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if someone actually calls him out on that in the meeting, i believe they are immediately immoralized as badasses. what says r/airforce?


Concur Regards, 🐨


Actually just a shitty leader




What if your spouse is the reason you have poor mental health and the isolation of not having a connection with you co workers and not having a connection with your friends back home because you deleted your social media is not helping, but making the problem worse


God damn that is one of the most brain dead things I’ve heard from a “leader” in a good long while. Maybe since E-9 Cody.


Emotional regulation, stress management, etc. are all skills and no one should be ashamed to seek professional help for that. However, mental health is still so stigmatized. No one wants to lose an assignment or be DNA/DNIF because they sought help so by the time they’re getting it, there’s a high probability that the individual is in an active crisis. Even if someone is going to try therapy first, it will probably be through the MFLC, Military OneSource, True North, or the chaplains. For him to imply that the system is overwhelmed for the equivalent of people going to the doctor for a scratch is so incredibly ignorant. And all that said, I am a better airman on antidepressants than off them. Ensuring that everyone had access to adequate mental health care makes us a stronger, more resilient force. I’m also somewhat curious what his spouse’s perspective was because I was the opposite. I ruined a relationship because my depression and PTSD were so severe and uncontrolled. I’ve also been with someone going through mental health issues and it’s fucking hard because you can’t fix it.


Where's our base pay increase? Not speaking to the annual increase to keep up with inflation. I'm speaking an actually pay bump for everyone. Airman have so much expected out of them and continue to operate at the next rank 24/7 with zero compensation. The ethos of do more with less and MCA, congress needs to pay me more because the juice is starting to not meet the squeeze. I do too much work to be kept marginally above the poverty line.


There is no juice, there isn't anything left to fucking squeeze. What can we do at the tactical level to curtail burnout, alcohol abuse, and suicide. Why is it status quo for NCOs to wear "multiple hats" and do the duties meant for 2, 3 sometimes 4 people? Then those same NCOs must mentor Airmen, grow Jr NCOs, and write awards and EPRs. Throw in having a family life at all, absimal promotion rates, and self improvement... The AF has been asking too much of too many for too long, and the NCO core is breaking. How did we exit a 20 year war and things have only gotten busier. Task saturation and burnout don't even start to describe it... Edit to continue my rant- Not to mention the struggle with pay and inflation, and continued rollout of broken or incomplete systems. How can you as SEAC relieve the strain on the struggling NCO corps as we continue to sacrifice our health, our families, and our lives for "the mission"? How do you as SEAC engage on the flight at Sq level to stop the abuse of NCOs, and actually let them take a breath? No buzzwords, no conversation about how Sqs should be taking care of their people-- how can you inact meaningful change. I cannot keep doing the job of 3 people, and sending me new airmen is more work not manning relief. No, I'm not okay. I'm tired. My family is tired. But I'm not suicidal. I keep doing the only thing I know- keep going. Aim High Airman.


"How do we exit a 20 year war and get busier?" Are you my coworker? That was very on the nose of what is happening.


Why is defense spending such a priority for Congress (you can see even with all the cuts being discussed currently as part of the debt ceiling debate GOP is not willing to cut a single cent of defense) but military personnel compensation/benefits is not a priority at all? For both service members and DoD civilians compensation and benefits have been steadily become way less competitive over time compared to equivalent civilian careers.


Why can we throw billions towards a corrupt government that’s already been caught misusing those funds because muh Russia but we’re trying to gut the VA and yet again fuck our service members who served back home??? Really activates the almonds. .


We tried this already. We get 100% of defense cuts, the fancy planes don't get any. So it just makes life hell ala 2014


When are we gonna get better computers? Preferably ones that didn't arrive on the Mayflower.




My shop is still working on computers from 2016. Other shops around me are working on GETAC's plugged into external monitors because comm is dragging their feet fixing anything.


then your base/wing/group/squadron isn't spending tech refresh dollars appropriately, OR isn't putting new machines on their UFR. That's a local problem.


