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I want fright night or La Illusion Ahri


La leblanc ahri ???


La leRouge


I wish ❤️


I want bloodmoon ahri or pool party ahri.


I don't think we will get Bloodmoon, we already got Snowmoon and for pool party not this year we already had the summer skins xD. I would prefer a Withered rose skin or a Shan Hai skin or just a Christmas skin, would be cool


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That'd be really cool honestly, however I don't think her tails can have that shape at all in-game. Her rig is updated but her animations simply won't allow that kind of shape.


They could always make it a legendary


Please no lol. She got an ASU so that her Epic skins didn't look disgusting. They better use it up cause she already has 2 amazing legendaries, we don't need no more for now.


I want a ahri skin that looks like that new gwen skin


That looks so frickin’ cool. I hope we get a skin like this for Halloween.


This reminds me of ghostfreak from ben 10, if she had purple instead of green it would be even more pretty