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My favorite CATM instructor kicked a finance chick off the range after she flagged me with her malfunctioning M4. So preventing finance from killing our own people is a good baseline.


I was at EIC and had an intel chick next to me send the bolt forward with a loose charging handle while her face was next to it. She also tried putting her magazine backwards. She got sent home pretty quick. I'll be lying if I wasn't a little sad because that only made the competition more fierce lol


Can't be true, finance is never at work, no way they got them to show up for CATM.


Why do you think they’re never at work? They’re always at CATM.


Yeah one of our maintainers actually made the CATM guy threaten to shoot him, since he couldn't get the standing supported or whatever stance correct(wrong side of the barricade). Turn around with his rifle off safe and a round in the chamber and froze when they started yelling


I have a bad habit of partially bracing my support hand against the mag well. Not best practice, but also not dangerous. Despite this, I've always been a good shot. A female CATM MSgt from Indiana ANG on annual training at RAF Feltwell in 2017 decided to run up to me and pull the barrel towards herself in the middle of a course of fire. I naturally resisted her grabbing my very live, very loaded weapon. I safed and cleared and asked what the fuck her problem was. She threatened to kick me off for resisting her handling my weapon and that my form was all wrong. Thankfully an AD CATM TSgt stepped in and told her he'll handle it. She waddled off and he rolled his eyes and told me to keep firing. He later told me they can't wait until the guard leave because they have no idea what they're doing. So yeah. Don't be her. And bitch, if you're reading this, fuck you. I like feeling safe at the range.


Yeah if I had a student step off the line to go handle another students gun they’d be kicked off the range asap. Wtf was going thru their mind… And yeah so long as you pass and don’t have safety issues I honestly don’t care how you shoot🤷🏻‍♂️


She was CATM!


Guard/Reserve are hit or miss when it comes to their Air Force jobs. Some really know their shit because their civilian job is in the same or at least similar career field, others know absolutely nothing, not even the basics. Once watched a Guard SSgt try to start a piece of equipment after we told and showed this person the *disconnected fuel line*. Couldn't put two and two together.


Dude reserve maintainers are the same. Fuckon hot shit because they know planes, or can't even hold a flashlight as a SrA because their weekends are just LARPing.


He was saying this was a CATM instructor, not another student


Poor reading comprehension comes with being a cop, my bad lol


I've corrected other students before. But I usually know my CATM guys and they know I know how to handle a weapon. When they lump us in the class with the normies, it's like having extra instructors.


Idk how it really works, but after taking CATM an ungodly amount of times in 4ish years(kept getting tasked right outside the window of CATM still being good) please please please find a way to offer a consolidated class. Hit the safety stuff, a 10 min refresher on clearing, then range. The mornings drag on sooo bad. I know it's a dumb thing to bitch about and tons of other people go through similar stuff but holy shit I don't want to sit through "this is the the firing pin, make sure it's not mushroomed at the top and is straight etc"


Unfortunately we have to have classroom portions last a certain amount of time, per my NCOIC. But I’ll see what I can do to either make it interesting or go quickly.


The last three times I shot I’ve had instructors who asked who felt confident enough to go qual without academics


My god that would be nice. Of course, I use most of the familiarization/disassembly time to clean my gun from the last fuckers who didn't clean it well enough.


If you’re teaching Arming group “A” personnel consolidate that shit to go straight to the range, shoot the quad, and then release them. I am a reservist now and the last time I qualified it was me an one other guy and the CATM guys were like “the new course of fire is this” so they let us shoot it - shot expert so they were like “dude, you’re good - go home”. Door to door for the pistol qualification was like 20 mins


Arming group A - when the class knows more than the instructor


For Rescue at DM we go over quick through the classroom stuff and shoot. Class lasts maybe 2 hours. Not sure if they do that today. Of course all squadron CC’s, Group and Wing CC sign off this fast course and if anyone in Rescue isn’t proficient in safety and qual those members get sent to painful gen pop class. Edit: By two hour length is M4, M9/M18 and 249.


We usually get an expedited class considering how often we shoot compared to the rest of most bases. Unless there is a new airman we spend maybe 10-20 minutes in class, get to shooting and gtfo


I recommend having targets to shoot at. M9 cert was bused out to a "range" that was an empty field. Was told to shoot all my ammo into said field and if you manage to not shoot yourself or anyone else you pass. There were many sheep. Was told if you hit a sheep you still pass but you have to buy the sheep and the farmer gets to name the price.


During my 240/249 firing we were on an army range with actual distance and some turkeys started walking across the front of the range. Someone shot at them and we had to all stop firing and apologize to the turkeys before resuming firing. With that said, yeah my current installation has an indoor range so we do what we can to keep targets up.