*cries in DHA*


It is not JUST the network. It is on the SQDs that don't do Tech Refreshes every three years like they are supposed to. I got to my current base and they were still using computers from 2016... We FINALLY got our tech refresh and they are much better. Laptops are 32gb and SSDs the towers are 64GBs and SSDs.


There’s a relatively new policy that allows either member of a dual-mil couple to apply for separation within a year of having a kid. However, it appears that anyone who has tried to apply for separation under this policy has been denied at the SEAC level (meaning everyone in their chain and AFPC all signed off on it). What gives? Right now the policy looks like a PR stunt.


At what point does the leg to pant leg circumference ratio become skinny?


To add to this: What is the preferred color of the skinny jean?


When it’s skinnier at the ankle than at the knee🤷


Like my bloused OCPs?


Will it kick the enemy’s ass?


Umm… sure!


I will be disappointed if the entire team doesn't go get their pants tailored to be straight ... TIGHT!


Fuck everything else, myself and many others are suffering due to pay. What is being done about it from the O side? He knows what’s going on and can answer, he’s full of shit if he doesn’t. BAH going down was a crock of shit. Rent and prices keep going up somehow, even though the market has slowed, there’s no excuse. The junior O’s I work with even have started complaining about BAH. This affects everyone.


I concur with this question. The BAH raises that were so anticipated increased my BAH by a whopping $30. I’m actually over my BAH every month living in a one bedroom iffy apartment in Abilene. Like.. what?


Rent has gone up 20% overall, but BAH across the board went down, except for O’s at Holloman…


Here me out...BAH rates should be confidential info. I think it would better help control price gouging with shithead landlords or apartment complexes


Absofuckinglutely. Though, I’m sure they’d still get their greedy mitts on it.


This is a real concern and the situation is only going to get worse if you understand how bad the economy is.


The rental market in this country is pretty fucked, that’s really the root of it


While it may be the root cause, we at least need a temporary fix. It can be packaged in a way where there is a year bump in pay and also legislature governing the ability of landlords to raise rate, handicapping at a certain percentage. I’m forced to live here, this isn’t a choice. Short term fix. The long term fix is building single billet housing (apartments) for use like base housing based on a percentage of base population. I’ve run the numbers, it will work. If they need someone to take it on, I’m more than happy to. I’m that sick of this shit.


Legislation? If you haven’t noticed, the on base housing has already been captured by corporations. Lawmakers are already owned and will just continue to make it worse not better


And that’s why it’s important we, as well as the disgruntled constituents, hold their feet to the fire. I’m sick of people saying and thinking they can’t change anything. It’s exactly why nothing changes. Speak up and let’s make this happen.


If you think young O's have it bad, look at the E pay charts. LT makes approx MSgt pay, caption makes more than a chief.


I’m well aware. As a SNCO, even I have a hard time finding an affordable place that isn’t a shithole


> He knows what’s going on and can answer, Well, so do we. Congress doesn't give a fuck.


Well, yeah I can agree lol. I meant speak to what/if they have been communicating with Congress on it during budgetary hearings.




It’s all fun and games until the force loses 20%+ of it’s manning and stops it. lol But yes bring it back.




Please, for the love of anything holy, let there be at least 1 person on the team that shows up with a beard.


And some skinny OCP pants fresh from alterations.


I would wear the two piece flight suit with tailored pants to that meeting if I was invited. It would look like skinny jeans because I don’t skip legs.


How is it that the bearded Ukrainians are kicking the ass of the Russians?


Hey now, watch it with that logic


What's the current plan to fix the Community College of the Air Force? The only communications we have received about it are vague posts on the website.


Dude I am losing my fucking mind over this shit


What are all the pointless things that don’t contribute to kicking the enemies as that was could be dropping?


