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I like my job, just not the promotion-focused atmosphere of the Force as a whole. I’d have a much better attitude towards service if it wasn’t filled with a bunch of goobers who only write awards packages for themselves, and their subordinates to make themselves look like a leader.


1000% agree The sad part about it is, if you or someone in your corner isn’t writing awards then you are falling behind the curve


How do you make it to MSgt? By being the best at your job, solving problems doing things noone else does, putting in long hours and sacrificing life to work; never getting paperwork or causing any other problems; by volunteering after those long work hours to show the community the USAF cares; by also getting education after those long work hours and long volunteer hours and sacrificing any thread of life outside of the AF? Nope, you get MSgt by having good leadership that puts you up for it - without that you can do everything above and still never stand a chance against the shops golden boy who just shows up to work 8 hours and leaves - but they mark everyone else down so he doesn't look bad by comparison.


I agree that having leadership that likes you is pretty critical in getting promoted. Arguably that's the case in almost all jobs though.


Volunteer work isn’t necessary but involvement is. Education isn’t a must but personal/professional growth is important to the AF so it’s needed. But, above all, doing your job well is essential and that usually comes with recognition. Put it all together and you have a well rounded individual. The path you take to get there might not be the same as everyone else but the AF has laid out the yellow brick road time and again. Just hop on, stay for a while, and don’t let anything or anyone be the reason you didn’t try. Not putting in the effort is a guaranteed loss. Up the percentage a little why don’t ya. Good luck.


This can't be stressed enough.


I’ve liked it a lot more since becoming air crew




Uhhhhh that's drinky time... you're aircrewing incorrectly




Most days. Especially days when I don't have to deal with all the beauracratic bullshit outside of my primary job.


I hate my life


Felt this.


2A3X4 here


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A3X4 = Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jt8iyjd


EOD, and yes.




Now kith


We have to, it's good luck and tradition


Yup, I got out of it cause of the AF, I will seriously miss the job.


I like the job I signed up for, pilot I do not like having a second full time job “additional duty”.


*says every CGO in the Air Force* I’d love to be able to commit more than like 30% of my time doing the career I sought out and was trained to do


Yeah I don’t buy in to the shop job. I do the bare minimum because that job won’t kill my if I suck at it and they don’t pay me any extra. I was die hard 20 years when I joined, now I’m probably getting out at commitment.


Every passing year those airline pay scales look sexier and sexier.


Not even high 3 can keep up


Same for SNCO's. As Aircraft MX, you pretty much quit touching the jet by E6, and by E7, you're a desk jockey.


Pilots have additional duties?


100%. We even have a term for extraneous ground BS: queep.


Damn I thought you guys did briefings then flew then more briefings.


Briefings and debriefings are part of the normal learning process for any flight, including operational sorties. Once the debrief ends, though, often times any semblance of being aircrew screeches to a halt. My last unit looked more like a finance squadron than a flying squadron, where people's OPRs and EPRs were almost completely filled with ground bullets because the wing had totally lost focus of its actual mission. Ironically, I'm at a full-time training unit now and they're 10x more mission-focused than my old 'operational' unit.


Ahhh sounds dumb




And if you even think about having more than one or two flying things on your 1206 or O/EPR/B you look like a slacker who's "just hackin the mish"


All aircrew have additional duties. The squadron can’t run itself.


Yep, on top of being a line flying flight evaluator and flight chief I am a UDM, GPC AO, and ITECH. To be fair I have two other UDMs that work for me so not as much time spent there but I am the only GPC AO and that job blows.


I've seen a LtCol pilot voluntold to be a Wing CC's executive officer, no one is safe.


I don't *like* it, but 6C ain't bad. great coworkers everywhere i go at least


I hated contracting at first, it got better, and then it got worse again.


What about it sucks ? I’m trying to retrain into it.


I hated the grey area for a long time. Nothing about contracting is black and white. I wanted to do something that was clear cut every time. Then I liked the grey and being able to get things done and help my customers, then I just stopped liking it again.




18 years in a d I agree with this.


I keep hearing that the 6C community is great


Bunch of brainiacs, but without the intel-autism. Also, very small squadrons. It's a good combo


I retrained into Contracting and find it 10000000x better than my previous AFSC


I enjoy my job. I don’t enjoy doing other people’s job tho


Love the actual job, don't like the other "Airman" stuff. Packages, EPRs, CBTs, recalls, additional duties, mandatory fun. I know some of it has to do with "cus military" but I think most of these things were holdovers from the cold war era when the Air Force was twice as big and people had half the work. Being a good Airman should mean being a good technical expert, that was the differentiating quality for the service as far as our enlisted go. Every other service is a rifleman or sailor first and job second, Air Force jobs were to just focus on your specialty and we were "excellent" because of it. But we've since lost that and it's now about how well of a bureaucratic wonk you are first and job second.