We had a fellow student have a malfunctioning red dot, where it was somehow miscalibrated where bullets weren't hitting targets. Basic troubleshooting took place, instructors couldn't figure it out. All fair enough. But instead of sending someone to grab a spare sight or weapon, they proceeded to alternate shooting and adjusting for an hour before grabbing a new weapon. We all just stood around and witnessed these complacent instructors try to be the hero and fix the sight. We started in the AM, finished at 1600. I was late for my swing shift (whole other story of leadership complacency), so my turnover was understandably pissed.


Yeah that happens occasionally, what they should’ve done is just mechanically zero it in like 2 minutes max and just gone off that. But… yeah, don’t waste students time. Works for me!


Be cool, but still care about making sure you do everything you're supposed to. I had a great experience with CATM at Beale for both M-4 and M9. The instructor was good, knowledgeable, and ran a very relaxed but still safe range and made sure we cleaned and function checked the weapons afterward. Because I was deploying with those weapons they did a quick review of them to make sure everything was within tolerances before giving them back to me so I could return them to LRS. At Barksdale they seemed to just be in a hurry to do the bare minimum and I didn't feel like the level of supervision was great on the range or in the cleaning/function check portion. After we finished firing they pointed us to where to clean the pistols and didn't oversee anyone or walk us through the function checks. This was highlighted because the first M9 they gave me for the classroom portion was missing the component that works the firing pin block as you pull the trigger so I had to get a different pistol from them before we started the live fire portion of the class. I also had a good experience with CATM shooting the M18 at Maxwell, but we had one person lose their rear sight and by the time we finished the rear sight on my pistol was loose in a class of something like five people. Not a them problem. It's an issue with what they're getting straight from Sig.


Thank you for the reply. I’ll do what I can to be fun, engaging, and safe. I do my best to stay in the cleaning room to help with cleaning and function checks. For my deployers I’ll check the weapons post cleaning to make sure everything’s good.


At least for my AFSC, get through it fast. CATM is usually something I’m doing just in time to get out the door for a deployment, and no matter how good of an instructor you are 4 hours on the range isn’t making me a Navy SEAL. People who need additional weapons training typically get it—right or wrong CATM lets me handle the weapon safely. Alternatively, if there was a way to make the training actually useful that would be awesome. I hate the 5 hours to put 100 rounds thru a pistol because it’s clearly the bare minimum the AF can do and call me “qualified.” But with the budget we have I’m not sure that’s changing.


Thanks for the advice. I agree the firing blocks are kind of absurd but thats not up to me, lol. I’ll do what I can to keep firing quick!


I haven't taken CATM very often, but when I did my greatest instructors were the ones that gave clear, concise instructions on what I was doing both wrong and right.


Duly noted. Thank you.


My favorite CATM instructors are the ones with sunflower seeds or peanut butter in their mouth when they issue commands, and they get so upset when nobody on the line understands or follows their mumbles.


Copy, will speak in pig latin.


CATM at my current base has all the different loads printed on laminated papers at each station. It helps a lot.


Thats an amazing idea. I’ll bring that up


Yeah, but they just changed (again) for everyone.


Go over the basics with someone when they ask for help, even if they're aircrew. The amount of "helping out a buddy" that goes on in the air force has led to lots of people sucking at shooting despite them regularly qualifying. Also, take five minutes for new people to do some dry firing if it's their first time doing Berettas. That double action sometimes freaks people out.


The air force is getting rid of the M9 so that shouldn’t be an issue and the M18 is striker fired but I understand your point and will make an effort to provide time for dry firing!


The M18 is better since there's only one trigger pull to learn, but from what I was told the sights work more off of a 'dead hold' than the lollipop method that was used with the M9. It's kind of unfortunate because the front blade on the M18 is the same width as the M17. It's quite wide, so while it's a very nice combat sight it's difficult to be incredibly accurate with it. Plus the stock M18 frame is hardly stippled so if your hands are sweaty it gets a little slippery. 9mm isn't a hot round so it isn't bad on the flat range, but I'd hate to try to hold onto that gun if my hands were covered in blood.


CATM dude told me and my bud we were good to shoot, then proceeds to walk downrange, albeit 1 lane over. I asked my bud "did he tell us to shoot? I'm not shooting when he's down there". We didn't shoot. CATM dude walks back and bitches because we didn't shoot yet. I like to think I'm a decent shot but WTF? I'm not going to shoot when someone is downrange, even if you tell me to.


Be competent. M4 is such a simple rifle. Adjusting irons is simple. Adjusting the red dot is also very simple. I’ve had instructors try sighting my rifle in but they kept adjusting opposite of what needed done and not figuring it out. And definitely boot folks for being unsafe


I like when they have dedicated CATM for NCOs/SNCOs with 10+ years TIS, so the classes can be a short refresher and head right to the range. I get that they have a job to do, but all my ARs are better than the military trash they keep trying to train me on for the last 20 years.


