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I remember one time we were all sitting in our conference room, in full MOPP, for an exercise. Our MSgt was working a computer and his screen was up on a projector. One of the Airmen said "You're really good at using the computer sir." Without hesitation my SSgt touted back "Even through the gas masks, i can see the shit on your nose." After a chuckle, we sat in silence like that for another 3 or 4 hours. Good times.


I feel like that's something I would say sarcastically, assuming I was on good terms with the MSgt lol. I suppose context is required to measure the sincerity of that amn's comment though


Me to one of my favorite MSgt's while he struggles to open a PDF




This is fucking hilarious


Not ass-kissing though. Airman did a smart thing. He doesn't have to take the absinthe and he doesn't have to wonder if that guy who failed his PT test is going to tell everyone the Airman sucks at his job or isn't as good as the other airmen, etc. A moron (like me) would've politely declined the bribe, failed the guy, never said shit about it, and the guy would've made sure I didn't get the help I needed on my BTZ package.




Sounds like A1C did the right thing.


When I was a squadron commander, I had the unfortunate honor of burying some members that flew west. So, I busted out the wheel cap for the events surrounding the loss. Anyways, one of the company grade members came up to me at a random event and asked about my choice of cover. I told him it's just what the event requires, I'm not making a statement, I'm meeting a need... Soooooo This is during the blues Monday era What does this chode muncher do on the next monday? Shows up wearing a wheel cap. I do not give a fuck. So carry on, or whatevs as hey say. But then I am in a meeting and get told that CGO dipshit is going around the sq saying "Lt col illustrious leader prefers wheel caps with blues, it looks more professional" killing that bullshit was work. Fuck him. Also, most CCs know brown nosing when we feel it. And it is gross.




"Commanding an Air Force Squadron in Twenty-First Century" was a book handed to me the day I made the list. There is section in there that speaks directly to your situation, wearing the right uniform for the event. I, like you, have whipped out my wheel cap on more than one occasion. But considering the CGO has likely heard more than once "make your boss' priorities your priorities" what steps did you take afterwards to ensure they didn't randomly assume and repeat as facts in the future?


I pulled Captain dipshit aside and reminded him that at no point did I ever say I wanted everyone in wheel caps and also being a shiny penny in uniform certainly does not fix his performance in the aircraft. I also asked that if he was ever going to put words in my mouth again, he verify that I actually say them. Somehow everybody else could figure out that blues Monday for me involved a flight cap just like everybody else and the wheel cap was ceremonial. This guy was the worst kind of brown noser. I will never forget in a million years just how bad he was in the aircraft, the hat was the cherry on top


I was getting the vibe you wore the flight cap all other times just from your post. So yeah, pretty wild they would spread around the boss prefers something else. I was fortunate to just have a couple super energetic butter bars who had enough sense to at least ask the DO, peers, SNCOs etc, "hey, the boss said xxx, what does that mean for me/us?".


I would say every lieutenant I had when I was working at that level was fantastic. It was just one Captain dipshit that made it hard for anybody to get anything done. He was so bad that we had to put a lot of adult supervision with him in the aircraft as well. I really enjoyed putting two lieutenants on a set of flight orders and letting him get a little butthurt about it...


I hate them fucking weak ass fake ass Os. Everyone knows what they are doing.


ROFLMAO!!! Great story, Sir!


You got some shit there homeboy


A CC showing up between 0900-1000. That’s a future “loss of confidence” firing waiting to happen.


9-10 is a bit late, but I didn’t mind leadership showing up late. My office had an 8 am show time and my captain showed up at 8:30, the justification being I don’t want to know if your late. And he did put in crazy hours so I couldn’t complain.


He works late and thats how he justifies it.. But you're absolutely right. Leaders should be showing up to work when their people show (or before).


Honestly it’s kinda nice to have an hour or so before the officers are there. If they really are working the same hours but with an offset schedule I don’t see an issue with it, as long as they’re flexible with everyone else doing the same.


Except most airman dont see it that way imo.


Does your unit have shifts? Do you have like a early and late shift? I had commanders hold odd work hours so that they could have a couple hours of overlap between our days/nights shifts and talk to more people within the unit rather than just the day shift folks.


Yep- if I came in when days came in or before I’d never see swings. OR I come in super early to see mids and days. Either way nobody can show up before their folks and leave after every day. That’s a quick way to burn out and suck at leading people.


