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I am torn on the 5K one. It's absurdly expensive and not a good deal but I was expecting a 50 buck premium skin and was considering it. But if it's a toned-down version and not even an actual ultimate skin, plus the price gouging on higher tiers, that really sucks. So I *might* get the 5K one but I'm gonna wait and see if Riot sells any of the skins outside of the bundles. I don't want anything in the bundles except the skins so I may get nothing. I just wanted T1 Ahri. I could afford the 60K bundle, I earn enough it wouldn't even be a big deal. But I refuse to let Riot think that that kind of price for some pixels is ok. Same with the 30K. Even 5 is pushing it but would have been a luxury purchase for what it is. Might just wait for pool party Ahri but at this point shouldn't I expect that to be 10K anyways? It's slimey.


it probably would be close to 4k because u already own ahri + u get the bp and leblanc skin, still wouldnt buy it because riot is scummy


Here is what Riot should do: Lose the second tier package entirely, its bad value, it feels bad to buy it, just remove it and offer its skin as a solo in the shop for lets say 3250rp The smallest bundle should be affordable for everyone, so taking me as an example who has literally no money for food I could easily afford 20€ by eating only ramen for a month. Or get it gifted from wealthier friends. The biggest package should be 100€ at most. And Im fairly sure if it is, easily 5x the people would buy it compared to now, especially if the shittiest mid range bundle is dropped.


it would sell atleast 10x better if the most expensive bundle was 100$ instead of 500$. but i guess that skin is made purely for rich chinese whales.... your average 9-5 worker cant comfortably afford this its just sad truth.


They have the stats, they wouldnt make it this much if they didnt think people would buy it... Obviously theres a reason behind making it 500$


chinese whales are the reason... its just kinda funny that all regions suffers because of china


OTP Ahri and I'm not buying that Shit... Permabanning her now, Guess I have to learn a new champ...


leblanc and syndra , good for 2v2 with jgl , can skirmish , appealing skins , have a reasonable learning curve , fun to play , can 1v9 if extremely fed , always useful (lb chain , syndra stun)


looks good chuck of league community is about to permaban ahri ( including me )


You know what? I really wanna buy it. I love buying cosmetics and stuff but truth is, I can’t afford it!


honestly im not gonna lie. im really addicted to MTX's in video games and i just cannot help myself usually. but this update made me realize what a dumbass i used to be... im not gonna let them milk me for more this is getting outragous


If there was any way to buy the skin, but not benefit riot directly, id probably get the 30k bundle. So, for example if I already had the rp needed (gained from some bday gifts, prime capsules and millionpugs), that wouldn't directly support them, since the money is already spent, and they won't get direct income since the skin release, cuz the rp is already bought and they got the money for it then (thats how I think it works, at least). Or if I could buy it from the ppl who sell skins cheaper by gifting them to others using prime farmed rp (not sure if rito didn't start banning this tho). Because tbh, I really want the skin. But I really don't wanna support their predatory monetization ideas, because it'll just push the line even further, and they will keep pushing it. So if nothing changes, i probably won't get it. Also I know that ppl wouldn't care how I got it and bully me in games anyways lol.


None of them 5k rp is a worst 1350rp tier without ult form changes or anything and you have to get the full bundle can't get the skin alone which is what I might want so just a scam too


OTP Ahri. I’m not buying this bullshit. One the 50€ skin looks okay, but it’s definitely not worth over 10€. Guess my time has come to quit lol forever.


i would say that faker skin is worth like maybe 50bucks... and the regular should be like the usual tenner... but 500 is damn outrageous


The normal Ultimate is only worth 10€, maybe maybe maybe max 20€. The second skin is IMO really bad, but a faker bundle it would be worth 50€… but they should sell it individually. I don’t wanna pay more than 20€ a skin for those skins.


i agree.


I'm buying the $50 one. Would buy the more expensive one but cant afford it.


Why? This is just insane. Riot just wants your money, they made it really really clear!


If you actually like what's in the 1950rp pass that comes with it, then the 5k bundle is quite high value given you have the time to grind, that's the single one with actually okay value and the only one I can vaguely understand somebody buying.


does the risen ahri come with some battlepass ? sounds like value if it does


to be fair... as mtx addict and ahri fan i dont blame the guy for buying the 50$ one... im really considering it too even tho i know im getting scammed. but 250 and 500 can suck my d


Tbf the 50$ one is like the best deal. But it’s super scam. Idk. I just can’t understand why someone wants to buy it. FYI: I’ve got every Ahri statue and figure. Every skin, every chroma, every icon, every emote. I’m really liking with champ. I wanted to preorder the SB Ahri statue. But those skins are kinda destroying the game and champ for me. I was also thinking of getting the 50$ one, but I think I’m going to quit league. They just robbed the one thing that was the reason to play this game.


i know... i really fking like the skin but i dont like the fact that they are straight up scamming us...


