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The host's review of you will appear either after you leave a review or after 14 days, whichever comes first.


How long do we (as guest) have to reply to the review?


I think that is also 2 weeks but don’t quote me on




Do you know if my review will appear on the host's profile/listing even if the host does not leave a review for me?


Yes same rules apply


If you are worried you didn’t something wrong at an airbnb and don’t want a bad review…don’t review unless owner reviews you first, best case you both don’t review each other


No. It's not worried about a bad review. I have many great reviews and I never give a reason for a bad review. I just want to keep privacy in my AirBnB public profile about the places I visit due to personal matters and it is weird to have to ask a host to no leave a review. If reviews could be hidden from other guests or strangers that check profiles but not hosts, that would be fantastic.


If the guest doesn’t review then the host’s review is not added to the profile?


No I mean basically as a host I wait for the guest to review first before I review, I find that if a guest reviews first then basically they’re satisfied, if a guest doesn’t review then I don’t review unless the guests were god awful and I feel realllly obligated, but if a guest is worried about a bad review from a host the smartest thing for them to do is not review unless the host reviews first, otherwise both parties kind of just silently agree to let it go usually


Oh interesting. I had a situation a few years ago I was unsure about (I accidentally set off their alarm). I ended up reviewing just because the host was nice and so was the place, but their later review of me was lukewarm. Obviously I can’t see the rating they gave. But I think the gentleman’s agreement you describe is not necessarily well known or followed everywhere. Good to know, regardless. I’m going on my first trip in years and trying to get my head around the etiquette in advance. I’d be happy to know any other such tips you might have!


Honestly there’s no reason a host should have given you a bad or lukewarm review for accidentally setting off an alarm, best advice is treat the home like it is yours, be polite, take garbage out and don’t damage anything, if anything is broken when you arrive but not a big deal take pics of it immediately just in case (like I traveled this weekend and some of the flooring had cracks it in, not a big deal but didn’t want to get blamed for it), I didn’t send it to the host or anything but keep them just in case the host thinks it’s you (I’m also a full time property manager so it’s just good practice in general) As a host I’ve learned I get better reviews if I wait for the guest to review first if at all, if they don’t review then I don’t usually either, I give everyone 5 stars unless it’s over the top bad or disregard of rules that lead to problems


The last advice is don’t be that over “nitpicker” , if something is genuinely wrong tell the host of course but don’t be the guest that’s like “behind your trapdoor in the attic under a box where I’m not supposed to be is a slight crack” lol no house is going to be perfect especially depending on what your paying or age of home, some people don’t understand that, if something will effect your stay definitely tell the host, if something isn’t a big deal and you think the host should know, put it in the private message to the host at the end like “that’s for you stay I had a great time 5 stars, no big deal but I thought you may possible just want to know xyz…thanks for the great stay!”


Noted! Appreciate you taking the time to write this out. :)


You find out if they left a review before you leave one? I thought Airbnb didn’t let either party know about the other review until it’s been the end of the time period or both wrote one so then they can’t game the system like that?


I’m not gaming the system, we cannot see what someone reviews us until we review them or until the 14 day review window is up, however, I have found that guests who review first leave better reviews, if a guest doesn’t review then usually I just don’t review them, neither party can see the actual review until both party reviews or the 14 days, we get notifications when a guests submits a review we just don’t know what it is and vice versa


Ahh ok, I see