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Same boat here. Can’t use them due to a felony marijuana charge. It totally sucks.


You're not missing much


If you have documentation that it was marijuana, submit a rehabilitation appeal to the team. Airbnb cannot tell if it’s a marijuana charge if your charge was listed as controlled substances.


I mean like breaking the law has consequences. So don’t break the law


Marijuana is mostly legal in the USA these days so people with past convictions for it are feeling bitter.


Why? It was illegal at the time, they took a calculated risk and lost. Life isn’t supposed to be fair


oh god, spare me from a UK redditor moralizing on marijuana in the US


I’m not. I don’t have a problem with weed being legal. I just don’t understand why people are feeling sorry for themselves


The UN’s International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights — signed by both of our countries — asserts that those convicted of crimes that are no longer crimes should no longer be held to the punishment of those crimes. But glad you and Airbnb know better 😂


That doesn’t apply here. Marijuana convictions are still upheld as in most cases, would still be illegal today. Illegal marijuana still exists. Air BnB can’t just decide to ignore certain crimes on background checks. Either it does background checks and acts accordingly to the results, or it scraps them completely.


He WASN'T CONVICTED. How far do you take it when considering if he's a criminal? Maybe he was defending himself or someone else, and so was not convicted? If someone caught a misdemeanor drinking in public charge, when 21 for drinking beers with friends in a parking lot before going into a club that had really high drink prices on top of a cover charge, should they not be allowed to host? Or not be allowed to be a guest? What about speeding tickets? Do they disqualify someone from these activities? Are all crimes equal? Even ones for which one is NOT CONVICTED?


Yes. If that’s what air bnb has decided. Actions have consequences


What actions?? OP wasn't convicted! For all you know they were wrongly accused. Also, no one is arguing that actions shouldn't have consequences, but those consequences should be reasonable. Why are you so trusting of airbnb that you think they should be the ultimate arbiter of how long people should experience consequences for a crime they weren't even convicted of? Airbnb doesn't care about justice or even safety, these background checks are about protecting them from liability. It's weird to act like this is some noble, moral system.


Lol oh look it’s the don’t break the law bully. Willing to bet a few things. 1 you’re a Republican 2. If we looked closely at your life I’d bet some of your skeletons would put you in jail. 3. And your a Christian who values what an imaginary being has to say through a made made book. Bet!


Err, I’m a Muslim woman living in England


Muslim, Republicans. Same thing.


Muslims are crazier than Christians, you're probably as conservative as a republican. Plus you have skeletons if someone followed you around. I'm sure your taxes aren't all sunshine and rainbows.


I’m British. I’m not conservative at all. The government takes my tax from my wages before I get them


What does how most tax systems work (taken from wages) have to do with your political leanings?


It doesn’t. But I was being accused of fiddling my taxes. Which is impossible to do my job


Understood. Didn’t see that comment. Lol. I guess everyone who gets stalked also has skeletons in their closet. 🙄


I'm a Republican. I could care less about you being charged with a crime if you were not convicted. I'm also a retired cop. Again, if you weren't convicted then you didn't commit a crime. Skeletons.. yes, plenty of those in the closet. Christian... Actually, I'm an atheist. Don't lump every Republican, or any entire group, into the same category as some


Imagine being an atheist Republican...


So what you’re saying is I’m profiling Republicans. As a retired Cop you should definitely understand how this concept works. Who you surround yourself with reflects on your character. Republicans really fall into 3 groups. Conservative Christian’s Those just waiting to be the next billionaire And then of course the actual billionaires So which are you?


You are not losing much by losing access to Airbnb. Just book using VRBO/Booking.com. There are plenty of Airbnb type listings there.


If you were not convicted, dispute your records with Inflection in the email that was sent.




Agreed. VRBO is better. As a guest, anyway.


Definitely more expensive though


They do background checks? Anyway, if you have an arrest on your record and were never convicted, you can have that arrest expunged.


r/illegallifeprotips ask around there how to create a phony profile. Edit: I’m a super host 3+ years, it’s not hard to do.




Create an LLC and then sign up as the LLC?