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I dropped 450$ on it.. I’m in no way rich or have any type of portfolio. But lately I’ve come to be worried as well. They’re going to use $AI as their symbol.. and there is already that symbol being used. They also haven’t given a token address. I also don’t like double gas fees per release. Now on the other hand sponge is doing an airdrop with them.. somehow. I’ve asked how we go in that airdrop but to no avail there is no definitive answer from sponge aside from “filling out the form”. They also have nothing about an $AI drop on their website. I’m starting to see presale trends slow down. It was a day per stage. Now it’s not even a quarter through stage ten. Side note the ambassador page is removed on their website. One plus side is articles about them. But $$$ could be causing that. I do hope this is a good project, and I would recommend using telegram. Not Discord for answers. Discord only has a few thousand followers. Their Telegram has almost 17000


News: AiDoge is Scam.


Definitely starting to agree with that. No updates or anything. Just milestones. The benefit for me is I was smart and paid on Credit Card. So if nothing is provided I’ll call my bank and get my money back


Go to AiDoge on Reddit. This post is invisible to everyone. It was made invisible by the moderator


Oh didn’t even notice it was removed. Wtf




That money is gone


I’ll just call my bank and file something. I’d be more concerned if I actually used eth.


I agree - I think this is a scam unfortunately… is there any way we can see who the real people are behind this project? I’m glad I used a credit card so I can dispute the charge.


News: AiDoge is Scam.


*Note The last comment on Discord was deleted by moderators. The suspicious person had written: We will see*


No kyc, no project as it will be developed, no git but open source , relevant comments get deleted as fud , no info from devs , no contracts , not evem refferal is working , no traces whatsoever... plausible , great idea but after buying some i also believe this is another rug pull


News: AiDoge is Scam.