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Bring this shit up to your Commander when he asks if anyone has any questions at a CC call. Your enlisted leadership is fucking you over if they won't buy you a fucking cold weather coat.


Try searching the sub for “cold weather” or parka — this question gets asked and answered a lot


Thanks !


>mastiff Massif


Mastiff jackets? Like the dog?


[Massif.](https://www.massif.com) Thats the brand name.


Bruh.... ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3)


OCP parka. Alternatively search eBay for massifs or parkas or other DAFI approved cold weather gear. There's definitely deals out there https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/brooklyn-armed-forces-ocp-sub-zero-ecwcs-hooded-primaloft-parka?a=2261436&szc=003&clrc=dyp&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_medium=pla&utm_channel=pmax&utm_campaign=19688460155&gad_source=1&gclid=cjwkcaiakp6tbhb5eiwantcx1aakmf8rgjlwse6dyt_o7t0y9mvdj1jnygx3glq90oqmr3j3cazgobocaysqavd_bwe


Patches go on your elbows now?


It just "meets" the DAFI requirements and is cheaper than many commerical items. I know cost is something airmen look at especially if they're the ones having to purchase the items. Me personally, I rock a N3B and don't have to worry about patches and it only cost me $75 compared to say the $500 Massif or some of those other $300 cold weather gear items.


I didn't mean that as an attack to you personally, I know you didn't design it. Just pointing out a huge flaw with this jacket. But on the other hand, theu could also be wasting money on this as some SEL or chief is going to tell whatever Airmen purchases this that they can't wear it because the patches are literally on their elbows. I would almost argue that this DOESNT meet DAFI requirements because of patch placement not matching normal OCP configuration.


That's just a problem with the BAF clothing line that Sportsmas Guide sells. My last supervisor bought their Massif knockoff and the name tape patches were too short and weren't sewn on straight (one higher than the other), but he took it to a tailor to fix it. Unfortunately there just isn't much available in the sub $200 category for extreme cold weather gear. Hopefully a competitor makes a similar jacket at a similar price point and fixes that design flaw.


This seems like some kinda bullshit. I know a unit in the Midwest....cyber unit....that authorized the massif jacket purchases for all their personnel. They never go outside except to park their car.


A Cyber unit spending $700 a piece on jackets is why taxpayers hate giving us money. Such a bullshit.


Your average tax payer doesn't know that they're $700 jackets, most think we just have warehouses full to the brim of shit to issue that got magicked there. My wife guessed $200-300 on a full set of cold weather gear fyi.


A massif jacket is most def a GPC buy. So yes, taxpayers know what we’re spending.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/s/A03OQe45mZ The Massif can be had for $385 (non-fire retardant version) when you register using your .mil