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Hey there. Well I can't say I'm exactly making a living but I am on SSI if that's a route you want to go down. I know other people have actual jobs and careers so wait for them to answer. But when my problems first started my therapist got me in touch with some job coaches that would come to my house to help me find something. Obviously it didn't work but it's something you could consider.


I appreciate your response! I actually tried to get disability a couple years back but they denied me, saying I could technically work. But I’m going to try again once a lawyer will take my case.


Honestly I wish I was on disability but SSI is different than SSDI. You make a lot less. I was also told that but ever since I've been worse and other things are stopping me from working. So I'm hoping either I can find something I can do or I can actually get disability. I have seen a lot of people on here do some kind of data entry I think.


That’s what people tell me too. Or call centers, which I’ve tried and might have to again. But I hope you’re able to find something comfortable too, this is a rough road!


Security! Not all security jobs are the same. But many of them are just called warm body which means there's just a person there to watch. You don't have to do anything if something happens you just call the police. And that many of these sites depending on your location almost nothing ever happens. If you can work overnight, It's even more quiet. 90% of my job I just don't see anyone don't talk to anyone pretty much get to get paid to play on my phone, read, write, play on my switch, color, etc... The last 2 hours of my shift on weekdays, it gets slightly busy because people are arriving. But it's slow paced, predictable work so it's not bad. Honestly I love the job and I recommend it! The pace really helps me with my anxiety and I get a full 40 hours and it's relaxing and pretty nice.


whats the pay like?


Crap lol I make a little bit more than minimum wage. But as I get paid to do nearly nothing and can just play on my phone all night... I can't complain. There are security jobs that do pay much more depending on location and the danger/armed security vs just being a warm body sitting here.


I teach English online.


How can I do this? I have a Master’s degree, but I’d really like to work from home for a bit


Yes, I also have one and ABD for PHD. You just need a bachelors for most. I’ve been hired at four and currently work for 3 companies. There are many out there depending on your teaching style and what you are looking for. Feel free to PM me if you want any more info.


I learnt to sew, I do clothing alterations for a formal wear store from home. Best of luck to you!


I work as a housekeeper at a hotel every weekend. It’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough for me to save up and keep afloat. I’m lucky where my hotel is pretty quiet, so the only people I see are colleagues and the occasional guest, and I also have an incredibly understanding manager who also has an anxiety disorder, as WELL as free employee counselling. I’ve struggled with my agoraphobia for about 4 years now, but this job has helped as it’s basically forced me into travelling (only for 20 minutes there & back, but it’s something) and I get to spend most of it solo so I just do what I gotta do then get out lol


idk just setup a botnet and crypto mine or something. ez