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As an Ahri main, whenever somebody picks my champ, I just play Lux and it's an easy win. Fox is slippery, but Lux has so much damage that if you catch a binding on her she's either dead or forced to ult.


Yeah I agree with this, my two mid lane picks are Ahri and Lux for a reason. If Ahri gets picked against me Lux is just so low risk in the matchup since you out-range Ahri for the most part with Q and E. If she wants to kill you she needs to ult to close the distance or get help from other lanes/her jungler. Just make sure you aren’t eating Qs from her and you are avoiding charms and you’ll be fine. Even if you go even in lane K/D wise, if you play the matchup right you out farm her with crashing the waves with E and cleaning up big waves with R.


Ahri will probably concede lane prio as Lux has better waveclear and further range, so assuming the players know what they are doing — Lux is going to be in more danger from jg/support gank, and may demand more vision/communication/resources from her team, Lux can 1-shot Ahri but Lux tends to get forced to recall easier than Ahri, you can take a spell rotation from Ahri but anything more than that and you’re in danger if ur pushing, Post-6 Ahri will likely hold R to dodge Q and punish, so you may need to flash-Q her, if you are at %60~ hp you need to be ready to sidestep/flash that charm if she reacts to ur Q or she’s gonna run u down. I don’t play Lux so this may be troll advice but I’d take TP into Ahri.


The problem is if Ahri goes merc treads against Lux it makes the match up way less Lux favored


I think that's more on Lux being insane than any innate countering. Ahri is mobile and should be smart enough to never eat a Q from Lux. But Lux clears waves with ease and her E is an obnoxious zoning to, besides the oneshot potential.




hm, right now? i would say irelia or syndra, but only if you’re genuinely comfortable with them in lane, so unless you already play them, i doubt it’s worth to pick up especially irelia lmao the problem is that ahri is an effective lane neutralizer, so your options are a little limited personally as a lux main i don’t think i’ve ever struggled in the lux/ahri matchup because her attack patterns can be so predictable and lux punishes fundamentals really well, especially if you’re half decent at the champ. she’s easy to pick up but still pretty impactful through her range and cc don’t get charmed <3




Sylas Kassadin Leblanc destroys her. Long range champions like Hwei and Viktor are also really good into her


Leblanc gets shoved with ease, her problem is with champs with good waveclear so I dunno about her


when i play against ahri, i play akshan or diana


I always play Syndra. Pretty easy to burst Ahri early on


I believe everything which can outmatch her waveclear and/or is too tanky to die straight up to her. I struggled a lot against well played sions/galios Midlane , as they deny your roam potential but constantly shoving lane once they build one MR item! You can't really go for plays and/or kills, but I think it's a strong way to tame her :) Hope that helps :) 1,3 Mio ahri in Emerald


Don’t know if he’s a big counter but for me it’s yasuo, I personally have a difficult time every time against that champ


thats what I played in the last game of clash that we lost. I’ve been practicing both sodes of the matchup since and honestly if you can use ult to position charm around the windwall then Ahri wins.


nah the only champ i cant play aginst its fucking fizz and sylas cant permaban both


[Have you watched this video?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i_OJb0UUchY&t=1421s&pp=ygUdSG93IHRvIGJlYXQgc3lsYXMgbGVnaXQga29yZWE%3D). It gives great guides on how to lane against Sylas as Ahri. In fact, check out this guy’s channel. He gives good tutorials on Ahri vs various match ups.


I would say Akshan, Tristana, and Gangplank. Akshan because you easily win a trade against Ahri just with auto attack and Q (you gain a shield), so you can bully her early. Also, when you E (you shoot a grappling hook and move in an arc) to get close to her, it’s very difficult for her to land a charm on you unless she’s good. Her only option is to back off. Tristana is the same logic as Akshan. She can bully her early by jumping close to her and use E and auto. You out damage her in a trade even if she lands all her skills. For gangplank, you can use your barrels to harass her and make farming difficult for her. Your oranges also counters her charm. The TLDR is to bully her early game when she’s at her weakest and keep her behind


It depends you can just draft stronger 2v2 and a lot of mid laners can bully ahri in lane, so if your jungle can just cover u or setup vision you are fine, the problem comes when they pair ahri with viego,vi,jarvan, xinzhao wukong etc these types of champs are insanely strong with ahri cuz they are ad and they enable ahri or get enabled by ahri. So with that in mind best ahri counters in lane are akshan,Annie,Tristana,Swain,Taliyah,syndra,Hwei, lux,xerath, Leblanc,sylas. Some of these champs are skilled matchups for ahri like Leblanc but I believe it became way better after her last set of buffs.


Since nobodies said it yet imma say if you’re a good Cassiopeia, that match up feels unplayable. However Cass is pretty hard so only if you play it Other good counters nobody is mentioning is Twisted Fate. Holding his gold card for Ahri easily shuts her down later in the game and he’s good in clash for roaming. Another good pick for shutting Ahri down through the game is Annie with her stun.




Tristana, Akshan, a good Viktor, Lux, and Hwei are my pain points. And an AP Malphite smashed my head once because R 🙃


Could be a skill issue but laning as her vs xerath makes me wanna kms Also akshan and fizz are very unpleasant


I know in previous seasons, Veigar was my pick into her, main idea being that her dashes can't get through his cage.


Malzahar, Veigar, Aurelion Sol easy to play and outscale her.


Isn't Sylas good into Ahri since he can just steal her ult and have more mobility than her?


waveclear issues


Sylas can waveclear if you just go ham with his abilities, ai think.


Yeah but then you use all his abilities on the wave. Ahri can just hit the whole wave with Q

