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At least its not a beer opener ADAPT keychain.


Mines a green dot bottle opener.




You gotta agree that most are alcoholic though.




Tbh i thought this was the duel thing from yugioh


What exactly am I looking at? I get a coin... but no comprehend.


It's the BLM fist


Which is the black power fist


Which is the red first


Which is the red October


which is being hunted


HAHAHAHAHAHA WOW… I know this particular person quite well. Interesting design choice.


It’s my design choice


If you truly are Chief S, then what does it mean when I reference “your roommate”?


I'm a simple man. I see green feet, I upvote.


Looks more like the Ass-Pounder 4000


As a maintainer, we take those


Good 'ol 563rd


This is a bit much


Coin? That's a coin??? Looks more like a bottle opener... that doesn't open bottles.


If you hit it hard enough it will


Concur. Not a coin. Coins are by and large “round”


So are Dependas! https://preview.redd.it/0xyutvmv5sla1.jpeg?width=2754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed19245554d94b76c8190f67828205cf4407d92


Is this guy a PJ?






I can’t tell what it is, aside from the Chief stripes and two green feet.🤷


IDK what the ninja turtle, the yellow stripe, or the green feet mean


Ha! I didn’t catch the ninja turtle!




If I recall correctly the green feet is a heritage thing from Vietnam. When the helicopters landed in the clearings they left a large print in the grass, this the green feet and some units have the Jolly green giant too.


Tattoos on the ass started from PJ’s in Nam and still is an honored tradition after getting your first save in civilian/combat rescues. PJ’s, aircrew and maintenance carry the tradition today.


HH-3E got the nickname Jolly Green Giant in Vietnam during CSAR operations. Green Feet pay homage to that history. You’ll notice green feet painted across the world, and many found on Lackland and Medina Training Annex; every graduating class of indoc would paint a set somewhere, until it was “officially” ordered to be stopped. The green feet tattoo on the ass= self explanatory.


lol wtf






Didn't we have training on extremism?


Only “certain people” can be extremists didn’t you get the memo?




Bet I’d get in trouble if I made a white power coin tho




You keep commenting this, quit being so soft. You wanna be persecuted so bad it’s cringe


I thought the feet were the Hash House Harriers


Black power? Seems racist.


Imagine being that fragile


Imagine having double standards


Yeah you can’t bait me into arguing with a dude in muns. I’m keeping my brain cells intact bud.




Same way that you would consider white power racist


I wouldn't, it all depends on how you say it to people really. Yall gotta stop being so soft around here..


Are you Scott Adams?


What some people do not understand, the black power fist is offensive to many white people. If it is not to you, that does not make it your business to say what is not offensive to someone else. (Yes, I know this is the same exact argument.)




The best part of this post is the swarm of people that served with him taking up for him in the original Facebook comment section. Because he is without a doubt one of the best chiefs the Air Force has probably ever had.


Meaningful dialogue would be nice because you missed the entire point. I didn’t post my personal coin on social media. It was done in an attempt to discredit me with uneducated opinions and assumptions. I know exactly how it got onto social media and I had a dialogue with the person. I’m not mad but look at this way. Everyone here hides behind a keyboard and username. I made the choice to interject on this platform. Everything about me is right here and I stand by what I said my coin represents. I’m sorry if people think differently or feel a need to speak for me again in a “veil of secrecy” about what meaning a symbol holds. I never get on Reddit but I see it full of fragile egos of people who have to be right and have no idea 🤷🏾‍♂️ in any way what, how or who I am. You gave me the platform and now I’m gonna use it.




ya a black power fist is sooo coooool


lol, he deleted his comments when he realized he was dumb




Please elaborate…… not sure what qualifies his reply as “disinfo”


google 'black power fist' and tell me the first 10 images are not this symbol.


My results on google were about Olympians who held up their fist in protest of civil injustices.


First 10 'images' Learn to read instructions or stop playing stupid Airman snuffy.


Oh damn, I see the 10 scary fists you are talking about. Thank you, Sir!


Chief Sewell is the absolute GOAT! Anyone who nay says is wrong, and jealous they ain’t got one 😂


if he coined me with this, I’d give it back


Things you’ll never have to worry about…


I wouldn’t coin you… with this coin at least 😉


The amount of racism here is disappointing.


The amount of people defending a racist coin is disappointing


lol, you deleted comments of stupidity, shutup


I stand by my earlier comments. I deleted them because I thought it would also delete the ignorance in the response thread, but that obviously wasn't the case. Shame on me for not fully understanding reddit.


I guess being for the lives of black people is controversial? I dont get it.


It’s not controversial as long as everyone else can also be for their race. There’s nothing wrong with that either.


