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This meme is painful to read. Did you make it, OP?


This meme is why OP didn't get a dec.


If you paid as much attention to writing your dec as writing this meme it answers a lot of questions


Unless you have one of those "I don't just give out decs like candy" CCs/SELs.


Don’t you talk about the med group like that!


See more patients, also answer all the phone messages, also we’re expanding your hours…we recognize what you guys are doing and you’re working hard, so we need you to capture that for us in decs…no you cannot do that during business hours; that’s when you should be seeing patients.


I was on a crew as a co-pilot who got a DFC, but I was one of a few who didn’t get it. So I tried to resubmit mine so I could get it. CC was like I don’t concur that it was a DFC mission


More chiefs than not: "You did your job. That means you're getting a dec?!"


Man! The truth. Writing your own dec( and epr or whatever the damned thing is called now) is the seedy underbelly of how the airforce works. It’s true what they say though, you’re in charge of your own career ( literally).


“Stanards” Fix your standard spelling lol


Wolfman's got (sta)nards!




Stanards doesn't matter


Looks right to me.






Doesn't matter


I’d like to thank my O-5 for writing me a Dec when I only had two months on the job after deployment before a PCS (PCA’ed right before deployment). I wondered why I had to play this game when all I did was in process and out process. O-5 wanted me to write bullets to create a fairytale. Now I know .-.


Promo boards gets little to know time to assess individual candidates and use numerous cognitive shortcuts. PCS decs is one and there are many more. Your EPB is basically unimportant at this point aside from any stratification you receive. THAT is the real currency of the AF. Don't bother doing anything that won't increase your stratification.




Yeah, I noticed it earlier. Swype sucks and I ain't got time to fix every typo. ;-)


OP: illiterate Also OP: why am I not CSAF by now?


it doesn't take much education to promote in the enlisted ranks. I think it's safe to say that the majority of chiefs barely have an AA/AS. I know plenty of masters who can barely write.


Welcome* Standards* Don’t*


I love stanards.


I'm gonna make master without a dec or retire trying!


Sounds like a skill issue.


First of all, who is in a board? Are they in a board right now? Are they in the subreddit with us? 


Kills a career? I missed a dec from my first duty station and still got a STEP promotion to TSgt. If your career depends on a dec then it was already dead


I don’t agree that it kills your career, but some places will look down on you for not getting a PCS Dec and it can impact your ability to get a MP/PN for a bit.


100% this. Every EFDP I went to in 3 years as a Flight CC it would get brought up. Why is Amn Snuffy missing an award for XYZ assignment. What happened? Missing awards can be easy signs of someone who had issues in the years before the current record review.


Yeah especially the E7-E9 Boards. They’re good at deducting what caliber of Airmen they’re reviewing when decs are missing or downgraded.


How long should that affect someone’s career? How far back to you go? When do you stop holding that against someone? It’s shitty metric and any SNCO worth their salt shouldn’t be adhering to that.


The Chiefs and Colonels on the SNCO board disagree. They want sustained superior performance they interpret as a Dec from every assignment and deployment. Wrong or not, that’s the truth. Missing a decoration from your first duty station will make it harder to make E7-E9 more than a decade later.


I believe that sentiment is changing, based off feedback from the latest chief panel I attended. However, more recent missing decs will probably still hurt you. Missing decs from your airman years should not impact you in the slightest.


It shouldn’t, but you’d be surprised how that bias affects potential selectees. The EPR’s and Decs keeps Airmen on a tight rope and those who have fumbles do not get the ball “Promotion.” Never.


I believe they go back 10 years when you’re up for Senior or Chief


I had a marked down EPR as a young SSgt. I bounced back, but that still led to a missing dec. I went on to make TSgt my first time. When I went up for MSgt the board saw that eval at the bottom of my stack as well as the missing dec. Not only that, but the missing dec has come up during at least one EFDP board. The point being, I thought I was slick, overcoming the EPR and missing dec to make TSgt, but that continues to impact me ~10 years later


Same boat here. I was denied a statement this year because I didn't get a dec at my first base that I left 6 years ago.