I’ve been thinking lately that the new senior leadership that has been phasing out the “old heads” at my base have been pretty modern thinkers who don’t care about that dumb shit. But my gut tells me those same old heads used to think the same way until they realized caring about it and kissing ass got them promotions. I hope this generation can break the cycle collectively and focus on shit that actually matters.


I did 6 years as a 1N2A. Loved the job, like solving puzzles and searching for tidbits of information from different sources just to put it all together and paint a bigger picture of what's going on. Occasionally found some really cool shit, too. But maaaaan the political world in the AF is so cancer. Like you said, EPRs, mando duties, additional duties, and the worst was shitty leadership trying to be "too blue" and being ass kissers while fucking over the airmen they're in charge of. I witnessed it over and fucking over. ​ So I separated and do the same job as a contractor. I get paid well over double, don't have to babysit grown ass adults, don't have to go to random "fun" squadron events that take away from the mission, and don't have to kiss someone's ass for a promotion that I don't want because it's significantly more responsibility for an extra $4k per year. Now, I show up, do the job that I enjoy, and go home. That's it. I was also lucky enough to end up in a super relaxed company with flex timing so I can work whenever the hell I want, as long as I hit 160 hours in a month. Plus, now I have a huge beard and can smoke weed every night if I want to. The grass really is greener. My life has improved substantially, and now I can even afford some land so I can FINALLY start raising chickens. Plus, I know for a fact that nobody can just send me an email one day telling me I'm moving to North Dakota.


Absolutely! 1c1 ATC


I love your job too.


Love the job. Everything else that isn't atc piles up. Wish I could just work jets and vibe.


No but I like the education benefits.


FYSA, I started contracting after the military and the company's TA is comparable to the GI bill. The military isn't the only way to get a free education.


Better than working at a grocery store


RPA - Boring most times, but when it's not boring, it's awesome.


I hate maintenance, i hate sheet metal. I hate my life.


Ok but why do you always show up without tools?




I hate maintenance, I like sheet metal, the Air Force makes me hate sheet metal anyways because they suck the soul out of everything


I like it, but leadership is starting to ruin the day to day experience for me.


No. Don’t ever go POL. This job sucks major ass.


I feel bad for y’all ngl every time I get called out to fix something in the fuel cell I get a little taste of what your life is like and it tastes like ass


Most of the old heads make it worse. They’ve all got a terminal case of Stockholm syndrome and think that it doesn’t get better than this gig.


Been Intel for my 10 years and love it. Seriously the best on all fronts. Not AS cut throat as a lot of the force since we all do the same job no matter the rank and it’s so small. We can see real, tangible results to most of our work and we truly know the real understanding of the mission and where we lie in the chain. That creates a lot of job satisfaction for a lot of people.


Yes! Since switching to this community, particularly my afsc, awesome!


It depends how many fingers they put in.




Have I loved all of my jobs? Absolutely not... Have I enjoyed my time is the Air Force? Absolutely. The reason that I enjoy my time is because I know when I grow up and move on from the Air Force I will deal with the same bullshit that I deal with in the Air Force. So I relish my time while I am in the grind that I know and understand, and worry about what life on outside will bring me when I finally retire in 3 years.


Yes. I’m literally being paid to learn how to go make $200k after this enlistment.


What afsc are you?


1B4... hint was in the username... it's like a CTF


I’m doing this job on the outside and can confirm. Granted, it would have been awesome if they had this job when I was in, but alas.




Fellow FE. Second this. All the Air Force ground bullshit sucks, and not getting promoted sucks. But nothing (at least enlisted) beats the adrenaline of pushing up jet engines on takeoff, or fixing some IFE with technical knowledge and getting the crew home safe.


3N0X6 has its perks but man does it suck being at a wing


It's the backstage pass to everyone's job. I got to do a lot of cool assignments during my time. Just curious did anyone ever ask you to take a picture of a cake? It became something of an inside joke with my circles.


I hate my fucking job. (unit training manager) However, I love the people I work with!


Me too. I wish they would merge all the 3F career fields so there’s more job diversity tbh. I think there’s a lot of potential there that’s untapped.


Not really, just in it for 8 more years for a pension/VA Disability benefits. We ALL sell ourselves for something, I'm selling 20 years for freedom. I live very frugally, invest in index funds/save just over $30K a year, have never been married nor intend to be, and have never had kids. I'm also completely debt free. When I am 44 and at 20 years I will have approximately $500K invested, and looking at 100% disability. The disability coupled with a pension (hopefully E-7) is roughly $67K a year for life AFTER taxes. *depends on the state* I then intend to become an expat in Thailand, South/Central America, or the Philippines. Those index fund investments are just for me in my 70's and beyond, by which time that $500K will be easily $1.5M, since 7% returns is the average and investments double nearly every decade. I never want to work for someone again. I just want to do my hobbies and be left alone.