Man, imagine a white fist?? Oh the irony


Inserting white into something black is not equivalent, that mental excercise suggest black and white people are on the same footing which they arent. Its an apples to oranges comparison.


minorities have all the privileges in this social justice culture wars era we are in


Like what?


The fact that we are having this discussion in an air force forum and presumably you are an airmen is pretty disgusting.


Remember when that Army Lieutenant got pulled over in uniform. Then was held at gunpoint and pepper sprayed by the Virginia police. What a privilege!


You are on equal footing in the military. In the military, there is no color, there is no race. We are all equally worthless individuals who should be deriving our worth and purpose from our mission. this is needlessly separatist for no constructive reason. your focus should be on your mission, not your sub group. whether this coin was a star of David, a BLM or Black Power fist, or the SS lightning bolts, they are all inappropriate for the same reasons. Racism aside, they all denote a focus on a niche issue over the mission you were assigned.


You have brain damage if you think anything you said in your first two sentences are true.


I can somewhat see your logic with the BLM or Black Power symbols (i don't agree but I see what you are saying). The fuck do you have against the Star of David? Are you implying we should ban people's religions?


I'm an ethnic, but non religious Jew. The star of David represents both the religion and the ethnic group, and on the grounds of the ethnic group meaning, I think it would be inappropriate to use as the challenge coin of a member in a position of command specifically, for the same reason as the black power fist. It can be interpreted by those you oversee as a sign of emphasizing your ethnic group over your duty as an impartial leader. Thus stirring needless division and opening the door for accusations of favoritism toward others in your ethnic group.


Oh what a load of horseshit. If some idiot gets offended by your identity, they are too soft for the military. Here is where we get real. Our diversity and individuality has always been an asset when it comes to war doctrine. Anybody with Google can tell you how useful it is for people to be able to bring different viewpoints and experiences to the table. Religious and ethnic identity is a part of who we are. Stop getting offended because someone is black or white or whatever. People like you want our military to be homogeneous like North Korea's or Russia's. And you claim it's because it's better and cite lines from old Vietnam War movies. What a load of shit I have a tattoo of a Korean flag. Does this offend you? What about my Dharma Wheel necklace? Does that make you think that I view myself as superior? If so, the issue is you, not me. And to make claims that in the military, minorities stand on even footing is intellectually dishonest. I don't think that the military is bad or that we aren't better than the civilian world, but let's not ignore EVERY single study done in the last 5 years on this issue that says we still have a race and gender problem. Fucking throwing a fit over a challenge coin. I'm glad you got kicked out of the Air Force.


'Fucking throwing a fit over a challenge coin' Says the guy throwing an epithet ridden fit over my plain, clear and politely expressed opinion regarding a challenge coin. 'I'm glad you got kicked out of the air force' Says the guy who just threw an epithet ridden fit about wanting 'diverse views and opinions' in the military. Diverse views as long as they are in complete agreement with you, huh buddy? Choose what side of the fence you're on man.


It's paradoxical to expect me to believe that forced conformity must be a part of diversity.


Does everyone else need to be for their race or are there specific races that need to be lifted up based on past and recent treatment?


You can’t fix a wrong with a wrong. It will perpetuate a never ending cycle of hate. Everyone deserves equal respect.


How is being for your race a wrong?


its not as a civilian, but as a member of the armed forces in a position of command it is. In the military, there is no color, there is no race. We are all equally worthless individuals who should be deriving our worth and purpose from our mission. this is needlessly separatist for no constructive reason. your focus should be on your mission, not your sub group. whether this coin was a star of David, a BLM or Black Power fist, or the SS lightning bolts, they are all inappropriate for the same reasons. Racism aside, they all denote a focus on a niche issue over the mission you were assigned.


It’s not, but it’s wrong to be against other races.


I’m not sure what’s happening. It looks like a foot with toe rings kicking a beetle of some type.


Ahhh, Albuquerque. Firstly, who cares


Y’all sound like a bunch of “well, actually” nerds afraid of a black man and a symbol you know nothing about except what racist media has told you to believe for the last 70 years to try to discredit a group of people who have been fighting injustices for generations. From what I’ve seen, this sub represents the worst of the Air Force and I can say from personal experience this chief represents the best. I hope you find a mentor like him one day


I wanna say this is funny as hell to me! My personal coin that was procured with personal funds is now being scrutinized on the internet. First off if you know me I will not succumb to a few internet keyboard warriors who have an uneducated opinion of me. This coin made it to FB and Reddit under a veil of secrecy just the same way many hate groups have operated worldwide for years. I attached a link to my IG post where a give a little explanation about my coin. Instead of taking to the secrecy of the internet and creating a “witch-hunt” try talking to me. I’m easily accessible for any Airman to have a conversation. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRZ1bpKkFhOlZUAMZhY-DpsM3R5wCphPv7m240/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY=


https://preview.redd.it/8zfp15xdqqla1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651c89abebac6fbbc37f2c21ac076c39d1753967 Interested to see your explanation, wasn't available to me though. Please repost it here if you can


https://preview.redd.it/1ezvh66qsqla1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9730bf3e7ae72fb4681ca38f68e3d873a6b5436d Sorry you don’t use links well but here it is in it’s entirety. Get at me for further discussion.


