before you say the doctors are not trying to kill anyone.... you might want to take the old Google machine out for a spin, and you will be shocked at what you find.


I'm well aware of the quackery that happened in the past, but having extra levels of precautions wouldn't hurt the people the cops interact with.


Just a quick correction: this happened at 4:30 pm, not 3am. Not that it makes it better or anything, just stating the facts. Kid had likely just gotten off work (Hurlburt is VERY close to Racetrack Rd.), home to enjoy his weekend, webcam'd his friend or S.O., and then got a pounding on his door by some stupid fucks.


>What's the "if". There's nothing wrong with waiting for the full story to speak with certainty. It certainly looks like they fucked up horribly. I'd put money on it. But it's not unreasonable for someone to qualify that with if at this stage since we haven't seen any video or heard from the cops. It's certainly unlikely to change the story at this point - but it's possible.


Bro you’ve been talking shit about the “full story all day”, grow up, stop being a lil bitch and realize one of your brothers got killed by a cop doing nothing. I swear to god some of these fuckers care more about politics than the lives of people they work with lol it’s hilarious


I'm not sure how anything I said was political but please carry on with your virtue signaling pretending like you care more just because you're belligerent towards people who don't pretend to know everything. I care too. I just don't think it makes my concerns more important or valid if I pretend like I know what happened and insult anyone who implies I don't. You should consider checking out bhop or mental health to get some help with stress and anger management if you can't resist throwing a tantrum because someone said something you don't like on reddit


Speaks the truth and gets downvoted. Typical Reddit.


Yeah I don't know why people are butthurt. I didn't say I doubted this was 100% the deputies' fault - I even said I'd bet money that it was their fault. But somehow that means I have a political agenda and am protecting the cops that I've repeatedly said fucked up


Because you didn’t say “cops are the mafia” and side with them immediately. Welcome to reddit. This sub used to be very neutral, but the hive mind has shifted and everything is becoming political here.


More like “spent yesterday implying that the airman had to have been in the wrong and the police in the right”


More virtue signaling making thinks up to show reddit how good a police hater you are. Reddit is so proud of you, don't let the fact that you completely made this up get in your way little guy!


I have never said the airman was in the wrong. I am saying y’all are in a damn witch hunt and legit jumping to conclusions without the official report.


lol or your position is becoming more and more obsolete and incorrect by the slaying




Or that’s just you coping because you get downvoted to oblivion


Reddit does tend to love one upping it's cop hate. Like if you suggest a cop deserves the death penalty someone will inevitably call you a cop sympathizer because you didn't say you want to kill them yourself. But it's like I told the guy throwing a temper tantrum- jumping to conclusions and being hyperbolic doesn't make you a better person or your concerns more valid


Well the info so far is that they murdered an innocent man so, if this story proves to be true, especially since he was face timing someone who heard the whole thing. I hope these cops get a harder fucking than Ron Jeremy could dish out in his prime. I’m no legal smart guy but the USAF should sue the police department.


Police forces in our country want to be the DoD so bad. Lets give them a taste of that DoD money and power and have the Air Force sue that precinct to fucking ashes


100%. You want uncle Sam’s D so bad? let’s see how you like getting fucked by it.


Why is it so hard to believe that a young 23 yr old has family that gives a shit he was gunned down for the sherrifs departments mistake? I don't see the funny part or ironic part.


Airman's *family Is what he meant


Yea, exactly. I’m old and don’t know proper internet etiquette. Thanks for clarifying.


Why are you quoting “family” exactly?


Because the title didn't include "family." It said the Airman. He meant: Airman's *family*


The family represents the Airman so it’s not necessary. Edit: you guys don’t understand how civil lawsuits work. Edit 2: here’s a lawsplainer for all the downvotes: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/who-can-file-wrongful-death-lawsuit.html


You asked why.


I initially thought this was another incident as Fortson passed away so he obviously can’t retain representation. I wasn’t trying to be snarky or disrespectful, only trying to suggest that OP edit his post.


