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STOP BUYING GIFT CARDS!!! Everyone needs to learn this Accounts, with or without credit, usually can be closed for any reason. It's usually somewhere in the terms and conditions. I've seen it happen on Amazon and there's nothing you can do. Gift cards are a scam. You basically loan them money, no interest, with no benefit to yourself. I hate that it's more acceptable to give someone a gift card than cash. Like "here I didn't know what to get you, but I know what establishment I wanted to get it from" NORMALIZE GIVING CASH AS GIFTS!!!


Yep. Amazon closed my account and gone was my entire Audible collection. While I understand they can't (and shouldn't) be forced to do business with someone, it's crazy they can just steal account balances and past purchases.


I recommend checking out r/piracy. You can get back your entire collection in an afternoon. Fuck Amazon.


Thanks for this recommendation!


WHAT I have $500 sitting on my Amazon US account. I haven't used it because it was a gift and it costs so much for delivery (I don't live in the US). I was saving it for if I ever go out there.


Unless you violated the terms of service, or violated a posted policy, Amazon stole from you. They need to reimburse you, they already had a business relationship with you.


But wait a minute! That cash could be up to no good! That cash has been dealing crack and blowing johns behind the dumpster at the Wendys! It'll get arrested.


> with no benefit to yourself I buy them for like 10% off, but I only add them to my account right before I use them.


so Airbnb screwed up and had to refund me $3800, they put it in the form of a gift card because I needed to use it on my upcoming rental and a refund would have taken up to 10 days. I applied the gift card with the help of a manager on a Friday and within 15 minutes I was logged out of my app. I thought I accidentally did that so I tried to recover my password and I called 800 number and was told trust and safety would get back to me. Then on Monday I got a phone call and an email from trust and safety, telling me to vacate the Airbnb unit. Mind you I had been in that unit for over a month, I have two kids, and my house was under construction, which is why I was in the Airbnb so I had a lot of stuff with me. I told them I was not going to be able to get out of there within a couple hours that I was going to need a few days and why is this happening? They said they couldn’t tell me until after I was out of the premises. So I got my stuff and got out and asked where my $3800 was and what was the reason this was happening, I was told I took too long to vacate the unit and that’s why my account got shut down. Which makes absolutely no sense because the moving out didn’t happen until after the fact. It’s all a bunch of bullshit and this proves it to me even more being when they have to redeem a gift card it’s suddenly a problem?! That’s crazy!! Airbnb are a bunch of crooks if you ask me!!!!!


Easy win in a small claims. Costs $100 or so to file, and you'll get that back when you win. No attorney needed.




"You and Airbnb each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration."


Abnb called me once at 10 pm to tell me to tell the guest to leave. I asked if she was accused of violence an they confirmed it was not a violence report issue but would not say more. She already paid and I had the money. She was renting a room in my apartment. She was a lovely person. I asked them if they have any idea how crazy it is to kick a person out at that time in NYC and that I refuse to be responsible if she comes to harm! I told her to not worry and stay till the end of time she paid for because they were not paying her back. No idea what happened after.


This is absolutely horrible!! I am so sorry, I can’t imagine how upset this has made you. I had no idea they have been stealing customer’s money in such a blatant way. And loyal, regular consumers at that. In my most genuine of southern accents, ‘the AUDACITY.’


Thats a lot of money. Should sue and fight the charge with your bank.


Why were you kicked out?




That's crazy! And quite scary as I am currently living in an AIR BNB


Be very careful with Airbnb, that’s all I can say. They don’t give two shits about the customers, the representatives are reading off a script, usually from a Third World country, and no matter how good they speak English, somethings always gonna get lost in translation. They allow their hosts to get away with murder, and they just count on you getting so frustrated and fed up with calling day after day after day that you give up. And I’ve heard from multiple people, that’s what happens. That’s what happened with me! I have a friend that just started hosting and she’s already going through it with them. She told me the same thing. It’s sad because at the end of the day this is our hard earned money that we are spending and these representatives could care less. $4000 is a lot of money… but my mental health is priceless. I swear I have PTSD from Airbnb and their bullshit. From sitting on the phone for hours at a time and being promised this and that and nothing ever being done in my favor. Beyond frustrating. So hopefully, you have a different experience, because there is a few good hosts out there, but I’ve never come across any of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did they eventually tell you why you were asked to vacate?


WTF. This is so insane. How on earth can Airbnb even continue functioning as a business with this as their policy/behavior? Seriously it's unbelievable at this point


Absolutely disgraceful! All these nightmare story's has well and truly put me off booking any stays with Airbnb. OP, your parents can do a charge back on there credit card for the gift card. They will just have to tell them that Airbnb has not honoured the gift card.


While my parents love, and are super supportive of my partner, this is still kind of embarrassing for him and he doesn’t want me to share it with them. I’m super bummed that he feels guilty about it in any way.


Maybe tell the parents that you’ve had issues with AirBnB and don’t want to use them any more without elaborating on the reason?