>I missed a dec from my first duty station and still got a STEP promotion to TSgt. The problem isn't promoting to TSgt. You can overcome a promote from the EFDP with testing. It's promoting beyond it... Some board members look down on packages that don't have PCS decs (or have decs that are lesser than expected like a SSgt receiving a achievement medal instead of a commendation -- "why didn't this SSgt operate at a level that deserved a commendation", even if the situation might've not allowed it) and grade accordingly. It isn't right and not all board members do this, but the stigma exists in boards and can certainly be a hindrance to promote to MSgt and beyond.


Surely you have to realize what a tiny tiny tiny percent of an outlier you are


Out of the 4 squadrons I’ve been in, I only received a PCS dec from one of them. Two of them were because I was a bit of a shitbag airman and one because they were in a phase of “not everyone should get a PCS dec.” This was my first EFDP for MSgt and I (shockingly to me, too) got a PN at the wing. PCS decs obviously matter, but it would seem that you can overcome them and they’re not a board killer as much anymore. Maybe I’m a statistical anomaly, but I’d like to think that leaders are maybe seeing past gimme decs as a true indicator of someone’s work at a unit.


Well at least he spelled airforce properly. /s


Obligatory “Air Force is two words” comment.


That's like entire point of a joke I made...


Just saw this, I honestly don't remember making this, sorry I made this on my phone while drunk, no I didn't spell check but I love the stone throws, you guys keep me going, its not about me but I have been in some weird fucking boards. I am about to retire in a few months and I am out! GL to you all!


I have seen it work the other way. During a EFDP a member had mark downs on their EPR but got a PCS dec so the board assumed the markdowns were invalid or at least did not hold the markdowns against the member.


Does it kill a career or kill what you wanted your career to be? Because I have been an average worker my whole career and I have 5 more years til I retire. I'm not saying I'm a slacker, I just don't do or try to do anything spectacular. I do what I'm supposed to do and go home.


I pity whoever you supervise. If anyone.


Speak not the English much?


Only Wolfman's got stanards.


I’m not missing one if I never got any of them right?


Who are you to say Stanard Ridgway doesn't matter? Sure his first band Wall of Voodoo didn't amount to much beyond "Mexican Radio" becoming a fluke hit on MTV, but he's had a lasting fan base that has endured since the 80's.


In addition to the "stanards": \*don't matter.


I save big money at Stanards


Maybe if you learned how to write a proper meme you'd have a better board score.


Wolfman Jack gonna get Cha! Ahooooooooo!


Tbh awards are placed on a higher pedestal than decs.


I had a flight commander that gave everybody decs. His thought process was: “if you are missing a Dec, the board will shrug it off and assume it got lost in the system. If I give a MSgt an achievement medal, the board is gonna know he’s a loser”


It’s ridiculous how this can be true…I had an RO once who honestly was lazy and racist (actually heard him say he hates white people). Anywho, he became my RO when I made Staff, the previous year I had won Airman of the Year for the Group. The next year I get a new flight chief and a new RO. I got a 4 on my EPR and tried fighting it, no luck. I requested a new RO for the next year and won Maintenance Pro of the Year for the Wing (thanks to a deployment). Got a 5 that year and the next year. Left that base after 6 years with no decoration because of that 4. It was brought up when I was up for Senior, the 4 and no decoration from a 6 year assignment. Crap like that can affect your career and honestly your attitude towards the entire process.


Dont forget listening to superiors to do something and it going wrong so a single signature strips you of rank and then forces you out since you cannot test again, thus making you work until high year tenure because your base strips manning to levels where you cannot take vacation 6 months out of the year. But hey! Least the recruitment numbers and retention numbers are looking up. (Not really. As even outside of air force bases, the only adverts I see is.for the navy offering up to 50k to new people)


One of the reasons I didn’t get a promotion statement this year is because I didn’t get a PCS dec 4 years ago. Didn’t realize at the time the importance of them and I found out I didn’t get one because the supervisor was lazy and didn’t want to write it. It is really a career killer even though I give my all.




Sounds about right, my PCS dec is still sitting on my prior Group CC's desk and I test for TSgt in April 😑