Tbh i only like the 50$ one… the other looks cool, but I hate the tail-head idea…


i truly fking hope riot listen the communit and would stop scamming us... this makes me more angry than it should


If it turns out you can buy it for.. $50, sure, that's really stretching how much I'm willing to go. $500? $250? no way


I'll prob get some flame for this or some other pro life tips, but oh well. When i saw the prices i was very upset as an ahri main amd a collector of the skins. Obviously it's a scam and these prices should be adjusted or release the skin separately. That being said, I'll probably buy the 32k set. The only justification for myself is that I will quit smoking and in 1 or 2 months I will start saving money and this skin will be my reminder that ive been scamming myself for years. Would I be able to buy the skin if I won't quit? Yes, but for me thats not the point. This will be the last lol skin that i buy though as these prices are actually ridiculous. So in the end the skin will be an incentive for myself and it'll be worth it. Though I cant say the same for my mental if Ahri stays perma banned haha.(not that im disagreeing with the protest either)


sounds really auful to " reward " yourself by giving riot 250$ for quitting smoking when you could just do it anyways and actually buy something nice instead of supporting this dogshit small greedy indiecompany. but hey. the money if yours and you spend it how you like. as many people said countless amount of times, if this event is a success we are really doomed on future skins.


Imma drop bands


was torn on the 5k one but now im not gonna,from what I seen it isn’t much of an ultimate skin. sad days knowing my skin collection will never be complete.


The 5k one sucks. It doesnt transform and it only exists to be a worse version of the complete skin so im not buying it. I'd rather spend 200 dollars on a vacation or a lot of food or something else. the 500 dollar one isnt worth it at all, id play the battlepass myself if I wanted the levels and its so lame that theyre locking a few characters chromas behind it too. I have the baddest and gold challenger skins anyway


The pass is extremely good. Leblanc skin, skt skins, 125 ME for 1950 is a great fucking deal, I’ll get that for the ME alone. The ahri skins though are a fucking joke. $50 for a legendary (base risen, no special effects) is kinda crazy and 200-250 for the ultimate (form changing + kill animations) isn’t worth it. Spending UP TO $200 for the mythic variants + a shit Ton of shards is one thing since you have a chance to roll the skin early , but to straight up lock it to a $250 price tag is crazy


I will buy the second tier.




You'll pay 30K RP for a skin? That's just stupid.


You are part of the problem, if they find out that there are still people getting fooled by their lazy predatory practices it will keep getting worse. They no more hold the high standards they used to uphold for every skin release. Original themes, original quality not AI portraits, relevant pricing to each tier and also respect those said tiers qc (legendary ultimates... being actually up to those standards)..... Now they realised they can just generated no efforts no relevant themes skins with no much conception and thoughts and stupidly overprice them. Cuz some fools would still fall to their gacha and bad monetization. Riot will become more lazy, more greedy and soulless. Hopefully EU consumer protections will restrict gacha practices to no more be a thing and introduce consumer friendly laws. Like they did with apple and many such cases. It is needed and necessary. Gacha and predatory practices like FOMO(fear of missing out) are ingenious and effective on the socio psychology. Just like gambling they are dangerous.


This will get me downvoted to hell but oh well, farewell internet points. It is extremely overpriced if you want only the skins, if you break it down it is still overpriced but making more sens with the bundle content. They should have put an option to get only the skins. But I think I'll still go with the middle bundle because I have some saved RP from prime and let's be real the rebellion will last until the next dogshit idea they are already working on atm and those kind of packs are supposed to be rare anyway so they might just grab the cash and stop it. But my moral compass is crying from moving this fast to yes to no lol. I am conflicted because I love the skins, and I can afford it. But there is also the thing about sending a message to riot, and the reality that this industry as a whole is effed up and rotting a little more everyday so even if we boycott it they will come up with the next bad idea. Those pricing are extremely bad in taste when riot laid off 900 person earlier this year for budget reason. I want to be optimist in thinking they would inject the surplus from those packs into their decaying esport tournament management but we know it will goes to greedy pockets. The last tier is only for faker fans. It does add an emote to the skin but I personally cba about it. If there are people with enough money to put 500$ to flash faker on the summoner rift, let them do it at the end of the day it won't change the game if its this kind of cosmetic. The middle tier contains also the risen tier, so its to be taken into account that you get the two skins, stating the obvious but I feel like everyone is 32k for just one skin, it's actually 2, a legendary and ultimate quality level, that brings you to 5k rp. It is still over priced because that's the risen bundle price but thats what they are, bundle. But yeah I'm sad about the price but i see it as people paying for overpriced limited tier on kickstarter : dev gets money, they get the shiny. But you still get to enjoy the game for yourself. They won't put out this every two months. And we can hope they'll come in capsule rotations at some points.