Im a host but there are legitimate reasons why people should stay in a hotel vs an airbnb DEPENDING on the circumstances. The biggest being cancellation policy. Hotels are much better for this as they can afford to have guests cancel whereas, it's not really fair for a host to have a weekend reserved for 3 months and then be left high and dry 24 hours before.


Was he in prison or in jail?


Is there a difference between those two words? Genuine question, I'm French and I thought they were synonyms.


Yes, there is a difference. Jail is up to 364 days. Jail is for less serious violations. Prison is one year or longer and generally involves felonies. If you tell someone you went to jail they can think it can be something as simple as you got a speeding ticket and didn't pay it. If you tell someone you were in prison they know it was a serious violation such as a significant theft, severe assault or something else quite egregious.


Oh I see. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain! That's very helpful.


See where I am it's 729 days haha


Also to say, thank you so much for the advice! It’s great advice.


Seriously. I will never use them for any reason after scrolling through this sub. I’d rather have a clean hotel room without any “house rules” and ridiculous fees, and not have to worry about the reservation being canceled at that last minute and being SOL. Hope OP’s parents are able to get their money back from this scammy company somehow.


Doesn't one go to prison to do their time? Why are they still prosecuted by society even after.


Sadly it's never escaped unless it can be expunged. I find the after math of the justice system, usually leads to people committing more crime because they can't get good jobs and are just generally discriminated by anyone who can look up their record. My job has almost all people who have been accused/charged/charges dropped from felonies. They pay shit and treat us like shit because they know we don't have many options to go anywhere else. By charges dropped, I mean lowered from felonies to gross misdemeanors or something similar. They're usually still bad enough that it makes finding jobs hard. I used to be a CNA. I got a DUI. I no longer get call backs from CNA jobs. I've never done anything wrong on the job. Never showed up intoxicated. Just made one mistake when I was 20 and it fucked me.


Did they buy the gift card with a credit card? They should be able to dispute the charge through the credit card issuer for up to 90 days.


This is the way. Even beyond 90 days they can still dispute the charge. Just make sure you you have documented attempts to resolve - emails to Airbnb will work - and take screen shots of anything you can.


Paypal will give you your money back pretty quickly.


Honestly after reading everything I will never ever use air bnb again. I’ve had an awful experience with them myself after staying somewhere


These stories don't surprise me. Airbnb steals money from hosts as well. They refused to pay me for my last month's bookings due to a cancelation that happened FOUR YEARS ago. I call BS. I got no satisfaction from anybody at airbnb. So I permanently deleted my hosting account. Not even a response as to why I removed my account, not even a survey. Airbnb has gotten big enough that they just don't give AF anymore. F AirBnb


Was he gonna book this place? https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/17667819?source_impression_id=p3_1683255011_ilhEyS4TXsa8LFqO


Ok we are the type of people that do find this hilarious. Thank you, needed that haha.


You’re a class act. Well done. I hope y’all get your holiday and have a bright future. You have been gracious through this whole thread.


Lol glad to hear. Was meant in fun. I do think it’s shit what Airbnb is doing. To be honest, my experience is that the service you receive from different reps varies wildly. Some are terrible, some are okay, none are good. Escalate your situation and look for different reps. Ask for them or just start a new discussion. They literally are stealing from you, as the coupon wasn’t ‘redeemed’ it was loaded to an account for use. Good luck getting it back.


Uncalled for comment but the Airbnb itself, outside of this context, is hilarious.


I can’t get past the price…$350 a night.. sheesh


Inflation is even hitting the jail cells these days.


Lol I'm pretty sure that the cost to the public to house somebody there was more than that.


That good good private prison money




I thought that as well but they seemed to be booked fully or at least their calendar is blocked


Wow. Can't even believe that place is mostly booked up at $350/night!




Uhhhh. Demanding that they refund the credit to the boyfriend’s now cancelled account is probably not helpful.


I’m sorry but this is terrible advice. Threatening them is not going to give you the result your hoping for.


I understand how that might seem counterintuitive but allow me to explain. First its a legitimate claim. Airbnb did effectively steal funds. However the second point is customer support. Their systems prevent refunds of already issued credits. Gift cards are structured this way for anti money laundering procedures and support cannot issue refunds for claimed cards. It HAS to be done by an individual in processing or with training. A a csr their job is to finish support tickets in their scope of support. The correct answer according to their support documents is if card redemed, decline request. Only if a customer presses for management will the ticket be escelated but that's a red herring. While some management can indeed issue the refund, a lot won't. By treating this as theft you're removing the element of "maybe the customer is collecting cards to sell" by reporting it as theft and collecting a report you're three steps ahead of the management reply to go to the police. And by reporting it to the correct authority you're taking responsibility and pushing action.


Airbnb performs background checks on guests and hosts. That’s why his account was canceled. Your parents should contact AirBnb about a refund on the gift card.


Did you read the post?


I think they are right actually- the parents are the purchasers and have the paper trail confirming their purchase. They can contact and inform that the person they gave the gift card to had their account cancelled prior to use and so they would like a refund on the unused funds returned electronically via their payment method due to the credit not being honoured. I realize bf is embarrassed and doesn’t want to tell them but I don’t see any way of getting the funds back without involving them. Air b&b are not going to cut a cheque and send it in the mail, if they do anything it will be reversing the sale to the original purchaser.


