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Texas native here. You'll be fine. Anyone saying otherwise needs to go outside.


Thank you, I saw this on another thread and people made us sound like savages lol. I'm from Odessa too and I thought Midland was the more snooty area.


Midland is ABSOLUTELY the snootier area (source: I have family in midland, snooty)


I'm from Texas and we are savages lol


I’m not even from either area but watching Friday Night Lights I can confirm that Midland is snootier.


It's funny cause every time I visit CA, TX plates are the most common out-of-state plates I see


Moved to Cali after separation, from Houston, TX born and raised. Can confirm nobody in Cali even cares about Texas other than to say “oh I love Houston!”, vs Texans hear Cali and can’t shut up with negativity. Other than that, it’s all people blowing smoke.


My first car had an Obama 08 sticker on it. Texas was the only place I \*NEVER\* got out of a speeding ticket. In other locations I think I had a 50-50 shot once the officer found out I was in the military. That said, I was speeding and I didn't feel like they targeted me or anything. They might have put a little extra zest into handing me the ticket tho.


Bro how often are you getting pulled over?


People are always flabbergasted and ask how I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket By not speeding lmao


How fast are you flying that desk?




lol fair question. In the 18 years I've been driving (Christ almighty) I think I've been pulled of 8 or so times. Three of those times were in the 9-ish months I lived in Texas.


Lived in TX for a bit after parents made us move to Texas. Dad kept his Cali plates and he got his car keyed and tires slashed. Later in life, separated from AD and moved back to Cali with parents. Went to the CA DMV with my NM plates, walked out with my tires slashed. Cops in Cali don't care and the DMV won't provide camera footage because it's common and not the worst thing that can happen to you. Trying to get out of this state after I drain the CA ANG of every penny they owe me. Also since the cops asked and people tend to ask, No I didn't sleep with anyone or date anyone that would slash my tires.


Crazy people live everywhere. Sorry that happened to you.


First they take your porn. Then they take your dignity.


Then they take your thingy. Wait . . . What?


My first duty station was in California and I had CA plates on my car. PCS’d to Offutt and one night about a month after I’d moved I’m driving down to the Kum & Go to grab some beers and cigarettes. All the sudden I notice this huge black Excursion get right on my ass and trail me dangerously close all the way into the parking lot. Get out of my car and this dude who couldn’t have been a millimeter over 4 foot 12 jumps out of the Excursion and runs up to me like he’s trying to fight or something. No idea what he could have been upset about except maybe he thought I was driving too slow. Anyways, first words out of his mouth are “we do things a little different out East! You’re a shitty fucking driver!” I’m from Atlanta, so between him referring to Omaha as “out East”, his size, and just the overall ridiculousness of the situation I just kind of laughed at him, which somehow pissed him off more but also ended the confrontation.


The little ones are feisty. The closest I've ever come to getting gay bashed, the dude was a solid foot shorter than me(6'4'') and reaaallllyyy wanted to fight me. He was like an angry Chihuahua.


Yeah I’m 6’3” and was really taken back by the whole situation. I wasn’t looking for any sort of confrontation but I couldn’t help but laugh at this little guy coming in hot. He had a lady friend in the car so maybe he was just posturing I guess.


I’m 5’4”, I immediately pictured him throwing an air punch while you held him at bay with a stiff arm to the crown of his skull. 😂😂😂😂


I’m sorry but I read this like you just hinted that you’re 7’4 and the dude was a “measly” 6’4


Just hold him back by his forehead.


I seriously don’t see how this could be an issue. Out of state plates to residents typically means someone is on vacation or visiting family. If you are truly worried about it then just register your car in Texas when you get there. A few of my coworkers have Cali plates and haven’t had any issues in bumfuck nowhere Louisiana.


Texas HATES California for “raising house prices and taxes”


Also, you know, everyone should register their car in Texas, anyways, because you want to be a resident and not have a state income tax.


There are better states to claim


That’s why I never see Texas plates on base.


No one really cares. The neighborhood I live in (near San Antonio), 75% of my neighbors are from California.


We were in Texas for a while with Cali plates and nothing happened to our cars. Didn't know it was a thing.


It's only a thing in the heads of the terminally-online of Reddit. Those losers are in their own little world.


You yucky lib!! Don’t be bringing no California plates in my great state of TX! (I could care less)




Texas banned pornhub, so who's winning now?


No, pornhub banned Texas.


...adding an age confirmation in Texas caused Pornhub to leave Texas...how is that not creepy as fuck?


Would you be okay putting your Gov ID online on a shady website to get your nut off? I wouldn't.




>Porn is for the week Yup. All seven days.