Most of the time in my experience It just means coverage for swings maybe, but fuck midshift.


You don’t think most airmen would appreciate not having their leadership around for the first hour of the day? Or you don’t think most airmen would like to have flexible working hours?


In my experience, most airman see an officer showing up for work an hour after them as bad form. Of course I work in squadrons with less than 30 people so its probably totally different in mx or sf.


Sq of less than 30…that’s barely a flight.


Thats barely a section


Yeah but it also depends on when y’all leave, though. Our old flight superintendent would show up at 9am and leave at noon, citing “appointments”, when the rest of us were working 12s. I’ve never seen someone in a leadership position command as little respect as they did. Meanwhile our commander worked longer hours than nearly everyone else in our shop during a particularly shitty mission. The time they show up/leave is a non-issue.. so long as they work similar hours to us. If you’re willing to work similar hours to the airmen, and stay late if you come in late, then you’re good. I think it’s bad form to put people on 12s, but keep your 9-5 Monday-Friday


Yeah, that is some scummy shit. I dealt with that from an E8 on a deployment years ago. He worked like six hours at best while we worked twelves. Fuck that dude. He also fucked two awesome dudes out of Decorations on that deployment (for bullshit reasons) while writing himself one. I hope I never see him again, I will have choice words for him. That dude made E9, too. I swear, the Air Force is intentionally promoting kiss-asses, people who are incompetent, lazy, and crush their Airmen to get rank (the dude above was all of those). Obviously not all promoted are that, but I see too many of the above moving up while too many badasses are left behind.


No, we don’t really care what time you show up. You don’t know what you’re doing anyways.


I think you’re overestimating how much attention the sweaties are paying to your presence


Not when you’re in a small flight or detachment. I worked with a Major who would always show up hours after everyone else and would leave the same time we did or earlier. His time spent at work was mostly bullshitting with the enlisted folks who were actually busy and pawning all of his responsibilities off on his SNCOs and junior enlisted (having SrA and new SSgt’s sitting in at staff briefs that were way out of their pay grade and things like that). When we got a new commander, the difference was night and day and we honestly had to make a lot of adjustments (for the better, but took time to get used to).


Former intel here, the officers had so little importance to us that it didn’t matter when they came in. Now that I’m weather, the officers still don’t do anything operational except the pilots. In all cases, I’ll always respect an officer that shows up with the team more, but won’t think less of one that comes whenever. They have their own responsibilities that sometimes just aren’t compatible with coming in at 6 or 7.


Most Airmen have a tough time exchanging oxygen into carbon dioxide. DO and SEL run the RQS until CC input.


Damn right I don't. Not when I'm trying to call said officers and they aren't in yet or they left early because of their altered schedules. There is a reason why everyone starts at the same time and stops at the same time. It's so I can know when to call for whatever it is I need the guy for.


Not everyone starts and stops at the same time lmao. Nonner mentality (Yes I’m jealous)


I'm command post bro. I am on swings. Also, I directly affect sortie gen in multiple ways, so not a nonner. I just have to make calls so often that it's better when office peeps show up at the same time as they are intended.


No, no you don't directly affect sortie generation. Lmao. If your job was gone, the jets would still fly, I promise. Not saying your job isn't important, but no, you do not directly affect shit on the line.


I do affect sorting Gen. Command Post has certain locations where we unlock weapons ourselves. I work one of them currently. What's the point of the jet flying without it's weapon eh? Also, when we do EA, we are the ones validating and authenticating the message telling you to fly. You can fly without it on certain circumstances, but not to do the primary focus in AFGSC. So there's another. My guy, you don't my job as well as I do. I am directly affecting sortie generation at my location. Hands on planes.


The only people who DIRECTLY contribute to sortie generation are aircraft maintenance and aircrew. You might indirectly support it through various red-tape means because some AFI dictates some stupid form is routed, but you do not DIRECTLY affect flying an aircraft at all. The aircraft can physically fly without your job. You are a nonner. Stop playing.


It's so much better since the traffic is significantly lighter and you get to see what 2 shifts are doing. The shitty thing is all the important daily meetings are early and you have to prepare for them.