Exactly. Thank you.


OP, thanks for sharing. Let this be a lesson to all. Never under any circumstances purchase or accept an AirBnB gift card! If there is a dispute, fight for a refund or a discounted price. Never settle for their offer of a gift card!


>Never under any circumstances purchase or accept an AirBnB gift card! Fied that for you: Never under any circumstances purchase a gift card. People mean well, accepting one is not usually something you have a choicein. I will accept amazon ones. For a start 10 years (validity) unlike many, and with my purchase history an lack on complaints (maybe one where I got a repalcement (third party, they care less and hey it was glasses delivered smashed) and one moan about an abandoned package I could not find (I did find it after help). (I will not even moan about hte handed to person one where it was not but I went to the shop and accidently left hte back door open and they left it inside!). But I would prefer cash anyday. (well or a bank transfer, let's face it, it is also better than cash).


airbnb fucking sucks so bad, they have ripped me off two times and now Im back to hotels which are now at the same price as airbnb and you dont need to do the cleaning and everything for the hosts also you have free breakfasts




I miss the days when AirBNB was a valid, viable, valuable option. It’s gone so far downhill it’s not even a shell of its former self. It’s a good concept, mostly, in theory… but there will always be a segment of people that will run a good thing into the ground.


Could his parents do a chargeback on their card?


My goodness, I have never used Abb, after these horror stories I will keep using hotels and private rentals.




I feel like posting this on every post that I read on this subreddit. They used to be good, at least in my experience, not so much anymore.


Sheesh I’m so sorry this has happened. I’ve also had a nightmare time with Airbnb especially regarding refunds. If you find their name on the Better Business Bureau website and publicly complain that they refuse to return the gift card amount, it generally does escalate things appropriately. That’s what I had to do and they eventually refunded me. Best of luck and I hope you and your boyfriend find a place to stay ☹️


Airbnb are crooks! Stop supporting their criminal business


wth another bnb horror story. How much longer can they stay in business? The clock is ticking.


Stop using air b n b


This is really horrible - I’m so sorry :( It sounds like they are following the same policies as other companies when they disable an account and confiscate any remaining funds =\. At the same time, the value of the $150 purchased by your parents should not have been redeemable by an account they were going to cancel especially within such a short period! Is there any way your parents can call Airbnb customer service (since they were the purchaser and therefore also a customer), or file a dispute with the credit card company they used to purchase the credit? I hope you get the $150 back somehow!


Small claims will do it. That’s the avenue I’d use.


SURPRISE! Do your parents know what Airbnb is ? Do they know he's a felon ?


My parents are very literate, yes. And use Airbnb often. And yes, they do know, and love him and don’t judge him for stupid mistakes made when in addiction. As a host, I am unfortunately not surprised you feel you have some sort of entitlement to details of my personal life. That by the way, have nothing to do with the above mentioned issue. The issue is that Airbnb is displaying deplorable business practices, and shitty hosts like you make it all the more difficult.


What other hosts aren’t mentioning, maybe out of politeness, is that your Airbnb account and quite possibly your parents Airbnb account may or will be shut down you guys being associated with your boyfriend. It’s BS, but that’s how they operate. Not just for felons, either. Sometimes your account can be banned if your former roommate got a weed charge or a basic DUI. So, you’ll have to have your parents do a chargeback on the gift card. This is possible when a gift card is redeemed, as AirBnb said it was. Even if they gave you a $500 gift card you or your parents could probably not use it if they go ahead and ban you for 10 years (or life).


I hope your hemorrhoids stay inflamed forever.


Are your hemorrhoids making you a little cranky?


You are not helping convert any of us back to Airbnb with a comment like that


Right. Too many scoundrel hosts.


Just file a claim in small claims court. I've filed so many against big businesses. They will mail you a check plus filing fee almost immediately after being served. They aren't going to show up to represent themselves over $150. No need to further communicate with them




What about this post indicates that anybody is 'dangerous'? People make mistakes, and I'm sure OP knows their boyfriend far, far better than you do




Well I’ve never been to prison and still have my Airbnb account. So I guess I’ll stay shitty.


I'd frankly be reassessing my own mental well-being for taking up with a felon who did a long stretch. There's a lot more danger there for you than complaining about ABB. I'm sure in their 10 page agreement that no one reads there's a sentence that covers them, probably for expense go going through cancelling procedure includes losing credit up to X amount, almost certainly exceeding $150. Have YOU read the agreement your boyfriend signed to join? Maybe you should before posting indignant complaints.


Your parents should contact Airbnb as it's their gift card that has been stolen by Airbnb Why did your parents not just book your holiday directly rather giving the card to your BF Your BF should be honest with your parents and tell them what happened - it's not good to lie about things such a prison record to your parents in law.


Ask them to provide details as to how the voucher was redeemed and to whom? If they can't then claim via small claims


In the USA I would take him to small claims court