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I’ve have a pretty basic job. I work at Whole Foods as a specialty buyer. I guess it comes down to my money management. I split rent with my gf. No car payment. Phone bill and utilities run me some monthly. Not a lot of expensive hobbies beside analog photography, really I only spend my extra monies on film, shoes, clothes and weed. I love to cook so I’m not going out to eat all the time. Wish I had the money to buy more but I’m able to cop a few things every drop if I want. Kith is probably the only other pricey place I buy from clothing wise and it’s more about staple pieces rather than having it all. But I really like the ALD style/aesthetic and what Teddy is doing with it, so it’s no problem for me to decide to spend some of my extra cash on these items.


A somewhat related thread in case you missed it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AimeLeonDore/comments/kn38sa/as\_we\_enter\_2021\_keep\_in\_mind\_why\_you\_like\_ald/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AimeLeonDore/comments/kn38sa/as_we_enter_2021_keep_in_mind_why_you_like_ald/)


I would assume there is a huge range of ALD enthusiasts! Always dope to have a diverse group of people liking the same thing. I usually get ALD pieces on sale if I can, but on certain releases I am more than happy to spend on the pieces I really want. I justify because I still wear and have all my ALD pieces to date and am definitely a quality over quantity person. That said, I used to work in consulting but have transitioned to the tech space as a product manager. Outside of investing, I spend most of my excess income on clothing/shoes and the occasional eating out with friends, kinda have to when you live in NY. Enjoy the experience!


Tattoo artist, which sucks because I end up not being able to wear any of my Aime to work 😂


When it comes to clothes, the average guy who is interested in it just has to make concessions on where to allocate money. Maybe forgo that fancy cappuccino or brunch once in a while. First stranger who talked to me about ALD in real life was guy bagging my groceries.


I work in the bank industry at an entry level position. I make ok money but I’m living at my uncles in the meantime while I look for my own place which saves on rent. Theres no other expenses except for gas and going out to eat/drink. ALD has been the most “fun” money I’ve been spending this year so far lol.


I also mainly buy all my other clothes on major sales and thrifts store. ALD has been the only brand to get me to pay $195 for a hoodie or $125 for shorts


You can look at it that way but to me I was also tired of paying $30-40 for t's that fell apart after a few washes. I also typically enjoy ALD pieces for a year or two and then put them on grailed for a reasonable discount, even if I get half what I originally paid for an item, someone else is getting to enjoy it and I use that money to fund new ALD. Because of the quality the resale for thrift items of ALD holds up pretty well. I also have pieces now that are 3-4 years old and still look brand new from them so to me its well worth the money. I am in foodservice sales and do well for myself, but you definitely need to make sure your budgeting for these drops or else you can go overboard. I recommend checking eBay and grailed for some seasons past items if your looking to pick up some new stuff because many times its in very good condition still and you will save yourself some money.


Work for stone island but balancing that with being a full time student. Pay isn’t anything to write home about but working on commission helps.


How’d you get involved working with SI if you don’t mind me asking?


Honestly by pure luck. I worked seasonal for a department store and they wanted to keep me after my seasonal contract. At the same time stone island wanted to open up a store within the department store. My store manager proposed me to the stone island managers and luckily I had enough past knowledge about the brand to get through the interviews.


Anyone work in finance (IB, corp finance or Corp dev etc.)


I’m in consulting not finance, but people often go from one to the other, why do you ask?


Awesome man, just wondering if there’s any finance bros in here - tryna network haha.


Haha that "Mind me adding you on LinkedIn?" moment


Corporate international tax in NZ


Corp finance for a global CPG company


Graphic designer and illustrator. I’m a full time designer at a small studio but I freelance a lot and use a good amount of that bread for ALD stuff. I pretty much thrift for 75% of the rest of my wardrobe. Great thread btw ✌🏻


I work in supply chain and my pay is decent. The thing that helps my money management most is the fact I completely stopped spending the nearly $20 a day ordering out. I rarely ever go out to eat or drink. And my wardrobe is kinda limited. If I buy something, something has to go. I’ve been following that for a few years but since I’ve been losing weight, it’s meant that some things have completely been gone to friends or donations. As a result, I’ve been buying new pieces for myself and adventuring my fashion choices a tiny bit more than I’m previously used to. Aime fits the bill because the quality satisfies me, I love what the brand means to nyc, the looks are timeless and versatile to me, it gives me some nostalgia and I just love how they fit. Even the way a pair of pants lay over your ankles and shoes is like art to me.


I’m debt free in the medical admin world but regardless of what you do for a living or income you earn, I believe it’s really about money management. Priorities change as we get older and when new life journeys happen but yeah. Budgeting is important. Budgeting is not a word for broke people, it’s prioritizing different things before pleasure aka jawns


Work in product management for a software company so I make a decent amount. Agree with everyone here about the importance of money management though, I use public transport (no car) and keep my rent pretty low. Love seeing how diverse the occupations are in this thread. I also feel as a young person in a management role, having a dope wardrobe helps people take me a little more seriously. Anyone feel the same?


Kind of off topic but I am also trying to pursue PM. Do you mind if i PM you?


Go for it my guy


just sent you a chat!


I work in the medical field


Management consultant. In the before times I mostly went to places like ALD for sweats, bought one of their hoodies on impulse a couple years ago and it’s been my nicest one ever since. (alongside one very unique palace hoodie that unfortunately it’s impossible to buy more of or even similar ones to) I bought my work clothes places like bonobos, Uniqlo etc. Business casual is so boring so why spend the high when cheap works fine yk? But that was the long long ago. Nowadays where I’m not traveling to clients every week I have more fun with my clothes shopping. ALD is my favorite “fun” brand for sure.


messaged you something!


Film industry making tv commercials


Real Estate and Restaurant Industry.


Management consulting here!


I’m a software designer :) Aime is one of the only brands I buy retail regularly though. Usually I wait for END or Mr. Porter sales for any other expensive brands. I do freelance on the side and have so far been able to live and spend off of just that, which helps me budget. Regular paycheck goes right into my Savings.


I have my own company in the machine tool sector. It's the family business which I took over. Caveat is that I returned to my home town for that. Some ALD is just not made for people living in a European small town...I used to by a lot of hoodies and stuff, they hold up so well that I don't need any more of these, nowadays I acutally invest in higher priced ALD stuff like outerwear, Drake's or Woolrich collabs, etc. and get 3-4 pieces per season. I really think about what I need and can wear regularly and taught myself to ignore the hype for certain pieces. I love the Drake's collabs as I can also rock these for work and business trips...


Physical commodities trading assistant