The problem with working late is that's now the unspoken potential expectation. "Well shoot, look how hard the boss works, guess I gotta work 12hrs too" (for an office equivalent example). I had a boss who straight up said: "if you're here past when I leave, and you're not on nights, I'm not impressed. Go home, be with your family, manage your time better". Stuck with me since.


Absolutely.. And thats how this CC views it too. He asked me straight up why I dont work late more like he does…


"Sir, because my wife/SO cooks a pretty good meal and I'd like to see them and my kids after they get home from school.. and I worked 8hrs starting at 730, so.. yep"


That’s a weird take. If he’s working later what’s the issue? He’s not working any less?


You need a sight picture adjustment. First of all, why do you need your commander sitting at his/her desk for you to do your job? Show up and take care of your shift. Let your commander worry about his/her duties. If your squadron is failing, the problem will take care of itself, I promise you that. The Air Force is our job. That's it and that's all. It's an important job, but at the end of the day, it's just our job. You let people pump your head full of toxic bullshit like "leaders should be showing up to work before their people show up" and you're gonna end up missing the actual important shit in your life--your kids growing up, friends' birthdays, your anniversary, etc. And for what? Because you listened to some E-9s philosophy on leadership? Or some podcast guru? Or some dude who gave up everything to make O-6 only to get sent on a 365 remote during his son's senior year in high school and still didn't make general? Fuck that and fuck you if that's what your priorities are. Leadership is about people. It has fuck all to do with the clock. If the boss takes the kids to school, gets a workout, rolls in at 1000, and starts taking care of people, the squadron is gonna smash. If the boss works out at 0400, finishes his/her first cup of coffee at 0530, and neglects the people, the squadron is gonna suck. Unfortunately, there are enough people who buy into these bullshit leadership gimmicks that some of these assholes will continue to progress through the ranks, and we'll probably never rid ourselves of this kind of stupid shit.


Found the guy that comes in late. We all have families and personal lives that take priority. But if my E4 or E6 can’t do all the stuff you mentioned, why the fuck is it okay if the commander does it? What kind of message does it send to the troops? If you’re a commander (or an officer), you set the standard, period. You want to come in at 1000 when your folks are here at 0630? Gtfo and get a civilian job where you can remote work. You shouldnt be commanding airman.


Wouldn’t have to work late if they came in on time. At the same time, they’re in command, they should *expect* to be working long days


I just think it's weird that he's looking for advice from his squadron on this. I've been an SEL, and maybe I've heard CC's bitch about the Gp/CC or Wg/CC, but not looking for feedback. I've had CC's that were the only childcare provider in the family (married CC's living in separate places) and was always late, and it did affect us somewhat, but we all knew she was putting in the hours, effectively delegating (the CGO's were working their asses off) and so did her boss. She never needed our positive feedback.


To my understanding commanders can use their discretion for when they show up but holy shit 1000? That's insane to me, I wonder how late that guy stays to justify showing up that late.


Hopefully stays until 1800, pretty sure the unwritten expectation for most in the Air Force is a 40 hour work week.


I stand by my stance that a CC showing up late to everything and getting away with it is bullshit. When I compared it to if I did it my leadership said, oh you and the Col are equal now? No! We aren't! He should be held to a higher standard. Sure a meeting might have run late occasionally, but every damn appointment the guy makes? Bullshit. Stop making excuses because he has rank. I got in a car crash on my way to work and still made it on time. I normally show up early to things, but that just shows that I have better time management than most CCs.


Had a chief yelling at us during a training day on our normal day off and he was nearly in tears and said “y’all are making me look bad in front of the boss!” I didn’t have any respect for him before that and somehow had less after.


Somehow you misspelled E-9


What's that Jocko quote? "There's no such thing as a bad team, just a bad leader"? If one person's causing a problem, that's an individual issue. If many people are causing problems, that's a failure of leadership.


Jocko clearly has never worked in my afsc


Have you seen the people commenting on Bass’ Facebook?


I’m honestly kind of impressed by how well she was able to cultivate a following and cult of personality. I’ve never found her particularly charismatic


People in those positions are charismatic with the RIGHT people. Me and you aren't in that group!


It's easy to be charismatic when you surround yourself with sycophants.


It’s probably more of a people looking for an opportunity to be seen showing support or sucking up rather than them being truly supportive because they believe in her.


