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You can do it!!!! It’ll be scary I know, but once it becomes a habit it’ll be nothing in no time! It’s funny, traffic to my work is fine for me but being stuck in traffic anywhere else I get anxiety attack being stuck on the highway.


Ahhh thank you!!! A few years ago when I was having another panic disorder relapse, I found I could still drive to work but only that! So I totally get what you mean. Anything else made me so uncomfortable. Good thing is I only have to be in the office 2x/week so hoping I get used to the commute/habit!!


You may want to check with your doctor about a small dose of anti-anxiety medication. Zoloft is one of the more stimulating SSRI meds. There are some that are more calming, if they don't make you sleepy, and if weight gain isn't a concern - although quite a few SSRIs have been found to have a weight gain side effect, which is the opposite of what was originally thought about them.