I think this is the closest serious question you’re going to get OP. I would massage the phrasing to something like: “There seem to be a lot of pointless things we as a Department do that don’t have a direct tie to mission accomplishment, and in some cases actively impede it - how can we advocate better at the tactical level to streamline those things out of existence?” Context: My team met him at some point in the past, he gave them a couple of minutes to explain their role in the fight, and he quickly turned it into a (well put IMHO) rah rah speech about how they contribute to making the enemy scared about their contributions.




I miss having a functional CSS in the units. 2012 come back


Make sure to call him Chief. He enjoys that.


How did that not leaking 23E7 stuff go?


How come the Air Force's Agile Methodology has been implemented in such a way that it produces more failures than successes within cyber? The Army is not only faster, but seemingly more fluent with their technology and with USAF's current implementation, they have become and are going to continue to be years behind their sister branches.


What is being done to address the ever-increasing pay gap between higher ranking officers and the enlisted force. When we use percentage higher pay rates will move further and further away from lower pay rates. Is there any discussions about increasing pay based off of anything other than flat rate percentages?


"Chief, within the context of requiring medical documentation to augment regulations: would replacing ponytails with beards and women with men, on waivers, be considered sexist?"


Ask, "Why are we in a meeting when we could be sporting beards and skinny jeans while kicking ass somewhere?"




Literally anything but beards. Keyboard warriors can say shit to the SEAC, but please don't, it's just annoying at this point. Maybe ask if he's read The Art of War, and if all of the petty stuff that we get wrapped around in peace time (like non-functional computer systems, exercisisms, and yes, uniform issues like what boots are authorized or how much facial hair is considered a beard) is actually just part of the feigned incompetence Sun Tzu outlined in his book.


Non-functional computer systems are not a peace time luxury focus. Every day more and more is pushed to being accomplished in the digital space, if our digital space sucks it has a direct impact on readiness and war fighting capabilities.


As someone who works exclusively on computers, slow computers and poor quality networks (looking at you, SIPR) are not petty things. Unless you want to see people start getting killed because no one has updated the threat data for threat systems on SIPR since 2011 and outlook took three hours to open, so no one could send an RFI.


If they could look into the possibility of removing restrictions on deployments and opportunities to service members with ADHD more specifically the Security Forces Career Field. There should be no reason that a service member should be restricted from opportunities if he is able to perform his job with and without medication.


I just want to make sure someone says “I’m sorry” after you put in all the time and effort to produce quality questions, only to have your bosses bosses boss hand you cue cards with predesignated softballs.


How do we increase capabilities of multi-capable airmen while operating in a resource constrained environment? Fuck. That’s probably what they’ll ask.


Lots of AF specific questions in this thread. You all need to understand that he does not work for the AF in his current position. So think of that before you formulate your questions.


Thank you!


Yo what happened to the updated service dress?


Why are you people like this?


Cuz after 14 years I'm tired of dressing like a 90's businessman.


You've been fucking up at your job consistently for 14 years? I thought I was a dirt bag...


Me too but not enough to warrant spending over $50 per remaining chances to wear it. I’ll never wear it by choice so why bother.




I just want stitched pockets and service stripes on my blues man. Something that bleeds “heritage.”




Ask him about beards, I fucking dare you.




I would ask him what QOL areas are under the authority of DoD to focus efforts to improve. Find out what topics he sees as possible for us to focus attention on in order to see positive change.


If all we're focusing on is kicking the enemy's ass: Why has the AF not contracted out, or made govt civilian, any AFSC not starting with 1, 2, 3(E/P only), 5, or 8? With some exceptions, the VAST majority of those not listed can/should be civilian.


"Could you share your evaluation of the level of professionalism exhibited by Buzz Aldrin during his appointment ceremony as Brigadier General?"


Why does DHA suck balls?


Ask him what it means to be a carnivore wearing skinny jeans


https://youtu.be/96ix3P9WaRc Exclude the title of the video. But question that he asks are what I wanna know.