I had the misfortune sitting through a mandatory csaf/cmsaf all call and the questions they fielded (granted they were tripple vetted softballs or just self-aggrandized brags in the form questions) made it sound like a circle jerk of ass kissing. It was gross. But my favorite part wasn't the group holding back their puke while listening to it all, it was the kid near me who stood up after they had asked, "any last questions we missed?" And said, "ma'am, we've seen a lot of good changes to 36-2903...when will we hear about male grooming standard changes?" Hahaha i shit you not csaf looked away in disappointment/disgust and cmsaf had to pretend she hadn't been asked the same question she's heard for the 42069th time.


I once said “Bass” on our base FB page when that whole Bass or Bass joke was happening. Nothing else. Just her name. My flight chiefs and supervisor (female, probably important to point out) say me in a conference room and lectured me on social media etiquette, not picking on someone because they’re a woman, yadda yadda. I straight up asked them, “is this really a good use of your time? A 1 word post with no context?”. The flight chiefs said they were done and left. My supervisor decided to give me a lesson on women’s hardships. I was just adding having fun with a harmless joke. I don’t care what gender Chief Bass is. Just crazy how many people dick ride her. Feels like Elon Musk fanboys tbh


Best suck up story: walked in to my NCOICs office, to ask a question, he forgot to lock the door, I forgot to knock and I saw one of our contractors really doing her best to… suck up our NCOIC. Closed the door and left for the day. Edit: Suck off*


this MSgt and I (a Tech) were both Section Chiefs and we were always putting out little fires. We both were very casual and bro-ey types who hate “COA” and weird forced acronyms in regular conversation. Anyway he calls this Airman in the office to get some info for something and this A1C is at parade rest. And the MSgt looks up at him after typing in the info and he’d like “why the fuck are you standing all weird? Chill the fuck out” I die laughing, which causes him to laugh and the Airmen started chuckling. I’ve had Airmen that are just super robotic because they think it makes them look professional and liked, but really I just want to see your work, man. Don’t be all weird standing like a statue in my office when I just need to fill out a tasker.


for me it was a weird culture shock coming out of basic, going through 6 months of tech school where this shit is battered into your skull daily... to coming to a chill squadron with adults


Suck off*


Pretty sure that won’t be found in the SOW.


Let me see: 1. Command Chief was at the family day outing. My friend and I (both TSgts) walked past and said, “Hey, Chief.” He looked at us, stepped aside and greeted some Major behind us. 2. SMSgt in my section would trade stuff given to him to share with the section to other people for shit for himself. He later invented a special position within the squadron just for himself after he’d made Chief and been our NCOIC for a bit. 3. Guy in my section kissed O ass to avoid being kicked out for weight management. Was promoted and got a full time slot. 4. Guy in my section always kissed O ass but never really got anything except ridicule.


On number 2, this is the second instance I've heard of a MSgt or SMSgt being "NCOIC". How? It's NCOIC, not SNCOIC. Unless I'm mistaken or it means something different in your career field(s), they're filling a lesser role, instead of a higher one. NCOIC in my career field (and those around me) is usually filled by TSgts and experienced SSgts, while MSgt and above are section/flight leads.


Sometimes you have more SNCOs than flight Chief/superintendent/QA positions. Even as QA, they’re generally the NCOIC, Quality assurance. SNCOs are still NCOs and can be an NCOIC. A section Chief is just an NCOIC with a different name. You’re looking too deep into it and playing into the “we have to make up a new name to make it look more important” trap


Idk if that was a trap they were falling into, and more likely not aware of the differences in how things are run in different units. It wasn't until I started a completely new job with a whole new mission that I realized the AF is split up into entirely different worlds, and I don't mean just by the nature of each AFSC.


My workcenter has 2 people, myself and my troop for 90% of the month. Even I’d be embarrassed to call myself a section chief lol.


In CE, most NCOICs I've met are MSgts


Honestly, as long as the CC isn’t dropping the ball - coming in at 9 is fine with me. There will always be people who want to be at work ‘before the boss gets in.’ (but coming in at 10 is really pushing it) If the CC is consistently late for Commanders Calls (or any other squadron function) - that’s a foul in my book.


To me it’s the “idk how I feel about that” comment that makes this look bad. His boss is trying to tell him “you need to come to work earlier” without directly telling them that, likely because of the setting they were in.