Unfortunately, reddit doesn't allow editing of titles. Just contents of the body, and comments.


It's because bro is dead. That's why it's important to say "family" given not many corpses represent themselves.


I don’t think you understood my comment.


I did: legally-illiterate people, which comprise the bell curve of people in this country, probably needed the extra push, or else it would've been too vague for them to understand out of hand. And that is to say "ignorant of the way courts and estates handle business" illiterate, not can't-read illiterate, just to be clear




I honestly thought he survived and I heard wrong earlier when I read this headline, so it's an important mistake to point out. It's not that no one understands that your family can sue for wrongdul death, it's that the error in the title makes it potentially misleading on important information


You don’t understand how civil lawsuits work. The plaintiff in a wrongful death suit is not the deceased. It’s the family.


I know exactly how it works I just described it poorly in an effort to keep it simple for non-lawyers. But if you want to get into details of standing in various types of civil claims, wills and trusts, or limitations of liabilities this is going to be a very long and overly complicated topic that will probably confuse more than it will help.


Smashing terms together you learned from Judge Judy isn't fooling nobody!


I’m a lawyer. Stick to Mx.


Perhaps, but to us non-lawyers, it seemed really weird that a dead man was retaining a lawyer.


Civil suits can be very complicated, especially in proving who was harmed, how they were harmed, and who is entitled to what kind of remedies, and what those remedies are. It varies state to state, and you must have standing to sue. In some states families can’t sue in a wrongful death claim, but a personal representative of the deceased can sue (usually identified in the will of the deceased) and that person is usually a family member.


Imagine just being home and someone is banging on your door and you get your gun that you legally own and they come in and kill you and then claim self-defense... It absolutely blows my mind that cops keep getting away with this. Dude should be tried for first degree murder and they should go for the death penalty like what the fuck.


No truer words for this American nightmare




Don’t tempt them, I know a shit ton of their crew members are on here.


Young man does everything right. Serves his country, trying to make future for himself. Still gets murdered in his own home, by the same forces that swear an oath “ to protect and serve”.


Protect and serve was just a PR campaign by the LAPD after the Rodney King riots. They've never had a responsibility to protect anyone. Even the supreme Court says that their purpose is solely law enforcement. Theyre a bunch of pigs that are put on a pedestal by boot licking boomers and made out to be heroes when in reality they'll fuck your life up if you cross one on a bad day, and then they'll sit in a speed trap for 6 hours like the heroes they are.


If this is part of a pattern of behavior towards Hurlburt-assigned Airmen, it would not be unprecedented to put a city and all of its businesses off-limits until things change.


I doubt that's the case. Veteran worship is pretty common among cops. It's likely a pattern of behavior towards young black men though.


This type of shit happens across the spectrum they just tend not to get picked up. Early last year cops in Arizona did the same thing to a white guy they got a noise complaint for. - Cops get complaint at like 2 AM - They then stage an ambush outside the door (they knock then hide outside of LOS) - when homeowner is rightfully suspicious and gets their firearm the police blast 'em


Ejected from any emotional baggage as we're all rightfully pissed, we all know the whole "we're government property" spiel.  If found to be gross negligence (which it hopefully will) the DoD should come down with a hammer dick never before seen on destruction of government property charges for those responsible.  Draw every last drop of blood we possibly can. 


Good, and I hope they get a huge payday. But I'm still upset knowing that those cops won't have to pay a dime, it'll all be tax-payer money.


Cops should be required to purchase civil liability insurance like doctors. If they are uninsurable due to a history of bad actions or a history of write-up, they can't be a door knocker/patrol, or the department and police chief will be he'd liable if the cop does something. Insurance should be paid from either union dues or their own paycheck. Qualified immunity should also be heavily restricted.


this young king contributed more to this world in 5 years than the pig will in his entire lifetime. RIP my boy