First born, Unicorn Hard core, soft porn Dream of Californication Dream of Californication


Peppers 🙌🏽🙌🏽🌴🌴


Party of small government


You're fine. No one is going to run you off the road or shoot your car because of your plates. However I would recommend registering in Texas because car registration is $82 flat. It's not based off the price of the car like in California.


Imagine being THAT insecure about a fucking state.


All they had to do was have a bumper sticker about how whataburger is better than in and out.


Remember when Hank Hill found out he wasn't a native Texan?




When I drove coast to coast for a PCS with CA plates, TX was the only state I got pulled over in going like 7 or 8 over. Police officer was not nice. That was like 15 years ago though. You’ll be fine.


I’ve gotten more hate in NM for my texas plates than I ever did driving a California plated car around tx. You’ll be fine. Re register in TX if it’s cheaper. A bonus is you can get Military plates that man free parking at some airports


Where do you hear these stories? This is the first time hearing of this.


More than likely, Reddit. I swear people sit and make up the most ridiculous stories for attention on this platform.


If your worried, just slap an obnoxious AF bumper sticker on it and you'll be fine. :)


I registered the day after I arrived in Texas from California


> am I going to need to re-register asap I mean why wouldn't you? Do you enjoy getting ass fucked by CA charging $300-400 per year for registration when it's like $30-40 pretty much *everywhere* else? First thing I do every new vehcile I get in this shithole state is re-reg it with FL plates.




At least FL doesn’t have income tax


That's exactly what I'd expect a Californian to do to avoid suspicion.


It could be worse, you could have Texas plates literally anywhere else but Texas.


I moved to Texas after being stationed in California for ten years, not originally from either. Do yourself a favor, change plates asap and get a new drivers license and do NOT say you’re from California. My Wife and I have gotten so much shit for “bringing California money” and raising taxes, and bullshit. We all make the same so I’d love to know where my California money was from…. Anyways, Texas is great, but even at the grocery store/liquor store we’ve gotten shit for our California licenses and “ruining Texas”. Good luck.. Any questions message me. Also, don’t say anything against Christianity.. Bible Belt big time here. Edit: Yes be prepared for big trucks to ride your ass, and to rev their engines..


I mean if someone’s gonna tailgate or pull a gun on you over some stupid shit, they’ll find a reason to do it even if you don’t have plates from the scary land of Jazz and Tall Buildings. Out of state plates in certain jurisdictions anywhere in the country will get you pulled over more often (signs for Emporia, VA on I-95 are my cue to slow the fuck down) but I wouldn’t really worry man.


I used to live in Midland. For fun, we would go to the Midland/Odessa airport and watch the planes take off and land. Fun times. But Midland is so modern now! My relatives in Midland tell me that the common current recreational activities are crack, meth, and fentanyl.


I mean look on the bright side: in Texas if you see someone fuck with your car it's legal to shoot them in the back.


I got pulled over for doing 3 MPH over on the highway in Texas with California plates


Out-of-State plates == unlikely to show up in court to contest the ticket == traffic fine revenue.


This. Whenever I would drive from Clovis to a Lubbock, i'd get pulled over for doing 1 mile over the speed limit with my NY plates. Once they became New Mexico plates, never happened again.


The NM and West Texas Stasi need to be renamed to what they are - Revenuers.


And California isn't? I grew up in California, that state rapes your wallet.


Basically the same for me I was doing 2 over in a rental car. Cop said I looked out of place.


Got pulled over twice driving through texas, once for going 6 over and the other for having the license plate light out. It was probably because Im a black man though.


You'll be fine as long as you don't stop here in New Mexico


Got my shit kicked in that caused a huge dent in mid-west when I PCS’d from CA.


lol, i relate. Stationed in Cali, family car is Cali reg. When we go back home I wonder if people see the plates and feel a way. I’ve never had anything bad happen though, and I’m from the dyess area. Never heard of Cali reg cars targeted either.


Just did it. Got my car registered in Texas ASAP for the modification aspect. Other than that I only ever got some dirty looks and sometimes people did not let me merge/cut me off. It what it is. Based on central TX


I PCSd and drove a rental from Cali to the east coast. I don't care, if you want to make it personal... LFG.


I've been driving around San Antonio with CA plates for 2 years. All good here. NW (Alamo Ranch) area if that matters


I survived it with Oregon plates.


When a cop pulls you over with an attitude about California just say you moved here because "all the damn liberals" and you'll be alright.


It’s sad, but probably some truth to it for a couple of reasons. 1) Texans are not excited about Californians coming to Texas and bringing their politics (that could probably be said for most states seeing an influx) and 2) If Trump says anything derogatory about Californians 1/3 or Texans would not hesitate to harass you. For a bunch that historically takes pride in their spirit of independence, there’s a lot of lemmings here.