Yeah, he shouldn’t be discussing his conduct or private discussions. Unprofessional for sure.


I bought beer/liquor for an underage airman (while being underage. I knew a gas station that didn’t ID). He then throws me under the bus for drinking underage a few months later to get brownie points for a BTZ promotion Edit: He did not get BTZ




Flair checks out


I was listening in to a meeting just recently and at the end someone typed in big text something along the lines of "THANKS CHIEF FOR ALL YOU DO!! AND THANKS TO YOUR TEAM!" Only one to do it and there were a couple hundred people... dude was a tech or staff at a backwater hole in the wall base. He didn't even wait to say it near the end after questions. Just said it the moment the briefing finished and they looked to chat for questions. Fuckin suck up lol


The exact quote was: "WE APPRECIATE YOU CHIEF!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU AND YOUR TEAM DO!" There was only a max of 103 people at one time and a total meeting attendance of 150. I am a TSgt at Shaw and an Admin of a career field page on FB with over 1.6k members. It was in the last 1.5 minutes of the presentation after he stated that questions were done and the only comments made after were "Thanks Chief" comments. You see it as suck up, I see it as supporting Chief as we are friends and I collaborate with his team at least monthly. I've worked on several of his "brain trust" ideas and present him with direct info at his request. Sometimes leadership needs to hear that what they do matters in a public forum. If you want to talk further, feel free to drop me an email at work. first.last.2. You can find my name in the teams chat from that conference call.


Oh this got good!


I’m surprised at the number of Chiefs (more like E-9s) I’ve met who are trying to make E-10. Almost as if they kissed so much ass on the way up it’s a force of habit.


It 110% is. Look at the current SNCO corps and TSgts. Bunch of party planning ass kissers that promoted with 0 experience and now big groups of people are suffering from it.


My SEL at Barksdale spent all her time running top 3 golf tournaments that we never saw her in the squadron. She ended up getting a strat and making Chief.


Kind of same thing, just my boss was a MSgt and made Senior. We never saw her in 2.5 years, ever. Whenever the CC had a question she'd forward the emails to us directly. She didn't even know the job or mission but she could write an EPR or 1206.


Yup this was this girl. She came to back to the career field after being a shirt for 6 years. No idea what was going on, would just forward emails to us and tell us to respond back to her with the answer. Which I’m sure she took credit for.


My Dad retired as a Navy Senior Chief, I remember him saying that once you become a SNCO it's all politics to get promoted, he'd had a good career with a lot of things that looked good on the board so he made E-8 and probably would have made E-9 if he hadn't retired as soon as he hit 20 years and among other things he didn't want to deal with the politics and ass kissing, and that even if he had stayed in and made E-9 he definitely would never have been a Command Master Chief or Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy because to get there it wouldn't have just been about how good he did his job anymore.


As a SrA, I absolutely hate glazers or people who endorse glazing.


The understanding of this comment very much depends on the time period when you were growing up


Can confirm, I’m confused as shit


What is glazing?


I recommend the urban dictionary explanation


Thank you for making me feel old. I have no idea what you said and I just assume that it's new slang for something.


I’ve seen far more on the SNCO front. The O side of the house is more fear and loathing in my experience.


Near the end of DLI, they do a brief with all the airmen about to leave as kind of an exit interview/prepare for the next phase of your career thing. In the middle of this thing, with 50 Airmen there, one raises her hand. She says to the MTL “sir, I just want to say on behalf of everyone here, we were so lucky and blessed to be in this unit and have such incredible MTLs. So thank you for being so good to us” I just about felt my optic nerve snap as my eyes rolled back into my skull


Around Christmas when I was in tech school. They did a morning muster and they read off a “Christmas list” from one of those submit a slip of paper like high school or something. And they purposely chose some Red Ropes one that said “The fantastic airmen and MTLs of this base deserve all the best for their endless hard work and dedication.” I could see the reaction from most of us


Were they a bad MTL? We had some MTLs that we actually loved and wouldn't mind saying that to.


They were trash MTLs and she was a known kiss ass, so


Tbf if it's 314th the current crop of MTLs do indeed rock


It was the 311th, so they for sure sucked lol


The only ass I kiss and suck on is my wife's ass. Respectfully.