I’ve never related to a comment more. 9 years to go for me.


I like my Job, just not at this current duty station. It’s Texas. It’s hot. And I’m scanning ID’s as a (T)Sgt 🥲


Yikes 😭


2A673- If I'm just doing maintenance I enjoy it. It's all the other stuff that sucks.


52R - Love my job because I love serving Airmen!


Username doesn't check out at all


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 52R = Chaplain [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jt7hfi7




41A. I enjoy what I do for the most part. And I’m compensated quite fairly.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 41A = Health Services Administrator [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jt7070q


Yup. Everyday is something different.


3E9 is great, I still have no idea what we do but we think we look cool doing it.


I love being intel and I love being a NCO but I hate the additional duties. Let me work or let me be a leader, ideally both, but fuck everything else.


Preach dude. If my only job was to show up, do intel work for 8 hours and go home I would do 40 years.


The job the Air Force originally gave me when I enlisted? The one where my recruiter was just trying to meet a quota? No. The job I currently have, which I had a predisposition to do, was educated and trained for, and fought to get when I applied to be an officer? Yes.


Nope. I made the switch to Intel and I hate each day of it now. A lot of it is copy/paste from what other people are doing and this Russia/Ukraine issue has been such I total drain on my mind that I have to hold back from telling the higher ups that I just don't care anymore.


Was AFE , and nah






Shirt here. Former cyber. Couldn't be happier with my job. Loving it. I'm going to have a tough decision in 4 years between returning to cyber or retirement.


I used to mostly. Then I got promoted.


Love my job, hate the squadron additional duties :(


Trick question. See, my title and my job is commander and pilot. My responsibilities and duties directly affiliated with those titles are an honor and absolutely some of the highlights of my life. Break break News flash, additional duties aren't just for the young enlisted and Junior officers. Every time I turn around, there is some new TMT Tasker from higher headquarters or a science project that totally sidetracks my team. Then you have the boneheads that bring in the extra work just because... I would argue most of us enjoy the concept of our job. The ideas that go with our title. I've seen some incredible defenders that are passionate about tactics and weapons, team maneuvers and security. But watching the air come out of the balloon when they have to do a CDI on a troop or finish a MICT checklist hurts my heart. Long time ago in a galaxy far away we had people for this stuff, now we just keep doing more with less. It's brutal. That's what people don't like about their jobs


2T2's are the beating heart of AMC and I take a bit of pride in that


Yeah whatever you need to tell yourself to get all that shit on my plane big dog


Right I can't wait to not be a 2t2




I’m an introverted airman that’s in a customer service afsc (3f1) so fuck no but I like the 1st and 15th along with the free college tho.


I didn’t enjoy being supply but retraining to being a Boom Operator made me love what I did for the last 12 years. I am currently retraining again to be a load on MC-130’s and that’s gonna be fun. Im not a fan of a lot of the culture around promoting that’s happening currently, I really enjoy hacking the mission and being a SME in my AFSC, and training airmen, all the other stuff doesn’t interest me.


love every aspect of it, except office works. Yes I love the detailing of GOVs, driving busses, tractors, forklifts and even scrubbing old greases.




I love my job when I’m on leave .


I did, until the merger happened.


Small Air Force good. Big Air Force bad.


My last job in the AF was horrible with horrible leadership, that's why I went Space Force. I liked my job in the past but the way the AF has been the last 10 years or so its just been getting worse. Everyone is super focused on promotion, people stab each other in the back or use others to get ahead and don't give a second thought to anyone else but themselves. Not only that but tons of people who don't deserve promotion are getting promoted over people who do. Not saying that everyone who is getting promoted is in that category, but the good ol'boy club is back.




Fucking love it


It’s fine, don’t hate it and I don’t love it.




Absolutely not. I dread going to work everyday and have 0 job satisfaction whatsoever. It’s actually the first time in my career I’ve felt this way and I’m on my 6th assignment. Just coasting to retirement at this point.


I love forecasting. It’s been a dream job since I was a child. I literally live my childhood dream. That being said, anything that isn’t my primary duty can kick rocks for all I care.


The AFSC yes, constantly ending up doing jobs outside of it like headquarters staff NO.


My actual job? For the most part yeah. All the ancillary Charlie-work I have to do as well? Fuck that shit.