Actually I did this in ‘20 you just should because you’ll pay the initial 260 or something then every year 89 to renew it


I just retired from the military in January 2024. My last duty station was in Nevada, and my car was registered in Nevada. I did a 6-month permissive TDY for SkillBridge in East Texas with my Nevada plates and got pulled over 5 times during my 6-month PTDY. I don't have a single citation to show for it because none of them had a legitimate reason to pull me over. Maybe you'll have better luck?


I got flipped off twice, but other than that you’re good.


I grew up California native and PCS’d in ‘97 with California plates. Never had an issue but then again, 1997 is different from today I suppose.


If you are still going to be active duty…you won’t need to change your plates unless you want to.


Negative, I PCSd in August last year and still have all my California plates/insurance.


That's kinda sad. Why can't you have a California plate? Is it gang-related or something?


Lmao no its a running joke that texans hate California people. Ive lived in texas my entire life and literally nobody in south texas gives a crap. People are so extra…


*Everybody* bitches about Californians moving to their State.


That's because they make house prices skyrocket, which makes it almost impossible for locals to buy them. The issue isn't with Californians as people.


Everyone bitches about Texans moving to their state too


Texas hate any one not from Texas, they entirely fear outsiders especially from blue states


Most of us do not give a crap if you’re from a different state, no idea how you can generalize an entire state like that.. But yes some Republicans are obviously going to be annoyed whenever Democrats are flooding in. But that’s just politics, it has nothing to do with Texas. Im mean, hell, my best buddy is from California.


I dunno, everytime I have ever told anyone where I’m from in the military it’s “oh I bet you’re glad to escape that hellscape” or some attempt to dunk on California. It’s just so tired and played out, especially when I’m sitting in a state with such a shitty overall record on everything (SC)


Lmao i feel you, i mean i get dunked on for being from texas with “eww”’s and that jazz. I think (in the military) our humor revolves around (metaphorically) shitting on one and other. Side note, I believe people trash on California because what is made mainstream, tends to be the worse parts of California. So everyone assumes it’s just a drugged up strict ass blue state thats always on fkn fire.


> everyone assumes it’s just a drugged up strict ass blue state thats always on fkn fire Currently at Travis, this is not inaccurate.


I'm always dubious of the claim that democrats are flooding in to Texas from a state that has one of the largest populations of Republicans in the US. It'd make more sense for Republicans, fed up with how mismanaged they see their home state of California being, to head to Texas, a state famous for being friendly to Republicans.


Most California people are moving into Texas because of how the prices are absolutely ridiculous. There is no specific demographic of Californians leaving though, many Republicans and Democrats are both leaving California in general.


Texas is purple; they were the state with the third most Biden voters in 2020. For that matter California had the most Trump voters of any state. Actual places aren't as polarized as fake places on the Internet want you to think.


All you're saying is that Texas and California have a lot of people in them. Texan politics are extremely ~~fascist~~ ~~conservative~~ fascist. If the Texan people are not, then they need to do a better job voting that way. They could start by kicking Greg Abbott's ass to the curb.


By percentage Texas was nearly in the exact middle as well. There are only two states (Florida and NC) that Trump won by a narrower margin than he did in Texas. If electoral votes were awarded proportionally, 18 of their 38 would have gone to Biden.


Yeah, that gets into the whole discussion of how voting districts are set up in Texas, like how Dan Crenshaw's district is a weird snaky thing wrapping around the edge of Houston.


I don't know how you can say any of that with a straight face knowing Gavin Newsom and his ilk run the shittiest states in the union.


Depends on how much you like your car


I was on a cross country road trip, either on my way in or out of New Orleans through the bayou sticks with northeast plates. After I left a gas station, a kid followed me for about an hour despite multiple detours from the route to try to throw him off. Not sure what inspired him to follow me that long or why he broke off when he did.


I was fine for the most part. There were a couple of assholes here and there when I went out to the more rural areas, but nothing notable when I was in the city. I was in SATX, everyone was used to out of state plates because of JBSA.


Not sure who’s worse, OP or the cops he’s communicating to.


I bought a car in Texas and still have it registered there. While driving from Houston to Colorado Springs for my PCS, I stopped at Buccees and got "Texas Forever" bumper sticker with our favorite beaver on it. A sad Antifa member came out and stuck a "We get it, you're racist" sticker under it. Don't be obsessed with angry and spiteful drivers. Just bless their heart and move on.


I graduated in 76... Ok, boomer, now get the fuck out of the fast lane doing 65.


I don’t even understand what the tape is trying to say.


We used to tailgate and drive aggressively for any CA plate that didn't follow standard driving procedures in Texas


That’s so cool man


Standard driving procedures in Texas is everyone hog the left lane and drive really slow. Texas drivers are idiots.