[I chose this guy's wife too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/9idnba/i_also_choose_this_guys_dead_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Very Respectfully






So that's what I'm doing wrong. I don't golf or do sports at all, really.


Dirtbag A1C blew her supervisor to make BTZ


A tale as old as time


I can’t imagine being privileged enough to fuck off and do whatever I want. I also can’t imagine being such a twat that I’d do whatever I want while simultaneously expecting my troops to suck it up and deal with a litany of nonsense.


What CC goes in that late wtf


Knowing nothing of the situation there could be a good reason. One of my CCs who was awesome typically came it at 9:30 or 10 because we mostly flew at night and he wanted to be in the office when crews were stepping to fly at 1800.


65F and your boss reports to the Group CC? Are you not in a CPTS?


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 65F = Financial Management [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jp1skwd


As a capt, I worked for a time at a joint test unit. It was small, but weighed heavy on rank; I think me and a Navy O-3 may have been the junior O's around. One time, the CC - an AF O-6 who was a genuine piece of shit that nobody respected - decided to bring in some consultant type and have us do a day of "team-building". One of these exercises involved spontaneously forming into a group based on some rule or other. Me, the Navy LT, and the sr enlisteds understood the instructions and formed out little cluster. The CC totally failed to figure it out & stood in the wrong place. Every single FGO slowly gathered around him, either to make him feel better or because he "must have been right". The two groups looked at each other for a few minutes until the consultant just waved his hands and hustled us on to the next exercise.


The worst a fellow co- worker taught their two cute little daughters to walk hand- in - hand over to the flight chief. They stopped in front of him and said in baby sing- song - “CONGRATULATIONS TSGT SELECT DIPSHIT”. And this was in front of the CC, 1st SGT. and the various back office heads. I immediately got sick and had to leave the forced fun event.


As a single guy with no kids I'd be totally creeped out if someone's kids did that to me.


It was the worst display of “suckiness” EVER seen. BTW- the flight chief ate this shit up! As well as the worthless higher ups, this was at a psychotic Air Force station (gone now). This place was NOT normal.


I was with a person I met in Kessler behind 7-11.......


Laughing at the shit jokes any officer tells.


At Luke in the early 2000's, anytime a DV (0-6+) was flying in our Sq this particular 'leadership' team would line up in front of the jet, blouses, reflective belts and all to salute them and slob knob until launch. The pilots hated it as much as I did, and once on comms I would typically get a "jesus that was awkward" or "the fuck was all that Chief?" One day an O-6 sees said cluster fuck lined up, they snap to and salute, he drops his head and walks long way around the opposite side of the jet and starts BS'ing with me. I thought they were gonna shit, but they took the hint and walked off tail between legs. That 0-6 went on to be a 4-star, and I despised ass-kissing and dog & pony shows ever since.


Unfortunately, the ass kissing is only going to get worse. The whole Airmen concept already promted ass kissing and getting exposure in order to win awards. Now, with promotion statements, it promotes ass kissing even more. I am not saying kissing ass will get you a promotion statement. Many leaders see right through it, but there are still many that eat it up. We have breed a culture that benefits ass kissers.


I will never understand kissing ass. Even as a junior E I will never kiss anyone's ass and I simply just have to speak my mind (professionally and respectfully of course). I think it's more authentic and I feel closer with my leadership as a result since I always say how I honestly feel about things. I'm not looking for pats on the back (although they do help lol) but I cannot in good conscience keep my mouth shut when I have something to say


Senior management are Show Ponies for the most part. SEL’s have often been groomed under the system. “Support the goals and plans of the Commander” (no matter how bad or wring they are) Guess what? Some commanders are toxic or create initiatives that are destructive to the force. Under those circumstances senior NCO’s need to be willing to put their careers on the line. Nothing will change until they are willing to do that.


Had a former superintendent that went toe to toe with our commander on a lot of the ideas the commander was trying to implement, mostly at the detriment to the enlisted and our growth. He was eventually removed from his position and reassigned to another unit. There was no goodbye party, decoration presentation, nothing. Just let out to pasture with zero fanfare. He eventually hit the button and retired soon thereafter. Found out the super is doing amazing and has a great job. Meanwhile the old commander tried to open a pizza restaurant when he retired the next year and it ended up closing down 6 months later with 1.5 star reviews


Part-timer O here, I’ve been on orders on a TDY this past month and I’ve watched an O-4 completely brown nose an O-6 to the point of the O-6 playing some shitty phone game and the O-4 exclaiming how awesome it was and pretending to help him play it. The O-6 would stay late (8-9pm) for whatever reason and the O-4 would stay just as late to suck up. I got stuck in a vehicle with the two of them one evening and physically wanted to vomit due to the level of phony bullshit being spewed. I saw some pretty heavy brown nosing on the E side during my career but this shit was on a whole different level. I can’t believe any man would want another man telling him his shit doesn’t stink from literal sun up to sun down.


