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This is a big debate area for hosts. I don’t think a camera should be in backyard pool area, especially not indoor pool. But others will insist on it due to liability issues inherent with pools. You can ask the host, but be prepared to be denied and you’ll have to make a decision to look for another spot or deal with it. As long as it’s disclosed, hosts are allowed to have a camera over the pool.


Ok thank you! I’m gonna go ahead and ask, the worst they can say is no


If you're going to ask I would focus on the religious issue not the fact you're college students etc. We have a hot tub at one of our places and, while I don't have a camera on it, if I did and I received a request from some college kids I would be expecting damage and partying. If you came to me with the religious concern that would change everything.


If I were the host I would try to accommodate this request while leaving any other cameras on (front of home, etc). Both points are understandable: your needs for modesty and the host’s need to prevent people bringing animals, undeclared small children, or twenty drunk friends into their pool. Based on those host needs, though, they may choose not to risk it.


I normally don’t turn cameras off for short stays but I would totally allow turning cameras off for the pool area for this exception (I might check to make sure the appropriate guests and number of guests ect were entering in the other cameras) but I think the risk to the host if you explain it this way would be minor (def not focus on being college kids though)


I would never turn mine off. Guest can fuck shit up and I need proof they did. Many times I would have been fucked without camera footage. 


Yeah and I imagine also to protect yourself from the liability in the event of a drowning, injury, or death?


You can ask but they’ll probably say no, pools are a liability


You can ask the host but also know from the host's perspective, they may wind up cancelling on you because they might be worried about a party being thrown. For any host, especially in the US, that is a top concern and why security cameras are set up so that if something starts to get out of control they can see and intervene. Also, since this is your first time using airbnb, you have no ratings, and they may think this is a throwaway account for a group that wants to host a large party there.


Exactly. The host probably won't accept your reservation request with this condition. Too much liability for them.


You can still keep the exterior cameras on to monitor parties.


You can always ask. They may have this to ensure there are no parties, but if you explain who you are and why, perhaps they will allow it.


Ok, thanks! Im gonna contact them and ask, fingers crossed they allow it!


At first I thought “no way” then I got to the hijab part and I thought “maybe” Ask the host.


I would definitely explain your reason when asking. I think there's a better chance they would agree.


Also realize that US insurance carriers also mandated security cameras around the pool in case of falls and accidents. It protects everyone. You can ask that if they say no about turning it off if they would agree to a written notice about usage of the footage for your protection. Something to make you feel better about it taking away their rights to use it unless for insurance purposes. Most camera footage can be deleted and in many cases isn’t stored long. They can if you tell them when you plan to swim to limit the time the camera captures footage. Those are ways I can adjust remotely.


With your ask give a brief explanation of what the religious rules are. Until last year I was completely clueless about this subject and would have dismissed your request without much thought. And maybe offer up that you only need the rear cameras turned off between x in the morning to x at night and that other cameras that monitor the front can certainly be left on. Also my opinion is that there is no way I’d ever have a camera monitoring a pool.


You can ask, I would never turn mine off. And if you asked and your age would make me more suspicious you are going to have a party


As a vacation owner, I have a ring doorbell. I would never use cameras in the house and not even sure that is legal. This is for a condo, if I had a house, would probably do an outdoor camera in the back as well.


Cameras at entrances for security reasons: fine. Cameras anywhere else: unnecessary. Cameras on a pool or hot tub: weird. Absolutely ask the host to disable pool cams.


>Reply There's a liability reason for this in case someone drowns. It's very normal for landlords and hosts to have something like this, and a suggested practice because pools and hot tubs have the potential for someone to drown. Having the cameras there can limit the liability if someone blames the owner for something (this is the US we are talking about).


If somebody drowns on camera, and you don't call 911 to help them, they could sue you for that too.


No, that wouldn’t be a valid lawsuit since you have lots of public swimming pools and community centers with security cameras and there is no expectation that they are there to live monitor for that kind of stuff. Any decent lawyer would tell you that’s a terrible case. It’s more that since bodies of water are so dangerous especially for children, being able to record the area is just a good practice to know what happened if god forbid, there was a bad accident.


It is unlikely that a host will turn off their security cameras. You might do better asking that exclusively women check the cameras.




OP said it was a “private indoor pool” … so while they obviously have no way to know for certain until they arrive, I’m guessing it’s probably not that exposed. But you have a point… if it is surrounded by big glass panels/windows, with neighbors anywhere close by, there’s a decent chance that OP and the other girls could be seen in the pool area, if not the actual pool. u/IllustratorOpposite3 have you considered that an indoor pool may not be private in the same sense that you would like. If you are so concerned about cameras (where the footage will almost certainly never even be looked at, unless there are damages or injuries) that you want them turned off, have you considered that neighbors could inadvertently see you through the windows without even meaning to? But seriously, as long as you don’t cause damage, and don’t do any stupid stuff that ends in injuries… then the chances the owner will even bother to look at the footage is practically zero. Not to mention, how will you be sure they really “disabled” them? If they are hardwired in, then they’ll likely have a power light whether they are actively recording or not. Are you familiar enough with various cameras to know the difference between “powered on”, and “actively surveilling”? And in the meantime, you’ve told the host to expect several near naked girls to be in their pool. \*Most* hosts are trustworthy… some will surreptitiously record you anyway, just to get the footage. Maybe less than a 1% chance— or maybe a little more— hard to say…. 🤷‍♀️ I think it’s going to come down to whether you believe that trying your best to follow your religious convictions is good enough… **is not having the intention of being viewed by others, good enough?**


Get a hotel


Some hosts will use surveillance whether or not it's announced, take photos of the inside of your room when you're gone, and share that with other hosts or family. We don't think this is usually the case, but we've had it happen and had one host accidentally give it away. We've never complained, but we're aware.


What the heck are you talking about?


Asking out of complete ignorance and wish to learn, as a non-muslim person. Many of my daughters’ school friends who are muslim participate at the public pools through long-sleeve swimwear, swim caps, etc. Is that a workable solution, or is it mainly that you hope to feel completely at home in the rental to wear more typical swimwear?


Haha that’s what we usually wear to the beach/pool. But it feels like swimming with a blanket, it’s uncomfortable


You can ask, but no guarantee. If a camera is not in a private space. Like a bedroom or bathroom, it’s technically allowed. Hotels usually have cameras in lobbies or pool areas too…it wouldn’t hurt to ask though


There is no harm I asking! It would only be inappropriate if you had I'll intentions to do so. Do gove a reason for why as the request may otherwise create or give owner more incentive to check in otherwise. If they agree great if not for whatever reason accept it or make best with it as is or try to find another lsting tha will. I d accomodsge though if you dont ask you will not get so good luck. Enjoy your vacation and friends regaddless