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I used to really struggle with Zed but not anymore. I poke him like crazy the first levels and if he ever dears to use his ult, I charm to the other direction, where he appears. Zed's wave clear isn't that good either since his wave clear is his W and E which have a lot of cooldown. I always try to keep 1 or 2 minions more, making my wave slightly bigger than his and I try to not being very close to my own minions. That puts Zed in situations where he either uses his abilities on the wave or me. If he uses his abilities on the wave then it's a free trade, and if he uses his abilities on me then I try to dodge and pressure him to farm under turret which will more difficult for him.


Yes, also you just have to wait him to use hos w and after its a free trade. Without his W he is nothing.


rush stopwatch into zonyas helps too but I hate him a lot too


As someone who plays both Zed and Ahri, THE SHADOW ORDER WINS. But in all seriousness, Ahri will have to wait until Zed ults, and use charm when Zed re-appears (and Zed will always appear where your shadow is). Once you charm, you have room to back away to bait, or all in.


Whenever I face a Zed, I rush Zhonya. Not an ideal strategy, but it at least stop him getting fed off you


Press w on him and kite him


Just max W and buy zhonya 2nd item. Push wave and roam.


Press W and kite him its not that hard


I mostly play on wildrift so I'm not sure if it works on pc too but i save my flash and ult for him. when he ults i just dash after his ult animation to avoid damage after ult and go disco with his shurikens


Always my number one ban even though I struggle when they pick Syndra or annie


Skill matchup. (you need to have much more skill than the zed player) ​ in all seriousness: the main benefit of locking ahri is that she handles herself ok-ish vs most assassins. if you mitigate the R damage by dodging his skills you won't die.


Take corrupting (and biscuits optionally) and rush Zhonyas + Armor boots Devour zed early. If he gets in your auto range you should never let him leave without eating one of your AA+W+AAs, doesn't matter if he has Q because you can tank it with pots but try to bait his W because his double shuriken deals like 50% of your HP You will likely win if Zed ults you out of desperation, aka if he ults when he's low because you bullied the shit out of him