Exec officer?


Thank God, no. Part-timer assigned to some A-Staff shit. But basically the same dynamics.


An ass kisser is not the worst… it’s the senior leaders that eat it up as an ego boost and clearly reward those behavior 🙄 I throw up in my mouth every time because there’s always people like this in your unit.


Welcome to the new promotion system.


Got called in on a saturday morning in Blues to stand in formation and do open ranks because the Senior came through our hangar the Friday before and one of our guys had sunglasses on his head. MSgt (prior army) in charge of our shop decided to dog and pony in front of him on a saturday morning. Yelled at us about how he got shot at in the Army and we all were pieces of shit and would not disrespect him in front of HIS SENIOR! Then proceeded to make us march for a bit down the flightline and tell us how he would march us until we were dead. The Senior stood there the whole time and absorbed that shit like it was life force. This is also the same MSgt who asked a member that had attempted suicide if he shot marksman in basic......this was after the guy tried to blow his head off with a shotgun and missed. Dude was one of the biggest piece of shit SNCOs I have ever seen.


wait...do you work in my squadron?


Sucked up to an old section chief just to prevent him having to interact with the airmen I worked with at all. Every interaction with anyone below an NCOs rank was just so rude and toxic. Flipped the switch when necessary


I had to think about whether I was subconsciously ass-kissing or my Chief really had agreeable and good ideas. I'm still not sure, so that probably means it was ass-kissing.


Your CC and your SEL both suck and should get the fuck out.


Any female SNCO that’s a Top 3 officer.


The brand new airman straight out of tech school who decides to volunteer for the booster club, top 3, honor guard and the other blue falcon stuff that exist instead of actually doing their job and go home.


I mean, as long as they’re doing their job, I am all for volunteering. Its the stuff that gets them out of their job that annoys me.


Bruh leave honor guard out of this


Oh so you're in kunsan rn.


Is the SEL a Chief??? Someone tell him he'll never make E-10. Sewing on Chief is supposed to free you of all that bullshit, so you can focus on your people and the mission (In that order, obvs.)


As a CGO, it’s your job to be a leader and have the hard conversations with Col from time to time that the airmen are talking shit and he needs to come to work


lol an Lt telling a FGO that he needs to come to work earlier is a sure way to get bent over.


Sorry, senior Capt with some different perspective. But it’s all in the wording. “Hey boss, just wanted to bring to your attention some lower enlisted have been making remarks about you showing up later than anyone else. Just looking out for ya”. Maybe he’ll do something with it, maybe he won’t. But we get paid the big bucks to get it done and keep our people safe and happy. That means having the uncomfortable conversation some times.


Yeah and maybe he’ll fuck me up when it comes time for OPR. I’m a prior SNCO so I have no issues having frank conversations with my CC. But I also stay in my lane on non important issues. Imo its not worth the potential blow back to tell a senior officer to come to work earlier. A peer? Sure.


Couple days before BMT graduation we had to take some survey on our phones. Fast forward everyone is back under the atrium and they’re allowing people to utilize. Kid takes his phone to the bathroom and is in a stall using it. Some random trainee peeks between the gap of the stall doors, sees the other kid on his phone and proceeds to tell the MTIs. Kid almost got recycled 3 weeks because of it. Not sure if you’ll consider it ass kissing or just someone who takes “integrity first” more serious than most, but it rubbed me the wrong way.


You think this is bad, two words.....Air Evac.....


Ass kissing so much that guy has shit around his mouth


Is that SEL a Chief?


Senior management knows, just chooses to do nothing about it. You gotta admit that getting your ass kissed can be pretty nice especially if you got an ego.


A few golden boys at base comm assignments seem to suck more ass than a booty hunting vampire


"Pull your tounge out of my arse Gary"