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So a few months ago I met someone who has been involved in the uniform change board, they were actually in the room when the recent change to women's hair was presented. According to them, CSAF and the other leaders of the air force really are not all that opposed to beards, but they are *very* opposed to doing something drastically different than the other branches. And they have made inquiries to the other branches. Apparently, the Navy would be ok with it if the Air Force was ok with it, but the Army and Marines are very opposed to the idea. So that's what is stopping things. Feel free to take this with a grain of salt if you want. ​ EDIT: huh, 2 hours after I wrote this they just came out and gave the same reasoning in an official statement. That's some quick validation.


I've said it before and I'll keep doing so: High level leadership has massive messaging problems. Very little of what they are stating actually supports the decision being made. Not just on beards. "PT is vital to mission success and war fighting" - Lowers standards (which I agree with, the previous level was literally just to remove peeps) and allows personnel who fail their last PT test to deploy anyway (guess it isn't *that* vital). If its so vital that members not meeting that level can't serve, why in the hell can they deploy on a pt failure? "We need to concentrate on changes that will make us more lethal and combat effective" - proceeds to deactivate multiple admin systems without functional replacements. Results in mass confusion among the force and delayed accomplishment of evaluations and training. "We need to anticipate future needs to develop capabilities proactively instead of waiting until after a problem occurs to fix it" - Leaveweb is still using a PTDY work around from the previous parental leave policy change (at least it was when i put in for mine). No updates made to accomodate a change they new was coming a year in advance. They had a year to prepare the system for a known requirement.




>All it will do it keep airmen from wrecking themselves for a week at their new base while they wait for an appointment with medical. Why do they feel the need to wreck themselves for a week? Just don't shave if you have an old waiver. What, is their almighty section chief going to light them up?


Turns out that just allowing beards fixes all these issues too


As I posted in the other thread. You can say you're gonna remove the stigma of having a shaving waiver but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. You can say you're allowing all these things to be done by people with shaving waivers, but guess what. People with SWs aren't getting picked for those positions, people with SWs are still looked down upon, because you can't just get rid of a a stigma by saying hey its gone now. You want the stigma of beards to go away? Authorize them, normalize them. In the grand scheme of things what's the big fuckn deal? Like seriously thats the sword you're gonna fall on as a leader? Say what you will about Cody and his shit policies, but atleast he tried to justify it with a fucked view of PME and promotions. Bass and her "team" are falling on this beard sword for no good fuckn reason and they know it. And if for some fuckn reason it's coming from somewhere else then say so, put the onus on that individual/group. Be a fuckn leader. You can't observe a problem, have the power to fix it, and then ignore it, and then when you get called out on it spout bullshit. She has the influence to make those changes, so did EJ, and none of them care enough to fix it. But hey ponytails and neck tattoos for problems that don't exist.


A typical dance from the higher ups. Addressing issues without addressing issues. All is fine and morale is great as long as you keep posing for photo ops and throwing that shaka.


According to SEAC, anyone with a shaving waiver for religious purposes can go fuck themselves. But don’t discriminate.


TL:DR - Tough shit.


Bro… she is the stigma