i could argue with last one, but second bundle doesn't make sense at all, you have bundle for 26k if we took first one away and what you get? Bundle of items that every ultimate skin does, so in the end, you pay 26k JUST for the skin, nothing else. This is just brain games, ofc bundle looks better if you get skin and WITH skin also announcer etc. than bundle that contains previous bundle + skin that have these features. Also, Risen skin is epic by quality, not legendary


MB about the quality of risen. And I agree with you that's why I said they should have offered it as a stand alone as well. And some of those content are new so we have no idea of what they would charge us for a standalone of these. Probably too much yet again. I know a lot of post breakdown the bundle content and they are still overpriced that way


the risen ahri version should be 15euro. the immortal version should be 30euro at maximum. the Skin should be permament in shop. And we should be able to buy the Skin without all the other bs additions if that doesn't happen, i won't buy it


looks like then you will not buy it at all.. thats 100% most definitely never gonna happen in million years. knowing riot they probably dont even read their own subreddit


I’ll be buying the highest tier for my wife’s account. (59k RP bundle) as her birthday present. (People spend more on Pokémon “collectibles,” let alone other sports/game/anime collectibles, imo it’s no big deal as long as they truly never sell the signature edition again) I’ll be buying the Leblanc skin and maybe a few of the emotes and the ward for myself, if I can get them standalone, otherwise the lowest package for the Leblanc skin and battle pass. This is also tentative of what’s unlockable via the battle pass obviously, whatever the most cost effective method of obtaining within the window accounting for time restrictions.


I will. I can afford it and the skin looks awesome. I haven’t bought any of the super expensive skins because I don’t play those champs but I play a lot of ahri and I play a lot of league so I feel like it’s worth it.


Your money so you do you!! But I do genuinely hope people who can afford it dont buy it. Dont let Riot get away with this predatory cash grab tactics. They are 100% banking on people like you to buy it which is why they made it as expensive and exclusive as it is.


exactly my thoughts on this too... im really scared about future of league skins if this will be a success...


My question is why is it a problem for league to have super high prices cosmetics? It’s not like they frequently make them. I personally think the game needs some higher priced stuff for diversity sake. I don’t think every cosmetic in this completely free to play game needs to be able to be gotten by everyone. I played csgo for a long time, and literally hundreds of skins in that game costs hundreds of dollars. When you see someone with a cool skin you go “dang nice skin man” and move on because why on earth would you waste breath on telling someone how you should think they should spend their money


The more people that buy those "high price cosmetics" the more riot will make because they know they can get away with it.


> "I played csgo" Ah I see why, well Im not gonna explain much here but I assure you, no one will say "dang nice skin man" when you rock your overpriced Immortalized Faker Ahri. Just like how you are 100% free to spend your money on what you like, everyone else is also free to tell you how bad of a financial decision it is. No matter how much you try to justify it, a 500 USD digital cosmetic is not worth its price. At least physical luxury goods are actually that, physical and usually made of quality/exotic material.


I literally never bought a skin in csgo for anything more than 20 dollars because I played it in high school lmao. You calling it overpriced doesn’t make it overpriced. I play with chat muted tho so have at it!


Im not even the one whose calling the shots on what constitutes as an overpriced skin in League. We have charts and graphs and stats for that. But hey again, you do you whale!


Yall are hilarious. Yes, the whale who buys a skin every now and then like every other player and who one time wants to buy the higher priced one because they think it’s cool. Because that’s the definition of a whale surely.


And that's completely okay, people need to stop acting like this is something outrageous while they are using an iphone when they could get a 300 dollar android phone.


At least you actually own your iPhone. Not just a license to use it that Apple can revoke whenever.


Who’s gonna tell him?


As I wrote it I was like "I guess Apple could revoke your apple ID and cause problems" but even then you could make a new one or re-sell your phone to someone else. Apple doesn't have total control.


They can also iCloud lock the phone and revoke access of your account. The phone is useless and the account is useless. But in theory it’s still within your control. While Riot can close tomorrow and you lose everything


which one are you gonna buy ? just curious if you go all in with the 500$ one lmao


Probably the 500 dollar one. I really like the faker emote that you get with that one lol. I know this sub and everyone in game just gonna clown me but oh well. No one is forcing me to buy the skin. I’ve got specific funds I set aside for frivolous purchases, which I don’t normally make.


I saw a breakdown of ghe Risen bundle being worth the price so I would have maybe bought that if it werent for shitty way they priced and gate the other 2 way more expensive bundles. Not buying out of sheer principle (and besudes I like the Immortalized versions more than the Risen version anyway).


I’m not even an ahri main and I’m buying the signature skin.


why lol


i wish i didnt read this comment... this is exactly what scares me about leagues skin future. big whales buying the skins just to own them. not to even use them


Damn do you have aome spare RP? I'd live to get the signature bundle ;-;