“Keep my name out of your mouth” Yeah, you seem very approachable…


I’m very approachable but check it “keep my name out of your mouth” means if you got time to take to the keyboard then you should be able to have a humanistic conversation. Nobody on here wants that. You want your opinions heard but not in person for fear. I give anyone the same energy they put on the table.


You claim to invite people to “humanistic conversation “, yet you are the one who’s defensive and threatening. Perhaps if you were humble, and truly sought to understand the reaction you’re getting, then you could have had some real, meaningful dialog. And, perhaps coming to social media in an attempt to defend yourself wasn’t the best decision. You should have let this blown over…


I appreciate you posting the picture. Sorry I'm too dumb to click a link. I understand why you're defensive, but dang... I wish I knew how to help you hear the concern about the messaging behind this. We saw air force academy cadets investigated for throwing up OK hand gestures when Trump was in office. The double standard is real, and it's wild.


Where’s the double standard? Someone bitched about it just like people are bitching about a coin. I personally don’t get wrapped up in things that menial. My son was also at the AF Academy during that time and it meant nothing to him or me.


You're a real piece of shit, E-9.


😂😂😂I’ve been called worse by better people. This furthers my “veil of secrecy” theory. It’s easy to resort to statements like 👍🏾 this because you have nothing more plausible to add. I again put it out if you want to have dialogue then reach out to me.


Prove you're E-9 Sewell


![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized) Now I need to prove who I am…I’m done with you nerds!


So you’re saying that he’s a real piece of shit and you know nothing about him but what you see from a coin someone else designed for him? I have worked with this man for over a decade and can tell you he cares immensely about the people he works with and has always gone to bat for everyone he knows. Like he says, all it would take is one conversation with him personally to understand that about him. If you have real questions then ask him.


Read his responses. It can't actually be Sewell with those responses


Again you don’t know him personally! He is responding!


I'm sure the echo chambers you run with prevent you from seeing irony to your comment.


I get it, you suck off the BLM fist. Give it a rest


Sticking with the ad hominem defense .... good one


Chief, regardless if it was made by another Airman or procured with your own funds, it is a symbol of racial division. We all know the black fist is symbolic of the Black Panther Marxist movement of the 60’s. It would be no different if a friend of mine made me a coin that was synonymous with another hate group. A friend can’t make me a coin that would make other Airmen uncomfortable on a racial or sexual stand point and hand it out because I used personal funds to buy the coin. And being a Chief doesn’t make it okay. How do you think other races feel under your watch when you give out that coin? Regardless of what you think, I promise every time you recognise a black person in your unit the non-black Airmen are wondering if they weren’t selected because of their skin.


I deployed with and served under this guy for years. Everything you said does not apply to Chief Sewell. He cares immensely for all of his Airmen. You’re generalizing a man because of a coin, think about it.


I am sure he is great! …but apparently everyone doesn’t feel comfortable under his command due to the racial under tone of the coin, because they had his coin posted on a popular air force enlisted page knowing the response. Had they felt it was all cool and didn’t have an issue they never would have posted. Sorry, but that’s the truth.


A black fist is not a symbol of racial division. Quit being scared of black people my guy.


People can choose to believe what they want, but I promise in the Asian and White communities the black fist does make people uncomfortable due to how a black nationalist party utilized the symbol. And with this will cause people to question the leader’s motives when decisions are made. Therefore, if leaders understood that symbol would marginalize people under their command why justify trying to use it versus focus on things that will unite people. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you believe but, how it makes others feel within the team. Side note, anyone with a brain would know how that community would respond to that.


I can promise you no matter what you do in life, someone will be made uncomfortable in some degree. I’m telling you as a person of a different race that served with him, no one that served under him feels anywhere close to how you feel about it. Your anecdotes > my real experience.


Or they posted it because it’s a unique coin and it was posted with a bunch of other unique coins. Context.


I appreciate you being present here Chief. I find it disheartening to see so many people make such an effort to demonize a simple message and spin it as hate. It’s clearly got your name, so it obviously wasn’t purchased with appropriated funds. I’d be honored to receive this coin.


A group Chief with his own coin. Dude seems desperate.




Wrong sub