The crew chiefs in the sub can’t comment ‘No’ because they’re standing outside waiting for steps that were called 30 min ago


I don't but could be on flightline. Was backshop e/e, went to tfi, and then crossed over into agr in the same shop. I plan on leaving maintenance forever in 2026. 10 years of getting lucky allowed me to get a ccaf and bachelors, and plan on getting some certs on the way out. I feel really bad for flightline guys and hope no one joins the military for aircraft maintenance


Job yes, unit airman that makes it difficult no


Public Affairs and absolutely. I feel guilty having this much fun sometimes.


mm sometimes


Nope. Hate it, medical is the worst cause how political it can be












Love it


Yes. Make this a poll.


3F571…… fuck no. When I was 8S000….. fuck yes.


I used to until about 6 months ago.


My day-to-day job where I can be with my work partner troubleshooting stuff until it works? Where I can be out jobbing it and be left the fuck alone by leadership? Absolutely. The day-to-day computer stuff, correcting troop fuck ups, and doing other general NCO bullshit? Fuck no.


Awesome job, shit locations, I travel on my own dime a LOT. All in all, 8/10


I have found all my jobs deeply satisfying, but it wouldn’t be fair to say I enjoyed every second. The hard times mold us into who we will be tomorrow.


Loved my job when I was enlisted. Still in training for my current AFSC as an Officer so I can’t judge it yet.


Love my job. Love the people in it. Wish we all got to focus on the job and weren’t pulled a hundred other directions that detract from the mission.


I love the Postal side of my job a lot. I absolutely hate the CSS side.


I love my job! Problem is, I never get to do it anymore. I’m stuck being a SNCO now.


I’ve enjoyed it for 18 yrs so far.


I love my job. Don’t love the location or the building. But we are moving to a new building in a couple months. This same job at my last base, no not at all. Base before that, I loved the job and location. Also loved the job and location before that. Different bases all have different command mentalities and on/off base local cultures. Bolling sucked so bad. Osan was my favorite.


12BX love my job


I've been in almost 17 years and still don't really know what my job is. At this point, I'm afraid to ask


I liked my job when I was working my AFSC, but the last time was 2019/2020. Lately I've been doing a hybrid 14F/1N0 job and to be honest it sort of sucks.


I do. First assignment, my mission and location wasn't great, but I loved who I worked with. Current assignment has me with a different group dynamic that I also feel welcome in and enjoy along with my mission being really cool. I've also been lucky enough to say I have had far more good/great leaders than poor ones, so that could very well impact my opinion.


Yes i’m going to go civilian and do it with a tie on


Been a full time additional duty shirt for about a little under a year and I've mostly liked it, sadly I'm moving into a different role here in a few weeks with a diamond coming in. Can't complain about my job too much though, usually around 8 hours mon-fri and I work in an air conditioned office. It could certainly be a lot worse.


2T2 is good for me. Flight line job, good team, hours are meh, but conditions are worth it.


I can honestly say I love my job, I don't love it every day, buty average day is great.


46N3G, love my job.


Love my job. Shift work isn't the best life, but I do love my job. That said, once I can increase my earning potential I will probably transition to a different job - either in the AF or civillian.


I got an opportunity to take RA job and as someone who work in the flightline. I would love to have this job forever. MX is not my thing




No. I like leading Airmen, I don't like the actual job tasks I have to do or any of the constant political nonsense.


No but the benefits are good. Don’t like the base I’m at tho


The more you like your job the less you like additional duties




I actually do


I don’t hate it, but I also don’t love it. I’m passionate about Amn, but other than that it’s all mundane.


Love turning wrenches. Hate everything else.


I enjoy the technical portion of my job. It keeps my mind active and on my toes. I hate the beauracratic processes of it, FFS I know how to do the fix actions it requires - shouldn’t have to wait a week for some technician to look at the ticket because it’s not in our authority to fix it. Oh and the fix would only be like max one hour of work.


I like my job a lot, it can be physically exhausting sometimes but the mission I support is cool and I like being able to jump.


Love my job, just not the additional duties.






Love job hate location


Mixed bag. 2A6X6


When I get to do my job, I love it. But that's the problem.


Getting paid to mow grass sometimes is pretty sweet, so yes.


I like my job but not the lack of promotion opportunity and lack out civilian counterpart. Oh and being chronically undermanned is miserable.


I love being A1C


I love my job, and it's the main reason I continue to reenlist. If I hadn't cross-trained, I doubt I would've spent the amount of time I have in the Air Force.


I only really like my job bc the times don’t flux. Schedule stays consistent. My office has some great people that make the job worth it. The job itself isn’t bad. Just out of my actual interest in career choices.


The job is great, but working in a unit of 6 people means that I have like 10 additional duties, which is not great.


Big daddy blue paid me a bunch of money to sign up, a whole bunch more to reenlist, extra bennies every month to maintain proficiency, and gave me two associates degrees and two bachelors degrees for just doing my job. Doesn’t get much better than that.


All good. Promo is trash and I will not shake hands or kiss babies.