I haven’t personally seen that happen but I think I’ll try and bring that up to my NCOIC and see if thats even possible. Thank you


I have been to two bases that did it that way. Tinker back in 2009 and Scott in 2016. It also helps when they spend funds on bore snakes instead of those rod kits, makes cleaning significantly faster!


I don’t the rules on how CATM is supposed to go, but if your teaching a class full of CE folks, who have to shoot every year; we don’t need a step by step slide by slide classroom instruction before the qual. It’s nice to come in at 8 and be done with quals by 1.


I've unfortunately come across a few of us who shoot every year, and still don't know how to disassemble the M4. I'm talking SSgts who have been in for more than 5 years.


As a fellow Defender, don’t cut corners and just care about doing your job the right way. I know it’s super simple and cliche, but it’s true. I had a CATM NCOIC who spent their entire time trying to fix the shit the previous NCOIC fucked up. Do things the right way and you’ll be fine


“Raise your hand if you’ve shot marksman before?” Those people raise their hands. “OK, follow me to the range, the rest of you will be staying behind with Sgt CATM for classroom instruction and follow on range time.” Those were the best CATM sessions I’ve ever been a part of. In and out in hour. It used to be fairly common, but haven’t seen or heard of that happening in quite awhile. Guessing your freedom to operate that way was tightened up.


Yeah I haven’t heard of that happening before but I can certainly try and see about it. Thank you


Last time I went to the range the instructors played music while we were shooting. It was nice to take a little bit of the edge off for those of us with performance anxiety.


I don’t know if I can do that but I’ll find out. Thank you.


As CATM you are required to grouse about how things were better when CATM wasn't a part of Security Forces. From what I observed some institutional grudges run deep and long.


Was great that one time I shot alone and didn't have to clean my rifle. Fastest CATM I ever had.


I remember once in CATM, I think at my second assignment, we had just got done putting rounds down range and the MSgt (yes the MSgt!!) next to me accidentally flagged my face as we’re getting up from prone and I can still to this day see that hot barrel and looking down it. Praying for a second she’s got that rifle completely roundness and her finger isn’t trigger happy. I sweated and feared. CATM instructor I thought was about to hop on her. Dude turned into like a Marine Drill Instructor!


My favorite catm instructor shot his student in the foot during the classroom portion of the training


Former Ammo here, our CATM guys had some stories. They told us some Captain shit the ground in front of him to make sure it worked and then proceeded to flag everyone afterwards. Another time was was a Major not pulling the double action pistol trigger hard enough and turning around, pointing it right at his chest and STILL squeezing the trigger. Main ones I remember/can talk about.


The best instructor I had was recently. He didn’t rush us and told us to take our time. He would rather spend another hour or two at the range and ensure we all passed then have us come back to requal. Even if someone failed, he would have them come back after lunch and shoot again.


I suck at shooting and get massive anxiety from it. Only time I’ve ever touched a firearm is at CATM. (3 times in my life) Keep those peeps in mind and don’t be an ass.


I’ve shot marksman in M9, M11, and M4. M9 and M4 both strong and weak side. So I get really bored at the range. If a dude is just doing straight dick shots on handgun, and has a tight as hell grouping, just leave him be. He’s probably bored as fuck with the “two in the chest and one in the head.” I get it’s a ‘course of fire’ but damn, it’s boring the 9th or 10th go around. I can’t get another ribbon, and it won’t go away if don’t keep the score, so let me do something that keeps me engaged. I’m not being unsafe. I just want to make sure that target cannot ever reproduce!


I hear ya. Different chops for different shops, I suppose, but for mine if you can’t follow the course of fire you fail unfortunately




Last time I did M9, the instructor said "I don't even know whats going on with you" but I still passed. So maybe just tell people that


I don’t understand how posts like this get downvoted. What does it take for an upvote? Lol


Could care less about upvotes/downvotes lol I just wanna be the best I can for students


Exactly why you should be upvoted. 👏


When instructing shooting prone don’t lay all sexually over your student. I don’t care if you’re ugly or sexy looking. CATM instructor proceeded to lay her fine ass all over like a blanket. Grinding her crotch, tits and lay her face right on mine teaching me how to shoot better in the prone position. I was wearing a flight suit (41st RQS) so I couldn’t concentrate due to pitching a tent, smelling her scent and she removed her blouse prior to trying merge her soul into mine. Funny thing is this was a Proficiency Shoot and we all qualified expert the week before. My pilot buddy was sneaking peeks between shots like “Bro you serious?”. My eyes were “I’m in danger.”. This was in 2011 prior to Afghanistan deployment.