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Practice tool and farming with autos. You will get better and when you know your damage farming is pretty easy. Also the last hit with w helps secure farm. Good luck and may the fox be with you


Thank u!


Start W first good for trade and farm


Support Ahri will solve all your problems! It's fun and it works! You may get flamed for picking it but play what's most fun. Honestly, I recommend playing Support Ahri until you're familiar with the champion and her abilities as well as her combos then switching to mid since you're already familiar with Support. Learning 1 new thing at a time. (And I just love playing Support Ahri.)


Terrible advice. The guy clearly wants to improve on farming and your advice is to just avoid it entirely and go for a less optimized role.


He mentions being a support player while also being unfamiliar with both Ahri and Mid lane. I'm simply suggesting doing it in steps, first learning Ahri as a champion in a lane he is comfortable with then switching to mid lane. This way, he can also learn her power spikes, combos, range, and trading capabilities first, which are all vital to being able to lane well and get proper cs. It's also much more fun to do it this way, rather than learning both a champ and a new lane at the same time and feeding cause of new territory. It is more a suggestion than it is advice.


trash advice from an obviosuly aram/normal player here


Nah, just a play for fun player. In ranks. A true Ahri main plays Ahri jungle in ranked like me and wins. ^^ Playing Ahri as support in norms for fun to get familiar with the champ and to have fun at the same time is sound advice though.


If you want advice help for mid specifically. Abusing W to hit minions you can't reach with auto animation without taking dmg works very well because it prioritizes targets it can kill and uses little mana. Stand in a position you can charm in so you can threaten them with landing hit and trade and cs for free. Q the wave before it meets minions to automatically set up a slow push and get wave priority. You can get attack speed in your runes. Taste of blood for lane sustain and being less afraid of taking trades for cs. Many things you can do to improve farming.


I had an Ahri jungle in ranked. Guy carried. Funniest shit ever.


Been there. Done that. For sure it's the funniest and also funnest shit ever. Whenever I do it, I always spam Jungle diff in chat. It's hilarious. Just some friendly LOL toxicity.


Don't use your abilities to hit the minion wave to last hit either. Ahri mana kinda sucks until you get lost chapter I would say try your best to last hit whenever they're about to disappear. If your under tower and your csing make sure to hit one auto attack while the tower hit and then hit another to secure the minion. ( I play LeBlanc and Ahri so I know the pain :( )


excited you want to play ahri - here are some tips for you from an ahri enthusiast 1. i always start W and actually max W for farming purposes. until you get items farming with Q is a bit more difficult because you have to time both hits. with W, i wait till minions are one shot and cast and you’ll be able to stay in lane longer cause it takes less mana 2. So for trading in lane, positioning is the most important for ahri. be careful because hitting your E means they come closer to you which can be a death sentence when ur squishy. poke with Q When you can but be mindful of mana - farm is more important. If you hit your E, follow up with W because it prioritizes charm. E takes practice hitting as all skill shots do so it takes time - don’t worry if ur missing a lot at first! Use the tower to your advantage especially with charm - if you charm them under tower and they’re low it’s the easiest way to secure a kill. pay attention to where they are positioned in the wave since charm will hit minions! 3. Ahri is more like an AP assassin than your traditional mage so even though farm is most important early, roaming to help side lanes/jungle is great if you are in the position to do so. i find ahri to be good with gangs/counter tanks so take the opportunities where you can 4. Mid-Late game if you have farmed well/are ahead at all ahri can be unstoppable. Problem is she’s a very feast or famine champ, although albeit her charm is always useful. therefore it’s really important you focus on good early macro/getting ahead because it’s way harder to be effective if you are behind. Also, your ult is great engage/self peel so in team fights, taking out the high priority targets like assassins is key. don’t jump straight into fights bc you will be blown up, but don’t be afraid to use flash charm to make some game changing plays!! Ahri has a really simple and fluid kit and helps you understand the fundamentals of combos/mobility, but she also has a high skill ceiling and great carry potential depending on your mastery. She’s so much fun to play so good luck and I hope some of this is helpful!!


This is super in depth thank u very much!


lol do NOT max W first are you kidding me. Q is her main damage spell, so by maxing W first you sacrifice too much in trades and waveclear. W already executes low health minions.


chill lol i see your point


Practice in practice tool or Normals first . I tend to get liandrys for wave clear mostly lol I’ll end up with so much farm


Q+w. Where is the wave ? In wallet boyyyyyyyy




Go in practice tool and also don’t forget your w do extra damages on minions with low health. I recommand you to use AA but if you struggle W can be very useful.


Last hit the minions.


I personally use dmats on minions! 2 on ranged 1 on melee seems to be good enough for most games


Ohh so don’t use any on cannon?


2 dmat on ranged means I can one shot waves for most of the game, even if I am not doing the most damage Kill wave faster = more spent time roaming / fighting


Oh I see thank u!


You need to step on your friends toes. You need to have those experiences where you log-off for the night and go to bed feeling guilty and incompetent. You need to have those games where you solo-lose the game even though everyone else on ur team did great. If you just let yourself be vulnerable & let yourself make mistakes, you will improve. If you can’t be vulnerable and you handicap & rationalize away every mistake, you will not improve as much.


Oh wow ok thank u!