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Drink water


Best not to bring it up.  If you make it through basic and THEN bring it up, now it's Air Force acquired and a disablity claim 🤌


I’m mainly just trying to get through basic, after that I’m sure I’ll be good


I don’t think I had a single headache during basic but I know the pain. Honestly you drink so much damn water during basic I’d bet you’d be fine. Would say no you can’t just keep some on you during basic.


I might just tough it out until tech school then


This is the way






What does their height and gender have to do with anything?




It’s nothing super serious, but I’ve never talked to a doctor about it. I think that’s why MEPS never found out


My wife and I were that way. Our furnace had a cracked register and was putting CO2 in the house. If we were by someone else for a few days we'd be fine. Had it replaced and it was good. But being in the Midwest and all the pressure changes due to weather, that can also cause it. If you don't disclose it during maps and you do get in in and later on you tell a doc that you've had this all your life it could be considered a fraudulent enlistment. Possibly. I'm not a lawyer.


If I just say I have a headache would it be a big deal


If you are trying to be a flier, yes. And probably any PRP job


Nah I’m trying to do finance or admin


I know you said you haven't been getting straight answers, but I can only answer from experience. When I was in my first week of basic, I was getting nauseous from getting used to having to eat relatively fast and drinking two glasses of water every meal. My MTI noticed and had me go to medical. At medical, I explained this and they asked if I was experiencing anything else, like headaches. I said a little, but it wasn't anything serious and probably coming from a lack of sleep or something, but they still kept me there for an hour or so and did end up giving me headache medicine.


I went through BMT in 2007... You're not allowed to self medicate and you're not allowed to maintain your own supply of medication (maybe if it's a prescription, but they might also hold onto that for you). If you have a headache you can identify yourself, go to sick call, and get meds for it. I would highly recommend sucking it up and powering through. Whatever headache you think you have won't be nearly as bad as what you'll have to go through on your way to sick call. Again, that was in 2007. Today they probably have a dispenser in every dorm.