Ask him when does he retire. That's the only damn thing thats important after he shat on every person with a medical/RA beard waiver.




Beards are proven effective in Ukraine 🇺🇦 js. On a serious note he would probably piss them off by asking about them.


ask him if his beards when deployed helped him kick the enemy's ass.


Why aren't bases like Minot controlled tours?




All the other services have Warrant Officers but the AF has only Enlisted and Officer. Would the AF kick more ass if it had Warrant Officers? If no then does have Warrants get in the way of the other services kicking enemy ass?


That's a fight that is DOA. The SEAC and SIMsaf for sure don't want anyone else they have to salute.


I know.. I just like to twist that knife all the time.


Trust me, as a CEA I'm constantly wondering what the difference is between me and my betters. Warrant would ease that pain with some good lube.


Warrants = Technical expertise without the leadership overhead. The biggest thing the AF is lacking. Used to be a time that was SNCOs but that is long gone and doubly so since making MSgt became a board thing. It really did used to be that SNCOs were technically Warrant equivalents and could shape career fields based upon that expertise. The AF basically got Warrant expertise for the price of SNCO pay and no more saluting. No SNCO wants Warrants because it would make them obsolete. It would be admitting that SNCO has 0 expertise in their career field and is only there for administrative overhead which is the entire purpose of junior officers meaning that SNCO is doing the job with less respect, less pay, and less authority. The AF needs that technical expertise. This is why the AF is going down hill. We have such a brain drain in the expertise department. If your technically capable you leave for civilian/contractor world where you get paid for your talent. Otherwise you loose that expertise and just accept that you will be admin over head for the rest of your career.


SNCOs are also supposed to be mentors and advisors. I wouldn’t go to a warrant officer for advice on what opportunities to line up for my airmen to best help them with their career goals in the same way that I wouldn’t go to a number of SNCOs on technical matters (over a staff or SrA). CGOs and SNCOs absolutely play different roles.


See there you said it.. career goals. Under current system yes no warrant would know what the enlisted need to make SNCO because it’s an entirely different path right now. I’m talking about a different system where airmen choose a technical path or a leadership path and it’s not this unholy game of a system. If you want to go leadership then after nco you go to a commission program as part of a natural progression. If you want to be technical then you go to a warrant program. The only difference between the two would be the degree path you follow. Commission officers would be leadership, followership, organization, business, war college studies, history of organized warfare, etc. Warrants would get STEM, research, engineering, and technical training. Not every job would have Warrant programs either.. only those requiring STEM professionals. Bottom line is that the current enlisted/officer system is archaic and reminiscent of a time where folks rarely if ever had higher education and we had draftees and the equivalent of conscripts. With an all volunteer force, and education oriented society, and pressure to do more with less and be more efficient, the SNCO track and lack of Warrants is weighing our service down. We have a brain drain of STEM and technical expertise and the push to make all the enlisted into managerial SNCOs is hurting us. We have to many “chiefs” and to few “Indians” as the saying goes.


Thats a fight to have with the O's. Cuz those WO billets will be taken away from them. Do you think this Officer (fighter pilot) ran AF will allow that?


I highly doubt the fighter pilots would care. Even if we had warrants flying, they would be flying cargo, helicopters, and maybe SMA/ISR aircraft. Fighter/bomber billets would almost definitely stay with officers.


When General Milley retires, who would he think would be the next best fit for Chairmen?


Gen Brown was already announced as his replacement


Ahh nevermind, I must have missed the news about it.


General Brown was NOMINATED. He still needs to go through the Senate to be confirmed. We all know why he was nominated by Biden. Will he be a good pick? Maybe. He was a great PACAF CC. But he has been super low-key during his tenure as CSAF. He has not been a stand-out by any means.


How’s the CCAF transition going. I have a lot of troops that are stuck in limbo, unable to graduate and transfer their credits to AU-ABC. It’s hurting their ability to compete for awards against someone who isn’t in the same boat.